So latelly i saw a few threads with people complaining they cant pass the sgtools check for activated all wins. The advice was buy the game then sync with steam and you are golden. Now i am not saying this is bad everyone can make a honest mistake and i believe in second chances cause people can mature over time so i think its fair users who wanna change their ways have that option.

Then i thought "hey is there a way to get in in trouble with that kind of logic" and i thought of this scenario (its a litle far fetched but could happen) i have a feeling that i miss something so i can be wrong so help me confirm i am correct or wrong

Event A :A new user make a GA for a desirable game lets say Witcher 3 but havent read the rules, the GA is short like 1 hour snd had no time to delete it. He contacts the unlucky winner saying he made a honest mistake he wont deliver lets say they understand each other the winner marks not recieved and life goes on (the new user learns from the mistake the next GA he makes is legit) All fine it can happen

Event B: Somewhere down the road after a long time Witcher 3 is on sale and the unlucky winner finds it appealing and buy the game, Next time his profile will sync again he will have the game but also the GA was still mark as not recieved. Since you i cant find an option while checking other people profiles what they bought or activated last (maybe i am wrong) the system flag him as misuse of feedback that comes with a permanent ban and if the system is not flagging maybe someone could check his profile and assume he did that and report him

That is unfair i try to think why this scenario cant happen the last 2 hours and i give up let me know what you think

Till now i thought if you can change the recieved / not recieved status long time after the week is gone he could mark as recieved but that would give cv to the new user he doesnt deserve even tho lets say now is a good member of the communtity plus dunno if that is also a misuse of feedback even tho not traceable

Or ask the stuff for deleting the GA but dunno if the winner can request that or the GA creator not to mention my guess is that the stuff would be against deleting the GA at the first place

Also the above solution could happen only if the unlucky winner think to take action cause probably he would have forgotten that he won the game in the first place or think it could backfire

9 years ago

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If he didn't receive the game and marks didn't receive - he's fine.

If he doesn't receive the game and marks didn't receive, then the creator gifts him the game later and he changes it to "received", that is also fine.

The only time he will get in trouble is if he accepts the gift later, but doesn't change the feedback -- but that's unlikely to happen, since the creator will probably remind him to change it so the creator gets the CV for the giveaway.

EDIT: if the winner doesn't receive the game and later buys it for himself (or wins it from someone else) the creator can ask for a reroll, I believe. Not 100% sure on that one, though, so don't quote me on it.

9 years ago

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thanks for the reply yeah deleting is a way to go i was just wondering what if he forgets if it can backfire

9 years ago

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There is no automated system in place that checks if you have your wins activated when you sync your account (neither if you have games activated that are marked as not received).
That's why it makes sense to check up on your winners because there are no automated checks. Due to the many different versions of many games and the fact that Steam Api doesn't recognize most DLC automated activation-checks would cause too many falso positives.

Edit: SG tools won't notice neither so the only chance that could happen is if somebody goes manually through all wins marked as not received and crosschecks them against the libary of the person in question.

9 years ago*

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thanks for the reply it makes sence there is no auto system to flag accounts and i wanna believe noone would bother to check strangers profiles cause he ahs better things to do

9 years ago

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  1. Support will not treat permabanning lightly and will not put permaban on our hypothethical unlucky winner without proper investigation.

  2. There in no SGT check for "GAQs marked not received but that are on your account" probably exactly because of situations like the ones you mention.

  3. If he's ever asked about this situation he can really easy proof what happened, even if he didn't screencap the original conversation. In your account history on Steam each activated game comes up with a date. So if I won Witcher 3 6 months ago, marked not received and now bought it for myself it will show that I activated it today.

  4. Support will delete GA if both winner and creator agree on that. Deleted GA will still cost GA creator his GA slot anyway the same way as not received one does.

9 years ago

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thanks for the reply i guess makes sence that support will ask the winner about it b4 take action, Btw i havent saw the day of purchase or activation in a profile you said (also not using any add ons for steam) but i may have missed it

9 years ago

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Account Details -> View licenses and product key activations

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9 years ago

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ok thanks i know that option in case i didnt describe it correctly i meant if i check your profile i cant see when you purchased the game so it could mean that someone could report you since he jumped to conclusions but now its clear to me he would get in trouble for false calling out or somehting

9 years ago

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It's something you can only check for your own profile but in the off chance said scenario happens the winner could easily proof that they purchased it themselves.

In the Steam client click on your nickname in the upper right corner and click Account Details.
If the game was purchased over Steam directly it's listed under "View purchase history" otherwise under "View licenses and product key activations" ;)

9 years ago

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thanks i know how to check for myself for my profile if you read my comment right above it could help so i dont type the same thing twice :)

9 years ago

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Sure thing ;) No as far as I know it's not possible to check for other peoples profiles.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Good to know thanks for the reply

9 years ago

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If I create a group of friends and give away 5x Witcher 3 and 5x GTAV but never deliver.
Then I wait 1 year until those games are bundled, buy 5 bundles, retroactively gift them to my mates and receive unbundled CV because the GA was created 1 year before they got bundled? :P

9 years ago

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I know you mean theoreticly but don't give stupid people ideas ;)

9 years ago

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This kind of fraud is just asking for a permaban.

9 years ago

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the way you describing yeah but thats now what i asked

9 years ago

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You're not asking that, yeah. But if there was a problem like you said, that it must be forbidden for people who didn't get their won games to enter same game of giveaways or buy them on their own. Staff will not ban people permanently without controlling them first.

9 years ago*

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yeah make sence that they wont jump into a permaban right away i thought there is an automated system to help the admins but people made it clear there is not so that make things more simple

9 years ago

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Maybe SG also needs to check the time that marked as received or not. It should solve the problem.

9 years ago

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You will - and then when you are spotted you will get permaban for CV fraud :>
I guess SG keeps the logs of timestamps when someone marked as received/not-received, if these logs will show that suddenly all the people got their games after the bundle etc it will be no-brainer for staff ;)

9 years ago

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In the meantime you run the risk of people finding out about you and your friends. There a lot of detectives here who could teach Poirot and Miss Marple a thing or two

9 years ago

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That's a good question, I sure hope it's not possible, because that's a huge potential for CV abuse...

9 years ago

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So, if a giver doesn't give someone a game, and the winner buys it themselves, why do they have to give credit (and cv) to the giver?

I have a single giveaway the giver continues to refuse to give me a key for, and it has been in at least 3 bundles, and was even FREE!
I refuse to give him credit just because I happend to get the game for myself many months later.

In fact, I think it is nearing 5 months, and support has still not resolved this situation.

9 years ago

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they dont have to in a system that was automated to flag accounts which i thought existed but its made clear to me its not it could be a quick solution to not get flaged actually i agree with you you never have to givethe giver feedback as recieved

9 years ago

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how do you expect support to "resolve" your situation? If you don't get the game you mark as not received and move on, GA creator loses GA slot and doesn't get CV and that's all. If he does so more times support will suspend him for "Fake GA", he will serve 3 Days and that's it as well. Not really sure what else they should do in your opinion to "resolve" this situation - they cannot provide you the game themselves nor they cannot force GA creator to deliver the game.

9 years ago

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+1 It's all part of SG.

9 years ago

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I think he's talking about punishing the people who breaks the rules. Sometimes user reports will take more time than regular.

9 years ago

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but "not delivering" on itself is not a punishable offence so like I said - it's not really anything to resolve here. It could've been done by mistake and GA creator doesn't have another key, unless it happens more than once-two times (besides obvious cases) GA creator is granted benefit of a doubt - he could have made a mistake, he didn't create this GA thinking he will not deliver, thus as he didn't think about making a FAKE GA it's not considered as fake GA. Repeated offence will be treated as FAKE GA thou, but again - he will get 3 day suspension and that's it, nothing more to resolve here.

9 years ago

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Repeated offence will be treated as FAKE GA thou

Yep, I understand it. :3.

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9 years ago

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Woah woah there ;P

AlI I meant was, if it could be held against someone for not reciving one of their wins, would be uncool, is all.
Marking something as recieved and not activating it is a different thing, and I think this is infact what sgtools checks. (since they don't hold it against me for my one non-recieved game).

And 'reslove', the giveaway creator told me he contacted support to manually remove his giveaway, said it couldn't be helped that the dev supplied him with bad keys.
I would assume, that would take away my win as well, which I wouldn't mind at all.

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9 years ago

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If you make a Ga here by mistake you could just ask for it to be deleted problem solved.
ive had to have two deleted so far, one because the winner claimed the key was already used even tho i know for sure it wasn't as it came from humble and the second one i had posted the Ga for the wrong group and i asked them to delete it so i could make it for the right group,nether time did i have any problem with support granting the request.

9 years ago

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This kind of scenario is why we use human beings for Support rather than scripts. There are precautions in place to prevent or ameliorate such occurrences.

9 years ago

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