Yes, the show was horrible..even Stargate Universe wasnt that boring and had more action and lesser emotional scenes than Defiance. ^^
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The show was terrible because it was a sci-fi show written by tv writers. It needs to be a si-fi show written by sci-fi writers.
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I personally loved the show, just wish i didn't have to wait a damn year between seasons, like just about every show on tv these days often with a near year long break midseason with no heads up when it will be back until days before it actually is back.
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yeah i got it when it came out have not played it that much. had a GTX 610 610 when i got it >.<
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I was one of those people, dropped less than a week after i payed full price for it. I could have lived with it more at the time if the game was actually worth the $50, was way too short for $50.
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Same. I still own it, and I'll probably still dabble in it, from time to time, but the endgame was underwhelming.
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Cool, kinda wanted to try it, maybe not terrible if they stick to cosmetic pay stuff and dlc.
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I got it the day it came out, made it to like ego 3000 or something and stopped. The game is so fucking boring. I honestly don't know how I made it so far to begin with.
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Gamersgate also, I almost got it.
Glad I didn't....
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Glad I didn't as well. Maybe I will try it out now though.
So what bonuses are people who paid for it going to be getting?
Edit: Question answered here
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tbh this is what the game now needs, i bought it early doors and it was well populated for quite a while but lately when ive been on its been fuckin dead. hopefully ftp will revive the game for people like me who bought it, liked it and couldnt be arsed trying to progress on empty servers. the good news is its pretty stable connection wise, i never really had any connection problems unlike another game i bought, The Secret World, which had serious connection stability problem from the get go. i for one welcome the, hopefully, influx of ftp players.
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from $50 to $10, now it's going to be F2P.
I've seen people play it, the game is barely interesting, more like a mock version of other games.
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Yup and i bought it for $50 days before it dropped to $10. It was a pretty decent game, only down side was how short it was and how little there was to do in it. Will eventually get around to playing it a bit more and doing the new stuff they added, last time i played was before the first dlc.
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Haha, just bought this for like $2 :P
Better farm the cards out before F2P hits, and I guess I'll be getting some bonus stuff. Oh well, at least I didn't spend $50.
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All of Trion is going F2P. Imo, Rift is done pretty well and is essentially just cosmetic type stuff in the market. It seems like Defiance will be viable w/o ever paying too if people don't want to. What they oulayed in their conversion post makes it seem a little like Warframes setup, where you get more slots and stuff if you pay/paid.
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"just cosmetic type stuff in the market" actually is "mostly cosmetic stuff".
There's a few other things in Rift cash shop, like fast-tracking to the end-game (but NOT getting the end-game rewards), and player housing / dimensions stuff. You also get locked out of a few bag slots - but that's MMO standard nowadays. And you need to either buy enough from the store or spend real cache before you can use the auction house. On the plus side, you can get store credits for in-game cash as well.
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"like fast-tracking to the end-game"
That should be a negative for most gamers.
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Why? I'v honestly gotten to a point where i don't see why anyone would care. If someone else wants to ruin their experience by just jumping and or rushing at 500% XP(or w/e) to max level why would i care? Hitting max level in an MMO should not be an achievement for anyone these days. That's where the game really "starts" in most cases. As long as they don't start handing out endgame loot for $$$ i don't see the problem.
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Huh...I think you misunderstood me? All I meant thats really not a game breaker or an advantage, personally I would want to earn my levels is all, most gamers I know feel the same.
I agree, no issues here with the pay model of this game, actually looking forward to the shadow wars(64v64 battles).
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Ah my bad then, it sounded like you were saying it's a bad thing :) I like to earn my levels as well and like i said i think you ruin your experience by doing otherwise but i have no problem with this option being sold to others, i know there are lots of lazy/time challenged people who just want to jump into endgame.
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Same here, but it is a nice option for the ones with little time I suppose, endgame isn't fun for me if I didn't get there on my own really. No connection I suppose if that makes sense.
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Because it lends itself to making an "endgame" full of people who don't know how to play the game (in comparison to someone who has put in their time to get there legit) and being surrounded by a bunch of people who don't know what they're doing is not fun. Although it has less of an effect in this game due to most of the gameplay situations being total zerg-rush chaos.
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i usually only run with guilds in MMOs so i'm not really bothered by stupid randoms but yeah i get where you're coming from, however i still don't see it as that big of a deal, not compared with what other, actually bad, f2p businesses do, like selling actual loot or dungeon access.
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Defiance was actually a really fun game for the month or two I played it, but it just doesn't have enough content to keep people playing. Going F2P is a bit of a double-edged sword though. Yes, it opens the doors for new players who wouldn't have paid to play it, but the downside is like with most F2P games, you get a higher concentration of immature people and assholes.
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Gotta form guilds, Im gonna call it
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Trust me, that has nothing to do with F2P but with having a larger population/community. You should give WoW a try some time, it's filled with all manner of idiots and assholes. Some with most other pay to play games i'v ever played that had a decent sized population. The larger the community the more bad apples you're gonna find.
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Knew it would happen eventually. I admit I waited for it to happen so I could try it without spending cash.
Other MMOs that will eventually go F2P? ( Just my predictions )
Wildstar. It wont take it too long to hit that mark I think. Regardless it will happen with this game.
Sorry the game's quality just screams it. I admit I am not exactly all that happy about saying this either since I was really interested in the game till after several sessions of the beta.. I had this same feeling for several other games and each one did go f2p.
Those games include, Age of Conan,Warhammer Online,Secret World,Star Trek Online, and Star Wars the Old Republic. All games I have been in beta for.. every one I predicted to go f2p. Keep in mind though I actually enjoyed playing these games. Age of Conan's issue was that it had no end content. The very little it had was a buggy mess that was also not finished. The devs admitted to even turning the game into their own PvP game. Eventually the company finally started listening to players but it was a bit late on that one. Warhammer Online.. It had its content issues as well as poor marketing sadly. Secret World, loved the ideas they had but the game is just not good enough to most people to shell out the cash month to month. Due to that they would have never been able to stay afloat with a sub based MMO. ( Honestly this is basically the same for Star Wars Old republic. However that game had missing content in it. I would also put Warhammer Online in this category. I can not with Age of Conan as the devs kept shooting themselves in the foot and not listening to players till it was too late for them to turn it around and keep the sub based form of payment. )
Believe it or not I will say eventually we will see The Elder Scrolls Online hit f2p. However, I think it will be a while before it does. I do admit though this prediction.. I will say I am not 100% sure on.
World of Warcraft will.. not be hitting f2p as long as Blizzard can help it.. :P ( Hey, it still has less expansions than Everquest did before it went f2p. Considering how successful both games where in their time. I think WoW Might eventually hit f2p but we will see a lot more expansions for it before that happens I think. )
Yes, I have played a lot of MMOs, alphas of,betas of, and released versions of MMOs.. prob some MMOs people never even knew existed. Like Matrix Online. shivers Case of a game that had potential. Ball being dropped by devs, and then SoE deciding to just let it die out instead of fix it. ( Like they did with Vanguard. sigh Still saddened about Vanguard as it was a really good game, and had great potential. If they would just fix some of the issues and work on the content they should have.. oh well. )
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Most people agree that ESO will go f2p, so you're not saying anything unbelivable. A lot of people, myself included, think it might not even hit the 6 months mark before announcing f2p.
I actually think Wildstar won't go f2p, unlike ESO it actually looks like it's fun and, if you love grinding it will give the option to buy game time for in-game currency, like EVE does. It might go buy2play at some point with a sub option for extra stuff tho.
Warhammer Online never went f2p, it just died when it's license ran out. They never really listened to players, they just pretended to. It didn't fail due to bad marketing, if anything it had a retarded level of marketing and hype going for it, it even had damn commercials on MTV and launch parties like it was some big name movie not a game, i think they blew most of that supposed 100 million $ budged on marketing. It failed because EA forced them to launch it 6 months too early just to beat WoW's WOTLK expansion. The lack of polish the early launch caused coupled with that retarded prelaunch patch that made the game run worse for everyone, poor project management, not to mention all the lies and broken promises during the first year of the game's life gave most people a bad first impression from which it never recovered. Hence the drop from 1 million copies sold to under 250k players in under half a year.
TSW is buy2play as far as i know.
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Yea that is a possibility. ( In terms of it becoming buy2play )
Just from what I played. The game just to me screamed that it wont be capable of staying on a sub based payment method for long. Who knows I could be wrong. Personally I would love to be proved wrong, since it would mean that the game would ( most likely ) be improved during that time lol.
Wildstar was one of the MMOs I really had my eye on for a while.. Though my eye is kind of on Everquest Next more so now. However I am a bit.. frightened with what they might do with it. Since Everquest Landmark, while enjoyable so far.. Well.. lets just say the devs are FAR behind the plan they set out for. They are on a deadline, so that should tell you why I am a little frightened about what might come of it. Landmark is basically going to be like the brother or sister of Everquest Next. Not a full blown MMO, but it uses the same engine, just more focused on building things than the MMO will. Granted the building aspect WILL be in the MMO however you wont have as much freedom with it from what I understand as you will with Landmark. ( Supposedly some things people are making in Landmark.. will end up in Everquest Next. I soo hope the dark themed tower, and dungeon I am building underneath will end up being moved into it :P Doubt it though.. )
EDIT in responce to your edit on warhammer online
It eventually was f2p for a period of time I know that. I remember getting emails about it. ( Or at the very least they talked about it. Hmm perhaps I should take a look at the game again if I can find my copy in what ever box I put it in.. ) They where going to try and make money off of content packs. Remember one such thing was the skaven. Thought it was still f2p.. for what ever reason they stopped sending me emails shortly after that. Last time I played Choppas and Slayers where fairly recently added. ( Liked my Choppa, who was funny enough named after a Chaos Ogre lord, Ghuth Spawnchomper.. Though I liked my Bright Wizard that I named Flameweaver. Can not remember if I gave him a last name or not. Yes I was thinking of Tzeentch when I made the name.. The "evil" faction, while they did have a equivalent to the Bright Wizard.. it did not have fire based magic.. and my brother was obsessed with playing as Dwarves.. so it was either play against him or that.. :P )
Double Edit
For me at least, I enjoyed the PVP in Warhammer Online. Was it balanced? No lol. However it was enjoyable. For me more so than Age of Conan's PvP and Rifts PvP. ( Since you mentioned it in your next post I remembered it lol. Though Rift's PvP I felt was more fun than Age of Conan's PvP.. prob my 2end most liked PvP in a MMO. So far at least. )
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Yeah i know about EQ N and Landmark, honestly, i have no expectations of it. I will probably try it with my friends since it will be f2p and everything but i'm in no way hyped for it like some people seem to be.
About Wildstar, who knows, only time will tell i guess, i talked to some people who played the beta and they were happy with it. Even if it does fail, i still think it will be buy2play, i doubt NCsoft will make it f2p this fast, they seem to have a lot riding on it.
You also forgot to add Aion, Rift and Tera to your list of hyped up MMOs that went f2p :)
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Hah yea. I did forget about those. I did like Rift to a point but.. their support was one of the worst I ever experienced for a MMO. ( That should say something lol. )
I avoided the hype for Aion and Tera thankfully.
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Haha, yea I do remember the people talking about it. Aion's biggest gimmick being the fact that your character gets wings and can fly eventually.. had a feeling that game was going to fall flat on its face when I watched videos for it. ( Then promptly ignored it and people who talked about it. Tera, I admit at first I was interested, then I watched some gameplay footage.. then.. lost interest :P )
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Nah, you just didn't read the "fine print" in those emails, they only made Tier 1 f2p. The only time it was truly free was the last 3 months before it got shut down forever and even that didn't bring many back. They tried to make more money by selling 10 extra RR for people to grind and that skaven thing. It's sad really, the game had the most potential out of all the ones you listed above yet they screwed it up so badly. Shame that they never added all that great content that was planned pre-launch and for a while after launch. I quit shortly before Land of the Dead was added and subbed again for 4-5 months a year later. Played on Eltharion and Karak Azgal(and a bit on Norn).
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Argh :( That is sad news. Oh well.. think perhaps someone revived the game like some people have revived the old everquest in that.. not soo.. legal but then later became legal.. way?
I remember wanting to try out the Skaven but I had too much going on at that time and I eventually forgot about it. Guess I will never know how they played now lol.
As for the other games I mentioned. Vanguard had a TON of potential. Sadly not marketed all that well, and they never finished implementing features it was supposed to have. ( Such as mounted combat, both ground and air. As well as combat on ships. It had one of the best crafting systems I have seen in a MMO at least. Vanguard and Everquest 2 both where amongst the best in terms of crafting systems.. but that is just my opinion :P )
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Well there is an open source project to revive it in a less legal way but i doubt there will be any real results in the near future. And yeah, i agree with what you said above, the PvP was never balanced but damn was it fun. I loved roaming and sieges :)
The skaven they added were more of a joke than anything from what i'v seen, too bad they never got to add them as an actual race as was initially planned, same with Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings...
I don't know much about Vanguard, never had any interest in it sadly :)
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Well, it already was KINDA Free to Play, you just had to buy it... As far as I know anyway, it was a one time purchase thing similar to the Guild Wars games.
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I saw it earlier on facebook
I know some people don't have/hate facebook so here's the copy pasterino of the news
"We're proud to announce that #Defiance is going free-to-play on June 4 on PC (July for X360/PS3)!"
Thoughts on this?
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