How many did you won
you forgot about the monthly payment for Gold SG membership ;)
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Yeah, yeah. Rub it in. Some of us don;t keep the spacecat hooked up with enough drugs to give us ALL the wins.
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Actually it's the only reason makes sense for me besides rule breaking. Because if someone with 10 games wins your game they are likely to play it. However whatever you give to zelghadis it's %99 percent won't be played. But I don't think people thinks that when BL him. :D
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Actually I consider that but didn't want to write as it's an obivous problem. But let's say an interesting indie game who will likely to play it? A guy with 2000 wins or a guy who enters everything and has 50 wins? I believe second one has more chances to try out the game. Because 2000 wins guy always has something interesting unless it's in the range of %1 percent interest as i stated above. I have 825 games on my library and let's say I would play 350 of them and I can't even see myself finishing that. Excluding 60 games played.
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finishing these hypothethical 350 games is totally doable ;) Do far I finished 191 games from my library, close to finishing 2 more atm, not to mention the list does not contain games that are unfinishable (like they don't have any plot just mission maps you play over and over again or are multiplayer only for example), played dozens upon dozens of other which I dropped for various reasons, but theoretically could have stick to them even when got bored with them to finish them etc ;)
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all of them - not, not even really wanting to. but same goes to most of people and most GAs around here. Lots of GAs are for bundle leftovers and not a good ones but shovelware ones - games you want only for +1 to your library and eventually for card drops. But to play (not neccessary finish/100%/complete) big chunk of these games is totally doable - look at some people from "Last Game you've beaten thread" - there are users with like 500, 600 or even 700 games finished. Not counting the ones they played but did not beat for whatever reason.
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See, I only enter games that I actually want to play. But there are a lot of games I want to try out. Now, if I win a game and it sucks (which has happened), then I end up not playing it.
So, basically, if you're giving away games that suck, I doubt the winner will play it all that much, whether the winner has 10 games in his/her library, or 10,000. Whereas, if it's a good game, the winner will probably play it. case in point, my backlog is pretty big, but when I won Payday 2 a few weeks ago, I immediately installed it, played it, and loved it
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doesn't work for me this way ;) anything I'm really intrested in I will DL (well, gotta prioritize still cause only 1.35TB space for Steram ;p) then when I finish the game or get bored with the game, or quit the game for other reasons (my coop partner dropped for example, or I encountered bug not letting me finish etc) I pick whatever I feel like playing next from the list of DLed games ;) Doesn't matter if it's one of my earliest or latest wins, what matters is what I want to play next ;)
To put it into some real-life perspective - let's use your example of 100 last won games. Game which I last finished is from these last 100 (LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens). One of two games I am now nearly finishing is also from these last 100 (Final Fantasy V) and 25 games out of these 100 got DLed to my pick-up-next-game-list :>
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But you don't play 75 out of it. And what about the 100 before it. I don't know how much time you are giving to gaming but it's all about "interest" to games you win as you said. So finding last 100 interesting doesn't make my point less right for me. :/
Also I didn't want to make this a personal thing. That was just an example why would people BL you and not just jealousy. I don't care about these stuff anybody who is happy to win something can win my games. :)
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well, yo8u said about 99%, so I proved you wrong. Also - previous 100 and 100 before that etc - prolly even better stats, further away from 1% you insist on, because further away I won more likely I had time to play somethibng from that 100 ;) Because last 100 are from less than a month ago so much less likely to be picked than let's say somethoing I had a year to pick ;)
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you're still not the highest level, so you have a lot of contributing and winning still ahead of you ;) When I was level 6 (well back then there was only CV, no levels) I've had just 49 wins ( :> So compared to that your stats are amazing ;p
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Oh yea i have a ways to go to hit level 10 lol. Every time i get about $100-$200 past level 7 i drop back down to level 6 again, happened about 6 times now:)~ but yea i have done well on here with wins tho about 400 of those wins are from a group that we are both platinum members of lol.
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77 won, 11,587 entered.
Or: "Based on the finished GAs you have entered, you would expect to have won approximately 81.6 of them but you've actually won 77. You've won 94% of expected GAs"
Ouch, I just registered that I had -5.13 for last July alone. :(
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easilly - not all GAs have the same chance to win them. nopzor enters group, invite or wl GAs, in each GA he has chance to win like from 1:100 to 1:10, 1:33 on average. you mostly enter public GAs, in each your chance to win is more like 1:500 on average. Entering the same number of GAs statistically speaking nopzor will win 3% of them, while you will win only 0.2% of them. So he will win 350GAs and you will win 13 of them :>
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