distract yourself with anything at hand, that makes you feel good, like games or stuff, also, try doing something productive, improving yourself, something to be proud of yourself, to get your mind off the recent events. but mainly, allow yourself to be sad and to mourn, accept being sad and in an unhappy mood, it is normal, many go through such stuff, it might not be the first nor the last time something like that happen, life goes on.
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been there, done that, could have been worse. I was dumped on my birthday for some bs reasons and excuses, just to find out a few weeks later that she was already in a new rs, to find out she did not plan to keep any of the words she gave to me, that I was lied and abandoned...took me like a year to properly recover (still sorta working on it), since she was the first rs i ever had. There would be plenty to be said but, in the end...I guess no experience is a loss or a tragedy, just a lesson for us to learn and become stronger.
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I think that God gave us a hearth but without an armor to defend it...
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I'm sure she didn't deserve you anyways.
Just don't worry about her, you will find someone else in no time.
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Sucks ... cant take ze gift because i'm not on your WL .
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Let's try this...
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Ok, this time you don't have to worry, belive me ;)
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how comes?
it's really hard to get started then it gets easier until you have done it for quite some time, after that it gets harder again to consequently continue doing it (that's my experience) but it rewards you greatly!
you can also find anything else that is fun for you (should include physical effort because otherwise in the end of the day your body won't be exhausted and the thoughts will haunt you and cost you your sleep). This should also not include gaming mainly, because games are something to enjoy and also don't get you to physical exhaustion. Sure games can distract but that way they become way less fun!
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Sorry to hear that. These songs have helped me get through some tough times in the past:
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How long have you been together?
For me break up always has turned out to be something good. I've learned from previous relationships and I was able to choose better person for me later and also to not make the same mistakes. So keep your head up high - it will turn out good for you as well in the end! Also I prefered to break up in peace and I had a great respect for any of my ex-gf's. This way was easier for me cos I knew my time with them wasn't wasted and it was somehow precious even if we had to split our ways. (It doesn't mean you should see her over and over again now though - give yourself some time to forget. Also try give yourself a chance to meet somebody new as soon as possible)
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1 year and a half
I knoe that could be a good thing but for now it is not..
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<3 hey, I love you, don't feel down, <3 we all love you more than she must have <3
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I've been in relationships before that I thought I would NEVER get over, but I did. I always thought each time, that this relationship was different too. Takes some time but you will get over her and move on with your life.
As said above, occupy yourself with games or friends, do NOT listen to sad songs, screw that. If one comes on the radio, change it fast!
Sad songs are useless. Too much feelings and you don't need that right now.
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Try to get your mind on other things. It's to be expected that you're depressed/sad since it just happened. Best thing to do though is to try to get interested in something, a hobby or something that you may have put off for awhile.
Or, have a nice good cry, get it out of your system and then put it behind you.
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i never had a gf 23 and a virgin so i cant help u sorry but i hope u can shake it off
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Oh, I'm sorry about that...
Recently a friend of mine left his girlfriend, who is also a friend, and she is very sad. We try to cheer her up playing cards and having a couple beers and a chat together.
Go out, meet friends, don't think about it, even if it may be hard...
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I'm mostly good at bringing people down, but this may help for review: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-ways-cheer-yourself-when-youre-bad-mood.html
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No woman, No cry :D
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Watch this cause laughing always makes you feel better
And remember:
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Don't know if you believe me or not, but not here for the ga. I tried with the pic because it depends on people if they just want a laugh or a real conversation. But i know how sg can help you feel better, I had a couple of times too when i was down and people on the board here (and others) would cheer me up. It helps to know some people feel with you and want to make you better. I know I'm just some random stranger for you but I found that it helps to get support. My advice would be not to let yourself get carried away too far in the hurting. I did that years back when I was a younger and it feels like I still drag some of that pain with me even now. It's never easy moving on in such a situation but you got to man. Let the feelings out but then pick yourself up and go out, meet friends, talk with them, family, go see a movie, play some games and live will start looking more colourfull again. It's what everyone knows, you too, but right now it probably doesn't feel like that for you... It will get better!
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Anyone ~ when I think of boobies, I smile:)
That's why I keep loads on my profile.
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I'm not really a love-expert but I know how to control my emotions quite good, life was hard before I even knew it so I learned how to solve problems or distract with the ones that can't be solved. I do have experiences with love, very good experiences actually, and painful ones. my English isn't as good but here's my advise.
I'm not going to say it'll be easy, but believe me, you'll make it.
GET BUSY - do whatever you want to get busy, take a vacation, hang with friends, play video games, try hard at work. avoid being alone.
I'm not here for the giveaway, you can talk to me bro, what happened?
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Yeah, not for the giveaway here either, but, you should let it all out man, give some insight on the situation, Usually talking about it helps too, it eases your mind.
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My girlfriend just left me...
Can you try to take me up?
I would appreciate it!
EDIT: I wanted only to say a big thanks to all the one that helped me getting throught this trought!
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