Nice dev guy gave away like 3k keys for FaeVerse Alchemy in a few rounds. Since then there are at least 2 user/day trying to regift the won game. Now there's even a guy with 2 games won. Some say they are tricksters but they get caught easily so they must be very stupid or just lacked time to read the Terms od Service. I think we should help these kind souls with a huge freaking sign that tells them to not be that guy.

9 years ago

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Do you think there should be a huge red YOU CAN NOT REGIFT sign at the top of the page?

View Results
Not on the page, but maybe in the ToS/FAQ
Let me tell you what i'd do

i really don;t think that they don;t know, they just don't care, and want to raise their lv quickly , that all

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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it's great plan for low lvl. if he regift and get caought he gewts 5 day suspension and that's all. And he keeps his free level. In these 5 days he most likely wouldn't win anything anyway, so he loses nothing oand only gains.

9 years ago

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See now this I don't understand. When they are caught regifting surely the giveaway should be removed and they should lose any CV gained from breaking the rules. It boggles my mind that some elementary things are just not in place.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+2 :)

I don't really know the levelling up mechanics, but if you cant get multiple levels with one giveaway and first regift/fake would cost 5 day, the next 5 weeks, then 5 months then 5 years, i don't think these people could really use the levels.

9 years ago*

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+1, they shouldn't get CV for regifting!

9 years ago

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This is an omission on this site and should be fixed. It is obviously not ok that someone has the option (in technical terms) to (re)gift a game title that he/she has won and NOT activated.

9 years ago

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yeah, but deleting his created GA also deletes won GA for his legit winner.

9 years ago

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Regifts do get deleted, but only moderator and higher can delete. And they have a limited number they can delete per day due to site limitations. Kind of annoying actually.

9 years ago

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Ahh. Thanks Jatan, always good to get a look into the inner workings as it were. It's a shame that there isn't a better system in place to handle things like this. Hopefully SG will get there eventually.

9 years ago

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Nope. Every regifter i reported lost all regift giveaways., so no gain.

9 years ago

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it depends on who suspends him. Only mods have the power to delete GAs, so if your report gets solved by support and not by a mod all he can do is to suspend him. Last regifter I reported (guy regifted 100%, each and every from his 4 GAs was a regift) got 3 week suspension, but as ticket was solved by support and not a mod all his GAs remained on his profile and when he comes back from suspension he will go back to his free lvl2.

9 years ago

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Ok. Thank for info. Mine must go via mods

9 years ago

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They'll get deleted.... eventually... I hope....
Also I'm really annoyed at the devs right now. You can see the reason if you go to the last page of any of the closed FaeVerse Alchemy giveaways....

9 years ago

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just saw it... -.-

9 years ago

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You could avoid setting the end date of your giveaways on the same week, so the users will have the chance to activate their keys and remove their entries on their own.

Dev's response:

Maybe, but that would remove some of the fun of this for me.

I have no words...

9 years ago

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GA usually gets removed when someone gets suspended for regifting.

9 years ago

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They probably don't know... Because no one reads FAQ....
First time I was on the site, i thought it was like gameminer, so i didn't bother to read FAQ. To be honest, I still haven't read it..

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Maybe some code that exclude any game you won from the list of available game to giveaway or something like that

9 years ago

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There are people who legitimately obtain a game to giveaway after they won it, that would prevent those as well.

9 years ago*

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Sure, but you just put limitation that you game that game that you won you cant give with in 7 days since giveaway ends. And after that period just check if game is sent by gift-er, if yes and its in library, then allow. There are just few more cases to iron-out, but I'm sure that site developers can menage that without me. XD

9 years ago

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At least with how it is right now the regifters mark their giveaways received. Prevent them for giving away something they won and they won't leave feedback.

9 years ago

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so what? I could no longer give away over 900 titles, even if I legitematelly buy them from store just for GA, just because I happened to win them in the past?

9 years ago

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Not exclude, but a warning when selecting would be awesome.

9 years ago

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won't work. this suggestion isn't helpful.

9 years ago

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One thing that could be done by CG: on the GA summary page (the one displayed after the form, which asks you to review data and confirm GA creation), there could be an additional bunch of text (bold, red, whatever) with a mandatory checkbox (something like "I'm aware that regifting is forbidden, the copy I'm giving away is not the one I won previously"). Of course, this thing would be displayed only if GA about to be created is for a game that user has previously won on SG.
My 2 cents :)

9 years ago

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then same could be said for FAKE GAs, another checkbox saying "I'm aware I have to buy game myself, cannot give it from my library" and so on. Then another checkbox to not distinguish games for what they are not, not ot give away stuff that is not on the list, not give away region-locked game if region is not listed and so on and on.

inb4 ticking 6 boxes every toime you want to make a legit GA. And people who want to break the rules will still break them whether they tick the box or not.

9 years ago

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I'm only talking of a warning in a particular case, when user gives away a game he won previously. So only 1 tickbox, and only when conditions are met. I think it would be more efficient than a text warning displayed blindly with any GA creation.
I agree on the fact it would not block rule-breakers to do it willingly, of course.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Certainly more than the number of ppl signing blindly mortgage loan in CHF (and that is a lot)

9 years ago

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A little bit less than the number of people than wouldn't even see the generic warning OP is talking about, I suppose :)

9 years ago

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Simple, make it a NONcheck checkbox and also add a timer or scrollbar that needs to scrool all the way down.
Will ofc STILL not prevent abuse, but its not just a "on-the-fly" hit all the checkmarks ^^"

9 years ago

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Before you make your first giveaway I believe there is a little pop up that makes you acknowledge that you have a gift or key to give. I guess most people just click ok without reading it

9 years ago

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there are some basic rules like: no regifting, activate won games, no begging... that should be made extremely clear.

9 years ago

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any1 with multiple regifting instances should be permanently banned.

9 years ago

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This would be one hella of solution. I can understand that someone may have made a mistake once, but if do it like 3-4 times it's no longer a honest mistake

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It should be common sense that you don't regift. Be it real gifts or digital ones.

If it was me to decide, I'd perm-ban every regifter on the spot.

But to give the people lacking common sense a chance, yes there should be some sign to make the obvious clear.

9 years ago

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I agree people shouldn't re-gift but I also think whether there are "warnings" or not, people will not listen - especially because a lot of people that are re-gifting are doing it knowingly.

9 years ago

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I said it before, I will repeat it here. I think regifting should be allowed. If undeserved CV boosts are the main concern, set a rule where making a giveaway for a game you just* (your just may vary) won will not increase your CV.

9 years ago

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Regifter would just wait for that time period where they won't get CV to expire before regifting.
And why regifting should be allowed ? Why enter for a giveaway if you're going to regift it ? (assuming it wouldn't be for CV boost)

9 years ago

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1) True, that might happen. I would find it acceptable. You might not.

2) It should be allowed because a game thrown back into the SG game is better used (less wasted) than a game activated for fear of consequences but never played because of lack of interested. Why would people enter GAs for games they're not interesed into? It doesn't matter: the immutable fact is that they do.

9 years ago

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main concern is the attitude
the attitude of arrogance?/entitlement?/ -well i'm not well versed to find the apt one so m gonna use - fuckbuggery towards who buy game to stranger fuckbuggery towards the other entrants who want the game to PLAY & are entering the giveaways of the same game for long's like giving them finger. & no . once you get gift, any gift mind you in real life or here it doesn't mean it gives you right to throw it away cuz it wasn't the gift you wanted.
all this apart from the fact the winner who wants to regift ENTERED the giveaway on his own. indicating that he want the game.

9 years ago

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I just see it in terms of harm reduction: from the perspective of the gift (the game), ending up never played in someone's library is far worse than being given another chance to be played by someone else.

9 years ago

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Until the consequences become more than a slap on the wrist regifting will continue to happen.

9 years ago

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Actually, we don't notice much recidivism among regifters. Once we've suspended them, they stop, even though most of them don't know that the penalties become harsher if they continue to regift.

9 years ago

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Just report the regifters and hope they will eventually get banned permanently. i do have to add that the giveaway creators should also check the profiles of the winners first before sending out the gifts and make sure they activate the gifts as well.

9 years ago*

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Most of the time regifters try to pass the steam key so what about this - support gets a list of all the codes, make a list and that list would be auto crosschecked with keys they try to regift. If it is found then BZZZZZZZZZZZT suspension, trice - ban hammer smack. It won't solve everything, there should be a manual tool for every user to cross check a key from such mass giveaway, show the owner and insta report them with top priority.

9 years ago

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in generell, i always accept the games i win, check, if i entered it multiple times (if yes i remove the entries) and i sync my acount after it's redeemed to my profile.

people that regift are just dumb, why do they even enter the GA when they don't add it to there account, instead of trying to win a 1/1000 GA buy bundles for a few bucks and you can give these away...

9 years ago

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i think it is still better to regift, than not playing the game...

9 years ago

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why enter the giveaway of the game you are not gonna play?

9 years ago

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well, I do not understand too, why people enter GAs and then they do not activate game...

9 years ago

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sick. they are sick. if they do it multiple times, permanent ban.

9 years ago

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for hoarding purposes :D:

9 years ago

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The penalty is far too low. If you get caught regifting it should start at 5 days, then 30, then 6 months then 1 year then permanent. Some people only have their own wallet in mind and will use any loopholes etc. to profit. They know it's not allowed but don't expect to be caught. And if they are caught it's only a tiny punishment. One week later they're doing it again.
Of course some people don't even bother to read the FAq. You won't be able to prevent that from happening. But a 5-day suspension should make them read it properly ;)

9 years ago

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But that's how it works, people who get caught doing something they were previously suspended for get a longer suspension and eventually a permanent one

9 years ago

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Damn, somehow I don't know where my brain was when I wrote that.
What happens when people were caught having regifted multiple times? Does it still count as their first offense because they weren't punished before?

9 years ago

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Yes. If someone get caught for the first time with multiple games not activated, they get 5 days suspension per game not activated.

9 years ago

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Admin (CG? Is he still around?) should introduce a quiz to every SG member with questions such as:
"What happens when you make a giveaway?
A)Other people will try to give you that game
B)You give away that game from your Steam games list
C)You give away that game from your Steam inventory or as a cd key"
"Can you get suspended if you regift a game?
B)No, I get the community gratitude".

I know that this sounds kinda stupid (and it would also be hard to implement) but I think it would make most of the users who don't read the FAQ (me included) aware of the way this website works.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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No but I'm glad that you asked.
Oh, I was answering the question in the thread name. All in for a huge warning, probably the size of the "You've won a game" prompt.

9 years ago

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regift should be a permanent ban.

9 years ago

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+1 or at least 1-2 months for newcomers if its only 1 regift*

9 years ago

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they need to change the ban system

9 years ago

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What I think is that not activated win should be a valid reason for reroll no matter if offending user was suspended. Only exception is one month grace period after suspension to allow for making things right (opposite to what is it now - no rerolls after 1 month).

9 years ago

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If it would be for me to decide - i would ban regifters for life.

9 years ago

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Some people regift, some people like me don't win and can't look at new interesting games.

9 years ago

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Timed ban for people regifting once/twice + downing their CV to -1 (yep, minus one level). And 3+ regifts permaban.
If a user is longer on the site, instant permaban.

9 years ago

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+1 ;P nerf their CV woo

9 years ago

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+1, The downing is a pretty great idea.

9 years ago

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+1 Let their CV die in a fire.

9 years ago

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According to this, there is no permanent suspension/ban for regifting, which is a shame. Repeated regifting needs to result in a ban, end of story.
EDIT: Also, instances of regifting should have their CV revoked, otherwise even the one strike rule would enable regifters to get a free level. That's just common sense.

9 years ago*

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There is a permanent suspension for anything, if you got suspended for it before and you don't give a shit and keep doing it.

Regifted giveaways are deleted when a mod is handling the suspension, but sometimes these users get suspended by a support and they cannot delete these giveaways.

9 years ago

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A) Moderators can make permanent suspensions for any reason, including regifting.
B) CV is revoked. Regifted games will be deleted, but once again, only moderators can do so, and there's a limit to how many giveaway deletions they can perform per day.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by bobofatt.