So i bet the whole story is fake but if happen that someone name like that or close enough to it has won a Torchlight 2 let get his ass ban please. Also he is part of CuzWeLoveFreeStuff so most likely using steamgift.


1:07 PM - beast-of-259: Hi, what can i do for you?

1:07 PM - Lysdal: Magicka?

1:07 PM - beast-of-259: dont want magicka if thats what your offering...

1:08 PM - Lysdal: No

1:08 PM - Lysdal: I want that

1:08 PM - beast-of-259: and what do you offer for it?

1:08 PM - Lysdal: Torchlight 2 key

1:08 PM - beast-of-259: where is the key from?

1:09 PM - Lysdal: I won it

1:09 PM - Lysdal: But i dont want it

1:09 PM - Lysdal: ?

1:10 PM - beast-of-259: i already own torchlight 2 so im looking if a friend of mine could redeem it

1:10 PM - Lysdal: ok

1:10 PM - beast-of-259: give me 5min please

1:12 PM - beast-of-259: are you sure its not a beta key? which contest did you enter to win it?

1:13 PM - Lysdal: SteamGifts

1:13 PM - Lysdal: Its a preorder

1:16 PM - beast-of-259: could you link me the giveaway please i have doubts that they sent keys for pre order

1:16 PM - Lysdal: I dont have it?

1:16 PM - beast-of-259: How come ?

1:16 PM - Lysdal: ?

1:17 PM - beast-of-259: link the giveaway you have enter so that i can verifie the source

1:17 PM - Lysdal: Are we comming anywhere or what?

1:18 PM - beast-of-259: Ill tell you right away it smells fishy and you will have to go first on this deal, ok >?

1:18 PM - Lysdal: Hmmm

1:18 PM - Lysdal: Sorry to much of a risk

1:19 PM - beast-of-259: you have no rep and you cant provide a source for the key

1:19 PM - Lysdal: Yea.

1:19 PM - Lysdal: I can see that :S

1:19 PM - beast-of-259: just give me the link to the giveaway and ill confirm the source and well go from there

1:19 PM - Lysdal: I dont have it

1:20 PM - beast-of-259: go on steamgifts under giveaways then under view won you ll have it

1:21 PM - Lysdal: I dont understand you?

1:21 PM - Lysdal: Sorry i have to go

1:21 PM - beast-of-259: lol

1:21 PM - beast-of-259: too much trouble you might just wanna kill this conversation and find someone else to scam

Lysdal is now Offline.

Other names used:

Compagnion, [W.L.R], MOnkey-Man, Your Mom, Im a traitor, Moses, Jebediah Kerman

12 years ago*

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Calling out, tsk tsk tsk.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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yeah im mean...are they an endangered species, should we protect them?

12 years ago

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*6 is better.

12 years ago

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"im scamming you(im not talking english" me:"asdf"

12 years ago

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And so did great Prosecutor Lord Edgeworth solveth the day.

And all was well.

12 years ago

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The rules, man.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by beastof259.