It's been a few years since I lost someone very special from my life that had some on-going troubles with themselves.

I would like to spread some awareness for men out there.

If you, as a man, or, really, as a person, feel like the world is too heavy to carry on your own shoulders, talk with someone! Your family, your co-worker, some random guy on the internet; anyone! It doesn't even matter much if they do actually care. Just talk your heart and mind out if you need to do so.

Silence kills more than words can ever do.

Happy Men's Mental Health month!

1 year ago

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Did you know June is Men's Mental Health month? :)

View Results

Wow I didn't even know this was a thing!
Thank you for your kind words. While talking about mental strife is quite hard, hope those of us who struggle to find that courage. See that there is still a ray of hope somewhere and all is never truly lost. 🀝

1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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I didn't know. And I think it's important to raise awareness

1 year ago

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It's a bit sad people aren't really talking about this.
I haven't really heard much about Women's Mental Health Awareness Month in March either.

Some people are struggling with a lot of things in their day-to-day life; and we're not very encouraged to talk about these things because of all the stigma unfortunately :(

1 year ago

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Men will literally create 27 separate Valfaris giveaways before going to therapy.

1 year ago

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I apologize for the twitter joke.

1 year ago

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what can you do. It's a good game after all ^^

1 year ago

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Try making 27 separate giveaways instead of 1 with 27 copy, you'll flamed and blacklisted for "wasting people's points". Happened here lol

1 year ago

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damn, that is some entitled attitude to complain someone made separate GA...

I think I'll stop making multiple copies myself just to have a chance to make those people little more miserable.

1 year ago

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In Spain we have a day for mental health, not sure if it's international. But gender-specific mental health, nope. I guess it has its significance because men are often more against seeking professional help or even recognize they have a problem than women, and I've seen that all my life around me.

1 year ago

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Unfortunately, the statistics (although not necessarily completely inclusive) are really looking very grim for men.
Trigger warning:
"The rate of suicide is highest in middle-aged white men. In 2021, men died by suicide 3.90x more than women. On average, there are 132 suicides per day." - source:

1 year ago

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Yes, the suicide statistics are quite alarming. I know of two cases personally in recent years where a person I know more or less has without any warning taken a rope and went into woods. Both were white males. And turned out both had unresolved issues of childhood traumas and current emotional problems which they never shared with others for one reason or another. It is quite troubling.

1 year ago

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Unfortunately we live in a society that still literally tells boys that "men don't cry" and that showing off any negative emotion beyond anger is unacceptable and "for girls". And when these boys grow up with that kind of mentality hammered into their heads and bottle up their feelings until they explode on others or themselves, as a society we shake our heads and hand our heads but rarely question how we could affect change before things get that bad.

1 year ago

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Curious how those US statistics compare to other countries... I'm sure it's an issue in other places, but also over half of the US suicide deaths in that report were committed with firearms- which is most definitely a problem specific to the US.

I feel like I see plenty signs of improvement in the mental health of the younger generations. At least that's what I hope, although I can't be sure.

1 year ago

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Thats really sad I thought it was 2 times more not almost 4 times its very tragic

1 year ago

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Bill Burr has always in my opinion put it very precisely this fear guys have to act emotionally. His bit of course accents the way you have to suppress liking cute stuff, but it translates as well to talking about stuff and admitting you are not feeling well. There is still this stigma that real men don't cry or show emotion and I think it definitely should be encouraged to be more humane, open and emotional. It doesn't magically turn you gay (this is not meant as offense just to be clear, but in line with Bill Burrs bit) or revokes your manhood or whatever. I have a beard, ride bikes, drink whiskey and like boobs.. but still cuddle with my cat and cry when watching disney princess movies. And I can certainly say that even my best pals would find that weird. But that is of course a bigger ideological issue which only slowly is fixing itself. But spreading awareness to think about your mental health is definitely something worthwhile that I think truly touches in an issue that CAN be influenced. And yes - this of course translated to womens mental health awareness.

1 year ago

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And I can certainly say that even my best pals would find that weird.

It's not. Of course, Disney princess movies are serving well to be joked about, but it's about the actual content and own experiences you might get referred to by a movie, song or other media. Would anyone blame you for crying while watching Schindler's list (to show a different example)? A few nazis maybe.. but empathy is nothing to be ashamed for.
And imho it's more manlike to show emotions and be proud of them instead of having a fat lip in public and crying just in your hidden stash.

1 year ago

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June is a mental health month in general in my country.

But yeah, men need support. It's a good time to remember our friends to support our bros and remember our bros they have the right to talk about their troubles and there's no shame in seeking help. Often people believe a guy being open about their issues is a sign of weakness or whatever, and it's good to remind everyone that takes serious courage to admit you need support, medical help or therapy.

Silence kills. And humans need community - it's normal to feel you can't handle shit on your own. Stay alive, brothers.

1 year ago

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Thank you for sharing this. Mental health is incredibly important and I wish people were more comfortable with talking about it and others taking it more seriously. Stay strong fellow SG-ers.

1 year ago

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Happy Men's Mental Health month!
And happy Children's month!

1 year ago

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Be healthy, boys and men, mentally and physically!

1 year ago

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My mental health is disaster :( Thx for information. Now I know.

1 year ago

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Unfortunately, men's mental health problems really don't get the attention it deserve... In many communities, it's still something like a "taboo" - it's generally accepted that there is no problem... But the statistics say otherwise.

Thanks for bringing this topic up! Here is some obligatory stuff you missed:

1 year ago

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Genuinely the first time hearing about this.

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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Wow, you've demonstrated the root of the problem with impressive accuracy, just not the way you intended to. But good on you for opening up about your feelings and emotions. Too bad it's just hate and vitriol.

View attached image.
1 year ago*

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Well said.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Sorry if I gave you the idea that this was some sort of a discussion. It's not.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I'm sorry that your brother got into a situation where he felt to have no other way out. That explains a bit where you are coming from and why you are emotionally attached to it.
But I hope you can imagine that there are LGTB+ people who were pushed into similar situations. And that those "Nazi lesbians" have a background story as well, which might make their behaviour more reasonable. Is it okay to hate all white men because of it? No, of course not, but we won't solve segregation and hate by ranting about other victims and not trying to understand.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Exactly this !
In my company Women and LGBT groups are supported and you get almost daily reminders to be mindful of them. Naturally, except it being annoying, there is no problem there.
...but one day on a meeting someone asked if a group promoting men's health can be established - I suppose, there is no surprise that the man was shut up immediately and asked to stop promoting hate.

It's not even funny how they preach about exclusivity and acceptance, but as you said, if you are white male, this doesn't apply to you and it is OK to hate on you - even openly. I call that Hypocrisy

1 year ago

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There are more important issues in the world than rainbows and unnecessary overt sexualization.

Does the world stand still during Pride month? Can't societies manage several topics at the same time? Or is multi-tasking bad, because women are supposedly better at it?
Does anyone hinder you to support men's mental health programs and make them as big as the Pride movement?

You're complaining about hate, division etc, but already in your first posting you compared it to the other campaign and labelled it negatively. Why? You could have just posted about the Men's mental health issue.
You ironically brought up stereotypes ("Cause we all know middle aged white men are all [...]"), but calling the whole movement (down to the youngest member/protestant) "a cultist demoralizing political ideology" without knowing their individual reasons and background stories.

If you want your critique to be taken more seriously, you shouldn't do what you blame other people for.

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 year ago

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suffering and REAL injustice all over the world.
There are more important issues in the world than rainbows

Take a moment and read up what is happening in Uganda right now, e.g. here. Is this not "REAL injustice"?

1 year ago

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Yes. Exactly, that WAS my point!

1 year ago

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But the way you phrase it, you put a value to different aspects of human rights - at least it reads that way.

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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That is not what I am saying at all.

Did you read the link above about Uganda? There is a death penalty for being gay/... and I am pretty sure Uganda is not the only country around with such laws.

The questions you stated can be answered yes in many (western) countries, but can be also answered (in part) no in some western and some other countries.

Can you get married?
I am not sure if this map is most recent, but no to some EU countries.

Can you get a job?
Depending on your employer - no.
There is also peer pressure that you can not be open about your own gender definition, e.g. football (soccer). Of course there are some openly gay/lesbian/.. players, but many still hide it and only come out after their active sports career is over.

I am pretty sure you will find exceptions to your other questions as well.

If I understand you correctly, your main concern is, that the LGBTQ+ community is much more visible than other important topics. Do you have an idea why? My guess would be that many of the other issues are far away, victims speak another language, or minors want to forget and don't want to be in the media. That creates a bias in the percived media coverage. If you think about how many people taking (some kind of) action against the crimes you mentioned, without being victims themself, my guess would be there are more than taking actions for LGBTQ+ issues, without being part of the community themself.
If you now answer along the lines of "take a look at the comments here", I am sure, you will get much more comments and opposition if you speak out in favor of one of the other crimes you mentioned.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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There are idiots on social media on every topic. What you are describing above might be considered a crime in some (western) countries, but is probably protected in the US as free speech.

Working as a teacher, I do not see the children/teens in my school talking about LGBTQ+ much. There are (more or less openly) gay or lesbian teens every now and then, then there will be talk about it in their class for a week or two, afterwards all move on to another topic.

Going to another country and mock their way of life is a bad idea on any topic. Most people will try to change something at home first, before they will try to change it anywhere else.

If you take a look at history, there have been a couple of dominant topics in each generation, often discussed (or fought) along the lines of old/young, but also often along other attributes (properties? I am not sure about the right word here) as well (rural/city; poor/rich; ...).

If you got the impression that "it's shoved in your face every day", how?
A flag in some window?
A lesbian/gay/.. couple holding hands or kissing?
A pride parade?

1 year ago

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If you are missing a "war crimes awareness month" or something similar, why don't you try to start it. Call your local (political) representative and urge them to start it.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Unfortunately anger and hatred are the only emotions some men feel comfortable having, and sharing with the world.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Wow. Ok, sure. I'm a social Marxist. Didn't know that.
Seriously, talk to someone. And I don't mean people who make money off of baiting people like you who are in pain for political gain.
I mean talk to professionals who might help you understand the true origin of your pain so you can express it in ways that are not ostracizing you further from the world but are helping you heal and move forward.

1 year ago

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a blatant and tedious woke PR stun designed to generate profit

These stupid business people. Serving minorities instead of the majority to generate less profit. Wait..what?

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Well, we surely can talk about greenwashing, sportswashing etc., although that's far from this topic, but those are reactions by companies to development of the society. WEF & co also try to foresee future developments to be able to react fast and not losing money by oversleeping new trends. Way more important for every business is to increase sales and to maximize profit though.
Let's say a scientific forecast would come to the conclusion that in 2100 30% of humankind would buy only eco labelled products, while right now it's 5%. Would you only offer eco labelled products right now and let go of higher sales and profit? Just so nobody can later say "They sold non eco earlier, cancel them!" No, you would offer both types of products. Maybe using different brands, so people don't see directly it's the same manufacturer.
I don't think CSD or Pride started, because someone in the 70ies wanted to sell more rainbow flags. Feel free to prove the opposite though!

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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Oh, I know BlackRock and Vanguard and there is a lot to criticize, but more on the financial and investment parts.
When did BlackRock launched its ESG campaign? 2018. And since when do we have emancipation, pride movement or NGOs fighting environmental issues? '50s, '60s, '70s.
They are late to the party. And why? Because society slowly changed, they get political pressure (and have to stay on good terms with politicans just in case of the next bankrupt to get that nice taxpayer's money) and they noticed that they have to at least pretend to be liberal now. Anheuser-Busch isn't the first company to have a bad campaign. Looks like they wanted to be as hip as others, but oversaw their mostly conservative customers.
I'm not a fan of quotas, because jobs and roles in politics or society should be based on competence, and there are a lot of women who don't want fixed quotas for the same reason. However, there is a good example for a quota: severely disabled people. Something that we have here since 1953.

Now tell me who are these powerful interest groups who can force a $10 trillion valued fund manager to do what they want? And in exchange for what? And what's bad about making companies to offer some workplaces for severely disabled people or pay a compensation if they don't want to / can't do it?

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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Good mental health doesn't give you a free pass for being an annoying bigoted asshole

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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? was his account just deleted ?
He was replying just now and it appears as Deleted now

1 year ago

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Nah, he's still there. He just deleted all but one of his comments.

1 year ago

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Oh, thanks Wax :D

1 year ago

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Dang, I missed the last reply.

1 year ago

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I just saw this thread so I missed everything he said but I'm not surprised by his bad behavior. He won a brand new unbundled game from me and never said thx. Looks like blocking him was a good thing.

1 year ago

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The TL;DR was basically how "nazi-feminists" were to blame for overlooked men's mental health problems and a few other stereotypical dog-whistles. You can probably imagine the rest. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

1 year ago

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mmm yea sounds like something they would say

1 year ago

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I had no idea June was that. Interesting... I really thought it was mainly dedicated to Pride Month.

1 year ago

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I looked it up after seeing this topic, and apparently June is apparently the:
LGBTQIA+ Pride Month
Men’s Health Month
PTSD Awareness Month
National Men’s Health Week

Will keep this in mind from now on :)

1 year ago

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LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

I wasn't aware that there's now an "IA" after LGBTQ. But it nice to learn new things daily. Thanks for sharing!

Will keep this in mind from now on :)

Same. 😁

1 year ago

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PTSD Awareness Month

Wow, crazy and sad how this got overclouded so massively.

1 year ago

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Yeah... well it sure is important, but hey, at least we're in this together. Hopefully, you're not struggling with PTSD.

1 year ago

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No I'm not, thankfully. I just know how heavy it is for those who are. Thanks for caring though (⁠q⁠‒̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

1 year ago

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We gotta stick together. 😁

1 year ago

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It's a bit of an unfortunate choice of a month as two very important topics are competing for attention. Not that there's any month that's without this kind of competition

1 year ago

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I don't look at them as being a competition, but surely the Pride Month clouded the rest of the events. It became an event for some as celebrated as Christmas or other religious events are.

1 year ago

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I don't think they are intentionally competing either, but it's just that there's just so much attention you can give to different important topics at any given time, and if two important ones are happening at the same time, the attention will be split, or one will overshadow the other.

1 year ago

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It's also a larger number of individuals that can related I'd think, including women. So, men's mental health and PTSD Is commonly addressing issues men have. That doesn't mean women are not affected by PTSD or mental health issues.

1 year ago

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So I've got a question on a topic I still have difficulties to decide since about 15 years:
Imagine you love someone so much it can't be described with earthly words and you love to see them happy.
Now imagine you have an incurable illness which will lead to an early unnatural death.
You know it will make that precious person of yours sad af and will break her heart which will take a reaaaaally long time to heal.
Wouldn't it be easier to hurt her on purpose so it's easier for her to detach from the emotional connection? Would be over in a couple of months instead of decades and she can forget about you and be happy again with someone else starting a new chapter in her life.

Once you talk about these kinda things with the person of interest that's a one way thing, you will never be able to go back and do the right thing for the both of us. You tell her that and she will be worried sick no matter how she pretends to handle it on the outside.
Some may call this a dick move but it's a necessary thing to do considering both side's happiness. I wouldn't like to leave someone behind knowing they will be sad, worried, sick to their stomach for years after I'm gone or whenever they think of me.

Share your wisdom, humanity!

1 year ago

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If you love and respect that person, you don't make that decision alone. Love and respect their opinion as well, they deserve to be heard. And if they love you back, they will rather cherish the time you have together than fear the time without you. Grief only means that there was something great and important before. Don't rob them (and yourself) of the opportunity.

1 year ago*

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I considered that too but at some point it stopped making any sense since never knowing is easier then knowing even a tiny little bit and trying to get over it. It's like a virus, it will grow and spread and cloud her mind.
Also while cherishing the time that's left will slowly but surely wear her down and upon remembering will always be a negative and hurtful memory. Sure there will be a lot of positive memories too but at the end of that the negative ones will lunger.
Just like at the end of the day, after all the light, there will be darkness awaiting you. And the dawn will take longer to arrive since there is not much to do in the night.

1 year ago

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Easier is not necessarily better. The best things in life are worth fighting for and grieving about. Again: if you love them, you should also respect and include them. It's not a decsion to be made alone. If you decide something like that over their head, you don't see and treat them as equal.

I actually know quite a few people who lost their deeply loved significant other way too soon. And yes, of course they grieved. Hard and long. But eventually every single one of them overcame the grief and made peace with it. And to this day they cherish the memories. And none of them would even remotely think about trading those experiences and memories in for not having had to grieve.

1 year ago*

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that kind of grief would be the end of me and on the flip side I wouldn't want that to happen to my MVP - so that's again a pro for being a dick

1 year ago

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You do realize it's not really grief you're talking about, but fear? Fear of the unknown. Fear of death. Fear of being unable to cope. And you're projecting that fear upon the other person without them even getting a say in this. Maybe they aren't that fearful? Maybe they will prefer grieving if it means also being able to love? Why do you get to decide that for them? Who put you in charge?

I know you want to do the right thing and be considerate and not hurtful, but you'd be robbing them (and yourself) of the opportunity to experience life - of which death is an important part because knowing there's is an end to it makes life worth living in the first place.

1 year ago*

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nope, definitely not fear. Like I said I am busy with this riddle since 15 years, I put a lot (doesn't even begin to describe how much) of thought into it.
tbh depending on the circumstance - if I have to take the lead and put myself in charge I will do it and there is nothing no one can do about it.
It's my life, my decision. Of course I'll be more or less a dick upon deciding for someone else but that's something I can make my peace with knowing I helped that one special person who may think I was egoistic and will never admit to herself that I saved her a lot of grief.
Same with kids of your own - sometimes people don't know what they want and you gotta decide for them, for what's best for them.
And pls don't give me the "you don't know what's best for her, only she knows" - I do

1 year ago

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take the lead
put myself in charge
there is nothing no one can do about it
knowing I helped that one special person who may think I was egoistic and will never admit to herself that I saved her a lot of grief
And pls don't give me the "you don't know what's best for her, only she knows" - I do

That's a highly egotistical, narcissistic way of seeing things and people which honestly makes me question your definition and knowledge of "love".

Anyways: I don't think you've been struggling with making a decision. You've already made your decision, you're just looking for validation. Good luck with that.

1 year ago

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that there shows how you handle people that think differently than you instead of embracing the conversation and learning about other people's perspectives and how their mind works. you are focused on the dick part because it does not match your beliefs - you have a looong way to go to wisdom :)
Thanks and good luck to you too - cheers!

1 year ago

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It's not as hard as you might think to see how your mind works.

1 year ago

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Right back at you. I suggest we leave it at that before this escalates. ^^

1 year ago

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I think choices like that are always hard to make but ultimately it's wrong to make someone else's choices.
If you love someone, truly, you'll want to protect them of course but you also have to consider that they have a right to make that decision for themselves and stick with you or walk away.
If you rob them of that choice, imagine how sad they will be if they find out.

1 year ago

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I considered this too but imagine how they will never ever find out and you're good to go =)
There's a lot of pro and con on both schools of thought and it circles around all the time - that's why I couldn't decide for 15 years xD

1 year ago

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I'm sorry that you are in this situation and it's very considerate how you think about it.
However, as others pointed out: strong people don't want to be protected and they also want to decide on their own. If you do it for them, they will question if you judged them falsely (as not capable to do it themselves). That would be a big disappointment.
Of course they might never find out.. but that's gambling.
Our time is limited. It's all about the time we shared, the fun, joy, the hurt that we shared. If you had relationships before, which might have had a bad ending: do you think of the bad ending when you look back? Or do you try to remember the good times?

If I get you right, you already waited for 15 years. I don't want to arrogate what's it like in your situation, but I guess you're trying to live to the fullest while you can. Maybe your significant other would like to do that within the remaining timespan, too?
People die of accidents and other stuff from one day to the other. Unlikely, but in theory that could also happen to you or to the other person (strongly knocking on wood). Now you could say that it wasn't bad to never talk about it, since it wouldn't have any effect.. but you might also regret having had such a secret all the time. Additionally, they might have already sensed that you have a big secret, which could lead to various issues.

1 year ago

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I'm not in this situation but honestly I'm afraid to ever be in exactly this kind of situation xD
I mean this is a really delicate matter, you can't just 'try something' and play with someone's life or psychology like that. This needs proper consideration and precise action - no mess ups, no traces.
Also this is not about being strong but saving sparing a precious human being from some trouble.

Put it plain and simple:
You love your mother and your wife equally. There comes a day where you need to save one of their lifes and you can only decide/save the one or the other. What do you do? Go!

1 year ago

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Telling the truth isn't "trying something". And apparently I shouldn't have used "strong". If you protect people behind their back, they will question why you thought you had to. They will see your good intention, but will be disappointed nonetheless. Based on my own experience.

Not sure about the context for that second dilemma, but who am I to decide about life or death.

1 year ago

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That's a solid point.
The second one was just an example.
Let's pretend your involved in a car accident and there's fire and a gas leak.
Your wife and mother are in the trashed car and you have seconds to drag them out which will not be enough for both of them.
It's unlikely to get into a situation like that and I hope you never need to go through that. I just like thinking ahead of things and be prepared to situations in life that are real and can happen when you least expect it.

1 year ago

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I see. If you like "Choices Matter", I can definitely recommend Telltale's Walking Dead games, but you surely have played them already.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Everyone deserves happiness and mental well-being. I had no idea that this month was MMHM, but, I fully support a man's right to be vulnerable, to be open and honest about what they feel, and to find the help they need to cope and heal. Free of blame, free of shame. If you can reach out to someone, please do.

1 year ago

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This. Most men from my generation that I've encountered till now think that focusing on your masculinity on every possible occasion is the only way to be a man. I wouldn't say that everyone tries to show some "Sigma male type of" personality, but I hardly know anyone with whom I have had a discussion about this topic in the past.

1 year ago

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screw masculinity, femininity and everything in regard.
Just simply live by the rule 'treat others how you would like to be treated' and think before you act!

1 year ago

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Sadly it is something that gets fed to you from birth. Need to be the strong manly man or you're the laughing stock. I remember as a kid how a lot of the cartoons I watched and the books I read tended to treat men showing weakness or a non-masculine side as a joke, something that you should laugh at and make fun of. It's hard for that to not shape the way you see things when you constantly gets exposed to these kinds of ideas during your formative years.

1 year ago

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stand above it, you're better than that - don't let dumbfuck society shape you, shape yourself!

1 year ago

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Easy to say, not as easy to do I'm afraid.

1 year ago

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Absolutely true.
You gotta start somewhere to make progress - little by little.
They will call you names and talk badly about you <-- easy to spot these kinda people and cut them out from your life.
Who needs those lobotomized vegetables anyway Β―_(ツ)_/Β―
It was hard for me too, especially the first step. But after that one step leads to another and you grow and gain experience as well as ease of mind.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 year ago

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Psychologists are expensive lol

1 year ago

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Maybe that's one of the things that needs to change?

1 year ago

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yeah, not sure how that would be fixed tho, psychologists gotta eat too, just another thing about capitalism that sucks

1 year ago

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A lot of countries heavily subsidize healthcare, and that includes psychiatry, even otherwise capitalist countries where they consider certain things to be important for society to work, like education, basic infrastructure and of course healthcare, so it does not end being a massive economic burden for anyone who needs it.

1 year ago

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That's the worst advice you can give someone that has mental problems.
Psychologists are full of crap. How do you even open up to someone who literally listens to you for money - that's corrupt/sick in so many ways.
Better open up to someone that is close to you.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 year ago

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you got a point there.
Sadly getting told "go to a psychologist" is the worst thing you get to hear from someone because it is heavily affiliated with negative background. That's drilled into the heads of people. Also psychologists may have advanced techniques and knowledge to help but they can only point you towards the right direction, they can't get you there though. It's something you gotta go through by yourself with the help of friends, family, pets or whatever you depend on that positively impacts your situation and health.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 year ago

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Sounds like you ran into some bad psychologists (and/or therapists?). Or maybe it's a medical insurance thing? I don't wish to assume.

Mind you, not every person working in the field is right for every patient. Sometimes you have to look around a bit to find someone whom you have good chemistry and feel safe with. But you also have to be honest with the person trying to help you, of course.

While opening up to someone that is close to you is an option, and by no means a bad one, friends and family may not be equipped to be dealing with the severity of your needs and/or issues. I do think looking for help in your own environment is a good first step, but as with all things, it is very case by case and subjective. And also, not everyone has someone like that, just how not everyone finds themselves able to visit a professional.

Nothing is ever fully black or white in this field, and people need to figure out what works best for them. Me personally, I always find it easier to open up to strangers whom I can just up and never see again if things get awkward. I don't need to worry about crossing paths while getting groceries. But telling things to someone I might meet again several times irl, and telling them things might make things weird between us, that is one of the things I fear. You can't unsay what you said, and some things affect people even if just on a subconscious level. They might not even intend to treat you differently but still do.

I digress though. I think the worst advice you can give someone is absolute advice. There are always options and choices (though there is never a guarantee that any of them will be appealing, of course). Mental health is highly subjective and personalized, and it is important that people, once they have the courage to reach out for help, know that there are many paths to take, and that it may not always work out with the option they chose. But there's always more options to try.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 year ago

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I absolutely agree - there is A LOT (gray) facets in between!
Talking to strangers about it is also a very good point.
And yeah, words can cut like a knife, so you gotta be real careful about what you say and what you meant to say.
Thank you for typing it down for other people that might need advice :)

1 year ago

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I did not know that this was Men's Mental Health month, so I'm really glad that you made this post! It's something that really should get more attention. Can't really add much to the thread, other people have brought up most of the important issues. But have a bump, so more people can see this thread.

1 year ago

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Man's what again? Never heard of it.

1 year ago

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I'm just gonna leave the link to this game here that fits the month's theme -
Please ignore the silly title. As the saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

1 year ago

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Dang, that looks like a game with a lot of heart! And I honestly probably never would've checked it out because that is an extremely silly title lol, so thank you for sharing it <3

1 year ago

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No problem.

1 year ago

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The thing i find sad is how the media constantly talks about women struggles, but we men apparently are privileged and live a happy life.

If you go into statistic, you get shocked:

  • men are twice as likely to be sentenced to jail after conviction than women and receiving on average 63% longer jail sentences
  • men are often overlooked as victims of domestic abuse
  • although men make up just over half of the workforce, they experience more than 90% of workplace fatalities
  • suicide rate among men is over 3.5 times higher than that of women
  • women can expect to live five years longer than men
  • men are at much higher risk of being victims of violent crime than women
  • boys of divorced parents are more likely to experience behavioral problems, academic difficulties, and mental health issues
  • women win child custody rights a staggering 90% of the time
  • one in five single men report having no close friends
  • nearly one in three young men report having no sex in the past year
  • if you are wrongfully accused you may lose your reputation and sense of self-worth, respect, and place in community. What’s more, you can lose your career, friends, partner and freedom. Also may have to spend your life savings on legal defence
  • an OECD report on gender in education, across more than 60 countries, found that girls receive higher marks compared with boys of the same ability. Researchers suggest girls are better behaved in class and this influences how teachers perceive their work
  • studies state females' brains develop about on average two years earlier than male brains, so women should have big advantages in school
  • the gender gap in obtaining a college degree is wider in America now than it was in 1972. In 1972 there was a 13% gap in favor of men, now it is a 15% gap in favor of women. So the gender inequality we see in colleges today is greater than it was 50 years ago!

I don't even want to go into all this feminst bulshit. How if you disagree with a woman, they instantly call you misogynist. And the most stupid slogan ever from the MeToo movement -> believe all women....really? Everybody can lie, you need proof to accuse somebody of a terrible crime!

Men stay strong, go to the gym, workout, the most important thing is that you accept and love yourself

1 year ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago*

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Totally agree

1 year ago

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Well, I didn't know about this thing.
I'm glad to know that now it is.

It is a big deal, since men are not usually open minded to talk about feelings and such.
I've been suffering from anxiety and depression for the last 5 years and been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Thank you for bringing this up. And I'm very sorry for your loss.

If anyone needs help or even someone to talk to, I'm open to this. Feel free to add me on Steam.

1 year ago*

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If only there was a happy pill and if it cost me 1 euro per day, i'll take it.

Everyone thought me moving would be so great, both me and mom sunk into loneliness, even me towards depression in the beginning
which already made me sunk into drinking 3 times (although the third time i wanted to cancel it but couldn't anymore) which resulted in more depression afterwards.
Yes i am getting a cat, but i don't think that would be the complete solution, i want female companionship, and at a certain age it's hard (either taken, got 3 kids (i have no room for).

Also i am just fine with diazepam/temazepam, i can live on it, better if there was something else that worked longer, but they did some stupid standard test and tie a diagnosis to it, noone in my family, nor me can identify themselves in, nor would it really matter treating what i do have in my opinion, it's like treating all those kids that are just slightly a handful diagnose them with ADHD and put them full with ritalin.
A friend said if you really dig far into people you will always find something, and that's true.

1 year ago

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Happy Norah Mary Vincent Day.
Too bad everyone else still doesn't care.

1 year ago

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Sounds like she was a very active and interesting person

1 year ago

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Also Earl Silverman Day

1 year ago

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it's sad to see the pattern repeat over and over. those who died trying to bring light to the darkness they witnessed in person about this matter, brought only their own death. at least, til the end, men will still have the man up at their side.

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1 year ago

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Men's mental health issues are so horribly overlooked! You can be strong and masculine but still be vulnerable to mental illness, no human is entirely immune to suffering! If you need help please reach out and get help!
"Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have, but they don't have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together."(Norah Vincent)
Happy Mental Health Bump!!!

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1 year ago*

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Thank you for bringing this topic up <3 It kills me that the vast majority of men in my life have absolutely abysmal mental health and refuse to or think they simply can't seek help. There's no shame in having emotions and talking about them; we're all human and feelings are par for the course after all. I know it's a hard hurdle to jump when you've grown up being fed all these hyper masculine ideologies but I hope that with some support and courage, more men can allow themselves to open up to people around them. After all, poor mental health doesn't just hurt you, it ripples out and the pain inevitably splashes out onto those around you as well. True strength is having the bravery to face yourself and be better.
Much love and hugs to y'all!

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1 year ago

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