Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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I'm sure the giveaway will be one of those: something truly demonic like Doom or (if he is serious) a kitten puzzle game with a message about inner moral treasures
But I won't know this, these stuff is literally ungoogleable, it's easier read through the manual of a chinese helicopter
edited: oh, I just realised the game name is in the title of the discussion…
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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Nope, the message about the treasure is already in the website.
The winner here just gets a seemingly decent indie game about hovering around.
Which isn’t the point, it’s just a random game. The point is the puzzle itself.
It’s not trolling. I am a Catholic, I know about the relevance of these matters, I play games and know about SteamGifts… so why not this?
Oh no, must be trolling hahah!
Nope. It mustn’t. it must be that you guys are just possessed or something to freak-this much-out when a faithful posts a puzzle about religion (without even stating – until now – that he agrees with it!)
And yes, it is propaganda. Of course it is. Because to propagate this information is gazillions of galaxies more important than the whole website we’re on. That’s why.
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I didn’t ask for ontologically impossible statements, nor for attempts of self-delusion.
If you have the actual answers go play the game. If not, complaints office is: oh, wait, we don’t have a complaint office.
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"we don’t have a complaint office"
Of course you don't, accepting criticism and open mindness are not characteristic of many religions.
Have a good day though, no point in continuing beyond this point.
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Yea, I was sure someone was going to bring-up that myth at the first occasion.
But no, if you want to debate, we can move to another site and I’ll destroy any of your “arguments”.
Though, yours wasn’t a critique, it was just you whining because someone alien entered your little atheist-den. And I have no time for that idiocy.
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Maybe you’re the one ashamed, and of your own quote, since you have hidden it.
But I’m not trying to make any money, nor to go to your houses and kill you (read the other response), and no: the truth is the only thing that works. So the problem isn’t only what you do, but also in whose name.
And I’m just making propaganda, as another guy said here. I’m not stealing the opinions from your brains, I’m just offering another view.
Which, apparently, was totally lacking and needed in this site.
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I’ll destroy any of your “arguments”
I take you have never read any of the Professor Daniel H. Cohen works.
He highlights three models we humans use constantly to argue. By far the most common of the three models is the metaphor of argument-as-war. Your very words denote your tendency towards that model.
He then proceeds to list 3 reasons on why this model is flawed:
First, it elevates tactics over substance–you take a class in logical argumentation, you learn all about the subterfuges that people use to try and win arguments, the false steps.
It magnifies the US vs. THEM aspect, it makes it adversarial, it’s polarizing.
And the only foreseeable outcomes is glorious victory of ignominious defeat.
A debate should be the exercise to enrich one another, not destroying, winning or losing. Again, you seem to be "possessed" by binary thinking.
Finally, I recommend you to have some tea or a walk. Good night.
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I just had a walk before reading this. You appear to conveniently miss the fact that I’m talking about destroying arguments, not you guys.
So, you and your great expert that you’re citing might want to take a class about how not to make a ‘strawman-argumentation’ first.
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If to win this puzzle someone needed to become a true faithful, I would’ve chosen the best game on this planet. But since it only gets people informed and not necessarily converted, I just chose some non-controversial indie that wasn’t too horrible.
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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Mastrubation is a sin. -_-
Hence the biblical quote:
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
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A pig that is touching. Did that thrill you because it reminded of yourself?
Puns aside: what an original opinion you have to think that to say masturbation is a sin is ludicrous. You expect me to be amazed?
You expect me to rethink the Commandments because you don’t like one of them?
Sorry to disappoint you, sir.
Now play the puzzle if you can, or if you’re too triggered to do it: you can go your way.
Yea, Jesus’ point was to first amend your own sins, and then try to correct others.
Not to just not care at all, and sin how much you want.
Also, He said to take care of your own sin before throwing stones. Not even necessarily before peacefully correcting others.
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Is that like an insult there? Actually the movie is touching to me because it's about compassion from one animal to the other, something many religions preach but not everyone who holds on to such religions practice..
And reading your comments you are kinda lacking it too.
Did I ever imply you need to think or rethink anything? Didn't think so.
I didn't even click on the "Does god make people homosexual" link, but I can bet what that one is about too, and with it, the whole site.
Everyone should think what they want, but when it comes to religion, and again compassion, those things are kinda opposite of eachother, that's all.
I am stepping away yeah.
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Yea, of course, now that you figured-out that not all alleged-believers are like Ned Flanders and here you’re going to get responded, you invoke your constitutional rights and run away.
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You called me a pig and said to VeniVidiVici "Though, yours wasn’t a critique, it was just you whining because someone alien entered your little atheist-den. And I have no time for that idiocy. "
Plus you yourself said if it triggered me too much I should leave then don't complain if I do.
Not because I am triggered, but I have no time for idiocy either. ;) But no serious I grant you your puzzle, I don't seek a (religion) arguement.
But If people have to respect your religion, why don't you have to respect others that don't believe?
Compassion, the site should make a movie about that, and for you to watch and learn.
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Who the heck even complained because you were living? I just exposed why you claimed to be doing it.
I never said people had to respect what I personally think. If what someone thinks is trash, please expose it.
It’s just that you guys are not doing it, you’re just flipping-out because you thought you were safe in your web-corner when you were not. ^^
No, I know what compassion is. It’s just that you think you can ‘imply’ all you want, that people are hypocrites, morons, etc. without getting any consequence until you follow the rule of never saying anything outright.
But when the believer says something back and does it for the compassion for the truth (which you would need to learn), you start crying.
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Noone ever here bashed a / your religion, nor once insulted you, yet you did, you started it everytime.
Calling someone a pig, and the other whining and idiocy then you have no respect (and I call that compassion too), period.
You can make your points across without it and it's absolutely bullshit to put it under the term compassion for the "truth".
A "truth" that is yours, but for alot of others it isn't.
You could say to me anything you want, I would even listen to you and your viewpoints, heck I even tried your puzzle because I am open, but if you can't even respect other people, then for me, you don't deserve respect back and I am just done.
And a "safe corner" is just another nonsense term, like I (or any other atheist) would be afraid or offended (because someone called me a pig) on the internet? Lol.
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Yea, of course no one explicitly bashed religion here. Who needs to do that?
Every half-sentence or joke is already connected with what (almost) everybody thinks, so there’s no need to be explicit.
But it still was plain and obvious, and got another guy to state it, before deleting his comment.
“A "truth" that is yours, but for a lot of others it isn't.”
Welcome to relativism: where you just refuted yourself. Congrats.
Of course I don’t esteem and I don’t treat with gloves people behaving in certain ways. Then what?
I never claimed to. You’re scandalized by it? Your problem.
I didn’t say anyone went in a safe corner on purpose. But now that's what it is.
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
By the way, I wanted to specify that my ‘pig which is touching’-joke actually referred to the fact that you implied to be masturbating/touching yourself.
Yes, I still called you a pig in a punny way and my apology (see the other comment) stands, but I wanted to clarify that I didn’t do that totally randomly.
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Well, you know what? I apologize for how I said you were a pig.
Not to take anything away from the fact that masturbation is a mortal sin, nor to say that I respect your free will to do that. But I should’ve gone for a more serious reply.
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I guess/hope the atheists’ advocate in here will skip trying to explain-away as friendly this one.
No, people are not meant to be smiling like drugged monkeys to each other and have some more sex when some good idea starts threatening the status-quo.
And I’m not frustrated. But even if I was? So what? That would just mean that you guys clearly need some ‘frustration’ too.
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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Seems like there are quite a few complaints in this thread regarding the religious nature of the questions.
Since this is a site about being charitable, why not make a passive-aggressive counter thread with gibs like Bayonetta (a game where you fight angels), then everyone's happy :p
(EDIT: Removed list of games since there's plenty of semi-offensive ones out there that're easy to search for )
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Oh, I saw that Lugum has 666 games won until now.
Yea, that’s a providential coincidence.
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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I’m not totally new at puzzles in general, and I know SteamGift since about a year because a friend told me about it and about the threads he was into at times.
So, hope this clears some suspicion. xD
Why can’t I be serious? Otherwise they’re going to be upset?
Let them be. That’s part of the Game. As this puzzle is bigger than Power Hover, the uppercased Game is much bigger than this puzzle.
Or is it because you fear I’m going to get mad at someone, during the process?
At least I’ll be alive, man. And for a good cause.
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Of course, that happens when you throw a ball of fire in the freezer.
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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3 solvers but 4 entries? That means one of the 4 shared the link.
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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Lol. But no need to make a counter-thread. Half this site already is. ^^’
Wait, as I was typing this you deleted your comment.
Thanks only supporting guy in the thread for deleting your comment, so my whole response will be hard to understand. -.-
Update: Oh, wait, I see it again now. Yet other comments are still vanished.
The fact that cowardly bullies always hide behind the excuse of ‘being joking’ isn’t a valid explanation in reality. Not saying you already reached the ‘cowardly bully’ level, just using the most extreme case as an example.
You asked which were the complaints jigga saw:
I don’t think this stuff happens when someone opens a thread asking you to go through many of Dawkins’ clips to find clues.
But, I knew this was going to happen. No shocking news. Just, please, be men at least that much which takes to admit that you’re doing it.
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Well, okay your account is 1 year old but you are "new" to the forum I guess, I grant you that
But that's EXACTLY how people will just react to most posts (especially puzzles that look weird, look some up if you don't believe me).
Nope, I don't see complaints, but most of all I still don't see any reasons there to insult people.
Having been bullied for over 10 years which eventually made me drop out of school because of it, don't ever pin the bully tag on me, that's just simply not true.
Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
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-0 Yes, that’s what I meant. I’m new on this website, just not to puzzles in general.
Okay, well, so you didn’t mean to be rude? Just joking? Then respond and make a point.
Wait, but I’m right so you can’t. Hm… must rely on invoking your constitutional rights.
-1 He is free to speak, and I’m as well free to point-out that to just comment that you’re happy being an atheist on a thread because the thread talks about religion, is to just try to shove your atheism on my face.
Yes, I too made clear that I am a Catholic, but I did it with a reason.
“Noone ever said religions suck” yes, people are so good at ‘non-saying’ things. I got it.
By the way, I myself say that all religions but one are false. So, I’m not hurt by the rudeness.
-3 Exactly.
“Arguments” doesn’t equal “being nice to you”, and “being bare” doesn’t equal “must be no argument”.
-5 “Is the game even worth it?” indicates he was asking because he was already annoyed at the idea. But maybe that was a misunderstood.
-6 Yea, okay, so the consistency between comments making them look as anti-religion must’ve been an optical illusion.
Yet people here have been seen using strawman, relativism and other garbage, proving that they’re not honest and thereby the more conspiracy-theory-like explanation might be accurate, this time.
-7 I have the same ‘being bullied’ story, with the difference that I still can read full sentences, and if you try have that ability too you’ll may end-up reading: “Not saying you already reached the ‘cowardly bully’ level, just using the most extreme case as an example.”
-8 I inform people around about how to save their souls, and am actually ‘nice’ when it is the case, and that’s what I want people to do with me as well.
I don’t want people to be too nice with me, that’s why I was able to get out from atheism and admit there was a higher Spirit than me, and – step by step – all that followed.
So maybe you don’t want to bring the ‘Bible-quote tag’ with me.
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Just so it's clear now. I wasn't annoyed but, like Lugum said, I wanted to know if in order to get the answers I would need to investigate the site. Having little amount of time but liking puzzles, I can not afford to invest time in solving something for a game that I might already have or it is just plain bad, the same happens to me with Lugum's giveaway thread, the jigsaws have too many pieces and consume a lot of time I sadly don't have. Knowing the possible prize is a way to incentivate someone to participate, just that.
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I saw you in the midst of the other comments and so the misunderstood…
The price is basically 1 dollar or something like that.
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Sorry, I deleted the post because I thought it might create more drama, but everyone keeps bringing it up anyway -_-
I undeleted it but removed the list of games since, like Lugum said, they're easy to search for.
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Yea, don’t worry. I saw, and I imagined the reason.
I think I’ll avoid the drama by just closing the discussion soon, since people already won, and aside that: it doesn’t look like a lot of conversions happening…
Just, I didn’t want the discussion to disappear from those who already entered. Are they still going to be able to access if I close it?
Sorry for being noob. :I
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@Myrsan Thanks for the help.
But, will at least the people who already entered this discussion still be able to find it and see the comments in here, like the one where I would briefly explain why I closed?
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Only if you or someone else has answered to their comments directly (then they can view it from the notifiactions). There's no possibility to view your own comments without replies (if you'd still want to find such a thread later again, you'd have to bookmark it).
The closure of a thread doesn't have impact on any comment in it, they'll stay.
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Hey, just wanted to say that, upon reflection, I realized my first comment was uncalled and unnecessary. I don't have to agree in how we both interpret our reality in order to realize when I do something wrong, so an apology for you.
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
I don’t agree with the ‘different parallel views of reality’-sort of thing but, do appreciate your apology.
Though, I am not mad for its uncalledness. The wrongness of its content is much worse.
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Party is over. I’m closing the discussion (not the giveaway).
I was planning on trying this experiment since a while.
Well, it didn’t end-up very satisfying. But I did my work.
I could’ve done it way better. I made some mistakes in the comments.
Though at least I didn’t make the one of not admitting them later.
But yea, seems like the steamgifters don’t want to catch the chance of their lives.
Hope some of you will change their minds. Though, that His will be done.
Link for this thread:
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2 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by sensualshakti
30 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by DeliberateTaco
226 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by DeliberateTaco
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11 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Sakakino
51 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by steveywonder75
Hi guys!
Never did a puzzle here before this one, hope I did set all well.
This giveaway ends at the end of the month.
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