check - they list like 99% of bundles ;)
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it's pretty good, you get 2 bundles when you BTA
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These are the 6 I check regularly.
Dig is OK but games seem to be leftovers from other site's bundles
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First thing you need to know is that if you want to get in on the bundle action, you have to wade through a lot of crap to get what you want.
"Bundle games" have a bad rep for a reason.
Arguably, most of the bundles from most of the sites I list here are either total crap or have a portion of crap in them. Your best bet for high-profile titles in a bundle are BundleStars and HumbleBundle, though they do sometimes pop up elsewhere.
As already said, IsThereAnyDeal and EpicBundle are good sites to get informed about bundles.
Here's my experience, from what I can remember off the top of my head:
BlinkBundle -- Bought from a few times. Bundles are few and far between, but I've bought almost every one since I discovered it.
BundleStars -- Bought from several times. This is one of the most upfront and professional-looking bundle sites, and it literally has some of the best bundles. Probably my favorite. Sometimes you get bundles cheaper if you order in the first 24hrs.
DailyIndieGame -- Bought from a handful of times, about 50% bundles, 50% individual games. To get the best price, buy early and beat the average; beat the average and they give you twice as many keys! I'd buy more if there was less crap, though.
FlyingBundle -- Bought from a few times. The bundles are few and far between, and usually not all that special.
GreenManGaming -- Bought from several times, though usually not bundles. Bundles are not that common, though they have a spot reserved for them. They almost always have a 20% Off coupon code listed right on the front page, which works on almost everything. If you're smart, you can use it to get games for cheaper than they've EVER been.
Groupees -- Bought from several times. To get the most out of it, you gotta pay attention to the chat rooms, because there's a lot of pre-order craziness. They also like to pad bundles with crap. A lot of opportunity to get something cheap, or to get burned.
HumbleBundle -- I don't think this needs any introduction. New bundles start midday on Tuesdays and Thursdays (for reference, I'm in the US), and I ALWAYS check the site after I get off work on those days.
IndieGala -- Bought from several times. They often have three or more bundles going at once (a Monday bundle, a Friday bundle, and at least one monthly or otherwise unique bundle). To get the most out of it, you need to be aware of your options regarding buying early, and "Happy Hour." If you don't mind giving away bundle games on SG, this can be a great place to buy multiples for cheap.
IndieGameStand -- Don't think I've ever bought from them before. I see interesting deals on single games sometimes.
IndieRoyale -- Bought from a handful of times. They often have two bundles going at the same time. You usually have to get them early, though, because the more bundles sold, the more the price rises. It doesn't take long for the price to be not-worth-it. I think they might be changing that tactic, though.
LazyGuysBundle -- Haven't bought from them yet because I either miss the bundle, or it's just not quite enticing enough. Bundles are few and far between here, too.
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My experience is about the same. I would say HumbleBundle, BundleStars, and IndieGala are the top 3, in that order. IndieGala has a fair amount of garbage, especially the last month or so. I've also purchased a few times form DailyIndieGame, Groupees, IndieRoyale and IndieGameStand. IndieGameStand does single games, but for $6 you can get current, previous and next games+ BTA. This has only worked out once for me as their games are at least 50% garbage. DailyIndieGame, Groupees and IndieRoyale are more like 75% crap, but when they have decent stuff it's well priced. DailyIndieGame you can usually get a second bundle for a few cents extra. Share, trade or giveaway the leftovers. HumbleBundle, Groupees, IndieGameStand, and IndieRoyale often have downloadable, DRM free copies in addition to Steam keys.
There's also Indie Ammo Box and BundleBandits, although they only do bundles about every 2-3 months. I purchased once from each of them. Looks like Indie Ammo Box may have stopped doing bundles. Their web site just has a charity project on it now.
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I thought I heard recently BundleBandits was closing up. I never used them, though. I also didn't try IndieAmmoBox, though I was tempted once when they were brand new. They've been part of some military charity since the beginning. Interesting that it seems to be what's left.
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where do you buy Bundles? I want to know more Websites :)
Thank you!
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