Some mod should create a giveaway for a game named "Enter this and be banned" for 50 (Possibly more? 100? 200?) points, and ban everyone that enters it.

They can even make it flashy to VERY blatantly point out the fact that you WILL be banned if you enter it (In multiple languages - Just to make sure!)

Any scripts running would ignore the blatant warnings and auto-enter the giveaway.

13 years ago*

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Right, and then they'll end up with dozens of illiterates complaining that they didn't know and want to be unbanned. What's there to gain? Not much I'm afraid.

13 years ago

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Illiterates entering random giveaways instead of things they really want, and banning bots, win-win really.

13 years ago

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yah who needs illiterates anyways?

13 years ago

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G th hedge jvh SF Gehrig had thrush if ft iced kg fj digg

13 years ago

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Well, I'm stumped

Google translate also auto-detects it as English...

13 years ago

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I'll take that as a compliment, thank you.

13 years ago

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Well there aren't all too many 50p games, right. Reducing the points will increase the chance of false positives, ergo more drama.

Also, you will never be able to convince people that they will be banned once they enter the giveaway. They'll think it's a joke, no matter how serious a warning you put. Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity, a wise man once said.

13 years ago

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If a well-known mod creates a high-point requirement giveaway, only people with enough points (People that have been here more than a week) will be able to enter. These people should at least be able to recognize one of the more active mods, and as such, would know it is serious.

"They'll think it's a joke"

It's sorta like going down a dark alley that has a flashing neon sign that says "There is a known serial killer that lives in this alley - DO NOT ENTER" - People that subsequently enter deserve their punishment.

13 years ago

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Can't do that with the majority of the users being totally remote from the community. Also, curiosity kills the cat, and you can't ban people for being curious I might add.
Seriously, the wiser and most cost-efficient option is to just join or create a private group.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Then there are the curious types like myself who just might think, "Hmm, I wonder what'll happen?" click

13 years ago

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If the level was labelled in extreme detail (Giving an explanation of why the lightning bolt hits), he would not need to pull it in the first place, having all the information given to him already ;p

13 years ago

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So you're saying that there should be an explanation in the description detailing that it's there to catch bots and people who just enter everything they see?

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Judging by the 15+ entries into the most recent accidental giveaway (The user explained it was a mistaken giveaway several minutes before it opened, and it got 10+ entries in the first 6 minutes.) I'd assume so.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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They could to a warning giveaway first.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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So the site doesn't devolve into giving the majority of games to scammers and co

13 years ago

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The integrity of the site will decrease. If I heard of a site where mods put up giveaways for which you could be banned for, why would I bother? Newbies would easily be tricked into entering these giveaways through trolls, and overall... its just a dumb idea.

There's no point in it, and could only cause problems, not solve them... the scammer demographic is so low that its not worth it.

13 years ago

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"the scammer demographic is so low that its not worth it."

I take it then you've never:

  • Owned an e-mail account
  • Clicked a Google link
  • Visited the Steam Trade Forums
13 years ago

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lol, I wonder what its like trying to have a conversation with people like you IRL...

i was talking about on the steam gifts site. (genius, amiright?) Putting a silly security measure on a website that gives away free games to the public with so few scripters is not worth it. I don't even think it happens at all, really... oh, and i guess i should clear this up since you didn't get it last time


my argument of the site being in jeopardy over this idea STILL STANDS.

please use logic next time.

13 years ago

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Hmmm, would possibly work

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Bypassable (Yes, even ReCAPTCHA - I can go into more detail, but I think it's against the site rules)

13 years ago

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Captcha would ruin it for everyone.


13 years ago

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Could work great, could fail epically. It's more of a fun idea than a secure, practical one.

13 years ago

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Here's the problem: For most of the games I enter, I only ever look at the title and the point cost. I don't have any reason to look anything else.

So unless the mods do something really obvious (like move the enter button), I'm going to be caught in this. And if they do something obvious, it will only work once. Second time the bots will be watching for it.

13 years ago

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If the title was "ENTERING THIS WILL GET YOU BANNED" and the point cost was "100p" - Would you still enter it?

And bots don't watch - They enter indiscriminately.

13 years ago

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That would never work. If it was scripted chances are the "scripter" would be entering so many giveaways they wouldn't have enough points.

13 years ago

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I'd notice it.

Thing is, there is no way a bot operated account would have enough points to enter every giveaway. Meaning they much already have something to ignore giveaways the bot operator isn't interested in. There are two easy ways to do this:

  • The bot has a list of games. It only enters giveaways for those games, it ignores anything else. Including your "ENTERING THIS WILL GET YOU BANNED" giveaway. If I was making a bot, this is how I would do it, as the bot wouldn't be entering giveaway for obviously crap games* that have only just shown up on Steam Gifts for the first time.
  • The bot has a list of games to ignore. It enters all other giveaways. Your proposal would catch it. But only a few times, then the bot would be programmed to check the like to the Steam store (unless it's a known bundle), and ignore giveaways which don't have a link or the title of the linked page doesn't match the giveaway title.

*Or just games I don't like.

Is there even a bot problem ?

13 years ago

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I guess we can just hope you don't make a bot ;p

13 years ago

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My comment is now a separate thread.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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People would still enter it without reading, or not understanding that it's a honeypot.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Reelix.