I'm wondering about how much performance I'd gain if my upgraded my GPU to a GTX 970 or 980. I haven't decided which one yet.
Here's my basic build:
i7 3770k
I don't think it'd be bottleneckedvnBWd by my CPU but I want to see what you guys think. And I downloaded plenty of RAM

8 years ago

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I'd change CPU if I was you but I ain't so have a potato.

8 years ago

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Why change the CPU? That CPU won't be bottle-necking games anytime soon.

8 years ago

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idk, I guess I'm just train, I want to change CPUs every day, if I was him I'd change CPU

8 years ago

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Currently it's very uncommon for a CPU to be the bottleneck when gaming. You can have a several generations old CPU and it will still not bottleneck you. For intel processors, as long as it begins with an i and not followed by a 3, then it will be good for more or less all games. It's almost always your GPU that will be the bottleneck, as long as there's not a big gap between the two in terms of age & "price range".

8 years ago

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thanks for the info, I'd should have picked a laptop with a good GTX GPU and i3 3rd gen ='(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 the 3770K is still very viable (and overclockable).

8 years ago

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I think you'll get a decently large performance upgrade by upgrading, at least in video games.

8 years ago

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If you're going to upgrade, would it not be worth upgrading to a 1070 instead of a 970 or a 980? If you're willing to go up in price as high as that of a 980, then a 1070 is a better investment, based on the reviews I've seen. It quite simply out-performs the 980 TI or Titan X at a 980 price.

8 years ago

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+1 In fact, the 1070 is cheaper than the 980.

8 years ago

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I bought a 970 last year, the 1070 is even cheaper compared to it :/ (400 vs 350)

8 years ago

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Here they seem to have dropped the prices of he 9XX series of cards, so that in terms of price, the 9XX series is 1 step cheaper than the 10XX series (so a 980 costs as much as a 1070, a 970 costs as much as the 1060 probably will cost, once it's released). But the 1070 is the replacement to the 970, so it should be in roughly the same price range as the 970 was when it was "relevant".

8 years ago

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This is good advice, thank you. I haven't done too much digging yet as I'm just thinking about it for now but I'd go 1070.

8 years ago

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Exactly what I was going to suggest. I have the 980 so I won't be upgrading for a while but if I was planning to, I'd probably go for the 1070.

8 years ago

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Your CPU is somewhat old, but still pretty good, so it's unlikely you'll be bottlenecked by it.
Your GPU isn't too bad either, but if you want to upgrade it to get a performance boost with newer games, forget about the GTX 970, and get something with at least 4 "true" GB of VRAM.
Wait for the full release of AMD's Rx 400 lineup, and compare the prices after they settle down.

8 years ago

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I like to stick with Nvidia because their drivers are superior. But I see what you mean. Thanks :)

8 years ago

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I always see this argument online, but personally I never had an issue with AMD's Catalyst drivers...
Anyway, when the new Radeon cards will come out, prices on both side will lower, especially for older products.

8 years ago

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That's one configuration out of how many possible?
I know a handful of people who have had issues. But I see your point.

8 years ago

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You know, i had ati-amd gpu for over 10 years and never had a problem... and i know many people with nvidia driver problems (one of them changed two identic card with the same problem..and still buy nvidia card), so what are we talking about? ;)
You can't base your judgment only on rumors or little numbers..and as you say, how many possible configuration are out there, how can we exclude noone will have never a problem? ;)
Amd and nvidia will always have problem with new games, new operative system, new graphic library and so on... pc are working machine, not console. :D

8 years ago

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You downloaded RAM? ._. I'd upgrade the GPU to a 480/1060 which would be comparable to the 980. You'll see probably a 25-50% increase in performance depending on the graphical application. That or you go 1070/1080

8 years ago

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I might just go 1070 :)

8 years ago

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You need to run a virus scanner. Downloaded ram... lol. Sure, now where can I download a brand new car?

8 years ago

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It must suck going thru life without a sense of humor

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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ha. I love it. Thanks. Now we just need to wait till 3D printing gets a little better and bam. New car. Some of those look pretty good.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Sadly i think yes... This year the difference is almost 2x for the $ not the average 30-40%

8 years ago

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Yeah go for anything GTX 960+ they are affordable now (compared to before) and you'll see a an increase in performance and they run all new games really good. Also where's the gibaway?

8 years ago

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It's there :D read carefully...!

8 years ago

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oh yes my bad :) think I should get my eyes checked :p

8 years ago

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Look it mostly boils down to this:

  • if you have the money AND can't wait for better deals (price/performance) just buy whatever you find it's best at the time you're decided to buy
  • I you don't really need it NOW and can wait for better opportunities to present themselves, then it's always best to wait + you gather more money for more options

There, simple!
Technology will ALWAYS move fast, it's called "programmed obsolescence", manufacturers and those in charge WANT you to buy as many and as fast as possible, so your insert PC part here will get outdated fast or worse, break, rather sooner than expected, thus forcing you to keep purchasing.
When you buy the latest GPU, 1 week, 1 month later it will be yet another one cheaper or offering better performance for the same or a tad more money, so...
see the points above.

ps. saw the hidden gib, already have it. Have a free bump!

8 years ago

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I have a 3770k as well, with a 970. I have to say it is a bit of a bottleneck, going to upgrade as soon as possible

8 years ago

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Here's a nice article on TechSpot which compares six generations of GeForces.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Overclock the 3770K a bit, upgrade the GPU.
Those saying the 3770K will bottleneck any newer GPU are incorrect.

Even Skylake isn't that much faster than Haswell, so you can wait at least another CPU generation before upgrading if necessary.

8 years ago

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Largely depends on what resolution you play at and what games. Anything over a 960 is over kill for 1920x1080 and under for most games. CPU wise only a few games will be impacted by it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'd keep the 670 for a while. My advice is wait for a price drop, or a nice promo from Nvidia: They've been gifting games along with their GPUs for a while. I bought my 970 because I wanted to prepare my PC for The Witcher 3, and some months later they started to gift that game along with their gpus.

8 years ago

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