Hey guys, I never really got into Guild Wars, but with Guild Wars 2 coming out, I decided to pick it up to learn about the lore and maybe pick up some Hall of Monuments points here and there. However the game almost feels like a single player game to me because I'm playing everything with heroes or henchmen, so I was wondering if there's anybody that still plays or is in a relatively active guild.

12 years ago*

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I still play! I'm trying to do the same thing.

12 years ago

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Hit me up! Add Owell Poacher.

12 years ago

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I loved the GW old days... There was a nice clan there, who helped me and etc. But now - as there is no such clan, I gave up GW. Also too small amount of people playin.

12 years ago

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Maybe they should just make it f2p at this point, make money on the cash shop, thats only if they are barely selling copies now, worked for Aion it seems, there cash shop is cosmetic based also.

12 years ago

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Or they could do what they are doing. Use the HoM rewards to squeeze the last drops of money out of GW1, then let it die now that they have GW2 to replace it. If GW1 is running on the same hardware as GW2, then the uproar over them pulling the plug will probably cost them more than just leaving GW1 running.

Halloween will show ANETs intention. If there is a new Halloween event in GW1, then they are still interested in it. If there isn't, or it's just a repeat of a previous year, then ANET is finished with it.

12 years ago

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haven't played GW in a while - what you need though is to get 2 or 3 decent players and then power through the campaign and cap skills/build heroes :)

12 years ago

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I hit my second personal HOM goal of 23 from 13 recently, and boy was it a pain in the arse. Aside from some Fort Aspenwood PVP (MAYBE) I have no intention of playing it unless someone really needs my help.

Keep in mind I am not at all a great player with stacks and stacks of Globs of Ecto with every elite capped, that said I wish you luck and as I mentioned earlier I do offer my services if desperately needed, just add me on steam if said need arises.

P.S. GW2 <3

P.P.S. Don't let me deter you from your goal. GO FOR IT!

12 years ago

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Yeah, I'm aiming for 24? Maybe. I have a bunch of minis because my account has been sitting there since launch with most character slots filled, so I should be able to make decent progress. I might need your help taming a black widow spider or something.

Anyway, SteamGifts should totally have a guild when GW2 launches!

12 years ago

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Honestly speaking, those mini-pets are both what gave me a-lot of points and a-lot of money for other stuff.
So its hard to decide if you want to put them in your HOM or sell em.

If you want add me on steam, tomorrow when I'm online I'll give you some tips for stuff I did.

12 years ago

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I'll add you tomorrow! I have repeats of some of the minis, so I can sell those.

12 years ago

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After 6 years playing GW, with more of 9.500h and 36 max titles on my main character, I only enter on my GW acc to play some dungeon with guildies... but we are all waiting the final release of GW2 :)

12 years ago

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Playin GW1 every few months for a while. Too bad it´s pretty dead by now. Well, not actually dead, but the henchmen killed playing together. Everyone now runs solo. Back a few years ago it was totally different. ANet ruined teamplay there :/

GW2? Hmm, dunno. Many players loving GW1 said it just isn´t GW any more. I will make my own view next weekend during Beta and decide after that.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I can tell they changed the mechanics of Guild Wars A LOT. It doesn't seem like it's the same game anymore apart from the lore and what not. I see it a lot of it's changes as good things, some are even extremely innovative, but like you said, I guess we'll all have to see once we get a chance to play it.

12 years ago

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I am sitting at 29/30 HOM points and need to finish the war in kryta. If anyone wants to do that with me it would be a lot of fun. Not so into using henchmen only. I made the stupid mistake of turning my 250 war supplies into medal of honors... Could have just had a Guilford buy my oppressor weapon for me lol

12 years ago

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Oh that bites. I'm still a long way from doing War in Kryta. I'd be willing to do it with you, but you'd have to wait a long while, haha.

12 years ago

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even in a guild its far easier to hero everything, so it may feel single player to you no matter what

12 years ago

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Still, it'd be nice to see other people in the game and have people that can give you advice.

12 years ago

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Are there any guides you could recommend for new players ( or old players that forgot how to play this game ) to get the 30 points for Hall of Monuments ? Maybe a good youtube channel for that ?

12 years ago

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This guide is pretty reliable. It relies on teaming up a lot to grind for money for the last few points though, so it's not the best for solo players. Still, it should get you started pretty well.

12 years ago

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If you're just starting out, I might be able to help you out. Chances are there some way that we can both progress together even if we're at different points.

In terms of guides:
There's probably more (Aargh had another one) that will also be helpful, but those are the three that I use. The Guild Wars Wiki is also extremely helpful for quests and pretty much any information you might need.

12 years ago

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If I log in and all I do is sit in town and chat...does it count as playing?

12 years ago

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I wouldn't say so...I don't even know who you chat with in town with the community being pretty dead and all...

12 years ago

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I started playing again a while back for the Hall of Monuments points, but now I'm at 25/50 and the grind is getting depressing and I don't feel like playing very often anymore. It's only 5 more points to my goal but I lack the funds to get those points quickly so all I can do is grind.

I need to find someone with a lot of gold and steal their account or something. :P Or just find someone who already filled their HoM and doesn't mind giving me their leftover stuff.

12 years ago

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Nice! You're almost there! I'm probably going to stop once it becomes a grindfest haha. If you're willing to help any of us other peeps out let us know! (:

12 years ago

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If I manage to get to 30 and I still feel like playing I'd love to help some other people out, but for now whenever I play I'm focused on getting to 30.

12 years ago

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Focus on the Zaishen tasks for each day. The rewards are not only a decent amount of gold, but Zaishen Coins which can then be traded in for things that can be sold or used to increase various ranks. Not to mention all of the tasks some how relate to various trophies. If an event weekend is coming up that relates to the task, save it (you can have 3 active I believe) and do it over the weekend for even greater synergy.

12 years ago

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Start everything you do with your inventory as empty as possible. Loot everything that drops for you. The majority of your income will be from selling white junk to the merchant.

If one of your teammates doesn't loot all their stuff, and you get a chance to go back and grab it after finishing what you came to do, go back and take it for yourself.

12 years ago

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im doing hom too, im at 21points :/

if you need help you can join the Hall of Monuments Helper Group in Steam here

12 years ago

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I just got a everlasting margonite tonic on my warrior for his 6th year anniversary lol Think i can get anything for it? Maybe I won't have to beat war in kryta afterall...

12 years ago

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im only playing for HOM now.

12 years ago

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50/50 HoM + GWAMM

Really, 30/50 is doable if you have the time and optimize as much as possible. There should be lots of mini-pets for sale cheap, same for alcohol/sweets/party. Start with Nightfall, charge thru to unlock as many heroes as possible. Once you have a good set of heroes the game becomes much easier. The main thing is to not waste money on anything you don't need, because money is the primary means of unlocking numerous points.

12 years ago

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HATED Guild Wars 1. Having to fight your way back through the SAME areas and creatures just to get to the next part of a quest SUCKED!

12 years ago

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If anyone wants to play sometime before gw2 comes out throw me an invite on steam, wanna try and get some more hom points before it comes out. I am so far behind though with the hom, i only have 8 points lol. Would be awesome if someone could lend me a hand on some stuff like the hero armor sets.

I haven't really played in ages though so i will be pretty rusty, specially since i play a derv and havent played him since they changed him.

12 years ago

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havent played in a while but just reinstaled it :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Have a necrobump, because I've finally ported our GW1 guild into GW2. Just let me know your character names for an invite.

12 years ago

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Talking to yourself is one of the first noticable symptoms of schizophrenia

12 years ago

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Factions completed, fuck yeah

12 years ago

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just purchased guildwars 2 on amazon:)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by goggthegrunt.