most people nowdays buy laptops, they're good for work and you can carry them with you anywere you go, that's why valve need to think about this margin of gamers
people who can not buy expensive gaming laptops and can not buy a desktop because they need laptops for study or work but wish for a little CS fun
Thats called a casual; and doesnt deserves any alteration of a game meant for "true" gamers. Also, a gaming computer isnt something expensive if you build it yourself. I got mine two years ago for $1000 and still can run any game at max settings.
Anyway CS:GO sucks at all; but not because of bad graphic performances with.. bad bad regs.
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no reason to be rude man :), also i don't speak just for mayself, I'm sure there are others who face the same issue, i know some myself not sure if they should buy cs:go (because it could probaly not run on thier laptops), also "If you don't have a spare $1000 lying around you seriously should not game" .. that's not true
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yeah true, $500 (or less) desktop can do the job perfectly, but some people, espacially students (including me) can't have the luxury of having a laptop for work, and a desktop to game with :), just buying the laptop destroys thier pockets ^^
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$1000 is too much to be honest :p, but yeah i agree with you, if you want hight resolution, everything maxed out, big screen or multiscreen gaming, you need to get some heavy hardware, but cs series was always about running well on any machine, heck, css can run smooth on my father's 6 years old laptop :), but cs:go just didn't make it and i feel they can optimised it more to run on an intel hd3000 or a hd4000 at least
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When I played CS:GO during the free weekend, on my Intel HD Graphics (keep in mind, this is not the HD 3000 or HD 4000, but something like HD 2000/2500), it ran at around 30 FPS when I tweaked the graphics settings, and used 720p resolution. It did lag at times and if I'm not mistaking there are a few features which goggle up a lot of resources that can not be turned off at all. So yeah, it could probably use more work but then again they did create a new CS game for the graphics to be good, nothing else, so they made it thinking about what it will look like on the beasty computers of hardcore gamers, not laptops of the common man.
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Well, i can run it on my 3 year old laptop with 256 vram memory and a intel core 2 duo so... I think Valve wants CS:GO to stay as the next 1.6, and they are really pushing a lot of updates and tweakings to please the hardcore fanbase. If they want the game to look good (to please the newcomers) and to stay around some time they can't make it so it works on the same computers that run 1.6. Vanilla CS is really really old. And almost anything you buy above 400$ nowadays can run CS:GO perfectly.
Oh, and i'm scepctic about Bioshock Infinite running on your laptop very well if it can't run CS:GO.
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In my opinion, yes, because i love CS:GO, but i play the PS3 version.
It's impossible to play in Office or Italy on Classic Competitive because there are only two freakin' maps. And Arms Race feels repetitive and bland because there are only two maps.
I don't have a PC capable of running CS:GO :/
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Well, new maps with custom gamemodes will surely not hurt the game. As someone who is not a cs fan at all this will probably make me at least check what people come up with.
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No. CS:GO sucks because of the movement and the feel of the guns. They just had a recoil update in January. It's sad because a lot of people took the time to give good and detailed feedback during the beta. Most of it turned out being ignored. Instead they add stupid stuff like helicopters when you first spawn in on Aztec. Also that fog. GTFO.
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Sure, CS:GO isn't for everyone, maybe not even the hardcore Source players out there. But I personally think it's one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played. The simplicity of it all is actually very appealing to me. Such a nice change from the hectic COD games. This is coming from a guy who didn't enjoy Source at all, despite the numerous similarities.
Before the workshop update was released, I definitely thought that the game needed more maps. Re-makes only last so long before they get ultra repetitive. Hopefully we can expect even more official maps (remakes or new maps), rather than just user made maps :)
Assault is now my new favourite map in GO btw :D
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I've read few articles saying with the annoncment of the new map maker in cs:go that the reason behind people not playing it as much as the older cs games is because there's a lack of maps
i disagree, i don't think there's a lack of maps at all (cs:go comes with many cool new maps),
i guess what cs:go lack the most is a better graphic optimisation, .. i mean cs games were always famous for the fact that they run quite well on any pc, even the older ones, cs:go .. just DOESN'T, even with my intel hd 3000 (i know its not powerful or anything, but it still quite well for a laptop) all settings set on low, 720p resolution, and i still can't get a playable frame rate, i just keep having that buggy feeling and in the end, i just give up :/
to the people who say get a desktop and a real graphic card, i know, to game on pc you got to buy a good desktop or a gaming laptop (which are .. expensive), and also think of how many people owns a laptop similar to mine with just an integrated intel graphic chip, most people nowdays buy laptops, they're good for work and you can carry them with you anywere you go, that's why valve need to think about this margin of gamers, people who can not buy expensive gaming laptops and can not buy a desktop because they need laptops for study or work but wish for a little CS fun,
so yeah .. valve if you can hear me, cs:go need more optimisations! ,we still can't get that 30fps even with everything on low
so ...guys, do you face the same problem ? do you think cs:go needs more work ?
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