which resident evil game you like most?
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after dose fake website i did not want to get ban tho i did not look for any other websites. i found out about steam gift 2 week ago lol
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Well there are a few good sites imo.
I'm not huge on indiegala, it doesn't offer much I want, but from time to time it's good. Greenmangaming gaming unlike the others doesn't do bundles on a regular basis, but it often has good deals. Humble is by far the best though, I've spent more on it then any other site for steam keys.
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nice to know that more website mean that i will save more money
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The forum has a topic that collects ongoing bundles - the sites mentioned there are good for buying, + they have bundles as well, sometimes they can combo up a few wanted games for ridiculously low prices :)
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origin have same thing
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Origin Access is a subscription-service - you can only play the games as long as you pay the monthly fee, while with the bundles you just buy it once, and then it's your to play forever. Though Origin Access is great to try out the games first :)
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I enjoyed Operation Raccoon City. Would have preferred better team AI (even the zombies could navigate mazes better than my team) but I had fun. It also lacked major technical issues like I got with 6 and Revelations 2 on PC (both of those I bought later for my PS3 along with 5 Gold before the DLCs hit PC).
I'll still take Revelations any day over it though. Even the 3DS version is awesome.
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Revelations was kinda different for me it give me the old RE series feeling that why i like both of them .
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I like operation raccoon city as well. Could be even better if more ppl plays it. Only played coop once with my friends.
Btw I'm surprised the new game is not in the list(if ppl vote for that now they might be trolling)
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Got that one wishlisted, but wanting a good sale at a time when I have funds.
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Yup, if it's at a reasonable price, I'll still give it a try.
From the reviews and posts of my friends, I made up my mind never buying it with full price.
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Zero is decent. Its Operation Raccoon that is consistently bad.
and RE6, really long game and about 30% of it good
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RE 4 was odd for me but since they put leon s kennedy there i had no problem playing it lol
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Had a PS and finished everything before RE 4.
2&3 were classic at the time.
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I played em all on PS also, were some of my favorite games back then. Never even knew 4 was released, and one day ended up playing RE5 because I came across the Limited Edition RE Xbox 360 for cheap. Wasn't really that great a game, still enjoyable, but not the same. Been told by tons of people 4 is the best, so I bought awhile back on steam, just haven't played yet. Honestly though, I'm not expecting much from it.
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= -= Never get to know 4 released until like several years later, because of the blocked internet in my country.
Wish I know about it earlier cus by the time I play it, the graphic is no longer good-looking comparing to other games. Just saying tho.
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I know, it's just... the art style looks different :P
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=w= Good old times.
I got to know re4 from my cousin's computer cus I don't have a good one at that time.
Then I realize from 4-6, all these game don't feel like how RE used to be anymore, I finished them all as "zombie" games.
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What I mean "zombie " game is all about killing and advance.
Before RE 4, there's more puzzles and searching, the part you experience the story...
Just my personal opinion anyway XD
I like this series and don't regret playing through it
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But isn't that the case in all or most of the RE games, kill to advance? I mean sure, you could run past alot of stuff in the old school ones, but confrontations were inevitable. 4, 5, R, still has puzzles though so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Even bosses were puzzleistic, best way or only way to defeat them that wasn't just shooting them directly. You still search and experience the story throughout 4,5 , 6, R, so I really have no idea what you're talking about, you learn about things as you go on in all these games. Please don't make me compile a text of all the story segments and elements of these games that you encounter as you progress...
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The old ones had limited ammo. Granted, the ammo count was actually enough to kill every enemy, if you know what to do. But generally they pushed you towards avoidance and killing enemies only if you saw no other way past them. The new ones actively encouraged killing enemies with random loot drops and entire horde mode sections where you couldn't even progress unless you killed a certain amount of enemies (although in RE4, at least they also had a hidden timer).
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dameee that is way old lol and it was only one ps2 or ps i think
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we dont know if they going to finish RE2REmake or not . they dont say anything about it .
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Developed by another company (Nex Entertainment) along with Gun Survivor 2: Code Veronica. Their development history doesn't include any PC releases. Might be that as far as the Code Veronica stuff goes, they are the guys in charge.
Edit - Scratch that, they were involved in one PC game earlier this month, the PC port of Bayonetta.
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same here . i lost the count that how many time i played that game lol
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i remember that i was 6 or 7 and i could not play this re2 man that was scary as F ,but now it is nothing lol may be the remaster one give me the old feeling
you are not a coward RE was scary back then lol .
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i am not fan of the Re5 , only i played that game because it had chris redfield in it
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yes the 4th and 7 are the big change to the series let hope they go back to original story .
7 it is the change resident evil need i was getting tired killing same zombies over and over .
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Always Revelations for me. For some reason, I've preferred the portable titles.
Yes, that means I liked Gaiden. >:D
I also liked the PS1 light gun game, wish I could find the PS2 releases.
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see when i play game on pc only i cant follow up what is going on around other platforms lol
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I've played the series on all sorts of systems. Here, I'll toss up a list of systems and games in a few minutes. You can be totally jealous. :P
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Resident Evil (PS1) given to a friend who never tried the series. I had the DS version at this point, so wasn't really a loss.
Resident Evil: Dead Aim (PS2) a 'friend' of my brothers 'borrowed' it (I was never asked, just my brother) and never returned it. A lot of stuff went missing around my brothers 'friends', unfortunately. One of the reasons I didn't want to move back with family. Yes, more stuff has gone missing since coming here, and I'm still looking for a different place
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wii) had to sell my system and most of my games to deal with bills. :(
Resident Evil Gaiden (GBC) honestly don't remember. Might have been one of the games sold by a cousin when placed in storage with other stuff when I was moving. I have lovely family.
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (DS) was one of several games I traded to someone for some other titles I was looking for. At that point, had the Cube version. :P
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Sorry to read about the relatives helping themselves to your games. :/ I had a number of games walk off back in school and never did find out where they went. Some of them I've wanted to play again in the past year but not enough to warrant a repurchase.
I'm also biased as Resident Evil is one of my absolute favorite franchises and I find my collection growing a bit out of hand. :p
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i guess you burn after 2000 because people around may age played Re1,2,3 for 100 time by now .
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i guess you have no idea what you are talking about
also, welcome to the site. have fun, read the FAQ, and in case you get bored:
SG Bookmars
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lol by now only 2 people said that never play this game at all so that kinda odd
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that is a very wrong statistics.
most people who enter this discussion have played resident evil because of the topic name...
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i actually like and have fun with resident operation raccoon city,yes it have some problem and it a very noticeable problem but i still have fun with it,my favorite character is beltway,the lovable bastard with a good sense of dark humor, he make the most amusing dark humor you can imagine, i know the game is bad but you guys have to admit this game have potential to be great if the developer just sharpen and polish the game itself
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if you like resident operation raccoon city you would like to play resident evil umbrella corps but for me as old fan i dont like non of them they might not be bad as people saying however i dont like the way they make that 2 games .
if they put the games out with other name then resident evil i would try them out but since they mark them as RE i cant stand that .
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i agree on the umbrella corps and i disagree on the operation racoon city , that umbrella corps is actually pieces of shit, there is no enjoyable about it at all nor the replaybility of it, fuck that game to the hell itself, at the least operation raccoon city have some good within them among all the bad,i still remember the characters even tho i only remember 4 of them with a few easy remember name, i can understand why you don't like them and i know it very well but the game have potential it just badly develop i say and if they took the time to sharpen,polish and make it more interesting, operation raccoon city would have been a good success,maybe not very successful game but it will a good success but nowaway it is remember as really bad game and i can understand the reason but you have to admit it have potential, just it have been wasted badly
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the idea of the game was good i dont have problem with it . but the game play is way out of the series if they make it more like Re5 it would end up better .
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yeah, that something we both can agree on about operation raccoon city
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I...I guess...But, you CANT single out the keyboard and mouse controls untill you try them. It all depends on the developer how to implement them. Sure the manuverable analog stick and few close packed buttons made the PS2 experience of this game a joy and blast, but you can't really just trow out the PC version of the game and it's controls out the window right off the bat,both can be good, more or less. Doesn't hurt to give a good and long try after all. I had to get use to the controller after PC gaming, same applies for you, gotta get used to PC gaming after console gaming.
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silent hill was good game too in odd ways lol (I mean the monsters )
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the best Resident evil was 1
but i also like code veronica x, 2 and 3
revelations 1 and 7 was also good
but which ones i dont like was the outbreaks on PS 2, they had more potential, and multiplayer on a ps2 where you have to buy a ethernet adapter is a no go
and of course the most terribel was operation raccon city
always when they are trying to do multiplayer it sucks
coop by RE 5 was ok, but....
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REmake features changes including a new zombie type
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as far as i know RE1 had two version pc one was kinda dif then psx one however RE1 remake is same as the psx version with new things
some how every body love RE3 (like me) idk maybe it had less stupid puzzle or something like that . because i remember the Re2 puzzle was pain in the ass .
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PS1 had three different versions of the first game. The original, the Director's Cut (Arranged mode, Easy mode, new costumes, reduced censorship) and the Director's Cut Dual Shock version (added a new sound track and dual shock support).
PC got the PS1 Director's Cut release with fully uncensored cut scenes.
There was also a Sega Saturn version (new Battle mode, exclusive monster types including zombie Wesker), DS version (new modes, new costumes, support for touch screen gameplay and poking Jill in the breasts and arse) and a cancelled Gameboy Color game.
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The 1st one is my favorite, with Code Veronica.
I also loved RE2 and 3.
I'll not talk of RE0...
The "new" RE style was introduced by RE4, which is great, but after that...
I played RE5 with a friend (hopefully -_-) but I couldn't finish RE6...
Revelations 1 was fine, I'm trying to get me into the 2nd but, I dunno, it's weird.
I'm also waiting for a huge sale on RE7 (like, really huge :p)
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ya they change thing in RE Revelations 2 it was odd for me too but i finished the game some how lol . and I want to pay the Re7 but i will wait for sale and some updates too . idk why demo had better graphic then the main game :(
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I really like RE 2&3, those two games are my favorites. I really didn't like when the series went from survival horror to full out hunting game coughcoughRE4cough. Same thing happened to DIno Crisis. :S
The Revelations games are pretty nice, i especially like the events that are on REnet.
RE: Outbreak Files for the PS2 were also pretty fun.
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RE: Code Vero
More specifically CODE VERONICA X HD on PSN, even though it's basically a port of X With Widescreen.
The Dreamcast version should be worth something atleast, and it uses the VMU as an health display
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4, 5 and Reveleations are the best, then it went downhill and still has. I liked Operation Racoon City, not a great game per say, but I liked it, I liked what they did and tried to do, build upon the established lore and such, shame it went nowhere.
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they rush on that game they need more time to build that game
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RE2 remake it not out yet idk how you have it in your wishlist
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for my self i like resident evil 2 and 3 Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 and the last one is Resident Evil 6
I played Resident Evil 7 demo and it was fun to play but when i bought the game the graphic was not the same as demo . the demo had way better graphic idk why. i will wait to RE7 to go on sale before i buy it again .
Re 2 and 3 are not in the list because this stupid system dont let me to put it in :( sorry about that .
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