Oh... Well that's just shitty. I dropped a level because of it.
Well, thanks for the answer anyway.
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https://steamdb.info/app/388410/ . Where I don't see more then 90% ??
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Where does it say , steamdb-> 69р. at -90% for Russia , does 69p == 1,5 $ or what ?
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Ok ... then some one from support please tell me , when was the price for this game 1,5$ , because on steamdb it says -90% not 95+% ... hmmm !!!
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its not hmmm... RU has lower prices than us. So here is 90% off 5€ and RU is 90% off $1.5.
For 5€ we can buy 1 gift. They can buy 3 gifts for 5€ in RU. So "its like" more than 90% off.
RU has base prices lower. Thats why its lower in RU region. Added to bundle list bcs it can be "exploited" as i writed in second line. They can buy 3 gifts for 5€ and we can buy only 1 for 5€.
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hmmm was for dramatic resons :D ... So let me see what you said we buy for 5E(U.E here) and they buy for 1.5$ ...
1.5$ means more than 95% from the base value which is SUA ... so why doesn't the steamDB show that the price for Rusia is 90%, this is what I am asking .
And I believe that this is stupid , for SUA the game is in $ but for us is in EURO and of course $ != Euro so why is 50$ and 50 Euros. This was off topic so you can ignore it , this is more from macro-economy and global policy and so one :D .
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SteamDB in lowest recorded price show you discount compared to REGIONAL price. Because it can happen that game goes on different sale in different regions. To get actual discount you have to COMBINE Lowest Discount in region and Converted Price discount, in case of DS2:DE it will be 90% combined with 64,49%. So 0.1*0,3551=0,03551 aka combined discount was 96,449%, it is more than 95% so obvious Bundle List ;)
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So 0.1*0,3551=0,03551 << This is what i wanted to know, Thank you zelghadis :D
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Was it because it was discounted %90? If so, there are other games that have been discounted %90 but are not on the bundled list?
If a game gets bundled or not depends on if a game costs 5% or less than its US base price anywhere in the world. This means that if something gets a deep discount in Russia which makes it cost less than 5% of what it would normally cost to buy it in the US, the game will get added to the bundle list.
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I noticed shobo doesn't follow that rule anymore, its more of a guideline:
example: The Humble Staff Picks Bundle: Glen, bta games = about $1 average per game in the bta
Fahrenheit $10 game for $1, so a 90% discount. [added to bundlelist on april 13]
GRAV $20 game for $1, so 95% discount. [still NOT on bundlelist]
both were in same bundle, and the same tier....
Was Fahrenheit ever TRUELY $.50 or less or free somewhere on april.13 that I missed?
another example: Alien: Isolation, $50 game, was what, $2 in the humble monthly, and still not on bundlelist?
not to mention all those ign non-bundle games never being 95% off. (I think someone said people were using credit card fraud to get free keys, and ign doesn't revoke keys, unlike if someone credit card frauded humble/steam/greenmangaming/etc., their games get revoked later)
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Wait, why add the values together? That seems really really unfair.
Spcially since the bundle list is for individual games, then we should judge based on individual games.
That makes the 95% off rule apply only to certain 95% off games. And not apply to all "not 95% off" games. (my wording not so good here :P)
Lets continue using the humble staff picks: glen for examples:
$179 @95% off = anything below $9 = bundledlist
since the bundle cost $12, that is NOT 95% off and all the games should NOT be added to the bundlelist.
Now if you do it by tier:
$1 tier for $55 @ 95% off = anything below $2.75 = bundlelist ($1 is below that)
$6.05 bta (it was a various price point) tier for $90 @ 95% off = anything below $4.50 = bundlelist ($6 is not 95% off)*
$12 tier is a single game, and would never be added to bundle list, as the game wasn't less then $1.75.
*I don't know how many people were lucky enough to get the bta for under $4.50, I recall the bta jumping to over $5 rather quickly. And with various bta prices, shobo should pick the actual average stats for the bundle when the sale is over.
edit: I take it shobo at least does it by tier... thank god for that.
edit2: if shobo truely does do the 'added togther value', than many bundles totals were never 95% off, and those games should be taken off the bundlelist. It dosen't matter, we can't correct shobo.
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Wait, why add the values together? That seems really really unfair.
It's really the most fair system. You're buying a collection that, on its whole, has an effective discount of 95% or higher. You're not buying them individually.
*I don't know how many people were lucky enough to get the bta for under $4.50, I recall the bta jumping to over $5 rather quickly. And with various bta prices, shobo should pick the actual average stats for the bundle when the sale is over.
Considering price glitches that last for a short time will still cause games to be bundled, I guess they'll go with the lowest BTA.
edit2: if shobo truely does do the 'added togther value', than many bundles totals were never 95% off, and those games should be taken off the bundlelist. It dosen't matter, we can't correct shobo.
It would seem like for "actual" bundles, the 95% rules is not quite as strict, it just needs to be in the same ballpark.
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Thanks for sharing games but this is why i just give away games just because i can.I do not worry about my level .I know everyone has there reasons i am just saying i think it makes it a lot easier to enjoy the site by just giving to give and not worried about if you drop a level or not but enjoy the joy of giving.
But yeah any game that gets a big discount in Russia usually ends up bundled game.Thanks to Putin and his great ideas of taking over another country and pretty much telling everyone to fuck off has caused the already week Rubel to crash even more
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Dark Souls 3 Digital Deluxe (Mexico exclusive deal). But it's good this way. ;)
Basically: You need to avoid giving anything that has had good price if you're in just for CV.
Call of Duty never loses it's price or be bundled, it's good way to 'farm' CV. or probably still more expensive than 15% of something heavily discounted.
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People who owned at least Darksiders II + Season Pass were able to get Deathinitive Edition for free. Some people who got in that early enough were given a key, but they later changed it so that it redeemed directly to your Steam account. Could be because of that promo?
edit: the bundled date was not until a week ago so I guess not
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BTW and unless I've missed something, only the owners of the Franchise Pack were given Deathinitive for free. If one had all the contents of the Franchise Pack (i.e. Darksiders, Darksiders II + all the DLC) having bought them separately, then no cookie.
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Nope, they reduced the requirements later. Could get away with even a partial DLC collection if I remember correctly.
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It worked for me, and I know I skipped something in the DLCs, not wanting to buy for just one bit that wasn't separate.
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This is not true. I had to buy the Deathinitive edition even though I owned everything for Darksiders II.
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Sorry, but me and Shad0WeN disagree. Didn't get anything at first, but they lowered requirements later.
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It must have been a while later cause I never got anything for free
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this is what it requires now:
Only if you are an owner of Darksiders II and the season pass or the DLCs The Demon Lord Belial, Arguls Tomb and Abyssal Forge you can redeem your copy of Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition for free here.
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This doesn't matter to me I had to buy it so this is pointless
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Give what a try? Did you not read anything I said? I already own the Deathinitive edition and I had to purchase it with money. It doesn't give you a free key. It says I already own it have fun
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Sorry didn't mean to sound like a dick if I did. My kid was pissing me off when I was typing so I feel like some of it came through in my typing. lol
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Interesting, I just visited that page and I am not getting that message, just "you own Darksiders II" and nothing else. Browser incompatibility maybe?
Anyway, thanks for posting it here, now I know why exactly I am not eligible for the upgrade.
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If that were the case then I wouldn't have the Deathinitive Edition, which I do. I won Darksiders II on here and then later bought the DLC piecemeal (minus the soundtrack). What you said was true very early on, but they soon changed it so that you only needed the base game + the season pass (or it's respective parts) to quality for the free Deathinitive Editition promo. As far as I know, that is what the provisioning webpage that they set up actually checks for.
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I strongly disagree with this aproach. I really don't care about RU prices -since i'm not in russia and i don't buy from russia- and any other excuses to "fix" the bundled list afterwards, it's just foul play for my logic. Nobody asked me for a store receipt to check if i truly bought the game @3 euros and now i feel deceived by the system. Since this has not happened once or twice and it's not going to end soon, i'm gonna write some thoughts:
When a game is not bundled, it gets selected, bought and given away, then it should be marked as NON-BUNDLED. No excuses, no "russia" markets or black markets. I managed with some difficulty to collect 3+3 euros to buy 2 copies of this non-bundled game to give away to friends and -let's be honest here- to boost my realCV.
Was i wrong? Was i evil? I'm not really comfortable with the implied accusations and the fact that i'm getting punished for (1) buying in expensive euro instead of USD (2) buying from the expensive steam store but also 100% legit with proof of purchase (3) giving away a widely wishlisted game.
I know some might propose i could have bought some shady keys from shady resellers to boost my CV , like batman or other AAA games, right? In fact, all those shady or deviously bought keys (eg. from nuuvem impersonating a brazilian citizen) and those shady giveaways are still standing as legit GAs. Only 100% legit steam store gifts like this one are being demoted to "non-bundled". And that's a shame and quite disheartening for the casual donator, imho.
Well that was my 2c, sorry if it seemed a bit like ranting , it wasn't my intention.
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I really don't care about RU prices
The main issue here is that a lot of people do, at least when it comes to grinding CV. The system is in place to avoid people exploiting the low prices in Russia. Was it not there, it would completely de-value CV.
Only 100% legit steam store gifts like this one are being demoted to "non-bundled"
I'm not quite sure if I understand what you were saying in that paragraph, but if I interpret it correctly, what you're saying is that games bought on steam, that give you a copy that can be gifted through steam (i.e. not a key) should not be counted as bundled. This would be incredibly easy to exploit. Have a group of friends, buy a bundle with some high-value games, mark them as "gifts" rather than "keys", and congratulations, you've just boosted your CV by a lot.
And it would probably even work well with just plain old public giveaways. Add the person on steam, give them the key that way, and they'll most likely not question why you were doing it that way, and once again, plenty of CV for you.
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I still stand by my phrase (even though it's cut out from the context): I really don't care about RU prices, i'm not russian not buying from russian steam market. There's an obvious problem here, when the system treats me like a cheater when i'm not i'll try to defend myself.
As i said, i bought the game from the european steam store, 100% legitimately and donated it as such. I can understand the system gets constantly exploited but as a casual donator who follows steam and SG rules, I shouldn't really care if hundreds of others bought it from russia and donated it as ROW, right? I mean, i collected 6euros to donate something that was worth my money and would boost my CV a bit. So i went to the most legit place to buy, my steam store. And so i get punished for playing by the rules.
As for your 2nd paragraph's comment , this was not what i meant of course, i stated the sad fact that only steam gifts are being demoted because only steam market prices are being easily checked, many of the shady keys and price glitches are passing by the filter, except for some very advertised deals.
All in all, i can understand how the bundle system works (i'm not a noob user here), but i think and you might agree with me, that it has to be tweaked or optimized for casual donators who can't afford spending hard-collected $ or € and their donations are hugely devalued.
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So what if you're not Russian, you still only paid 3€ and you complain that you don't get $30 worth of CV but only 4.5. That's still more than what you paid, I don't see people giving away games they paid at full price complaining so why should you.
If you're trying to boost your CV for cheap feel free to do so, but don't complain when it fails.
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I think your tone is pretty out of place considering the fact you boosted your own CV with a lot of Humble Monthly giveaways where the price for a game comes down to under 2 dollars in some cases but they still give full CV - like so many of us do, me included.
No need to bash the lesser experienced imho.
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4 is a lot ?They're games I had anyway. I gave them away because I had no use for them, same as I do with all my bundle leftovers.
And yes, of course I already gave away games just because they had a good discount, but you don't see me complaining when one gets bundled.
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Well there's a tiny detail: the game in question was is not bundled. It was marked as bundled, because ..Russians.:p
As i see except from doorkickers which is still unbundled for some strange reason, you have donated a bunch of Batman & Lego games so must know what i really meant about "selective bundling". No pun intented, though, they're quite legit GAs and quite profitable for CV boosting , i wish i had the sources and $$ to get some of those we-will-never-get-bundled games :p
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First, I really don't like your tone since i didn't do anything wrong, illegal, unethical or so. I just bought the most profitable game for my 3euros, for the community and my CV. I'm definitely not an offender and if you're trying to find one here , you'll be very disappointed. So if i were you i would apologize for the unfair call-out.
In fact i payed 3euros and got 4,5 usd CV which could easily have got with any -dumb & highly priced- bundled game which would cost me ~0,50e. That's what i said earlier, it's rather disheartening for casual donators to buy expensive -and more community approved- games.
That being said, If you're pissed with all those cheaters, rule breakers and CV boosters, i'm with you too. Can't think of an alternative system except for asking proof of purchase -which could be faked too?- so i've just stated the obvious, that this approach is quite unfair.
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Yeah I'm not going to apologize. Where did I say you did anything wrong ? I told you, you're free to try to boost your CV with highly discounted games (I've done it too), but if it fails don't complain. If you don't want to experience level drops, there are plenty of great games with smaller discounts, but if you want to gamble and try to get the most CV for the price, there will always be a chance that it will get bundled.
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You said "If you're trying to boost your CV for cheap feel free to do so, but don't complain when it fails."
Again, it didn't fail. The system selectively failed it , where other games are still standing, but that's another topic. Do you know anyone who tries to boost his CV for full market prices? My approach was 100% legit , ethical & fair. Since there's a rule for games which get 95% store discount gets bundled, i've followed that.
I'm complaining for changing the rules selectively and retro-actively. As i said earlier i can understand why, but, please don't make it sound like i'm the bad guy here for trying to get what the SG rules give me -as an initiative to donate non-bundle games, i suppose.
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To be honest I don't fully understand your 2 last comments
Do you know anyone who tries to boost his CV for full market prices?
What are you trying to say ? Obviouly not, if someone pays full price to give away, I'm pretty sure they don't care about boosting their CV and they just do it for the sake of gifting the game.
There's no "selective bundling", it's 95% off the US price in any region. So if the price in Russia is less than 5% of the US price, it will be added to the bundle list. That applies to every game, if a game that meets that condition isn't on the bundle list, it just hasn't been added yet and will be sooner or later. And it works retroactively because there will always be a delay between a bundle/discount starts and the time it's added to the list, without that you could get full CV for bundled games just because you were fast to give them away.
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Ok from the end up,
I read your points for bundling rules, fortunately i already knew them all and i agree 100%. Still don't know how should i notice if russia has 95% discount when i'm buying a game from the European store but i'll to figure it out , some guys helped me a few comments below this reply.
My remark for selective bundling is those games that are being forgotten like doorkickers, or classic CV boosting titles like batman, legos that every high-level user has gifted, possibly acquired by cheaper markets, shady retailers, keystores etc. I truly don't hold any grudge against those CV boosting techniques , but they exist and we all know them. Imho all games should be valued as bundled but anyway that's for another topic ;)
As for the full game price, i just meant that noone is an idiot to pay a full price when we know that a game gets discounted. I'm sure that many donators are giving away for the sake of gifting (i've came across at least a dozen of them!) but you've to agree that we're not such a naive community where donators don't seek out the best offers to donate so they'll get the CV feedback too, apart from the joy of gifting i mean.
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If games are forgotten, that's because they went unnoticed. You can go ahead and submit a ticket with informations about the sale if you see a game that should be on the list but isn't, and we'll forward it to the bundler. That's how Darksiders was added, because there are a few users that submitted tickets about the sale.
Door Kickers is on the bundle list btw, but from the date it was on Humble Bundle, not from a sale. I didn't buy it from Steam so I don't know if it got cheap enough in a region to be added, but if you think it was you can submit a ticket as I said and the bundle date can be adjusted.
noone is an idiot to pay a full price when we know that a game gets discounted.
Yet there are people that do it all the time. They're in the minority, but you still see giveaways for AAA games that just came out regularly.
we're not such a naive community where donators don't seek out the best offers to donate so they'll get the CV feedback too
Yes, and that's unfortunate. If it was up to me, I'd probably just get rid of the CV system and have people give away whatever they want to give away, just because they want to give that game away and not because it will boost their CV (and again, I'm not pretending I'm perfect, I take CV into consideration too for my giveaways).
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Yeap i know the process , i've submitted a couple of tickets to the bundler in my early days. ;)
Well i would vote for your nonCV system anytime! But we still got the CV system and we have some generous donators and we also have exploiters, and we're in the middle trying to keep up with the fast raising CV levels so you see how those retroactive bundlings are kind of unfair for some of us.
Anyway, can't say there's something else to propose ...so be it. :)
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no one is blaming you for trying to get as much cv as you can with your money (we do it a lot).
the thing is, the higher the discount, the more risk you have of getting bundled (because of regional prices, discounts with stackable coupons, etc.).
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i dont know why im commenting here instead of anywhere else in the thread. I dont give a fuck about my cv or my level to be quite honest, i give when i can, because i want too not for some status point like a level. That being said, this discussion comes up again and again and again. How hard would it be to implement some marker on giveaways that reflected if it was pre bundle, or post bundle? Then no one would lose their precious cv and these threads could finally dry up and die.
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I don't get this at all. What would that marker change ? If it was given away after the bundle date, they will lose their CV anyway.
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exactly, but those that bought it prior, wouldnt. I mean isnt that what all these complaints are, they made a gib prior to it being bundled, and when the bundle price takes effect they lose cv. I mean in reality, all it would take would be an assignment of current lowest price at time of giveaway and thats the cv you earn for the gib, it never changes, ever. a month later the same gib might = 1/3rd of what it did the first time, but it seems much more user friendly.
Again i dont care, I just hate these threads.
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But they already don't lose CV if they gave it away before the date. What happens is just that there is a delay between the date a game is bundled and the date it's actually added to the list.
So if you give away a game from a bundle right after the bundle starts, you get full value until it's added to the list. Once it's added, only giveaways that were created before the date mentioned only the list keep the full value.
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See, the problem here is not the date, it's the reason.
The game was marked as bundled because of 95% discount in Russia but others (like me) bought it with 90% discount and without knowledge of the russian market. The mess you see in discussions continues because
If only there was some valid and inexploitable way to prove ourselves, we would have skipped the drama ^_^
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Well, if they put a system in place to prove you didnt purchase it for the 95% but just the 90% you set yourself up for a system that only gives cv based on your purchase price and not the value of the game. And based on the ammount of saltiness over bundle decay as it is, can you imagine the shit fits people would throw when they lost 80% of their cv at once?
I mean you just cant have it both ways, either you want the cv for the games value, or what you paid. Usually your going to pick the former not the latter, but by forcing this issue, you'd really be forcing the site to always just give cv based on lowest historical price, to be fair. Which wouldnt really be fair, but there is no perfect system.
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Unless i've misunderstood you, i don't think i agree with the first part:
Here's how the (semi) automated system works:
all corrent so far, right? Now see that:
Here's a glitch which has nothing to do with the CV price, the only problem is that we cannot prove we bought it for 90% and not 95% through a failsafe system. To be honest, not very much of a problem if we think one-or-two giveaways but in the long run it leaves a bitter taste of unfairness. I'll agree that there's no perfest system. ;)
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What he means is that if we could check at what price a game was bought for a giveaway, then there would be no reason to give full price CV to anyone that didn't pay full price. If you paid the game 3€, that would be how much CV you would get in a system where we could verify how much you paid.
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Ah i see, well , there's no need to make it more complicated that it is.
To me It's more of a system design glitch as i described above, an unavoidable glitch. We cannot override it since we can't or won't bother verify thousands of buyers, their gifts and their regions of origin. Damn, it would be much easier task if those cheaper (>95%) steam gifts were locked for a region and couldn't be used elsewhere...
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I shouldn't really care if hundreds of others bought it from russia and donated it as ROW, right? I
Yes, you should. You should, because if hundreds of other did that, that would devalue CV, and it would result in level inflation, which in the end would mean that the CV that you got would be worth less.
As for your 2nd paragraph's comment , this was not what i meant of course, i stated the sad fact that only steam gifts are being demoted because only steam market prices are being easily checked, many of the shady keys and price glitches are passing by the filter, except for some very advertised deals.
Ah, then I misunderstood you. You are incorrect though, games do get bundled due to lower prices in other regions on storefronts other than steam. The problem is of course spotting them, and some do slip through, only to get bundled far later.
All in all, i can understand how the bundle system works (i'm not a noob user here), but i think and you might agree with me, that it has to be tweaked or optimized for casual donators who can't afford spending hard-collected $ or € and their donations are hugely devalued.
Actually, if we would follow what you said, CV would be hugely devalued. Now your gift is worth less CV, but the other way around would result in CV being worth less.
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yeap true also ..hence the -if - part right before the quotation ;)
In the end I'm not sure how this could be implemented, i mean is not possible, technically. Check my reply here (above): https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/KdsjC4S
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It surely cheated me numerous times, When i buy games from the steam store i can't possibly know when they will be bundled retro-actively unless i have ...the gift . :D
To be honest, i still dont feel protected by the system, i feel hunted and cheated.
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Actually in the Steam Store is the easiest place since you can look up any item in SteamDB and find out exactly what additional discount other regions are getting. At least one other territory almost always gets an additional 60%+ discount on the Steam sale price so the math is easy - if the result is a price less than or even close to 5%, just skip it. This means even 80% Off games can get bundled because some have more than another 75% off in Russia. I have even seen games with more than an 80% regional discount which means they could count as bundled with a mere 75% sale.
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it su**s in germany we dont have such discount for AAA games (fast always). And gifts from russia will not work in the EU.
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In fact, Yes. Both. Because, facts.
If you have more info apart from one-word answers, would you like to englihten us?
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You are a bit away from the topic. The guy said "gifts from russia will not work in the EU" . Thats true. They are regionlocked, and can be activated only within CIS region. You said they soetimes work. NO they dont.
Second. You are wrong in one thing. You say "IF all regional bought games were truly regionally locked, then there would be no excuse to be marked as bundled, mainly because their owners would not risk give their accounts for giving away region-locked games as ROW." Thats a false statement. They Are given away. As regionlocked ones. The problem is, that the site uses american (ROW) price to calculate CV. You see where i am going right?
So NO, They are marked for the reason of getting same CV for smaller price. In particular, 20 times more (95% rule) as people actually paid. That defines them as targets to the bundle list.
Clear enough?
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Not clear at all. :(
First, I don't think you're quite right about the region-locked gifts (not all gifts are region locked afaik) but i'll cross check it and will correct myself if what you say is true.
Which if it's true, it would raise much bigger -ethical- problems because then, RU gifts can easily be checked and verified by SG system and they simply decided that they won't bother fixing the system. Not true i suppose, considering the answers i got from high-ranked experienced members of this community.
As for the 95% discount in this case, you're wrong too. This discount didn't affect all stores. EU store got @ 90% discount where RU store discounted the game @95%. The game got "bundled" for all users as for the 95% discount rule. So far so good, but IF this could be avoided -considering what you said is true and gifts are all locked and therefore detectable- that was completely unfair for us who bought the game @90% discount which is a TOTALLY VALID PURCHASE according to SG 95% rule.
Now some said that we payed 3euros and want $30 CV and this is unethical or gambling. Well isn't that the case for all 90% discounted games? We pay $1 and get $9,99. We pay $0,50 and get $5. It was mentioned twice that 90% was some kind of gambling (!), then what is 85% discount or 80%? Should we lower the limit to 85% , 80% or 70%? Should we stop somewhere? Is it then a hunter & prey game where we all try to cheat and exploit the system and the system punish us? or is it a fine and fair system who play by the rules it created and treats us with respect using equal measures? I always thought It's the latter, should i reconsider?
Edit / Update: I do know that the site takes USD prices from the US store. If what you said about region-locked gifts is true, then bundle list which is one, should be split in too , one for ROW and one for region-locked. Then all giveaways should be checked against the correct list, ROW giveaways to row bundlelist , region-locked to locked bundlelist. Fast, clean and straightforward. ;)
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Well, the whole system works like this now, and this is what we have. I tried to explain the situation how it currently is. As for 95% rule - game that costs less than 5% of its full american price will be added to the bundle list, doesnt matter how much you paid for it. Also, most of us are here do not care which "reward" we get for giving away the games, we just want to make someone happy.
Continuing our topic:
1) There are ROW gifts
2) russian(brazilian etc) regionlocked gifts give same cv for much lower investments
3) games that are exploitable get to the bundle list.
4) no system that changes CV depending on gift region is implemented yet.
If you want to continue i would gladly explain you more .
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Thank you for explaining those things to me. The problem here is that you keep saying about 95% discount on the US store which didn't happen.
The discount was 90% on the US and EU store. RU Store dropped it to 95% which triggered the 95% rule for safety. I know It happened before and will happen again but it's not fair. If we try to say that the 90% discount is exploitable or unethical, that won't pass by me without a harsh comment. If 90% discount is bad, is bad for all, not only for this title. Rules cannot be applied selectively dont you think?
Also, please let's stay on the topic. Here the topic is the CV lost from the retro-active bundling of the game. Therefore, any comment about who cares or not about CV boost is irrelevant and somewhat impolite to those who try to discuss a fair solution to this situation -although i can see from their CV boost techniques that many who claim the don't care, they really care a lot more ;)
Anyway, to summarize my thoughts of the night: after reading all comments in the thread, i'm pretty convinced the game would have been marked as bundled regardless of the RU store, though it helped a lot. I would happen because it was easy for steam users to buy it and boost their CV which then would devalue all SG accounts accordingly. Fair enough..
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Its not the 95% discount on the us sore, but the difference of full american price and region price (which for some countries is already reduced by 50%), that together make it 95% cheaper.
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RU gifts can easily be checked and verified by SG system
How ?
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Sorry I'll rephrase it.
RU gifts should be given on region-locked GAs so they could be limited by region and the "regional" bundle list (if there was one).
But i'm a bit confused here. Is it true what RazielAntemos claims, that RU gifts cannot be activated as ROW? If so, then i bring my original question in: why should i care about the prices in Russia when their gifts and therefore, their giveaways, are not in the same giveaway pool as mine?
Shouldn't SG system be fixed in the future to provide fair CV according to SG's rules? If 90% discount is much then there might be a decrease to 85 or 80%, or 90% with a $$ cap like $15-$20 max...
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Should is the keyword here. There is no guarantee that the gift matches the regional option selected for the giveaway, we can't verify that. People could submit ROW gifts as a region locked giveaway simply because they don't speak English very well for example and it's easier for them to communicate with a winner from their region.
The opposite is true too. You can create a group/private/whitelist giveaway, mark it as ROW but share it with users from a specific region and send a region-locked gift. If we implement a regional list, they would simply bypass it like that.
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Ah I see , to each and every idea & solution there's an already found and discussed exploit. :(
Well don't bother answering my update to my post above, you got me covered 100% .
The verdict i guess is like "It could be done, but it would be exploited it in less than a day"
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Yeah, this has been discussed extensively already, and there isn't any real workaround with the current system. The only way would be to implement a completely different level system, but it's not easy to come up with something that would't just introduce different issues and exploits.
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Well, it's technically a different game from the Deathinitive Edition...
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The easy fix is to ban all users from RU+CIS, right? They can use Gameminer anyway.
The, when the issue actually still exists, we can ban all IP's from SEA.
Then, when it still hasn't been solved, we can ban all users from South America.
Then, since the issue will still exist, we can ban all users from China.
Then when the issue still exists we can ban all users from... are there any major % discount regions left?
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I think we should ban all users from SG. There, no problem :)
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india has higher discount than russia on probably 10-20% of titles.
also would be missing south africa, turkey, mexico (it usually isn't included in SA region locked games). perhaps saudi arabia & UAE also? but their discounts on many games aren't any more than canada, norway, new zealand, or japan.
on a few rare games, south korea gets 25% discount.
switzerland used to get small discounts, until USD weakened. now they usually pay a few % more. norway generally gets the highest discounts of 'world' regions, as norwegian krone has remained weak w/ USD. canada discount, which was frequently 23-30% on every game some 3 months ago, seems to avg around 17-20% nowadays. guess that's not major discount, though. maybe those old 30%'ers (which would usually end up being like 50% cheaper than UK)
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Was it because it was discounted %90? If so, there are other games that have been discounted %90 but are not on the bundled list?
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