What about you, do you think you need to clean up your wish list too?
Once in a while I also check my Wishlist and my Followed list (not at the same day or whatever since that will be crazy!) and remove stuff since at first a game can look great but then later, when it has more reviews and info, it can be not as good as you were hoping and rather not have a list full of games I don't want anyway.
I use my Follow list as a placeholder for games that are either not out yet and also no demo to try or games that are out but to little reviews to be able to decide for sure, that way only games I am way more sure about end on my Wishlist ^^
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Congrats; I can only imagine how long that must've taken! It also doesn't help that everyone demands that you wishlist their game, even if it's not even in early access yet. How am I going to put something on my wishlist if I don't even know if it's something I'll want.
Mine clocks in at 48 right now, but I do use my follows a lot and check them at least monthly, and Steam isn't my primary platform, so that cuts it down, too.
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I don't mind that my wishlist will reach 1k sooner or later, I use price alerts for those games that I consider truly essential "must haves".
Ofc I still do some sort of cleanup but that's usually more about getting rid of a dozen or two wishlisted games. Not hundreds.
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You managed to clean it, but I don't know how to rank the 37 games on my wishlist. I want them all equally bad!
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My wishlist used to be tiny and I used to follow games instead of wishlisting, but yesterday I finally got to clean my followed list and moved games that aren't EA/that aren't getting regular updates and that I'm 100% certain about wanting to get, to the WL. Now I have around 200 games in my WL, which isn't that many considering how many cool indie games there are on Steam these days. Now to order my WL is a whole different task, and the one I'll probably fail at, cause my preferences vary too much from day to day heh.
Thanks for the GAs.
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Bump da thread for Karma!
Thank you for this, was interesting
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Took me an hour to take about 50 from mine, scrolled a second time and couldn't pick any to remove, guess I'm stuck.
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For the longest time I kept my wishlist at under 300 games, but havnt really worried about it in a couple years.
Once in awhile I go back and remove those i added to help promote interest to their new game, and if it has poor reviews or been abandoned, i remove it.
I honestly use my wishlist as more of a watchlist, as i currently have lots of excellent games to play and only really ever buy bundles from time to time.
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I think the number of games on my wishlist that are fully released and available for purchase in Russia is less than 100, so there's hardly any need to clean it up.
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Do I need to? Yes.
Will I? No.
The reason I got almost 1k on wish list cause I never got to play games when I was younger.
3 years ago, I didn't even have a pc.
Like people are playing Elden Ring. I am only at ds2 in 2022. Ds3 got no regional pricing. So stuck at that.
People are playing Final Fantasy (the guy going to crazy about chaos) where as I got final fantasy 1 on wishlist cause pixel remaster increased price. I bought Assassin Creed 2,4 just recently.
Basically what I am trying to say is I added a decade worth of games I have heard about but never got to play. At least most of them.
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I cleaned mine some time ago - most games I removed were fighting games, after I realized I was not really playing the ones I already have. I like using the "Ranking" feature on Steam, where the highest ranked wishlisted games are the ones I really care about - around the 100 or 150 mark, most games become "nice to have", but the top ones are the ones I'll actively track the price and buy if they go on a deal.
Congrats and thank you for the GA's!
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500+ here. I just use it to keep track of sales and when to buy.
Also I'm very lost, I can't even find the puzzles...
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Maybe you're just not used to them.
You have to find a series of 5 characters to get to the first giveaway.
With them you have to use the basic giveaway links https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/XXXXX/
And a little clue in picture to find the first giveaway (hoping it doesn't confuse you more)
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Hello everyone,
Over the years I have added and added games to this list without really removing any.
So I passed the 1000 mark a few months ago and I decided to start but I had to find some time between 2 games ^^
I made a first run a few months ago, rather easy where I went from 1000 to about 600.
Then a second one a few weeks later where I went from 600 to 300 games, pretty easy too :)
More harder but finally 10 days ago I set myself the objective to select only the best of the very best (mainly in agreement with myself) and to go below 100 games.
After a first run i got to 110 games, so the objective was not reached !!!
The next day i made a last run and here I am today with a list of 70 games only.
Honestly i'm quite happy with myself, it's very easy to add games and much more complicated to sort them out.
Even if it's an eternal restart, now I can see more clearly :)
To thank you for reading I made 7 puzzles for 7 giveaways.
=> All giveaway end October 16th 7pm CEST
In order the games concerned:
I hope I didn't make any mistakes in my puzzles.
As long as you don't give the answer directly, feel free to help other with tips.
Have Fun !
If you look the link of the first game you can see https://store.steampowered.com/app/465200/Fury_Unleashed/?l=Ga6z7
If you take the last 5 characters of the link you get the code to access the first giveaway
= Ga6z7
a4z8t30p are a part of the url to access to a puzzle on jigidi.com
Solve the puzzle and get the code
= YjFmK
For this one i had to zoom in on the image where i added a red rectangle (see 1st image below) and then use a mirror effect (or a real one) in order to read the 5 characters of the code
= 6eLfZ
723247785a is simply a hexadecimal coding
= r2GxZ
For this one I added in the description of the image the message "Hi from Tucs = 294wh"
You could see it with online tools or simply by opening the image with notepad for example
= 294wh
The labyrinth puzzle was probably the hardest
There are 3 parts to this puzzle:
First, you had to solve the maze to obtain 5 combinations
In the order it gives:
Then we had to understand the function of ↑ and ↓.
These only appear on letters, you had to understand that ↑ meant that the letter before it had to be capitalized. ↓ therefore meant lower case.
Now we have:
And part 3 is to find the right order of the letters.
To do this, you had to look at the text tags on each of the images of the mazes
In the order we could read the following words: Meet Sun When And Rain
By putting the words in a more logical order, we can read the sentence: When Sun and rain meet
It was necessary to understand that when the sun and the rain meet we see a rainbow
Then we replace in the order of the colors of the rainbow the combinations and we have:
We got the code:
= vFTWx
And finally the last one much easier
AUCGAUCACGUGAUU is a genetic code and by deciphering it
The image was there to show you the lower case or upper case depending on the height of the podiums.
= idHvi
Congratulations to all those who made it to the end.
Many thanks to the participants, I hope you enjoyed the event.
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