So now charges an addition fee of €0.35 to all transaction. I have to pull all my game keys there down because most of them are at around €0.5, which means after the fee deduction, the profit I got is only €0.11. Some will even make me lose money.

Just a head-up so that anyone selling things on G2A knows and pulls off the items before losing some money.

10 years ago*

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Heh. Still better than eBay.

10 years ago

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I got something free from eBay because they have a strict rules of product description, which some sellers don't care about. So my bias is eBay over G2A.

10 years ago

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As a buyer, eBay is heaven. As a seller, eBay is a den of eternal suffering and frustration. The selling fees are sky-high, and buyer fraud runs rampant and screws sellers without repercussions. Years of hard work selling can be torn apart by just a few unscrupulous individuals, whom eBay will side with no matter what the evidence or lack thereof indicates.

10 years ago

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I do agree about that. :3

10 years ago

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And there is another nasty fee that should be considered: ANY price change will cause an immediate 0.15€ fee, so now you have to pay

  • 0.15€ to sell a new item
  • 0.15€ for any price change
  • 8% + 0.35€ when you successfully sell it

For now it was a good place to get rid of duplicate bundle keys, but now it's over.
So if you try to sell something for 0.25€ and you realize it's too much and change the price by 0.05€ to 0.2€ and someone sells it, you'll pay 0.15 + 0.15 + 0.35 + 0.03 = 0.68€ while you get back 0.2€. Paying half a euro to get rid of a key is a kinda good bargain :-P

10 years ago

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Payout of available balance is also paid now.

I read terms but didnt know that it applies to existing active listings, not just new. So I sold two keys and after all fees ended in minus. Will probably get back to Kinguin. I just dont like their 30 days waiting period.

10 years ago

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Yea i found out today, got an email. I was always seling my keys for €0.25. So time for me to stop, i pulled all my keys today from their site. Now im waiting for my blance to level out (7 days waiting) Then im gonna pull my money to my paypal. Too bad, a loss for them. I always used the money from my earnings to buy at their site. So lost revenue for them. Aint coming back until they fix these new terms. (which will be never i guess)

Worst thing, many people won't read those terms and find out later shit has changed, potentional losing money without noticing.

10 years ago

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Maybe they're trying to quickly raise cash for a legal defense fund that might be needed soon? :P

10 years ago

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nah they need the money to be top donor to humble bundle again and again

10 years ago

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rip g2a

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I was selling 2-3 games under 30 cents... it was interesting to see that not only they charged me for the 8% (which is the all-time transaction fee), but they also charged me with 35 cents... so lets see: key was 28 cents. they've charged 2+35 cents. that's -9 cents for my key. that's fabulous :DD

10 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up. Just pulled some keys out of there and also cashed out to PayPal. It was good while it lasted.

10 years ago

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I take all my keys down. Goodbye G2A

10 years ago

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doesn't affect me but here's a free bump

10 years ago

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Is this good news or bad news?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Shame. Already knew that G2A adds a fee when purchasing a key, but the key sellers made it cheap enough for me anyway. Now that people are pulling keys, up to Kinguin again.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by faragona.