I am not using the authenticator except when xmas sale came and was bothered with it for 15 days straight, but the last few years, i haven't sold my cards anymore since the value dropped significantly. Also there were issues with Steam Inventory helper about it's privacy but also it always bugged out. I just couldn't be bothered anymore, yet now i seem to have gathered 4855 cards, but still they won't make nearly as much anymore like it used to. Or on average how much would that still get me?

Still they are just gathering dust, but i don't want to spend hours on it, what are the best options these days? If only you could find some (rich) sucker to get them all in one, like one of those i want to get the highest level possible types, but i don't have those contacts.

9 months ago

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Do like a hundred a day.
I imagine you'll average 2 cents each, so 2 bucks a day. Ish.

9 months ago

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So 48 days of work, for 100 euro ish?

9 months ago

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Yeah. It's not a lot. But...if you have 15 minutes a day, it could pay for a chunk or all of your Winter Sale. I can attest to it being tedious AF, but I never found a bulk card selling feature when I found myself in a similar situation. Perhaps there is one now though.

9 months ago

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Well when you have 11000 games, most already included in your most wanted games, only new old games, retroish point and click adventres or rpg's can get me to buy, but usually then they are new, and not go on sale (for atleast some time). Which makes it all a bit less motivating too.

Steam inventory was great at first, but there were some privacy issues and later with every few cards it started to halt.

9 months ago

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I hear you. I partitioned my library a couple years ago. Decided on some I might want to play still, hid the rest and basically established a new start for my library. But....that was also pretty time consuming. Rewarding though. I stopped worrying about random games I acquired via bundles or from publishers sending me game after game when I was an editor for an online magazine. Kinda shifted my mindset to where every game I could see in my library was legitimately a game I was interested in, rather than being paralyzed by too many choices. Still gets out of control, but going through my library every year and making sure it's is relatively clean is far less time consuming now. And when in doubt, I work backwards, newest purchases first.

No idea if that helps you at all as far as motivation goes, but it definitely helped me out.

9 months ago

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Well but then you have to make choices what you want to play first, but i got over 600 games installed, with the intention to play those first (before all the other 11000), but with getting new stuff (always taking the overhand) the old stuff is going (way) down your list. I still got stuff installed from 2015/2016...
And sometimes when you scroll to look for updates, you are going like oh wait i had this game too, or i had this installed and then you click play to get it on top of your list again (just to fall below again).

I am only touching anything installed (or new games) i am already leaving everything old alone for the time being, but it's still way too much.

9 months ago

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Before I transitioned to the Steam Deck, I also had hundreds of games downloaded to my PC. At some point, I just realized that I was spending more time staring at my library trying to decide on things to play instead of actually playing them lol. Which really is what precipitated the changes I made for myself. I think I just was putting too much pressure on myself to play everything, and I ended up playing comparatively few games instead. I guess it was killing the fun of gaming for me at that point. Now, I keep my downloads around 40-50 games, and I don't put any pressure on myself to play every game I own. Nor do I make myself finish games if I'm not enjoying them. They just get retired instead.

That's just my case though. We're all different of course.

9 months ago

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I can fully understand the principal behind it, and perhaps i should do too, but if i would shrink my backlog, i think i am going to forget (well most likely) the other 550 games or so that i also do really want to play (first). I thought at first finish 1, remove it, and go on to the next, but you know how it goes with bundles (although much lesser great ones these days) you get some new ones..

But yeah, you can feel totally overwhelmed when you got too much installed, too much wanting to play almost like it's becoming a chore, i can totally relate.

9 months ago

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Definitely. I guess it's all about finding that sweet spot that works for you individually as a gamer.

9 months ago

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started showerthinking with this of yours... a while ago (lol)

i fear, literally, that time consuming aspect! (time being money and being an hella cheap bastard doesn't helps much, i guess...)
also, it always gets out of control no matter what i do. stopped playing/trying games, tho and slowly re-starting, so decided to delete everything on hard drive and to start over...

anyway, love to read you guys discussing, ty.

9 months ago

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Sometimes a fresh start with your games is the best way for sure.

9 months ago

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I have contact with a card collector Frederiksen Magnuson III from Switzerland, he is willing to pay $0,50 per card

9 months ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

9 months ago

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My suggestion would be to install the SteamDB browser extension, which allows you to instantly sell a card without having to set the correct price and agreeing to the terms. That will save you a good amount of time. It’s not ideal, sure, but it’s better than them sitting in your inventory.

I recently used ArchiSteamFarm* to get the Steam cards for the games I never played or planned on playing. I got 271 and sold 269 for 2,236.34 Argentine pesos, or $6.39. That’s 8 pesos for each card on average, or two cents. For me, it took about ten seconds to list one card. 4,855 cards, 48,550 seconds, 810 minutes, thirteen and a half hours. Not bad for 100 dollars.

‎* Here’s a video guide on YouTube.

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9 months ago*

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Yeah, i tried archi and it remains too complicated, i am still a sticker to Idlemaster Extended. ;) But all cards are idled.

I will try out the extension, thank you.

Well 13 hours is still very tedious, and compared to certain jobs it still isn't highly paid, but then again i did over 300 surveys on tremorgames, or grinded months in certain games, who i am to judge anything.

Just saying the heck with it, here is my card, if i see some games, but yeah december is always the expensive month, and i am not exactly really made out of money either.

I just wished, there were faster options...

9 months ago

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I understand. At the end of the day, it’s you who have to do the work and sell thousands of cards. See if it’s worth your time and energy, but also keep on looking. There might well be quicker ways that we just don’t know about. The extension, for example, I had no idea existed. A friend of mine suggested it, and it works pretty neat.

Good luck to you.

9 months ago

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Thank you.

9 months ago

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I get ya. I used to trade a lot with those Steam Trading Cards, made quite some coin with it too. But it ain't worth the time and effort anymore. I still got over 10k cards. I don't put effort into it anymore but still let people swap their cards feeless to help them make their badges.

There are still some card trade bots out their that could buy the cards. But they mostly pay with gems.

9 months ago

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Yeah, i find gems so useless (or i never grasped the potential).

And true, people can always trade off cards for me 1 on 1, the thing is for some time, i had 3 people in order (one went and the other came) that would take my cards, and they would buy me bundles (2 from this forum), they were happy, i was happy, but they all had to stop due money issues. Good times, same as tremorgames.

9 months ago

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Yeah, I remember Tremorgames. Spent way to much time playing some dumb games and filling surveys to pull more Steam keys from that site. It was how I got into the card trading. Got a bunch of the same game, let other people idle the extra copies and sent back the cards. Then I could trade sets for even more cards, gems or games and it just kept growing and growing. Good times, but I don't think cards will ever have such uses again.

9 months ago

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I have far fewer games and cards than you do, but I just list them as I farm them. If you go to the trouble of setting up idling to acquire them, then it's not much more effort to list them.

I don't use the authenticator either, and don't seem to need to. I do get a warning about needing to use it to sell, but I list, sell, and collect the Steam credit without it. As long as I buy one thing per year, then it seems like I can list without it. I managed to skip one year because I won a promo credit from World of Warships, which seems to count as a purchase.

9 months ago

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But if you use Idlemaster extended, you just click it, fill in your sessionid (you didn't had to in the past) and you are done, it takes 5 seconds compared to 13 hours of selling like some users said here. It could have been spread out more if i kept on selling in the first place, but never thought i would be around 5000 cards either, heck i didn't even know i had 23 boosters, i don't think i even seen the notications for it anymore.

Weird, as i was always asked to use the mobile authenticator (i use the email version) and i always purchase on a regularly base.

9 months ago

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Yes, my point is that if you sold them as you farmed them, it also only takes a few seconds to sell each one. If you don't care about maximizing every cent, you can do it with one click per card with the SteamDB addon. It gives you the option of selling at the same price as the lowest price of the card currently on the market.

The warning I get is white text with an orange background:

"Market listing will be held for: 15 days
You have not been using the Mobile Authenticator for 7 days.
Learn more about how to remove the need for market listing holds."

There is no hold though, and they often sell on the same day.

9 months ago

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You have email authentication? And you also don't get 1 email for each transaction?

9 months ago

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I have an email setup for my Steam account. I don't get an email when I list, but I do get an email when one sells. No idea if I can turn that off or not, but I like getting emails telling me it sold.

9 months ago

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sell by badge with the bulk sell thing, i sold 3-5k items to get my deck and docking station

9 months ago

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wow cards are really worth that much?

9 months ago

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about 200$ from cards, booster packs, emoticons, backgrounds
the rest from csgo items

9 months ago

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What thing is that?

9 months ago

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I think what Sh4dowKill means by "selling by badge" means "selling cards full set by full set".

9 months ago*

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9 months ago

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Oh, my bad.

9 months ago

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When you look at Badges, you have the option to "Sell these cards on the Market" above the 2nd card.

9 months ago

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At the very conservative estimate of 2 cents out of each card sold you're looking at around 100 Euros maybe much more. If you can spare 10 minutes a day even when listing the cards one by one you'll be finished in a few months at most. And for the future don't wait until the the sheer quantity overwhelms you.

9 months ago

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You could try to evaluate how much you would get after fees and try to trade for similar items that are easy to sell (csgo cases?)

An interesting thing here is: the less your currency is worthy , the more you would get from the cards.
For example, if we suppose all your cards are under 0.20 Eur you are in EU zone
Value lost to steam fees: 4855*0,02= 97,1 Eur.

However, if you would be in a poorer zone like me (Brazil). The lowest fee we pay is... 0.02 Brl. Even inflating it to 0.05 brl.
Value lost to fees: 4855*0.05= 242,75 BRL = 44.93 Eur

Hence, Trading with people could give a profit and way less work. (The issue is only how to estimate your stash value)

9 months ago

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Trading is also a lot more hassle, and how many people don't want to 2 cards for 1?
I also never liked to sell stuff on marketplaces in real life, i always let my dad handle it, and he bought/sold lego, and you always had stingy people trying to lowball.

My currency is the euro, but aren't most cards in general also not under 10 cents by now?

9 months ago

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as I see it, the biggest hassle would be to add everything to the trade window... And that is because Steam does not like large trades
(When I still had the trading bot, My maximum was 27k items in a trade.. you can guess that it froze completely, but that was done only as a bet anyway.)

Most cards are worth less than 0.05 Eur, but there are always outlines.

Managed to freeze both Notepad and LibreOffice while trying to determine your inventory worth... Although this is not steam trades, maybe I will DM you if I manage to do it

9 months ago

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That are many items, what were they, cards? And why would you even want to bet that. :x

Yeah, looking at my inventory, steam games, steam never does something about big libraries.

9 months ago

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depends on the cards both in what is already on the market and which ones you have to sell and their price at the time

9 months ago

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I think everything that had to be said was already said; selling, trading, and details related to them...
Had a look, there are some cards I'm interested in. Could we trade for some, please? :o After reading some messages above, I suppose you don't want to trade, only sell.
Yes, this forum isn't for trades, but that's replying to OP, that's fine, right?

9 months ago

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As i said elsewhere, i had people in my friend list asking me all the time as long as i get 1 on 1 in return, i never minded.
However most likely my cards might be gone soon, so sorry.

9 months ago

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Of course, 1:1. Would a couple trades (1:1 from the same set) for the ones you still have be okay?

9 months ago

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Yes, actually the cards were given, but i had to retract the trade because i got a better offer, the first trader was very okay with it thankfully.

9 months ago

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I see I see, glad for you then!

9 months ago

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But add me, take your picks, and i'll accept.

9 months ago

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Oh, thank you, sent a request!

9 months ago

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i keep selling any cards i have
but lately it feels like it's hard to sell, there's always 70ish card left unsold
even if i keep lowering the prices

also there's too many discontinued game card in my inventory, idk what am i gonna use it can't sold it only recycle it (which i think is a waste)

9 months ago

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Yeah gems don't seem to be worth much at all.

9 months ago

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I rarely care about my cards but two days ago I used Steam Economy Enhancer to list them, didn't have to confirm anything either. And I got mostly 2-4 cents per card. Quite okay for an investment of about 3 seconds in total.

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9 months ago

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Steam Economy Enhancer is quite good indeed and the best alternative to SIH if you care about cards only, just click "Sell All Cards" and done! Only thing that doesn't work for me is relisting overpriced cards from market page, removing them and listing again works so it's all fine.
UPD: there's fork with fixed relisting

9 months ago*

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Yeah, I somehow can't access the option settings anymore that's the only downside that I experience with it.

9 months ago

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Thank you.

9 months ago

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also check your privacy settings and make this work https://steam.tools/itemvalue/
it helped me a ton

9 months ago

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Yup, first use this to sell high valued items manually, then Economy Enhancer + Authenticator for the rest.

9 months ago

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Thank you.

9 months ago

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IF you're wanting to find a way of disposing of them, but not super keen for the financials, you could create some kind of contest/puzzle. Winners gets X cards. Might be a fun way of disposing :)

9 months ago

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My funds are low, so any financial bit actually helps, but it's also too late, my cards have been traded.

I did a weekly jigidi and yearly advent, until people just cheated on them, i tried other forms of puzzles but they didn't really click with people, and i am not that smart to make complicated puzzles.

9 months ago

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How much did you manage to gather after you sold all of them? I'm asking because I have around 4000 cards on my inventory as well 😂

9 months ago

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98 euro excluded fees. A few years ago that would probably been 4x that amount.
The buyer used a script/site and some mentioned similar prices, so i trusted him, and it's better then gathering dust.
I remember christmas sales getting 100 euro with far less cards.

9 months ago

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Oh I see, thabk you for the reply. Just a wild guess but I do think 98 Euro is a bit low, you can probably sell it all on Steam Market for more but yeah I think doing that will also required more works. Beside that I have no idea what can cause the cards value to be 4x times lower in just a few years.

9 months ago

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I had setup a trade and normally i am a stickler to hold up to my agreements, but the first trader accepted to cancel the trade and found someone that offered me twice that.

But prices have diminished regardless, and i can do it all by myself and perhaps get a (bit) more but it's almost 200 euro i never had before, so.

9 months ago

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Beside that I have no idea what can cause the cards value to be 4x times lower in just a few years.

The exponential growth of released games with cards and card farmers using the market as a side hustle?

9 months ago

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I always did your Jigidis and always look out for others jigidis too. They're good fun and yes, I do them the ol' fashioned way! ^_^ All I can suggest is creating a private group of people who you've come to trust and do it for them. I know that doesn't stop cheating, but hopefully it reduces it, since they're trusted and hopefully removes bots etc too.

9 months ago

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Actually i made a steamgifts jigidi group on steam a few years ago, but never managed to get people invited, or do anything with it, i even had the idea of everyone doing jigidi stuff let them post there, but i am the only one in it.

How can you fully trust someone though? Also up until may i had a lot more spending money, but also bundles became very poor the last months (or this year even) so i wouldn't even have many stuff to gift (and sometimes i don't even know it, and certain games been marked as no cv or humble being annoying with region restrictions).

9 months ago

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Obviously you never can be 100% sure, but at least by curating the group, you stand a better chance :) People you've had interactions with would hopefully be less likely to be cheaters/bots.

I concur with you on the bundle side of the things. I've been looking at improving my real CV ratio a bit, but really all I buy now is HB Choices. The increase in no CV games definitely doesn't help that -_-

9 months ago

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I am not picky about games (i even bought dig bundles, but they cut out paypal so their loss), for 3 years i never skipped a choice, but except the last one i skipped 3 times!

Yeah, i am almost level 10, i hoped to get there this year, but at this rate, probably not even next year.

9 months ago

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I am more picky :) I want to get bundles I want and give away the excess, not necessarily just get bundles just for GAs. Most bundles just aren't worth doing that with these days. I get my lewds through DiG still, but they're not worth doing GAs with lol

9 months ago

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Sell them all and buy GTA V

  • Konradz
9 months ago

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Our profit prophet

9 months ago

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Yea. I had a short story with cards and I was able to put them on market. Some was sold, some not, but after I put them all on market I tried to put next cards on market as they appeared on my account (like it was manageable). But then, one day for some reason, these cards mass returned from market to my inventory. After that I stopped to care about cards as I have not time or will to put so many cards again on market Also don't like idea to use to script to put them blankly like 1 cent below lowest price or something like that (but i would probably put them again if there would be something to put all cards on the market again but with custom/advanced formula not exactly related to lowest current price - like using highest/lowesr/average price from X days plus/minus Y cents/PLN - unfortunately such scripts are not available :).

9 months ago*

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

9 months ago

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Augmented Steam has a 1-click sell all cards function.

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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