If it was from different sites, you'll be clear of "multiple wins" accusations here. So, if you're past the ethics of the situation (since the creator won't reroll it and asked you to give it to a friend), I guess you're free to do with the extra key whatever you want and you could mark it as received here as well.
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But will the staff see it that way? That's my main issue >~< I don't want to risk another suspension, last time it was a misunderstanding, this time it'd be full knowing.
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If you're concerned, you could always contact support for an official take on the matter.
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Well, I don't know. I only have what you're telling us. If all those premises you said are true, you're not breaking any rule, since in theory, you won the game here once, and it's activated on your account.
What makes the difference here is the ethics. You could've hid the fact that you won it in 2 different places, and keep both keys. But you actually asked the creator to do a reroll and he said he won't do it, and told you do whatever you want with the key. So, with that out of the way, since you're sure of the creator's position, and it wasn't 2 wins here, you're free from any punishment, the way I see it. Your profile is clear.
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but there's also the rule stating you cannot win the game for someone else, which technically this would be. Thus there's my issue XP It's not down to how I see it, but how the staff member presiding over my potential punishment would see it.
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Sorry, but thats not correct. If you win and accept a game you already own - no matter the source - you are breaking SG-Rules. Even if you win a game you don´t own but dont activate the key its against the rules.
To put it simple: You have to activate the won game on the account that won it. No exception.
So if the owner doesn´t want to reroll, you can´t mark it as "received", because if you do you´d break the SG-rules. If he/she really won´t see reason, you have to contact support about this.
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+1 to this also.
The Key you won is the Giveaway you won here. If you did not activate that key you are technically violating the Guidelines of this website. The Key you redeemed was for a different Giveaway won on another website. Just because they are the same game does not mean that you won the same Gift in multiple locations.
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I know. My point is that if it wasn't for this whole thread, it wouldn't have been an issue - and by this I mean in essence (since nobody is in practice being harmed, as creator wouldn't reroll).
See luller's reply above and Sinovera's below as well. But again, since he's posted this all here, and he's concerned, he should mark it as not received and move on.
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I would personally mark it as Not Received after the week is up, if the GA creator decides to not Reroll it that is their call. Why risk a suspension?
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Well, by refusing to reroll the GA he is already making himself look bad. If the Creator does not want to follow the websites rules and ask for rerolls then that is their call. There is no reason for the User to be risking suspension or permanent ban because someone is too lazy to create a ticket and let support do their work. It takes less than 30 seconds to request a reroll here and in my experience is done for you within a matter of hours at the most. WIth it being a GA of more than 50 keys, the keys are automatically distributed to the winners so I don't really see how this is going to cause anyone to invest a lot of time into this just to follow the rules.
TL;DR - Why? Because if you don't you are breaking the rules and can be punished for the violation.
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Do you realize how bad that would look for you if the creator contacts us about it ? It's best to let us know if you can't have it rerolled, or at least post a comment on the giveaway asking for a reroll so we can see what happened.
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I kinda figured that him starting this thread was letting SG know about it.
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Not really. When we go on a user's profile, we can see all their created tickets, but not their created threads.
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That's interesting and good to know. So, create a User Report and wait without marking it received or sent until the Ticket is resolved is?
Do you have access to their comment history or just their rickets?
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Not an user report, because there is no infraction and also I wouldn't be able to see it, since these tickets are only accessible to moderators & above. Simply an Other ticket saying that you asked for a reroll but the gifter never reacted. We can't force a reroll but at least if the guy contacts us to request a received feedback we can see the ticket on your profile. And yes ideally it should be left with no feedback.
And no we don't have comments history or anything like that, just tickets.
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So, Other ticket with a link to said GA explaining the situation and then leaving the GA Unmarked until Support answers you. If you do make a comment on a page of the Creators include a link for that as well to ensure support knows you tried to rectify the situation on your own to no avail.
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Well... how would anyone even know that the key you activated wasn't from this site if you hadn't told us? If the GA maker doesn't care then I say do what you want with it. You're safe to mark as received since the game is activated on your account.
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I've seen people complain about users giving away games they've won from this other site XP so I know there are some here that pay attention.
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the moral can hunt you. but you can give it away safely, even here
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Totally different scenario here as the key was already activated.
A better scenario would be Person A gives you $20, says only use this on yourself nobody else. Person B gives you $20 says use it however you want. You take Person B's $20 and use it for lunch, while at lunch you run into a friend who wants to borrow $20 but the only money you have left is Person A's money which is only for you. Did I mention Person A is your NaNa and it's your birthday money, it would just crush her little heart possibly kill her if you took it and gave it to someone else.*
*No actual NaNa's were hurt in this scenario.
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+100 to this.
I really do think it's unfair that all this falls on the GA Winner to deal with and worry about a suspension from, where the GA creator has done this multiple times over multiple GA's and still refuses to follow the websites rules.
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Wouldn't it be the same as activating the gift from here and giving the other one to your friend?
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Mark received. Give the key to a friend. Dont make a topic next time this happens ;) and no one will ever find out.
Seriously guys... support is having plenty of work already. Giver will not reroll. Activated key is won on a different website.
So be it. There are no rules in case of someone refusing a reroll. Shikibara did everything right here.
Just dont make a giveaway with it
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No, just being honest.
I would pass the key to a friend after doing everything this site suggests you should do.
I'm not gaining anything from it, giver wont be left with an unclaimed key and support doesnt have to invest time into this minor case (as there no rules in case the giver refuses a reroll).
The dev who sponsored the keys probably prefers an activated key.
He will not get suspended for this. If he didnt make this topic no one ever could prove this.
I never broke any rules on this website, but thats the way I would deal with it. I wouldnt even consider it as breaking the rules, its kinda a grey area imo. If he activated the key he won here there wouldnt be a problem, yet its still the same.
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Because he can't activate the actual key that he recieved. And considering how this thread already gathered quite some response it's best to play it safe and involve support before making a decision that could be misinterpreted and lead to a punishment.
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first: why would somebody notice? you have it activated on this account you said yes? neither steamgiftmods or random snoopies have any way of knowing which exact key(other than that you just told us i mean).
second: you won the game, the game is on your profile. anythign else is an internal matter between you and the gifter...who said "fuck it, keep both" already.
he sent it so just mark received and give it to a friend or something.
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mark as received and giveaway to a friend (not on steam gifts ofc, just in case the hey can be used)
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sooooo, I won this game on another site already (same person giving it away), but I won it here as well. The 2 giveaways ended at the same time, so I chose to activate the one from the other site, as I saw it first. Now when I contacted the dude making the giveaways requesting I be re-rolled, he just said that they do thousands of giveaways all the time, and to just give the key to a friend. Now, I know that if I did that, someone would notice most likely, and then I'd get a suspension :/ So what do I do? Just mark as not received when the week is up?
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