Myst & More Redux: 30 Years of Myst

2 Tiers, 12 Items

21 Jul 2023 - 03 Aug 2023

View this bundle on: ITAD -

Note: This is a rebundle of the Myst & More Bundle with its contents from three separate tiers merged into the current T1, and Myst (2021) added as a separate T2, for $10 extra.

Since it's essentially the same bundle, the topic has been updated to reflect the new setup, but the poll can't be modified and thus remains as a 3-tier split.

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Tier 1 - 10 USD | 8.99 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Obduction 77% of 2727 🏆 4.50 CV app/306760 W M D🟡 3 $29.99
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition 88% of 1210 🏆 2.70 CV app/244430 W M D🟡 5 $17.99
Myst III: Exile 93% of 286 - - 2.25 CV app/925930 W M D❌ 2 $14.99
Myst IV: Revelation 73% of 174 - - 2.25 CV app/925940 W M D🟡 2 $14.99
Riven 87% of 1032 - - 0.90 CV app/63610 W M D🟡 2 $5.99
Uru: Complete Chronicles 78% of 142 - - 1.50 CV app/63650 W M D? 2 $9.99
Myst V 65% of 190 - - 1.50 CV app/208110 W M D? 2 $9.99
Manhole 71% of 39 - - 0.90 CV app/63630 W D? 2 $5.99
Myst: Masterpiece Edition 84% of 710 - - 0.90 CV app/63660 W M D? 2 $5.99
Spelunx 71% of 35 - - 0.90 CV app/63640 W D🟡 2 $5.99
Cosmic Osmo 77% of 74 - - 0.90 CV app/63620 W D? 2 $5.99

Tier 2 - 20 USD | 17.98 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Myst 88% of 1026 - 🏆 4.50 CV app/1255560 W M D✅ 1 $29.99

Steam Deck info: D✅ = verified, D🟡 = playable, D❌ = unsupported, D? = unknown


  • Tier 1 = $127.89
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $157.88

Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!

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Thanks to luckz for the poll.

2 years ago*

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Long-owned, or the Complete Chronicles you were waiting for?

View Results
[Tier 1] That's one small Mackerel from my wallet, one giant Masterpiece for my collection.
[BTA] I didn't buy these for a similar or better price in 2015. Shame on me.
[Tier 3] It's a realMystery to me how I hadn't bought these before.
[Have] Come on IGN, that's not what we meant when asking for 'unbundled titles'.
[Skip] I don't like rotate'n'click as a genre, sorry.
[Coupon complaint] Since there wasn't any DLC to leave out, you left out the only non-antique title?

I always wanted to own these and waiting years for a bundle has finally paid off!

2 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up about this.
The price difference on Steam's sale (setting aside the new remake of Myst) is fairly insane.
$41 plus tax individually on Steam.
$33 plus tax with the Steam bundles for Myst series and the Cyan games, and then Obduction.
$10.15 for the whole set via the bundle.

2 years ago

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As a fan of puzzle adventure games, I feel like I've committed a sin by never having played a Myst game. This bundle seems like the perfect jumping in point.

2 years ago

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I lowered HB's portion as far as possible because of these Tier "bugs".

2 years ago

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I always give max possible to charity.

2 years ago

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I don't want to give nothing to the publishers because it IS them who are agreeing to practically sell their games for dimes. Otherwise only the publishers with dlcs or extremely nice devs or the quality will get lower from our own decisions.

2 years ago

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I might buy tier 1 out of curiosity, I've been meaning to try Myst for ages but never got around to getting the game.

2 years ago

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I have to pay $10.11 to get T3?
what's the extra $.11 for?

View attached image.
2 years ago*

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Average surpassed tier 3's $10, so the $0.11 is paid for BTA tier

Edit: it is weird though that BTA is shown to be $10.09, and they expect you to beat it by two cents in the recommended price :D

2 years ago*

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Yea recently it is often 2 cents to beat. It increases price even more.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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not my sort of bundle but always nice to un bundled games in a bundle

2 years ago

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Damned, bought the Myst bundle in last autumn sale, now only missing Obduction :|

2 years ago

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If you only want "Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo", "Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel" and "The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition", you can buy Tier 1 and then you get a discount of 72% on "The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition".

2 years ago

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what was the play order?
Myst (1 of 3)
Myst III
Myst IV
Myst V

2 years ago

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Uru came out around the same time as Myst IV but takes place in a much later era, so yeah that order works.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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There is also a parody game called "Pyst".

2 years ago

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i might play that

2 years ago

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One the line about the $10 coupon, would you please add the link to the game in question? If I understand correctly, it is a coupon for this (OR, really, the HB version.

This would help those of us unfamiliar with the games to know what the coupon refers to?

Anyway, it's just a suggestion.

THANK YOU as always for these charts! Whenever I look at purchasing a bundle (or I see a new bundle has released), most -- well over 90 percent -- of the time I will head over here to look at your chart for that bundle rather than looking at the bundle page itself :D

2 years ago

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I added the link and the expiry date, Humble Bundle coupons are always for their own store, never for the Steam store.
Thanks for the suggestion and for your comment!

2 years ago

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Thank you!! :D Ah, true, I see. Yes.

Well, we appreciate you, but usually forget to tell you that. Hopefully this makes up somewhat for all the times I forget.

2 years ago

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Speaking of the coupon, we never mentioned the price glitch where store region = Canada means you get it free rather than $10 off.

(I dunno if it was fixed, will be fixed, etc. On Sunday it still worked.)

View attached image.
2 years ago*

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It took a long conversation with an HB support person to finally understand that they have changed the way they define each tier, just when I thought that the only stupid change was the design of the page. There is no fixed "highest" tier. There's a price you pay for the whole bundle and this is either the first "max" price or the BTA, whichever is the highest. As if it wasn't frustrating enough the way they show what items you get for each "tier", now what you get depends on where the BTA is.

2 years ago

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The actual change is that they regularly make the $1 tier so bad that everyone is 'forced' to buy the highest, making the BTA go higher than the nominally highest tier.

Beyond that BTA was always able to exceed T3 / T4.

2 years ago

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$1 tier..very true..
Maybe it is so, I just don't remember the BTA ever exceeding T3 before the new, atrocious, page design. Isn't it odd that all those years it never happened? At times when HB was much more popular, people were more inclined to give higher than T3 amounts, for charity or.. (unless I missed it). You always knew that if you bought T3/T4 that was the whole bundle. Even if everyone buys the fixed highest tier, it's mathematically impossible for the average to go beyond that highest. So what they're telling us is that people suddenly decided to start paying much more than the T3, i.e. 25+ because.. Humble became better? We like them more? We have more money?
What you say explains the fact that BTA is climbing fast, way faster than in past years. But unless a LOT of people started paying 25+ (which, given the HB reputation/history, I don't think it holds much water) then my only logical assumption is that they must've altered the algorithm somehow.. I am not argueing just for the sake of it. I am really trying to understand what happened/happens..

PS. If you remember BTA exceeding T3 in past bundles, before the page redesign, do tell, I don't have a recollection of such a case or I totally missed it..

2 years ago

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Imagine 99% of people pay $10 and a few sad victims of Humble's dark design patterns pay the default of $25.

Long before the page redesign there were things like bundles with a T4 where the BTA eventually exceeded the T3 price. I don't think anyone indexes "final bundle BTA value" for the past many years, though.

2 years ago

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Without data we can't tell. But I can't imagine that 99% of people would pay that. Even with 70-80% maybe, you have 10-15% that pay just $1..maybe.. and then you have another 10-15% for $25 maybe..? (a few sad ones..still won't cut it) and even that won't raise the average above..
I'm telling you.. something is rotten in the state of Denmark!
we'll never know.. *cue eerie music*

2 years ago

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I can't imagine

Maybe your imagination just needs some performance-enhancing drugs!

I've actually been to Denmark (and even got a T-shirt to prove it, though it's slowly wearing down from advanced age).

P.S.: Taking your proposed numbers,
(80*$10+10*$1+10*$25) / 100 => $10.6 avg.

2 years ago

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I'm (or was) tired.. I did: (808.79+101+10*25)/100=9.63$ <- and said "ok, so it's not above 10$"!
Yep.. tired..

Last time I was in Denmark, the streets were very dirty, wasn't impressed.. but that was a million years ago..

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2 years ago

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All this Denmark talk reminds me of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
"Danish is a garbage language for garbage people"

One can wonder what was the talker's nationality :D

2 years ago

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I bought the bundle and used the coupon, but it gave me way more than 10% I get 20% store discount because of my subscription, so the game would cost 19.99€ for me. With the coupon I paid 11.20€. This is a discount of about 44%. So the game would cost 13.99€ without the 20% subscription discount.

2 years ago

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The coupon is a $10 off deal (or €8.79). So it would be more then 10% anyways.

2 years ago

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Thank you very much for your help!

Stupid me - I should read what is written! lol

2 years ago

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The previous variant of this bundle:

Myst & More Bundle

3 Tiers, 11 Items

28 Jan 2022 - 11 Feb 2022

View this bundle on: ITAD -

Tier 1 - 1 USD | 1 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Myst: Masterpiece Edition 83% of 567 - - 0.90 CV app/63660 W M 0 $5.99
Spelunx 72% of 33 - - 0.90 CV app/63640 W 0 $5.99
Cosmic Osmo 75% of 74 - - 0.90 CV app/63620 W 0 $5.99

Tier 2 - BTA (lowest reported: 4.87 EUR)

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Riven 86% of 844 - - 0.90 CV app/63610 W M 0 $5.99
Uru: Complete Chronicles 79% of 127 - - 1.50 CV app/63650 W M 0 $9.99
Myst V 62% of 159 - - 1.50 CV app/208110 W M 0 $9.99
The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition 69% of 33 - - 0.90 CV app/63630 W 0 $5.99

Tier 3 - 10 USD | 8.79 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Obduction 78% of 2478 🏆 4.50 CV app/306760 W M 1 $29.99
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition 88% of 1075 🏆 2.70 CV app/244430 W M 3 $17.99
Myst III: Exile 93% of 211 - - 2.25 CV app/925930 W M 0 $14.99
Myst IV: Revelation 70% of 120 - - 2.25 CV app/925940 W M 0 $14.99
  • $10 off Coupon for Myst - expires February 25th, 2022 at 11 am PST


  • Tier 1 = $17.97
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $49.93
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = $127.89


  • Tier 1 = 2.70
  • Tier 1 + 2 = 7.49
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = 19.18
1 year ago

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i own all the games except Myst 2021 that is expensive. skip

1 year ago

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Finally! I have been waiting for this...

1 year ago

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Bought a previous edition of the bundle
This one offers me only a remake of original Myst, and tier 1 already contains 2 other editions of that game...
That's an easy skip, but remaking a bundle with only 1 addition on top of that feels distasteful, since everybody that bought previous edition of the bundle now has a worse deal. :/

1 year ago

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Love the Myst series of games... So I already have all of them EXCEPT for the remake of the original. And of course that's at the highest tier. Gonna pass on the bundle even if I think it's a pretty decent one for $20 USD. Only decent for a fan of the genre though. Don't see this appealing to a wide audience though.

I suppose I could make giveaways for the rest of the games if I did buy it. I'd end up paying about the same.

Might have to think on that bit. Probably won't though. Now if the bundle had Firmament in it then maybe I'd actually consider it.

1 year ago

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Never played a Myst game. is there an order to play them in?

1 year ago

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Start with "realMyst: Masterpiece Edition" or directly "Myst" (in the tier 2) for modern comfort.

1 year ago

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Only want the newest remake of Myst despite it probably being the same game yet again, but $20 is a joke. Will keep waiting.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Skip. Very niche genre which i wouldn't enjoy.

1 year ago

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Lol, rebundled but worse: removed tier 1 and BTA.

1 year ago

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value just not there for me, I even would want to relive the myst experience that I once had 30ish years ago.

1 year ago

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is there a specific place (or browser plugin) where deck's compatibility info is objectively shared? i hope steam adopt a tag, a ribbon or a fature related to deck compatibility on the store's page...

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 year ago

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And it is a search filter as well:

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1 year ago

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where exactly this info is available in the store page?

1 year ago

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If you use the example Dohi mentioned above, it's literally just above where the achievements are on the steam store page.

1 year ago

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you mean the controller compatibility?

1 year ago

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I see adam1224's comment below shows you where the steam deck compatibility info should be. It is strange that some regions can view this info but others cannot. Just wondering whether it is maybe to do with the steam ui. Are you on the latest beta update?

1 year ago

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i can't see this info anywhere, except on deck itself... no beta here and i think it won't change much since steam desktop behaves like a browser.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 year ago

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that's maybe what i'm failing to see... is it a icon or something?
i literally can't find anything deck's related (except the controller compatibility info)..

1 year ago

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Thiis is Davw the Diver's page for me:
We diacussed it with a friend who also couldn't see this section, while three of us from various countries could. While we can't confirm it, the theory is not regions where the Deck is not officially supported and sold don't get to see this info. I don't know if that applies to you or not, but ypu're not alone with the missing compatibility section. (It's at same place in browser, in client, amd more or less in phone app as well)

View attached image.
1 year ago

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i don't see this in windows browser, neither o android's browser. i'll try vpn later to confirm. that's probably true. deck's hardware isn't available in south america. almost all decks here came from paraguay, since government shove taxes down in our throats in regular ways.

1 year ago

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if you open steam store's page with your deck, it's on the top right corner, but you need to wait since it doesn't load instantly

1 year ago

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i rarely use deck to navigate on store. last sale, i decided to buy something just for deck and came to laptop just to check-out the cart. xD

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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nice, going to try that when i get home.

1 year ago

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i would like to say that i went even further on the protondb idea and modded the steam deck to show the badge on the deck's store.
thank you. this literally solved any further problems that i may have with any title that i've already own.

1 year ago

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Nice 👍

1 year ago

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As others has said, the Steam Deck compatibility is shown on the store page, for countries where deck is for sale.
Otherwise, you could use the browser add-on Augmented Steam:

Remember to enable option "Show Steam Deck compatibility ratings in the features list (and fetch the data when it's missing)", under Store -> App page.

1 year ago

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thank you for your suggestion. the protondb is a great idea because it is a community that shows the compatibility issues and even some tweaks to make it work on linux. with that said, i concluded the steam store info works good but is pretty limited, even for verified games (i played sexy brutale lately and suffered a few fps drops issues which already had some tweaks on the protondb community to fix it).

1 year ago

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