Just an idea that slips through my mind reading the discussion: There are too many post produced everyday and I think that with a upvote/downvote function of comments our reading experience will be a lot more enjoyable (cause everything should be about fun right xD?). But I suppose I am not wise enough to see the downside of it and that's why I would like to see your opinons :). I am busy for exam recently so wouldn't be able to reply to everyone but I will make sure I read every comments here!

Thanks for your output and here's a small Train.

8 years ago*

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Should an Upvote/downvote function added for comments?

View Results

Noooo look at GOG how much drama that creates, get someone pissed off or have a different opinion then the majority and it's open to alot of downvotes.
Like bots are used to get keys? some will resort to use those (or groups) even to downvote anyone they hate.

8 years ago*

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Oh I am not familiar with GOG. my original point of view is to allow users to see more 'useful/popular' comments easier because it's certainly not easy to skim through a 10+ pages post. Also one thing I was worrying is that the downvote will exacerbate the current blacklist system but I was only assuming everyone trying to be as neutral/non-biased as they should

8 years ago

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It is different and a better suggestion maybe if it's was just upvotes only, like a +1.
Just in my opinion downvotes are a bad idea.

And if it ain't broke don't fix it, the forum is okay as it is.

8 years ago*

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Do you really want to let the community here know about why you were ostracized from the GOG community and why it had nothing to do with drama or voting buttons? The "no calling out" rule they have here is your saving grace and why many people here may think you are someone you are not.

The voting buttons are not a good idea but your comment has little to do with the reason why.

8 years ago*

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Yes my "bad parallelling behavior" it's why my whitelist ratio is 2 1/2x higher then being blacklisted, if my bad behavior would be that bad it would have been the other way around, done 70 more giveaways then won (i agree raw can be a bit better), i am really bad.
There was a high elite clique on GOG, still is. and i am not the only one who figured that out and they will teach you the hard way.
I knew you exactly would come out after months now again to make a snarky comment on this one, let's keep the drama out.

8 years ago*

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You do realize that ratio and how good and bad it is has little to do with the person behind the ratio if their desire to get a "good" ratio is done by misleading people and preying on their good intentions right? A greedy user can give out all the free games they collect from tremorgames and from card farming and they can pretend they are good so they get invite into whitelists so they can collect better games that they can farm for cards. And they will be more sneaky than those who are honest and actually gift w/o ulterior motives. A greedy user can even call out other greedy users for regifting a won game from a 50000 copy of a dev giveaway to make their greed seem less.

No, I have a problem with you because you used the GOG community to fool people (like you are doing here again in a new community).
The best example I can give is you told everyone on GOG that you didn't like Steam and never used it; meanwhile you had a Steam account with over 1000 games already on it.
The second example is you used the free games people would give you on GOG and distributed them to known piracy websites.
The third is when people on GOG would see you for who you are, you would always state "let's keep the drama out" (again like you did here) so word wouldn't spread about your misdeeds and behavior.

If people want to overlook you and think you made a fresh start here, that is fine. I have no beef with that. I do have a beef with you pretending to be someone I know you are not and starting to become ingrained in this community the same way you were over at GOG and fooling a whole new community.

8 years ago

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Sigh here we still go and keep on trying don't you?
While there are a handful of scammers on Tremorgames who abuse their ways to get coins, i worked for every coin i earned, many many hours invested in it, they might be bundled games but does that make them bad games? i try to select some quality in what i give, and many seemed to appreciate that, i am not "trading" bad games for good games, that is just your opinion, i give because i feel like that is part of being a good person and i still think and hope people appreciate even bundled games, it's all i can afford and do my best for.
There are still many many people here with examples that won like 200 games without having given a single thing, you comment to those people too? No and i think that's hypocritical and you seem to thrive on this personal vendetta.
Just because i can't give away games like Fallout 4 (which i will when i can afford it) doesn't make me a bad person.

It is true that i said i won't ever use steam, i thought it was bad just as all those people said (mainly on GOG) at that time i said it, i only have had 1 game, namely Audiosurf, look it up if you don't believe it, many claims like that are easily proven but you don't care.
When i started to try Steam i even forgot i had it, only then and weeks after i left GOG i started collecting steam games (in which i have given dozens and dozens away on GOG because yes at that time i didin't thought i would ever start using Steam but since it was not GOG and perhaps even bundled it was always deemed lesser or even crap by a bunch on GOG).
Someone who just changed his opinion? all those things, that makes me fooling everyone, or makes me a bad person, really?

I been here more then 1 1/2 years, if someone really is a jerk, bad or whatever, they will get suspended, people will hold them responsible and they get what is coming to them (like Konrad). Somehow i am just sippling through all that?

This has been way over a year ago. in a whole different place, sometimes you need to know when to just end things, yet you continue to harass, because this isn't the first time you doing this, leave me alone, i said it before as you are close to borderline stalking, and sent in a ticket.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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You're right. I personally just don't trust him. There are people at GOG who overlooked his transgressions time and time again until they finally couldn't overlook anymore. But I don't want to see him abusing the generosity here the way he did at GOG and so I finally said something this one time. And I only did because he brought up GOG as if he was a victim there instead of the instigator.
People are free to make up their own judgement which is perfectly fine.

8 years ago

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That's your opinion and you always make it claim your word is right above anyone elses, i waylaid many accusations made but you just keep on saying the same thing, then nothing much else there is to say or do about it.
i made a general comment here on which noone forced you to make a snarky comment on it, again for something that happened over a year ago, nor is this your first time, it is called harassment, and if you continue i am forced to send in a ticket.

8 years ago

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I don't know what happened with Lugum on GOG, but i left that forum due to the growing hostile atmosphere. And downvote drama was a part of it (but I guess the downvote drama was possibly a symptom rather than a cause). Checking back on the forum a year later and things only seem to have got worse.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nothing you said is wrong. And I don't blame you for leaving GOG forums, many of us have as well.
I just had to say something this one time because he brought GOG into it and his reasoning for it was twisted and I wanted him to know that.

8 years ago

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What's the difference between stating the problem you might have with Lugum and making veiled and vague accusations. If anything I think that the latter is worse.

8 years ago

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Because rattling someone's cage is aleady satisfying for some (for something that by now happened a very long time ago), it's not the first time it happened.

Me and BrianFarnet might disagree with the circumstances happened there (which i respect and can say a whole lot about but it's just pointless) i do agree i have a fresh start here, i think i have some "friends" even here, i have no desire to go back to GOG (even though i had 1 very close friend there who suddenly disappeared 2 years ago, and still miss to this day) and nothing inflicts with how i am here.

I will leave it at that, that it was extremely hostile (and again not just towards me), i also expressed my opinion several times on how downvoting was creating a bad community, there are no moderators on there so anyone is free to say and do what they can basically.

8 years ago*

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There, above the veiled and vague accusations were laid out. He depends on your type of comment and way of thinking to get away with a lot and believe me, over on the GOG forums, he got away with a lot.
So to lay it out and not leave it unknown, I stated 3 things. And believe me, that was only a fraction of his transgressions over there.

8 years ago

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Definetly a bad idea. I really like steamgifts' forum as it is.

8 years ago

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Have a downvote.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Can I -1 on -1 lol

8 years ago

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Nope. The best version of this I've seen was a "Say thanks for the awesome post" button. It doesn't have a -1 feature and isn't anonymous. If you give users a way do downvote and remain anon, you are going to have a bad time.

8 years ago

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That actually sounds okay. Something like what Steam has, anonymous "positive" votes.

8 years ago

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I'm not the biggest fan of anonymous voting, because people tend make alts just to prove their point (even if it's not applicable here) or they upvote the most toxic stuff just for the giggles. It should be similar to facebook likes, but without the annoying notifications.

8 years ago

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Yes my initial focus was an upvote-only but later I think that might be a bit unfair to Mr.Downvotes :/

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

8 years ago

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Communities with upvote/downvote systems turn hella toxic. Too many people trying to get top comment with stupid jokes and popular opinions instead of speaking their mind, and other not able to express their thoughts without getting downvoted because their opinion or ideas or not as popular. The result; lack of diversity in opinions because users who get downvoted either stop posting at all, or try to change their posts and comments to "suit" the mindset of the community.

Not only that, but it could also be used as "leverage" to convince/blackmail. "My group has 500 people and we'll downvote everything you post if you don't do [action]". Of course, not all of these scenarios are likely to happen, but should still be considered on a website such as Steamgifts.

So my answer? Nope. This is a forum, let's keep it that way.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, pretty much any community which relies on voting/rating really.

Imgur is no better, all the top comments are either a silly pun or joke related to the post, or a very popular/obvious opinion/comment. At least with Imgur, it's a website dedicated to entertainment and a non-serious environment, and that's exactly what you get. :P

8 years ago

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But what if user can choose how they would like to see the comments in order (for example default/not changed, in the order of number of votes)?

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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It's actually surprising to see so many 'No's because my experience with reddit so far isn't that bad. But then maybe the sub I read is mostly story-based and have less tendency towards debates and arguments.

8 years ago

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Well, let's pretend that SG had this vote system implemented. Since so many people voted "no" on your thread, it would be buried in the "bad" threads, and we would most likely not be talking about this right now and discussing the possible solutions and ideas regarding this system. Now that wouldn't be good wouldn't it? ^^

8 years ago

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Yea but again downvoting isn't my main suggestion here. I bring it out because I wanna see more reaction/discussion. However, if only upvote exists then would you say good topics are more likely to be promoted ^^?

8 years ago

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True, therefore I prefer the third option of no voting system at all since it isn't a necessary feature which would promote any positive outcome to the community. Like I mentioned somewhere in this thread, it's better to draw a line between a forum and a discussion board like Reddit. :P

8 years ago

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Oh well I guess I get a bit annoyed seeing too many repeating topics and this idea just came out of mind lol. I will think about it later when I have a clearer mind after sleep. Thanks for the discussion and I certainly learnt quite a bit through this. Now don't forget the GA if you were too busy typing and still not aware of it ^^

8 years ago

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Nah, I just don't enter public/forum giveaways in general. I'm just here for the discussions. Thanks though. :)

Have a good night!

8 years ago

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Indeed, look if not at reddit, where anything challenging the hivemind of a particular sub is instantly downvoted to oblivion.

8 years ago

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I understand your concern but after reading a few of the recent WL/BL posts I wonder if the current WL/BL systems are doing the same thing (maybe in a different extent). Some users might already feel encouraged to express 'popular/mainstream' idea and afraid to tell their real thought because they don't wanna be blacklisted.

For those blackmail activity I agree with you it's very unlikely to happen and it should be seen as against-the-rule activity and thus punished.

8 years ago

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after reading a few of the recent WL/BL posts I wonder if the current WL/BL systems are doing the same thing

Definitely. It has its advantages and it's disadvantages. On one hand, the blacklist system is definitely more useful than the old fashioned way we used to do this (creating a pastebin with usernames, linking it to the giveaway description, and then requesting a re-roll when and if a user from the list won the giveaway). On the other hand, it causes the issue we are discussing at the moment.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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No, as it is now you have to have the guts to put your face on your opinion. Otherwise we would have people down voting everyone and we'd have more forum post about people down voting others than ones about blacklisting others

8 years ago

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If you are against the downvote button, what do you think of simply an upvote or like button instead of the '+1' comment?

8 years ago

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I think that the comments are still better. You get a notification that someone feels the same, that user must be passionate enough to actually post +1 so it's seems more genuine, and we wouldn't have to waste server space on a bunch of count values.

*EDIT this forum is meant to build a community, allow us to interact with each other , and make us all feel like members of a group. If you allow a down vote or up vote button less content would be posted and discussed about and I believe there be a separation of users who post and users who vote. There would be a new battle for most up votes and it would become a popularity contest that would not be as welcoming to all users

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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If we get that here, I'll stop visiting this forum ASAP.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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That sounds overwhelming but it is actually quite sad to have people left because of the layout changes

8 years ago

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I've experineced a change to an upvote/downvote system 3 times in very varied forums... all 3 deteriorated rapidly. I have no interest to experinece that again.

8 years ago

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Upvote? Yes.
Downvote? No.

8 years ago

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As far as I can see now, downvote is probably going to do more harm than good and a bit redundant if upvote exists.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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I still don't understand how the abuse works. Yes, Sg has a much smaller community compared to reddit but there are still a considerable amount of active users. For example, If one's idea is genuinely good it will still be upvoted by most of the active users despite he/she got downvoted by their respective 'haters'.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yea I can see the effects brought by that scary population. Now when I think about it, when someone comment on a post, agree or disagree, the post will get promoted. Seems that it fits more with a small community.

8 years ago

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He just told you. SG's community is exponentially smaller that reddit's, so it would only take a few jackasses to single out certain users and harass them with downvotes.

8 years ago

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Yea should never forget level of morality follows normal distribution

8 years ago

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Get this Reddit bullshit out of here.

It encourages group-think and promotes toxicity.

Edit: You are also not the first to suggest such https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/riSpY/1-and-of-course-1-button-for-each-comment

8 years ago*

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I love how people post new word here and I googled it and learnt another new word like hivemind lol.

Thanks for the head-up. It's so interesting because

  1. I see Mr James bond discussing there as well lmao
  2. there's no significant discrepancy 1 year ago
8 years ago

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Yet now there is a significant discrepancy, makes you think.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i dont really know its importance so have a bump

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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no need, just blacklist everyone instead of downvoting :D

8 years ago

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Bump. :3

8 years ago

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bump for the games.

8 years ago

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Absolutely not. Not only do we not need this feature but It would just lead to more drama and we already have too many.

8 years ago

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Sorry but no. The current system is fine as is and there is no need to fix what isn't broken :D.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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idc, but stupid anyway :D

8 years ago

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No and bump...

8 years ago

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