For 5 cents each,if that's enough for you. its a good business for those who buy bundle scrap
A common card is worth around 10gems, dont bother
Gems can be sold in the market once you are able to create a bag (1000gems)
By checking for how much people are willing to pay. VN cards are usually more valuable
The Pro's of crafting badges
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I'm being realistic, most cards are worthless
Also, the profit margin is 5 put them on sale for 7
Edit: looking at games with 5 or more cards to collect, the lowest price is usualy below 0.05$...of course you should check the market first, just dont expect selling thdm for more than 0.10$ often
Has for cards above 50cents i remind you, its not the lowest price that determines how much their worth, but how much people are willing to pay
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So, I won here a game a few days ago from which cards are worth 0,45-0,55 euro per one and you're saying I should just put them on the market for 0,05$? I won't even comment on that :P
Or just today I got two cards from game Atorb if I recall which were worth 0,20 euro and some other from this one were worth 0,06-0,08 euro. I sold the first two for 0,20 euro.
But hey these are your cards and your money. You can really earn a lot if you check the price of every card before putting it on the market, especially for non-bundle games but not only.
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Im saying...check the market but dont expect selling them for higher prices very often.
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By saying "50 cents" I mean the lowest price is 50 cents. I guarantee if you put a card one cent below the lowest one it'll get purchased usually during the first 24 hours. In 10% of cases a bit later. I know what I'm talking about cause I've been selling cards this way since they were introduced and I always try to make the biggest profit possible. I also sold foil cards for 15 euro so yeah I know what I'm talking about.
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Aye but I'd say it happens 90% of the time. The only cards that are harder to sell right away just by putting a little lower price than the lowest one are foil cards. Of course it also depends on the game, if it's some non bundled obscure indie title that like 200 people have and 0 cards were sold during last 24 hours then yeah, it'll be harder to sold those cards and it will take a few days probably. But still, what I said applies to a lot of cases, my sells are fluid and very rarely I wait more than 1-2 days once I put the cards on the market.
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Cards are worth different for each game. Also their worth fluctuates up & down constantly. I made a pretty penny from the Dark Soul 3 cards when I put them on the market a little while back. Also for some reason some games the cards have very different prices between them, like for example: TRI: Of Friendship & Madness. All of the cards for that game were worth around 10 cents or so each except one of them which was being sold at around 40+ cents. Luckily I already had that card & for some reason instead of just selling the cards like I usually do I decided to craft a badge, which in the end turned out to be the right thing as the background it gave me was worth around €1.5. ;)
Anime / Visual novel games seem to retain a decent card value, whereas most games the cards rarely go over 10c except for new games or popular games, but even those get the values driven down fast by people who put their cards on the market at a low price to sell them quick. The problem with that is that loads of people don't bother checking how many units are being sold at the lowest price, they just see that is the lowest price via the info box in their inventory & thus sell at that. This ends up reducing the value as it gets over-saturated with cards being sold at lower values. Shame as selling cards is a nice way to make a bit of digital money to put towards games you want to buy when they come on sale. I bought Talos Principle & quite a few other nice little games from card profits alone.
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I'm pretty sure he meant "average".
He isn't THAT wrong: according to, there's 29433 cards that together cost 3690,81€ - that's 0,12€.
BUT, worthy noticing, if you delete 9 most expensive sets (cheapest of them costing over 35€, highest costing nearly 1500€!!!), average price drops to a bit under 0.08€.
Deleting only those 4 that are over 100€ drops aveage from 0.12€ to a bit less than 0.09€.
All those numbers - there's also GabeNTax you need to pay, so you sell for 0.12, but get only 0.10.
This is only talking about standard cards, without looking at foils.
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These questions have been answered with good detail long ago.
Most things you need to know of Steam cards.
What are Steam gems?
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The most value you can get out of cards is selling them. They add monetary credit to your Steam wallet for future purchases (think of it like a small cash-back reward for buying a game). Most cards are cheap (less than $0.07) but some are highly sought after and thus worth a lot more. The market determines their value. To find out how much a card is currently selling for you can click on it in your inventory and use the box to the right to see details about the card and open up buy/sell screens.
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Might've been a free game. A bit more but I did drop someone 5 cards for Burstfire recently as I missed it when it was being given out for nothing.
There has been the odd bundle where the games were less than $0.18 each too. The most recent Groupees "50" bundle had 4 steam keys at $0.125 a piece, or you can buy 10 bundles of the current Otaku bundle (60 keys) for $4.99 for a couple of examples.
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Yeah, those bundles are not great and the games are not in much demand at all. Got to hope that someone who wants a cheap +1 is in the vicinity I suppose.
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If you care about customizing your profile or if you don't have enough slots for your friendlist, then you might want to look into crafting badges. If not, just sell the cards. Gems arent worth it, just ignore them.
Cards and badges are really just collectibles that some of us are addicted to that devs and valve profit on.
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-5. You're eligible for random booster pack drops (unopened packs containing 3 cards) for a specific game after you get all the card drops you can for that game.These packs may drop at anytime and you're not required to be running the game.
Also, leveling up on Steam increases your booster pack drop rate (+20% every 10 levels or so), increases your friend limit (+5 friend slots per level) and your showcase limit (+1 every 10 levels)
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If u get your steam profile to level 6969 u will unlock all steam games
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Well, when we used to be kids, we collected marbles or pokemon cards or pogs or other things I don't remember. So it's similar with steam. You can collect badges and level up imaginary stuff. But that's all, it has no real use. It's up to you whether you want to collect stuff or not =). If you don't care about this, then just sell cards on market and earn some cents.
Oh just remembered.. when you level up you get more slots for new friends in your friendlist. Though I never reached the limit so I don't know what is the exact number. That is the only "useful" thing you get by leveling up, I know of.
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Well if badges (or levels) gave you discount for games, that would be a real use for example. But the stuff you get for leveling up is just for tuning your profile page and what is that good for? Nothing =). Does it even give us a feeling of satisfaction? Maybe for a 0.01s yeah. Do you lay down to bed at night and think "man that badge I created today was sweet". I don't think so. And if you do, then great, it has a value for you and you should craft the badges =). Every person on this planet is unique and you should do what makes you happy.
OP asked what is the use of crafting and leveling and that he sees no point. I just told him that it has no "real" point. I think that's what he wanted to hear. If badges gave you money/discounts/whatever of "real" value and he didn't know about it, then I bet he would want to know. That's why he asked. Obviously he only cares about gaming and not nice background on a profile page.
I don't mean to start some flame war here. Just expressing my opinion. Which will most likely increase blacklist count on my stats page =).
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Every time you craft a badge you receive a coupon = game discount. Didn't you know that :P ?
And yeah, sure thing. I for example like crafting badges, collecting good looking emotes and backgrounds and using that stuff. Plus I like looking at the badges I crafted, I guess that's my "collector OCD" side of me but I do like it :)
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Then it's perfectly fine for you to craft them ^^. Valve plays psychological warfare with us. Gives us always no more than 1/2 of cards needed for badge. And when OCD in us awakens, we feel the need to finish the badge to feel complete :D. Happens to me too sometimes.
Didn't know about the discounts though... But it's weird. I crafted 7 badges during sales and got 0 discounts. But I never got a discount for a good game anyway. =/
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During the sales they replace the discount coupon with a Steam Summer or Winter Sale card.
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crafting and levelling up can give you coupons??!! Nice. I remember owning something similar to this, but i cant find it now. Is there a limited time to use them?
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There are a few hundred games on Steam that can drop coupons, and they are mostly the same ones you see on 90% sales or in bundles all the time. There are a few decent ones among them, true, but you need to be relatively new to Steam to even have a chance to miss them.
Sadly the entire coupon system is now pretty much totally abandoned, as most people keep their cards for the season sale events and Valve itself doesn't seem to have an interest in it any more. An abandoned but still half-living feature like the built-in streaming service.
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Cards are useless. Money is useful. Cards can be exchanged for money. Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
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They are useful to trade too, i bought a tons of games with cards.
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Should i sell them? You can use them to trade with others for games or other cards, if you have no desire to trade them... selling them is a useful option You can also complete badges to level up your steam level, which has additional benefits, although depending upon what you want to do it might not be that useful.. Should at the very least get your level up to whatever one is necessary to get booster packs.. think it's level 5..
Are they worth turning them into gems? Absolutely not, unless you have cheapo cards that nobody will buy, they are more valuable to save and trade, or sell than turn into Gems..
What are gems? Gems were used during one of the sale events a few years ago, you could use them to bid on games that steam was giving away. Actually a huge glitch happened earlier on in the sale where people could get unlimited amounts of gems , which caused Sacks to sell for like .05 cent... obviously a major oversite on valve part, they pulled back all the gems, refunded all the money and restarted the event..
How do i know witch card is valuable and witch is not? You can use Item Value sorter site which will give you a run down on how valuable your cards are.. You can also shift through your inventory, clicking on a card will give you the value it's currently selling at..
Are there other stuff i need to know about?
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If you are interested in badges, then make them, otherwise use something like Enhanced Steam to list them at a decent price and wait for them to sell. (Or instant sell if you need the money now!)
If you really want to get into it you can also make badges in hopes of getting good background and the like, which can sometimes sell for a fair bit. That said, most games their Backgrounds and emoticons are all but worthless and you're better off just selling the cards.
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tl;dr As Mullins said: cards are money.
Long answer text wall:
Granted, I have alts, and of course get games from bundles and such, but my alts pretty much only redeem free games. I almost never buy something just to put on an alt for farming. I do not craft except during sale card drop periods (when you receive a card for each craft--this begins about two weeks before the sale, and during the sale you get up to three summer cards per day per account by exploring your discovery queue, which can be done with a script). Because of free games and alts I do not have to do much buying in the market in order to get full sets.
So, I crafted from level 65 to level 95 AND I sold the vast majority of summer sale cards (crafting only a level 7 badge) for about $30.00 of profit.
Crafting is completely optional and there is very little benefit for going to level 95 from level 65. I'd say the only level that matters at present is level 8 (the minimum level to be able to get cards from exploring your discovery queue during the big sales). If you want an extra showcase or two, or of you want to have hordes of people on your friends list, then crafting beyond 8 has obvious benefits (but diminishing returns).
Cards are free money. Free games are free money. Even if you just have your single Steam account. Though personally I don't like to clog my account up with utter shite so I avoid redeeming crappy free games to it.
Sell or craft? Up to you. If you are listing items at $0.03 or $0.04 when fees are gonna snatch away $0.02 of that, you're wasting your time.
What are gems? Steam has a FAQ to answer a question as basic as that one.
Craft into gems? No. Gems are best exploited by figuring out which games turn you a small net profit with the cost of the cards you can sell from buying a booster with gems vs. the cost of a sack of gems. AFAIK since the price of gems spiked recently this is not as awesome as it used to be, though maybe the market has corrected itself then. I don't know, I don't really deal with that.
How do you know which cards are valuable? By looking at their prices? If you want to level up by crafting you should be crafting the cheapest badges. A site like Steam Card Exchange can tell you values, but you still have to pay attention to how many cards you have as well.
There's lots of stuff to know but this comes with experience and research. The first thing you should do is put in the necessary effort to answer the simplest questions without relying on others to help you, such as what gems are.
Boosters aren't that much of a factor, you get boosters from the most "popular" games (which are often free games), and you get more boosters by having more eligible accounts than having a single account eligible for a wide variety of boosters.
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It's level 5 for discovery queue card drops now, or at least it was this past summer sale. I was able to get some on a newly created alt. 100 games + the community ambassador badge got me there.
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Ok so i have been using Steam for a very long time (mostly to play 2 or 3 free games..) and along the time i have heard of those badges, cards, keys, pics, etc. But what i don't understand is what is their value? Mostly cards, now i know that you can level up in steam (i dont see whats the use) and gain badges and cards for playing games and such.
1.What are cards used for?
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