Update : I had edited my comment and closed this topic. However, another user contacted me about this in the comments section of another steamgifts thread. Several people sent me friend req's on Steam about it. Further, some people think I have redeemed the game and "Hiding" it on Steam. This is not the case. I feel I should explain.

Here is what happened :

I was using my 400 daily points to enter giveaways. I only join giveaways for known games that I want, or unknown games of a genre I like.

A few days ago, someone was doing a giveaway for 50 copies of "Comixxx Swap". I accidentally entered this giveaway, because I was quickly looking at Steam page tags. The first or second tag said "Puzzle", and I said okay, and entered, because I like puzzle games. Yes, I admit I am at fault, I was rushing and only going by tags.

Fast forward a little, and I was one of the 50 people who won the game. It was at this point that I took a second look at the game, being excited that I won a new game and how rare that is. Here is when I noticed it was a pornography game. Yes, it was here that I finally picked up on the three xxx's in "Comixxx" .... that had not registered in my mind before.

So now I didn't want this game, I am not going to redeem it, much less even play it. Yes, this is my fault. So I asked around and was told to just ask the gifter to re-roll a new winner. And I was going to do that, no problem.

Except I realized, I am now taking part in another person getting a porno game, that I believe is damaging to their well being. I am a Christian, and my bible says that God loves everyone. I cannot be a part of someone getting this game. Yes, 49 other people got it, but I wasn't a part of that. But because of my mistake, I am now a part of this. That one person matters and is important, and I cannot be a part of a re-roll of a pornographic game that I believe will hurt them.

So, I have decided to mark the game as "Received", but I will not redeem it, and I will accept the consequences and punishment, that I deserve. The Steam key for this game will simply sit there, untouched. This is all my fault, and I understand the consequences. The consequences being, suspension or possibly even ban from Steamgifts, blacklisting by other users, criticism, and ridicule. I am at peace with this, as some things are more important, no matter how much I enjoy video games as a hobby.

My only suggestion to this entire situation, is to have an optional filter that allows us to exclude pornography games from our SG feed. This is not to excuse my mistake, just a suggestion.

I sincerely apologize for creating this mess, but I do not apologize for my solution, if that makes sense.

John 3:16 - Jesus loves you.

1 month ago*

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Jesus knows you got Hatred on your library, bro

1 month ago

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Nah, the christian God is fine with killing. It's the LGBTQ in Life Is Strange that will close the pearly gates for him.

1 month ago

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Except I realized, I am now taking part in another person getting a porno game, that I believe is damaging to their well being. I am a Christian, and my bible says that God loves everyone. I cannot be a part of someone getting this game.

Jesus fakin Christ... Problem of white western people, God bless your soul...

1 month ago

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Problem of white western people

How exactly is this a westerner problem or white people problem?
Get out of here with your kremlin propaganda.

1 month ago

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You said that you are Christian, yet you want to harm someone. See, all people who entered this giveaway WANTED to get this game. Yes, even you, you WANTED to get it, you just didn't realize WHAT you want to get. So, if you won't ask for a re-roll - you are effectively harming someone, who may have received this game if you did applied for a re-roll. And on top of this, there is no mention that pornography is bad in the bible, so you are also doing a (deadly) sin of pride by assuming that.

1 month ago

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I'm going to watch some porn now because of this thread.

1 month ago

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Respect. Stay strong.

1 month ago

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How was Sakura Sadist? On a scale of 1-10.

1 month ago

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You are taking a game from someone who might have want it and keeping it for silly reasons :)

1 month ago

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you have played/owned multiple games that has nudity, sexual acts, blasphemy and even a literal full game about humans evolving from monkeys.

so please either accept the game and hide it from your profile, or ask for a reroll, because what you suggest doing is called lying, which is also a sin in christianity.

and i agree about an option to hide nsfw, but it's hard since many games have that tag, so you need to do it manually, maybe an option to hide games costing less than 5p since most of them seem to be priced that way.

1 month ago

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The hypocrisy runs strong in this one... sigh :-(

1 month ago

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So they are suspended now?

1 month ago

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Looks like it

1 month ago

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