Everyone who applied the update is being blocked, since SteamGuard will recognize your device as a new one.
I've had Steam Guard enabled for months, and this morning (I applied the update last night before going to sleep), my trading was blocked.
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I can trade just fine, and have the newest updates. I was unable to access the Market for 'Two Weeks', but that was fixed after an hour.
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Looks like I'll be fine if I just never restart steam, right? right?
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Yeah, technically very few people should be affected. The only time it should affect someone is if they need to install the client on a new computer or do a re-install on the current one.
Your nonsense about logging in on a different browser or device locking the account is exactly the opposite of what's being said in that post. Any device that's already accounted for by Steamguard would continue to work as expected (although this seems a little bit iffy at the moment) and you'd only be "blocked" on the new device.
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well to sounter your argument - tommorow my brand new HDD I NEED to boost my performacce wicc come. I will need to reinstall my system so it run smoothly. And because of that I will not be able to make GAs for half a month. Awesome -.-
Not to mention the fact that not only me but as I talked with ppl many others have problems with android app (it requires steamguard every time we log into) - so any usage of it equals another 15day trading ban.
The whoe idea is outrageous - punishong ALL THE USERS (you may not be affected atm, but sooner or later you will have to reinstall your windows) because a bunch of idiots who deserve to be hacked (having same passes for steam and mail PLUS failing to scam or phishing) has to be protected... -.-
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I've updated and restarted - trade tested successfully. I know I'll be logging in on each of my computers at home though (even if I never intend to use them for gaming) just in case my main PC dies. Not being able to trade for 15 days would suck.
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Not really a problem with giveaways, one can always send the game as a gift.
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Oh. I thought a trade block wouldn't affect the ability to send gifts.
About the second point, I meant there's no need to give a won game through a trade. Of course getting the game is a different matter.
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I believe it does, as it's pretty much logical. If block takes place in order to save your steam items if you got "hacked" (read - was idiot using phishing site and having same email and steam password) then blocking gift sending is pretty logical. Because why block trading if person who stole your account may as well send all the gifts to his alt account and then receive them there nearly as fast as he could through trading?
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True, it makes sense if you see the block as a protection for the account's owner in case of hijacking. I was thinking of a generic trade block as punishment for misbehaviour, in which case gifting might be allowed.
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Using new device to log in is no misbehaviour ;) They just assume that if you log in from a new device your account may have been hijacked, so just in case will block you for half a month so you can get your account back.
What is bad that this way they are also punishing a lot more of usual users just to protect some idiots who don't know how to keep their accounts secure -.-
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I agree with you on all points. The thing is I assumed the applied the "ruleset" of punitive trade ban.
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Each time you log in from a DIFFERENT device? Or each time you log in from a device you didn't log in yet? Cause the first thing would render the smartphone app useless.
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Each time you log in from a new device, i.e. each time you successfully requested that cookie and used it.
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Oh Steam, you so funny.
But yeah, I'm blocked until the 2nd. This kinda sucks, I wanted to save that card.
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Deleting cookies automatically when closing your internet browser will also cause this. Many people do this as a matter of course.
I know Valve can do no wrong in the eyes of some people, but don't try and defend the indefensible, please.
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Who deletes cookies? I mean, under what circumstance is deleting ALL cookies =every= time you close the browser a good idea? Why not just browse in Privacy Mode all the time?
Cookies serve a purpose. You are free to delete your cookies; that is your right. However, it's then not anyone else's fault if you break things.
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It's my choice. I don't like cookies. I'm more of a cream cracker kind of guy. Besides, nothing should be broken simply by deleting cookies. That's just piss poor implementation. Anyone who sets up their security system based on the a gamble that users won't be doing this is an imbecile.
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Cookies aren't security, they are identification. Deleting cookies deletes your identification. This is why the system breaks.
You say that anyone who sets up their security system based on the premise that the user isn't deleting their cookies is an imbecile, but cookies were INVENTED for this exact purpose.
There has been a lot of fearmongering and misinformation about cookies over the years (especially back when cookies were first introduced as a concept. "My browser can save stuff to my computer? Is it going to save viruses?? Malware???"). Cookies are plain text. They can only contain information about you, and only the domain who saved it can retrieve it. They CAN be used to identify you to sites you've been to before, and some sites can use this to track your previous behavior, but that's about as dangerous as they get. Against this specific use of cookies, there are more-precisely targeted extensions for both Chrome and Firefox. There's no longer a need to delete EVERY cookie to be safe on the web.
AtomicWoodchuck, you know I <3 your most of all, but it's like you're burning your employee badge and then complaining when security won't let you into the building without it.
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It's so long because their support doesn't react quickly enough to stolen accounts. 15 days gives them plenty of time to verify that it is ineed the account owner that is contacting them. If it was a day, someone might not even realise they have been hacked, if they don't use Steam on a daily basis.
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I had to stop using my phone with steam because that was driving me nuts already. I was hoping they would fix it to not count my phone logging into steam chat as a device so I could use it again. Now it appears they made using my phone have an even worse response. They are doing such a fine job with these brilliant ideas.
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I hope that steam goes back and remove this option, I don't even understand why they need to do this when the security measures are good enough. Also they posted an actual update on the topic "To avoid this restriction from triggering you should not delete Steam cookies from your browser, deactivate Steam Guard on your account or reinstall the Steam client. If you have Steam Guard enabled currently and have had it enabled for 15 days on your account then you will be unaffected by this change." They are telling us to not delete cookies from the browser -.-' i usually delete them all and have my browser configured that way. Just great Valve.
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I can only imagine it's to "protect" people foolish enough to use the same password for Steam as for their email account.
I get the feeling nobody at Valve actually thought this one through....
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I think the same way. If they change this to sms system code i think it would be better. It would bring the two layer protection. And for the people who don't have a phone, maybe the secret answer?
Either way as it is now it would affect if not everyone, at least almost all users who use steam on different devices.
Edit : An user replied to me, saying that this would be good against phishing sites, who the hell does not check the link they click at least two times? Really this update probably are going to ruin most of the peoples time and trades...
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Instead of making a real support team, they are trying to delegate more work to automated processes (because, why hire 20 more people when you can try to stop all ways for stupid people to lose items, even if that means restricting everyone else from reinstalling OS now and then), making users suffer even more than before.
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That's why origin support works way better than steam at least from my experience (and i am a user of origin only 3-4 weeks ago). But they don't see that they are putting more steam users sad with this kind of service. I hope that at least they change something about this but maybe it's a false sense of hope.
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This is stupid. Instead of blocking you from trading entirely, what they should do is "lock" any items you trade or sell during this period so they can't be traded or sold again, and lock anything you receive in return, making it easy to reverse the transaction. Then set up a single-button thing they can use to revert all locked transactions on a particular account if it turns out to be stolen. Bam, problem solved.
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There should be an IQ test upon Steam registration. If you fall into the single digit category, you should have this "update" forced upon you for your own protection.
For the rest of us, we should just be allowed to carry on as usual.
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They're just being lazy pricks not wanting to roll back cleaned out accounts belonging to morons who get their arses dominated by visiting steamcornmunity.com and blindly bashing in not only their steam username and password but ALSO their email username and password.
So all of us get inconvenienced to wrap the thickos in cotton wool to stop them hurting themselves.
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I have the latest steam client and no problems.
Sure, the client bitches about not being able to sell anything to the market and something about cookies being blocked, but in my browser I can still sell stuff on the market so I guess it's just the client being broken on that front.
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What's all the fuzz about? .-. haha... As long as you log in once in the course of each 15 days with the device you want to trade with it will work. It doesn't care if you constantly switch from one device to another as long as both devices have had steam guard active in the past 15 days... o__o"
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"To avoid this restriction from triggering you should not delete Steam cookies from your browser, deactivate Steam Guard on your account or re install the Steam client."
I would like you to point out someone who hasn't done any of the above or isn't try to access it with a browser/device that they haven't used to access steam for more than 15 days.
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Yay..got locked out of market too, since I logged into Steam Community on a new browser.
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Ok..only just realized the lock is for the "new" browser only. On old ones should still work as usual?
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15 Days is a really long time, If should be a Week at most, if not 5 days. I don't trade personally, But still.
However, I can understand why they are doing this. Though, They should give users the option to disable this (Enabled by Default), Warning them that if they don't, bad things can happen if they are hacked. Now obviously it would take 15 days for the setting to take effect (As to not let the hackers in question just disable it and start trading away), but at least in that case its a one time thing.
Also give more options for people to protect there account with (Ex: Text the person a code, Make them use Twitter and DM a certain code, etc) in addition to the email that people can use if wanted. Though I guess this wouldn't really help the group this change is targeted to (Mainly, The people who make it easy for themselves get hacked in the first place like using the same password) as they probably wouldn't use it.
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DerrickG™ 24 minutes ago
We are going to make some alterations to the current restriction to make it less sensitive for users. Once the changes are made we will be sure to let you know ahead of time before they go live.
For now, the restriction has been turned off. You are now free to trade and/or use the market if you were hitting this.
Like the title says, once you apply the latest update, you're done for!
The new feature blocks trading from your account for 15 days. Each time you log in from a different device, the same thing happens.
Each time you reinstall Steam or delete the Steam cookies, the same thing happens.
Click here to read about this new "feature"
What do you think of this massive pile of doo doo?
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