What the heck, I told it to link to the article....
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How do you sell out of something that isn't even out yet.
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It's pre ordering from web sales, such sites usually have a stock limit. And amazon says that limit was already reached within 4 hours of the console's announcement.
Question here is, what was the limit in the preorder to begin with. Could have been 1000 units and they call this a good thing and make a trick out of it just to get more sales from dumb desperate people.
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This. Never trust a statistic like this without knowing an exact number.
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Agreed, this is Apple's favorite strategy. I remember the release of the iPad, it was 'sold out' everywhere because they were releasing them only a few units at a time to build up hype. I keep seeing these "Xbox one sold out" and "xbox preorders ahead of ps4 by 2%" but I haven't seen a single sales number yet... So far it's meaningless, could be 100 units sold for Sony and 102 for Microsoft out of 120 units in stock.
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I understand this. I'm just saying you can't really sell out of something if it hasn't actually come out yet. I highly doubt either system will be hard to find this holiday season.
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Actually they probably will be hard to find, but for a short time only - what worries me is that these consoles will be a bit more powerful than most PCs on the market - will have to see how this impacts developers, as console to PC ports are already a crapshoot...
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I was thinking... perhaps the stock limit was short to begin with and it got instantly sold by ultimate fanboys. This or a media trick to get more sales, most of humankind is dumb anyways. So i guess they won't loose that much of a profit in the long run.
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No surprise there, most of the people who bought it are people who aren't up to date with the gaming industry and are just casual COD or such gamers.
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can't you see some contradiction there?
~They had to know the Xbox one is about to release AND that's on preorder already.
My money's on fanboys. Also, yes, Obvious publicity stunt. I hope Xbox one turns out to be the biggest flunk of the century.
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It's not like XBox has a review along with the release date and pre order date. They can know this basic information but it doesn't mean they will also know all the other information.
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I said 'and such', I meant xBox exclusive franchises. Should've said Halo instead of COD, it's xBox's trademark franchise.
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Well the WiiU was sold out too remember? Look at it now.
Also I think some people are reserving it because they want to resell it. The day one edition I imagine will become a collectors item.
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THAT is some nice reasoning right there. It really does make sense! Now that I think about it, every Steam account comes with an #ID attached, according to your subscription number, which literally means that the lower the #n, the older the Account is.
Old steam accounts sell for lots of money (tho I can't find a link right now to coroborate). So yes. You're most likely right!
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I meant the Preimum Xbox One day one edition.
Yes.... the fucking system has day one DLC....
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yeah i saw that mentioned in some other websites, but thing is... who the hell buys a crappy system and resells for profit when there is so much at risk?
Like having no one interested in buying the item off your hands for a higher price than the launch price, it's xbox one afterall. Plus the console ends up being "collector's edition" sometime later when they make the "xbox one VHS version" and make the old version discontinued, my 360 is the black elite version and that happened with it, guess i got a collector's console now uh?
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Some people bought 20 WiiUs hoping they can resell them for profit.
You are missing my point it really is A LIMITED EDITION.
Look at my response to estana.
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Didn't know about those extras... i thought it was just the hardware show off, i heard it will have some sort of message written down in the controllers/console showing that they bought the first set of xbox one's in existance.
Still i would call it too damn risky doing that with xbox one. Unless some guys manage to find one extremelly dumb human being that is looking for such a thing and instantly buys it. I know it's not impossible, there's people for everything in this world.
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I love how the Xbox fanboys writte comments in that article comment section such as "sony is out to get "us" (by which they mean Microssoft fanboys) and literally every bad article bashing the new Xbox is paid for and by Sony in an attempt to rule the world.
How delusional.
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Haha, i thought the same. I'm going to be honest, i prefered 360 over ps3 in the current gen, next gen it's going to be ps4 all the way, except i got no interest in buying it so far. Perhaps later when more games get released, i'll get some interest and buy it.
Alot of the xbox bashing comes from people who quit microsoft's side and went for sony, i even checked the xbox live forums 2 days ago or so, alot of people were bashing the xbox one section forums with alot of things related to console wars and how much microsoft is burying themselves this gen.
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Except the bashing is mostly coming from microsoft's users itself, which makes things different in this case. ALOT of people moved from microsoft to sony, and alot of them are now bashing microsoft for not giving a f*** about their costumers, because we all know, they are after the money, nothing else comes to their mind.
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Well in my case I feel very wronged as a Xbox User/Customer. Ive had/have both systems and thousands spent. But after the way M$ dismissed its current customer base in favor for a new one - as a supporter and customer I feel wronged.
WIththatbeingsaid - I have not posted anything negative on any public forms etc. Cept for here, and I dont think Im being unfair.
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PS4 is sold out too. I Dont see this as a surprise. Just because PS4 did better at E3 in regards to upping MS on the key faults to the system doesnt mean XboxOne wont sell.
If anyone thinks that they are a fool. Sony will do better now. But MS will do fine.
It will be interesting to see how much ground MS did indeed lose to this.
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21 supported countries with xbox live, system requires you to connect to xbox live in order to use it completly
21 countries
Yes, 21 god damn countries.
Not only that, the price is also horrible. The looks are horrible on that thing, microsoft's plans are horrible, everything is horrible or going to become horrible so to say.
MS is going to loose alot of ground, i highly doubt they will make any more systems after xbox one, would make no sense of them to implement such BS in this gen, then completly take it off. Profits won't be the same as 360's, hence the reason why they might move away from the business, and i hope they do.
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I think you are getting a little overzealous there.
Xbox is not going anywhere.
Xbox is actually ahead of its time here... Wanting to go Digital
And before anyone says anything otherwise ... We are on STEAMGifts .. Same deal,
In fact .. My steam has been wonky all day .. and I couldnt play my GAMES.. as Steam requires you to be ONLINE to play them ... shocker.
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Yes you can choose to go offline to play. However at times.. like today, No games would work as long as steam was having issues. This happens not often. BUt does happen enough.
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You are probably speaking about games that use steam's servers for hosting their own files. More and more games these days use that and whenever the steam servers are down, your games get all messed up.
If you are indeed speaking of not being able to launch anything today, then i got to say something, it must be your steam bugging out. I never had issues with steam to a point like that where i can't access any of my things i paid for. I've had messages saying "the steam servers are too busy to handle your request", but that didn't stop me from playing what i wanted.
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I play offline without a single problem with steam.
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Because they we're nerds.
Edit: I think it's a lot more necessary on the PC to have an understanding of the hardware, because what you choose affects your gaming experience. On the consoles the games will play just like they play for the reviewer and for your friends and the people you know online, so you don't need or care what the specs of the machine are exactly.
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Hopefully those who do purchase it have much less than the 54% failure rate the 360 had at launch.
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If you only produce 100 units, 100 sales mean you have sold out. If you produce 1,000,000 units, but only sell 999,999 you haven't.
How many units did MS actually sell ?
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that makes sense. they have less units available(like half of PS4 units)
It also has a DAY ONE EXCLUSIVE EDITION. Or as we know it, The Scalpers Paradise! Many people only preordered this to resell later!
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They didnt say HOW MANY consoles were on pre-order.
After that massive fail, Amazon probably didnt accept more than 10 units, and it ALMOST sold out.
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Well Xbox One cannot compare to PS4, so most of those people either have a ton of money to blow or haven't done their research.
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At least with Steam you can go in Offline mode and don't have to connect every 24 hours. I usually don't have good internet access for months at a time when I'm home, in my rural community. If I didn't have offline mode, I would never have bothered with Steam in the first place.
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Games will look better on PS4 so im not really seeing your point. Also the exclusives output with Sony is quite superior.
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I dont see the superior..
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I think its quite obvious they have quite a few exclusives to announce at gamescom and TGS. They were very smart by attacking the Xbox One policies and managed to keep their cards for later.
They announced 20 exclusives(first party ) in the first year. Microsoft announced 15 first party titles.
Also see the 2010-2013 exclusives for each one. PS3 actually has around 40 exclusives. Microsoft has around 23. 2/3 of them were for Kinect. See also how first party studios got better and better on Playstation recently, and see how Microsoft actually closed a shitload of first party studios in the last 3 years.
I mean, they got Double Helix studios to revive Killer Instinct. Fucking Double Helix Studios.
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PS3 had more exclusives than 360 yes. But this gen its the other way around it seems, sadly.
And it might be the reason why Microsoft will still make profit from their crappy system, people are going to desperately buy that box just to play exclusives.
I was actually planning on buying one to some extent, later on. But when i saw the "21 supported xbox live countries" for xbox one, i was like "f*ck it, i'll waste the money on steam instead".
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Zeus.. I think you are like myself. Im fucking pissed at MS. I so wanted to buy the nextgen system and go forward. But for me .. Not able to bring my library, and used games are deal breakers. But the biggest deal breaker was the blatant disregard for the customer. The same customer that made them #1 with the 360.
I will keep my 360 I have far too much invested in it. I may buy a PS3 for the JRPGs at some point. But in regards to next gen? Right now Im getting nothing. I have far more games on Steam and as most everyone will agree here, PC offers us everything so we dont NEED a console.
Now if you were to buy a system RIGHT NOW and had to choose just ONE. I would buy the PS4. No questions asked. As sad as I would be to say goodbye to Master Chief and Marcus, I would do it.
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I would have liked to remain a microsoft fan myself, though the ps3 is a great machine as well, I spent most of my time/money on 360...They made it way too hard to stay on their team.
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Exactly the thing that pisses me off is that i bought exclusives in the past and was thinking of making the complete collection of the games, they basically put a huge f***ing obstacle in the path for too many costumers without giving a crap about it. This pretty much ruined my long-term plans as i was going to buy the xbox just for the collection i follow, when i saw that crappy DRM implemented i knew it would be game over for me, because i think it's idiotic of their part to put such a thing when there is alot of costumers worldwide that still live outside of cities where connections strength is pretty much minimal/weak and there's no possible way of getting connected online when people live under such conditions.
It's the way i live now, living far from the city, and the best internet i can get here is mobile, the adsl cable connection i use is pretty weak to connect to anything to the internets, already tested with ps3 and 360.
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Erm, what?
PS4- 20 first party exclusives
Xbox One- 15 first party exclusives
Just because they didnt announce them all does not mean they do not exist! They are saving them for Gamescom and TGS. You know, because they actually give a fuck about Europe/Japan? They were also quite smart. The used games thing single-handedly won the E3 and they managed to keep some cards to play later.
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i wont buy either but let me point this out:
a) ps4 has better hardware
b)all of xbox's gameplay wasnt gameplay, it was pre-rendered cutscenes
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watching the steam statsistics, counter strike is more played than counter strike source which is more played than counter strike go. indeed MANY people are playing 'old as fuck' games over its sequels...
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Which console played a game better was dependent on which system it was developed for originally.
The Wii sold the most units.
The PS3 was technically superior (but only technically)
The PS3 offered Bluray.
I'm not saying the PS3 was better, but in what way is the 360 better?
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Yeah, I played both consoles and I know which one looks better.
Said no one in this site
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Well i'm starting feel the hate against xbox one purchasers users in unfairly and stupid way...
Buying a PS4 = Smart, Buying a XBOX One = Dumb? Oh Really?
Well XBOX One has a abusive DRM but also has cool exclusives and there is people with fastest/stable net that doesn't bother with that, or even people that have money enough can buy both platforms...
Whats wrong with you guys? Did everyone turn Sony fanboys so suddenly?
I saw lot of happiness from people that loved Microsoft get smashed on E3, but I must remember you guys if there is no real competition between big company's we all lose with that.
Plus real gamers should care about games instead fighting about each platform you like more.
In my modest opinion i don't care about consoles but i wont go full retard by call idiots or stupid the ones that brought them...
Making jokes about platforms if makes sense its OK, Insulting the ones that buys a specific platform is WRONG.
Lets Be Polite and Don't Act Like a Fanboys
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well, yes, buying a Xbox One is dumb. Once the servers go off, you lose your entire library of games.
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Very much this. Even your disc copy translates to a digital copy. When MS stops supporting XBox One, your library no longer exists for that console. Now you have a technologically advanced paperweight.
That is the problem. Sony isn't trying to force people into 'the future' as it's so often being referred to by media and analysts. Instead, Sony is allowing players to keep their libraries well after the console is no longer supported. My older consoles aren't always hooked up (NES, SNES, SMS, Genesis, Saturn, etc...), but every once in a while I like to set one up and play an old game. Emulators can do this, yes - but it really isn't the same for someone who grew up with a rectangular controller in hand. Also, should a friend want to do the same, I can lend them a game I have that they don't. Decades after the console is no longer supported. Sure, I have a Steam library, but rarely do I buy games when they aren't on sale. If Valve one day closed it's doors and I no longer had my PC games, I'd be content in knowing I didn't lose all the much because my PC still works and I didn't pay out the nose.
TL;DR: Buying an XBox One for the games just isn't very smart.
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Same as same Steam,PSN, Origin, Ubiplay and so on, soon they shutdown servers we lose all.
The digital distribution is growing fast every day and cloud computing its the near future, the physical media will die sooner than you expected (probably this will be the last console generation to use it).
I guess the most wise decision its waiting to see how things will go on before purchase any of next gen console, maybe even Microsoft change their policies with a firmware update who knows.
Anyway that doesn't change the fact that is wrong insulting the purchasers the xbox one ;)
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But on PS4 you have the option of digital OR physical. Physical will always work. Digital distribution is growing, but retail still has the major part of the business by a very, very long margin. Retail as it is, its essential for the sucess of the consoles. Even in the gen after this one. Physical media will not die "sooner than I think". Not even close. CDs are not dead.Hell, even vynil is not dead. Dvds are not dead. Blu-ray are not dead.(hell, blu-ray is still the best quality available for movies) Bandwith caps and internet speeds are not enough for a mainstream change to digital. The world is not prepared for 50GB or more game downloads(do you see any services that allow you to buy digital blu-ray quality movies?), and they will not for quite some time. Especially with Sony investing on emerging markets like India and Brazil. Physical media will not die soon. Maybe in 15 years or something, but even then I doubt that.
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Times are changing my friend ;) even more people rather buy digital games in home comfort with many available sales coming from various online sources, than go to retail store waiting for causal sales or buying games with retail price. Of cource there still exist CDs DVDs and BluRays, but seriously long time i dont see someone burn some, vynil is important because the quality but there is no much people with vynil players, people rather a mp3 player than use CDs, even more PC Games Publishers rather sold games in digital plataforms than retail DVD's copys, the majority of people download movies from internet or go cinema or watch them over steaming services like Netflix, i guess the only needing for BluRay its because consoles for now.
The quality of movies depends of bitrate, frames per second, format and file size, if you wanna storage a RAW format video of a movie you cant do it on BluRay, you will need hard drive disk with huge amount of space. (One bad thing about bluray movies its that in general are recorded at 24 frames per second).
My prediction is that all consoles will turn like steam, since all of them have network and store in their service, its a easier step in 10 years of console live time migrate to fully digital distribution.
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blu-ray is the best quality available for movies right now. There isnt any alternative with the same quality and that is quite known. Again, the technology just isnt there, and Sony is quite invested in emerging markets(and those do not have internet reliable to download hundreds of GBs a month) Hell, see USA now! Most people couldnt go full digital! The average internet speed is mediocre and most providers have bandwith caps that would be easily maxed by 50 gb game downloads That, and people still see quite a bit of value on physical media. It is not going away anytime soon. 15 years minimum, and even then I very much doubt it.
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well best quality for movie is MPEG-4/AVC with 48,83 Mbps of bitrate with 1080p resolution, can be stored on bluray or hard drive disk. lets not misunderstand the concepts of video format and storage format. Lets not misunderstood also the concepts of downloaded video and real time streaming. I dont see much people give much value to physical media, in university everyone i know from my mates all use external hard drive disk to storage their files, they only buy a physical storage format to sent works to the teacher in case the files are too over-sized to sent over email. Its hard for me understand how a steam user doubts so much of digital distribution, even if happens on consoles, these days consoles arent much different from a pc.
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huh, yes, best quality is MPEG-4/AVC.... but guess where that is delivered? In Blu-Ray? There isnt a service where you can buy digital downloads of movies with those 48,83Mbps with 1080p resolution. And even then, 4K is coming. If people want quality, they will opt for the physical media. Not a chance in hell you are going to see a movie download service with 100GB movies.
Again, technology just isnt there. Do you really believe people are ready to download hundreds and hundreds of GBs? They arent. The general public is not there. This is a fact. Look up the average speed of internet and the bandwith caps on the USA. And do not mistake your experience and your university mates as evidence. There is a whole other world out there, just saying. It is pretty normal that university students are to some degree upp to date with the new internet trends, but that is far from truth of the general population. Also, the commercially available external harddrives wouldnt really hold that many of games/movies with blu-ray quality.
I do not doubt digital distribution. But I very much doubt it will completely replace physical media any time soon. Because it will not, and that is a given. You people are nuts if you really think thats possible. Especially with consoles going to emergin markets where internet speeds and quality is far, far behind. Consoles will not have sucess if the only countries they target are USA and a couple of European countries! Please, read up on speeds and bandwiths of internet all over the world. We simply are not there yet. Hell, not even in USA they are there yet! The average speed is quite slow (like, 3 days to download a game slow) and bandwith caps round up normally from 50 to 200 GB. That is 1 to 4 games per month.
Death of physical media(in games, that is) will only happen when high-velocity and no bandwith caps starts being mainstream. It is simple as that.
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Actually there exist already online movies store that allows you download movies in bluray quality, i think the first store was the kaleidescape, of course there is piracy sources that allow you to do the same, but since im against piracy i wont promote them. "Do you really believe people are ready to download hundreds and hundreds of GBs?" YES xD actually i have many friends that does that, they download movies as 25GBs or more so i clearly can believe in things i see, including myself, if i can download a game over steam with 20GBs in 4 hours why not download a movie i background meanwhile im working or doing other stuff, stills more faster than go the store purchase a BluRay movie. I use my HDD as archive of important things and keep temporary some movies and stuff, after i saw them i delete them except some very rare exceptions so 2TB for me are enough, more cheaper than storage my data in BluRays. Well the net speed isnt that much big issue as you show it, the digital game copy doesn't mean needs be processed by cloud, it means you have to download the game into platform storage, even a crappy network with 1Mbps of speed is able to download 10GBs in 22hours, the average in Portugal speed is 5.7 Mbps (711 kB/s) which means an average portuguese person would need 3,9Hours to download a game of 10GBs, so your biggest issue its about if a person tooks 1 day or a few hours to download a game? i guess we are totally ready for the digital distribution, we arent just not ready for cloud computing at 100% but that its a different subject.(Bye the way the average worldwide download speed is 580KB/s and according with countrys net speed ranking 180 countrys has speed above 1mbps which means those can download a 10GBs game in a single day http://www.netindex.com/download/allcountries/).
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Not everyone has a car or a store near by ;) anyway im often busy and i can work meanwhile i download and i cant work meanwhile i go to a store though.
Im cool when physical and digital copys are available dont get me wrong, but the digital distribution will reign the entertainment industries, already conquered the PC and soon the Consoles will be conquered as well.
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Não. O mundo não está pronto para digital only. É um facto. Olha, eu vivo numa aldeia com internet ranhosa e por há pelo menos umas 10 pessoas com PS3. Velocidades e qualidade, muito poucas. E ninguém vai querer deixar uma consola ligada um dia inteiro a sacar. Especialmente quando em meia hora se compra formato físico mais barato. Além disso, parece-me que continuas a ignorar que muitas partes do mundo continuam com internet com qualidade duvidosa e isso acontece até mesmo nos EUA e no Canadá! A infra-estrutura ainda não está preparada para isto! As velocidades e os limites de internet ainda são comuns!
Além disso, a source que citaste baseia-se em testes no speednet. Nada que possa ser considerado muito factual. Vê este link para teres uma melhor ideias das velocidades da internet no mundo
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No meu ponto de vista os mercado são orientados às maiorias e não às minorias, se a velicidade media mundial é 2.9Mpbs acho o sufeciente para a implentação da era da distribuição digital que resulta numa redução do preço dos jogos. Já tive uma net movel ranhosa da kanguru que andava em media a descarregar a velocidades de 64kb\s apenas fazia o preloading do jogo no dia antes do lançamento e deixava o pc ligado durante a noite, quando acordava já estava o jogo pronto para jogar. E em questões de verificação da autenticação do login apenas são uns míseros kbs de trafego, se tivesse-mos que descarregar o jogo todas as vezes que quisesse mos jogar seria um problema, mas após estar descarregado as preocupações acabam. Em regra geral quem espera sempre alcança, e internets fracas vão sempre existir mesmo daqui a 50 anos. Se bem que no steam ou xbox one tem a média fisica que funciona como uma especie de backup de dados, instala o grosso modo dos ficheiros, depois é so fazer os updates (que podem ser compreendidos entre os 5 aos 800MBs e a autentica da conta que como eu disse são apenas uns míseros kbs. Embora compreenda o teu ponto de vista a minha opinião mantém se.
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I'm no fanboy, i prefered xbox over playstation always, i have both systems. Thing is, this gen of gaming is completly f*cked up when it comes to the microsoft side. Console gaming was all about freedom of a costumer to simply grab a damn disc, insert it and play.
Now we got to have concerns about connecting it to the internet every 24 hours (mind you, alot of people worldwide use consoles offline, infact most people use them for offline playing, the online playing is a smaller fraction of the real deal). Tell me, is there any liberty in this? It's like i paid 500 euros for a VHS with an updated hardware called "all in one box", which in fact, the biggest factor of the console can't be used freely.
See what i did there?
PS4 = freedom (sony: let's keep things smooth for our costumers)
Xbox one = jail-time (microsoft: LET'S GET US SOME MONEY LADS WITH THESE CRAPPY INNOVATIONS WE MADE! Also, let's force everyone to use kinect, because 360 didn't sell too many units as we hoped for, we will force them in with this new box, so we get the money we should have gotten in the previous generation in this new generation) I swear, the reason the price is outrageous right now is mostly because of the kinect crap, remove it and the xbox one would be cheaper than ps4.
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My point was focus on people insulting the ones that purchase the xbox one, like call them dumb, stupid, idiots and so on. I just tried make a recall that behave its something bad, and at same time i tried say that everyone has different tastes and needs and they should be respected, after all we are all gamers.
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Problem is, companies won't learn if people keep happily eating up all the crap they are being served. That's the problem with a global economy, even if you make something crap, there will be enough stupid people to buy it so companies never learn their lesson.
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+1. And when people eat up this shit, it makes it worse for everyone, because other companies will copy them.
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Personally I don't believe that Sony is that "Saint", every company does the best to get more benefits through their clients or consumers, if people wouldn't hate so much the xbox one online restrictions i bet the Sony would follow the same policies, they were clever to wait for the reactions from community's caused by adversary actions to use those in their favor, they already did the same against dreamcast if i do remember. Plus they chosen the right moment to make the multiplayer paid after they hype the crowd. I felt its very important the microsoft fix the mess they did and get the trust of community because isnt good any kind monopoly, if Sony becames the only leader of hardcore consoles they can force any policy in future since gamers wont have alternatives in case microsoft gave up of consoles market.
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This. I like how many people fail to realize they have the same DRM practice in place just worded differently. I won't be buying either day one because there are still too many unknowns but the fanboys and nerds are really annoying this gen.
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they dont have the same DRM practice. They have the DRM practice they always had.
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You have to be kind of stupid to buy XOne after all this shistorm on E3 and afterwards. PS4 focuses on games, unlike XOne which is more restricted (read: retarded) multimedia platform, but the thing is, my other equipment does it better and doesn't have NSAbox watching me all the times.
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Oh Really? i didnt saw much difference between both except the policies.
I guess its funny see people calling retard to each-others maybe you should be one reading careful.
On E3 Both consoles focused in games 80% of conference time, dont misunderstood the pre-E3 conference ok? Plus the exclusives of Xbox are better.
Xbox has Xbox Live, Playstation has PSN, XBOX has kinect, PS has playstation move, Xbox has Xbox Arcade, PSN has Indie downloadable content, Xbox capture and livesteam movies, Playstation does the same too, You can watch tv and movies on Xbox, guess what you can do the same stuff on Sony!! they have Sony Movies Unlimeted and Sony Music Unlimited and the last content of RedBox. The only bad points that xbox has its about abusive DRM that doesnt affect the people that has as stable connection, and the high price because the kinect 2 its more expensive (maybe some parents rather buy xbox if they have young kids to interact with kniect) and the gaming account which works kind steam which physical games only works as a backup, the games get activated and tied to your account which dont bother me since im used with steam long time ago. Anyway I dont care about those consoles im very happy with PC, you miss the point of my message, actually you have the fan boy profile that i wanted to target. As i said, Be Polite dont act like an Fanboy
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that one is a scam. People do this all the time for "preorders". They instantly get the money, and by the time the console gets out, the buyer cannot do shit because the option to dispute the transaction on paypal already passed.
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Too lazy for clickies, sorry.
My Faith in Humanity = -9000 (if this happens to be true, could be a media trick just to get more sales in M's pockets)
http://forums.xbox.com/xbox_forums/general_discussion/f/3817/t/1400745.aspx (lol the preorder numbers on that store, oh man!)
http://forums.xbox.com/xbox_forums/general_discussion/f/3817/t/1401327.aspx (flooded with idiots)
PS: Links can end up broken for unknown reasons, but they still load at times it seems. The first link quote of the main post is:
"I went to go pre-order The Xbox One today.
I know I know what you guys are thinking! But even though my GUT and HEAD tell me NO... MY HEART TELLS ME YES!
I love the original xbox and the xbox 360 so much that I almost pre-ordered the Xbox One.
I asked the gamestop employee how many Ps4 Pre-orders they have and he said 50...
Then I asked the employee how many Xbox One Pre-orders they have and he said 4... and two of them were from their own employees who are already getting both.
I decided not to put a pre-order on any of the systems. I will look into going into PC gaming.
Xbox One triumphs Ps4 in every single feature... But the Used Games and Online Policy kills it for me.
Those numbers I received from gamestop today aren't just numbers...
I will more then happily go and drop $1000 on release date on the xbox one if they remove these policies.
But until then... Hello PC Gaming."
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