what's the most trustworthy off-steam website to buy a csgo knife?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Is it cheaper than steam market?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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It don't give trustworthy off-steam websites to buy csgo stuff or other stuff in that direction...

4 years ago

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I have only ever heard of one site for that kind of thing that is actually trustworthy. In general, it is better to look for specific traders rather than specific sites.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Is it just me or does the OP sound like he REALLY wants his steam account stolen?

4 years ago

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"trustworthy off-steam". ERROR. undefineable parameter

4 years ago

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There are plenty of sites I would trust more than Steam where everything isn't made worse couple times every year. And plenty of scammers and spammers on Steam.

4 years ago

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those are scammers on steam, not valve itself.

4 years ago

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People get scammed by Valve too like first getting scammed to pay real money for imaginary pixels and then when you'd like to trade those pixels for other pixels they just put a tradeban on all pixels forcing you to spend more and more real money.

4 years ago

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Well, this is a free world, you can think that way, I don't share that opinion tho.

4 years ago

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It seems by your definition that you are also getting scammed if you pay money for imaginary data that you download into your machine to play imaginary games.

4 years ago

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No it doesn't seem like that at all. Games affect something unlike couple pixels. Also who is paying real money for games either? That's what imaginary Steam money is for.

4 years ago

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It does seem like that indeedl since you are establishing the value of an item by your own arbitrary standard, which is "a couple pixels". A digital book is nothing more than black and white pixels in your screen. No value according to you. A digital movie is nothing more than coloured pixels going fast in your screen. No value according to you. A game is nothing more than coloured pixels going fast according to your keyboard inputs. No value according to you.

I don't particularily like DLC skins and I've never paid for them, but you dismissing the OP's request since "iTS jUSt a COuPle oF piXEls" is you being facetious and trying to act superior since you don't pay for "fake stuff (when you actually do). Digital items possess value irrespectibly of "how many pixels" they have, and in this case OP (and an entire community) sees value in limited skins for weapons in a game. No need to be snarky in the comments just 'cause you don't like them.

4 years ago

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You don't seem to get the difference between purely cosmetical as in doing absolutely nothing at all differently than without paying and something that actually gives you something new that you wouldn't have without paying. Literally the only thing those knives do differently is the couple pixels others see on screen. So are you saying that you can tell me everything that happens in a movie without watching it or something?

4 years ago

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What you don't seem to understand is that cosmetic digital items, like every single other digital item, has an inherent value independent of whether you like them or not. End of story. You are being dense for the sake of argument.
Paying for a knife skin gets you whatever you want out of it. It is doing something for you (you like the cool skin, gives you bragging rights, shows your economic status...etc), otherwise people wouldn't spend +200$ in them. I am not interested in any of those things, and I bet you are not either. Still people buy those things for their own reasons and the access to that content has value.

4 years ago

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Sure they do have great imaginary value of giving you absolutely nothing except the bragging rights to being so rich and stupid that you can waste money on imaginary things. Which is why I'm interested in them because I can sell them to stupid people who imagine they got something of value. But I still don't imagine they are worth anything nor would I ever pay real money for them. There still is no content in them outside the couple pixels even if you imagine they are a movie or a game.

4 years ago

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https://cs.deals/ for example, that's what I would trust most. All non-Steam sites usually have -30% prices at least compared to Steam market if you're wasting real money on the pixel knife.

4 years ago

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I’ve brought all my knifes of steam market as I’ve been scammed before from websites,
My advise if you pay a little more from steam market you know you won’t get scammed

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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always sold and bought things here

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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hehe just saw this as i posted ;p

4 years ago

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I think its more in a way of when people play a game so much and enjoy they don´t mind spending a little money for skins or weapons or pets or boost or extra bagspace or extra dlc content-season pass or whatever you can think of thats available in a game which could make you stand out more or be usefull or just for the fun of collecting a certain item-pet and in the dlc -expansion case just to see whats beyond the current game for example rocket league :p . Would i buy a knife in cs go myself no but i don't think it gives you a edge in cs go as it mainly focus about skins but i could be wrong. But this is just my opinion :)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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People use the knife to rush from X to Y and then use their primary or secondary weapon. In some weird ocassions they might even use It (stabbing) and they will show It off at the end of the round. It looks cool, I feel unique, I wear It proud etc, etc.

4 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by xSPYROx.