mmm.... You first have to find the pirate leaders and pass three tests, winning a sword duel against the local swordmaster, finding a buried treasure and steal a valuable idol from the governor's mansion.
But that was on the old days... i became a pirate and all i got was a stupid t-shirt.
Sorry for my english :P
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if its for the greek gods then I refuse. those guys were dicks.
(I can say this without fear of lightning and my woman being subjected to swan rape because my God is far stronger and could beat their whole pantheon(and the titans and assorted creatures) with one hand tied behind his back :) (Well that and not having a girl so suck it zeus, who you gonna rape nao?))
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thought I read it was children the greeks were into, once they hit puberty you drop them and find a new kid. Alexander was scandalous because he had an adult male (and their positions may have been more interchangeable) instead of molesting a child. homo bad pederast good?
pedobear err...pedoduck zeus would see me and go "too old" and fly off, (don't specifically remember stories about him raping males so no idea what age group they'd be in, most of the ones I read were he pushed himself on a woman often as an animal, hera gets crazy jealous and randomly curses the poor girl for pretty much no reason...but I hardly read all of them)
either way I think I could fight off a swan and its terrible giant spiked penis lasso, if not I could at least taunt the heathens that their god was gay for me. besides he wouldn't get close, Jesus loves me and the emperor protects so either way birdboy gets smited before getting close.
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If someone wins your giveaway, then you check his profile and you see, he didnt activate stuff, you still have to send him the game, and after it he might be reported, yes ...
And meh, ofc I got what you talking about but still ... You basically cant do anything about these "people" ... they just got ban for a couple of days, then come back. :D
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Nope. I've gotten it rerolled and the user suspended. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED, and SHOULD NOT, GIVE GAMES TO PEOPLE THAT BREAK THE RULES. Now if they're just annoying or jerks, you can only take a not received at most and that's a personal reason (best to have a blacklist pre-approved in that case). For the majority of time you won't have to worry about either problem though. :)
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if i left it to the makers of the people who started the giveaway, then 6 of the people ive reported in the last hour would get away with it, cuz they still got their games.
how im doing it is clicking recently won games and making sure everyone who won is using this site in a legit way. found 6 rule breakers so far
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Because most people who make giveaways do not inspect. If you go search for Men of War Assault Squad DLC, you will find that approximately 70% of the winners have either won the DLC more than once or have unactivated gifts. I went on a report spree once, but support didn't like that I was sending so many reports >_>
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If my winner has a private profile, I always ask for them to make it friends only. I haven't had an experience where the winner has not acquiesced.
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Some people have perfectly good reasons for keeping their profile private.
Personally I'm more than happy to make mine public for a few minutes for someone to check my account, but having a profile set to private should never be grounds for a re-roll unless the winner of your game refuses to let you view it.
While it's the trend to broadcast every last detail about yourself and your activities to a global audience, some simple folks still just like their privacy.
Not everybody who refrains from uploading their bank statements to Facebook has something to hide...
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No calling out allowed.... reported. Also reporting myself for calling out calling out. Gah, now I'm stuck in a loop!
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I've never had to reroll a group, private, or over $500 contributor giveaway before due to rule breakers. For public giveaways under $200 contributions, I've had to reroll about a quarter of them.
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I don't think reporting profiles works too well, since as far as I know, it's only when a certain number is reached that support checks on them.
I think OP actually filed support tickets to report these flagrant rulebreakers. If a support member comes in and says not to do that, I'll edit this post, but as far as I know, making a support ticket is the best way to report someone when they obviously have broken rules.
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The support area specifically says not to open a ticket to report someone, it tells you to use the report button on their profile.
EDIT: Just read the post on the second page with the mod saying to put the ticket in anyway, will try that and see how it goes.
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I always check my winners, I once had 2 rerolls on the same giveaway because the first 2 winners broke some rules. Sometimes I take a quick look at the finished giveaways at the bottom of the main page and that way I reported a bunch of people because I knew something was fishy simply from the game that was given away. Got 2 groups of 3 people reported and banned for attempting feedback fraud, it felt great :)
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These people win giveaways time and time again when they don't deserve them. Besides, maybe some people enjoy cracking down on regifters/nonactivators/multiple winners
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Yeah. While I agree that there's better things to do, I don't actively hunt anyone down or just go down a list methodically; that's a waste of too much time. However, I will check stupid forum posters (a LOOOOOT of rule breakers out themselves on the forums) and I do check my winners individually. Takes about 1 minute and I haven't had many issues ^_^
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yea i know a few like galactic arms race, but if i dont see the game activated on their list i always go to the games forums, go to someones profile who owns the game and i see if it shows up in their library,
so i always double check now just to make sure my reports are accurate
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Not true. When a gift is marked "not received", the winner's name is changed to red on the giveaway listing to display this. "Not received" only becomes an issue when the winner DID receive the win but marked it anyway and then did whatever with the win.
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When my First giveaway ended, I sent the key to the winner, and found out after that he had won the same game before and have been regifting. He had marked th game as recieved already, so I reported him and gave the key to someone else before he could gift it. I always check their profile since then.
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There was a group at one point that kept a list of rulebreakers so everyone in the group could report them.
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All that does is keep a list, we must create a group specifically to squander the forums in search of rule breakers who dare to destroy this peaceful system. We will find re-gifters, we will hunt cheaters of the contributor system, and we will make sure everyone follows the rules of the SG FAQ.
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so recently ive gone on a man hunt to find people breaking rules, and just in the last hour ive found and reported like 5 people who have been winning games and not activating their games or retrading them
the last one i found really pee'd me off....
he has won almost 25 games, and people are still sending him his wins even though about 6 or 7 of his giveaways have not been activated on his steam account!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!@!!!
seriously? would you say he deserves his wins? does anyone deserve their wins when they break the rules?????
please for the love of all the greek gods.... start inspecting your winners before you send them free games!
im begging every one of you to just take 1 minute out of your time to make sure the person getting your game absolutely deserves it!
i think ill spend most of my day inspecting every user i can find on this site..... it just breaks my heart to think someone lost a giveaway that deserved it more then the person who won it that might not even activate some of their wins.......
EDITim actually proud to see many of you have checked your winners just for funzies and found rule breakers, thats great news and im at least happy to see some light is shining on the issue ^__^EDIT2lots of you have found rule breakers in your very own giveaways, thats rather saddening but im glad they were found... this is why we cant have nice things, people who dont follow rules at least some riffraff is getting caught lolEDIT3why cant cg just make it so after you win a game, if it doesnt appear in your sync list within a week when you get auto synced.... that the system bans you instantly? this would solve this sites problem of pirating wins and not activating them v__v cant be that hard to make it so that your wins must match your sync...Comment has been collapsed.