I think I bought Far Cry 6 last year when you could get 15 bucks off 30 (I got two copies, one for me and one for my gf) but that's the only time I bought from their store.
I did however buy from resellers like Humble and others.
I don't really see the point of buying them through Steam since there are never any good exclusive sale for Ubi games and you have to run both clients, and don't even get achievements
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I have bought Ghost Recon Wildlands, Rainbow Six Siege, Prince of Persia trilogy, Assassin Creed Black flag, Child of Light.
I actually just bought the Prince of Persia : Lost Crown 2 days ago. It was on 40% off and its a pretty sweet game.
But honesty, I dont even know what games they make, as I
m not about to use their busted launcher. I have bought a few games on Ubisoft that all had issues due to launcher. Division, Division 2, The Crew (This one was actually good), Splinter Cell Blacklist (This game had so many issues with launcher and what actually soured me off Ubi).
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Wait, I'm a bit confused by your wording. Those games you listed first were bought on their store or somewhere else? Because my point is that it's rare for a Ubisoft game to be any cheaper on their own store/client so there's no reason to pick them up there instead of Steam, GOG, or some other place. Or just wait for them to show up in a bundle.
It's not that I haven't bought any Ubi game, I recently bought The Crew 2 on Steam and Rayman 1, 2, & 3 on GOG; is that I've never seen a reason to go with their client over another option except for bundles or freebies (which to me don't count for this discussion). But maybe it's because in my region their store seems to never be the cheaper option.
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Yeah, I misunderstood your comment.
But the first set of games was bought on Steam. The second set of games I mentioned was purchased on Ubisoft.
Back when I actually did buy games from them on Ubisoft launcher, you used to get a 20% discount on their platform by using these achievement points? I think they now stopped it. And also you could buy it cheaper from third party sellers, which tended to be Ubisoft keys mostly.
Historically, Steam has always been their most expensive option. This was true at least until a few years ago. I havent kept up with Ubisoft, so I have no idea what their prices are now a days.
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Yeah I enjoyed using that 20% off coupon thing, plus if you already need uplay (ubisoft connect) even if bought on steam why even bother. I myself think the last game I did buy on steam that was ubisoft was fc6 in order to get better steam deck support, since I always had issues when trying to play those games via the launcher and not natively through steam.
Same thing for origin/eaApp where even if bought steam you still need those other launchers so why bother and just buy it strait from the source and a few times i've noticed both ubisoft/ea have more frequent sales and different sales then the steam sales? I think the only reason I would buy ea/ubisoft games on steam if like above I want the native steam deck support instead of doing work arounds to get the launcher to work.
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Failure after failure, they needed to make a change, but personally i don't really care, because their day one product isn't really a finished one, and they do heavy discounts soon after anyways.
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I don't think I bought a single Ubisoft game since the original Beyond Good & Evil. And I will keep it that way.
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No I don't even use Ubisoft connect or play their games just thought this interesting to bring to the site
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I don't see this confirmed in any of the articles listed above. I'd say it's highly unlikely, when those Ubisoft games we already have on Steam basically all require their launcher anyway. And yes, I agree, as long as they stick with their double DRM, I couldn't care less whether their games release on Steam day one or not.
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Launchers serve only one purpose; To give them the ability to stop you from playing the games you bought whenever they feel like it (The Crew being a recent example). Wont support that.
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Articles should avoid phrases like crawling back.
If we all would reprimant people who admit their mistake in one way or another with such phrases no one would ever aknowledge that they did a mistake ever again.
At the end it is just business.
And what can get you a better bottom line will be persued.
Maybe Steam is not just a store who takes a 30% cut on games directly sold on their store, it is also a huge passive advertising benefit.
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It's also literally the best digital video game client/store in terms of features and straight up technical competency on the market but years of Epic Store shills posting their talking point like Valve takes a cut for nothing made some people forget that. If only every video game store/client needed like 4 years to add a fucking goddamn shopping cart.
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The reason why people say its crawling back is because it was such an obvious result to anyone watching the situation. They were deluded if they think that their launcher was ever going to compete with Steam, especially since it was dog shit. At least Epic have a working launcher, even if its barebones. Ubisoft launchers actually stop you from playing your games that you have bought and want to play.
Even EA launcher never caused issues for me in their games.
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Like you pointed out, its a business. A phrase like crawling back isn`t gonna affect their business strategies. Only money will do that.
That said, I do agree with you that articles should not use such language. A bit more decorum and free of bias writing would be appreciated.
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If they want me to buy a Ubisoft game on Day 1, they're going to have to cut their release prices by a lot but we know they won't do that since they are aiming at whales on day 1 only and then cutting down the prices to what they should be later on, all to make their lousy subscription service look more attractive (it doesn't really work)
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So, preorders for AC Shadows were SO BAD, that they are going back to Steam AND they are giving a free DLC for preorders for the game?
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I don't think it's a pre-order problem. It's just that the game is not ready and they are using an excuse to push it back to avoid the criticism they received with Outlaws.
They probably had decided to go back with Steam already but only announced it at the same time to make it look like it was related to the delay.
The free expansion is more likely because the delay is going to be massive and they don't want people asking for their money back.
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I think there is also the problem that Outlaws didn't sell that well, and releasing AC Shadows now would be "competing with themselves". That phrasing isn't mine, I forgot for which games but they already had this problem before.
People are most probably going to buy a game for Christmas, but not two AAA games; they'll have to choose between Outlaws and Shadows (and that's if they pick a Ubi game at all). Postponing Shadows for after (Valentine's Day, even) gives Outlaws a chance at raising its sales a bit (even more so with its Steam release late November).
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IF they buy a Ubi game, indeed.
If they want people to be able to afford more than one game, they should rethink their prices I guess
It does make sense that they want to space their games out and honestly when you think what their output has been in recent years...(Motorfest which is empty of content, Avatar which is a redress of Far Cry, Mirage which is a DLC turned into a game, Skull and Bones which is nothing more than about 15% of AC Black Flag was...) maybe they should take more time making the games.
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I dont need new ubisoft games on steam, I just want Settlers 3 History Edition on Steam or gog.
And also no uplay to play far cry 3.
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Ah Ubisoft. Love the games, hate the tacked on mandatory client that forces you to be online. Don't care much for all the cash grab dlc's either but that seems to be a widespread thing not just Ubisoft. I have a feeling if they remove the client they will see sales improve to a large degree.
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I think the Assassin Creed games are actually far far better than they used to be with much fewer interruptions to break the immersion. Beyond that I think burnout may be more to blame than any dip in quality. I mean I remember quite fondly playing my first TBS game into the ground over and over, XCOM, and obviously recent games are far beyond that limited gem but nothing is ever like the first is it? This is why I don't try to weigh games against other games and simply play them on their own merit. Origins was OK, Odyssey was much more refined and to me Valhalla is quite pleasing. Haven't played any other games from them so not sure about them.
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I also prefer the new generation of AC games, despite the outrage over change. Don't get me wrong there were good games in the franchise before (even the underrated Unity was much better than most games released today by Ubi) but I think the franchise took a step forward with Origins and I get it's not for everybody but the stories and the gameplay are excellent. I can't keep all of them installed on my laptop but I regularly return to them on GFN just for fun and immersion.
Beyond that I think burnout may be more to blame than any dip in quality
It definitely happens with franchises. But a lot of the time, it's also developers being lazy and thinking they can just cruise on the success of a franchise without having to do anything new. And when I say devs, I mean studios ofc. I'm sure the devs have lots of ideas and get shot down by the money guys who just want an easy score.
Motorfest could have been a great game for example. They copied enough of Forza Motorfest for that. But it's empty of content. I played 2 free weekends and almost literally completed the game. That's not worth the price tag they're asking even on sale.
AC Mirage is pretty much the same story. It was a DLC and then barely "developed" it into a full game but it's so repetitive and the story, if you can even call it that, is very bland and basic.
I haven't played Outlaws but I will. Not at the current price though.
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Postponing AC: Shadows and release them in same month as Monster Hunter Wilds and Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, not to mention there is Ghost of Yotei lurking not far around that year.
A small thin line between high in confidence or straight dumb..
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Going to miss the 80% discount 6 months after the initial release when it did hit steam
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In 2019: "Future games of Ubisoft will be Epic games exclusive."
In 2024: "Yeah no, that didn't work out as planned."
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Venue does not matter to me whatsoever. If anything, the vitriol surrounding the topic is far more annoying than playing somewhere other than Steam could ever be. I'll just be interested to see if they've changed up anything gameplaywise for the upcoming AssCreed. Will I buy it on Steam? Maybe.
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I don't know why anybody would buy Ubisoft games anymore after they openly implied they don't want you owning your games and games won't remain playable on their servers after some time. Oh and their games suck. That too. They're a terrible company.
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People are generally fine with the multiplayer components of a game being shut down after a while (it costs the companies money to keep running the servers after all), but a company killing the single player portion of their sold games is just insanity/stupidity that deserves all the backlash it gets.
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This !
A guy explained that The Crew 1 has a native offline mode already coded. We just wanna get an offline patch because the game has a story. Otherwise next time it will be Watch_Dogs 1 and then Splinter Cell blacklist.
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this a clear exemple of "peopel got the power"
when fans decide to vote against bad practices they can have a good thing in return
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wake me up when Ubisoft fires the higher up trash.
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Actually, that may be happening. The investors have called for it and have launched some sort of investigation into how it's being run.
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those same investors are probably the reason why ubi fell after covid
also sounds like conspiracy theory, but I've heard ubi was purposely tanking the stock.
The pendulum would swing both ways, the stock being low would more likely just bring another type of investor. The type where the company would start announcing mass layoffs
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That's also happening. Some of the investors own hedge fund groups and are actively stating that Ubi needs to sell to them.
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That's what i was hoping for years ago (that they come back to Steam).
But after what they did to the crew 1, i boycott until they turn it back on (it can be forever).
It won't stop me from playing what i bought from them years ago, but i won't buy anything else.
Also i don't care that they give the crew 2 or 3 an offline mode because just the Crew 1 had a single player campaign with a story.
Sincerely i would just wish Anno's studio could get out of this mess and regain its independence.
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What do you think of this move - guess it really can't be stated how important Steam really is
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