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Ah, you've fallen for a trap, my friend. The Crown Prince in Nigeria is actually the descendant of the Egyptian Pharaohs, who has claim to all of the riches of the Middle East. See, i put doubt on his claims until he finally revealed his true identity. Somehow it makes me trust him even more.
Thank you, Hasani. You're truly a merciful ruler.
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It’s a matter of perspective. I’m sure that a young gamer with an empty library would still enjoy the sales.
We’re just jaded af.
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I can relate. The first time was awesome. Now I'm just waiting for my wishlisted games to hit the same historical low from a past sale.
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I disagree, many of the games I'm following have had better sale prices on past Steam sales or in different stores. Many games have the same discount they've had for years. The few that have better discount prices are only marginally cheaper. The event and lack of cards have generally been found to be worse. If something keeps getting worse, stating that this is the "worst summer sale" is actually a quite accurate statement. Can you provide me with a worse Steam Summer than this one? Sometimes a bad sale is just a bad sale.
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Yet, this is the most appropriate summer to say that.
Very true :D
(Thought I find the discounts actually decent, but the event completelly killed it for me.)
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I find the discounts quite alright, but I hate the Grand Prix thing. It's a bad idea implemented badly, the only enjoyment I'm getting out of it is reading all the comments regarding how broken and covoluted it is.
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Nothing on my wishlist was discounted enough for me to entertain going for it at this time. So for me, the sale lasted about 4 minutes, which was long enough for me to look through my list once. Without the daily flash sales, it's not really the same thing like it was in the past.
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I think some people are going to really hate corgis after this stupid event, lol :D
Team Hare says hi, btw!
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Well, I'm not winning ALL my races, though some of the races can be randomly easy.
...I can't remember if there was a difficulty setting....
There is online play which I haven't tried - might do that tonight to see if anyone plays (I hope so)
It's kinda like F1 All-stars / Speed Freaks / Crash Team Racing, just generally a bit easier. I love these sort of arcadey cart racing games.
Random fact: the male characters have to be unlocked, clearly this game is aimed at the female demographic (XD yay)
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very cool. I got the game too because it looked very interesting. Still getting used to the mechanics. Maybe we can play some time :)
hmu <^.^>
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I had to ditch Oprah for the same reason. She kept expecting me to supply the milk for the cookies too. Whatzisname Baldwin is the one who is always in jail. He's not hard to get a hold of but he can only accept phone calls from 1:00 to 1:15 P.M. on Tuesdays unless you're his lawyer.
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There is no ex-governor of California, only... THE GOVERNATOR
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I'm angry on Humble! Steam!
I'm angry on people who drive behind me with their brights on!
I'm angry that no one's invented a self-cleaning toilet!
I'm angry that I have to leash my dog, but idiots don't have to leash their obnoxious children!
But most of all, I'm angry that I don't even remember what I was really angry about!
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As far as I know there was an exploit during the first hour(s) of the event where people could almost endlessly spam boost and get huuuuuge amounts of token that way.
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If I hadn't spent my Lunar Sale tokens just prior to the Summer Sale (when someone posted here that we could still access the page), I'd have had 38,000 tokens before taking part in the event, and I know people who had a lot more than that to start.
And I didn't exploit anything.
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That's weird. I totally got no idea why some people got that much while the event doesn't seem to work properly for others then.
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It is based on how much you spent between the Lunar Sale and the Summer Sale, and includes any unspent tokens from the Lunar Sale.
I started with -22,000 tokens (thanks to spending them all on the badge when that Lunar Sale page was re-posted) but enough boost to jump right back to around +16,000. Kinda pissed at myself for spending them on the Lunar Badge now, since I could have saved another $10 on games. (edit: I've gained another 6500 tokens in addition to the original amount). :/
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If I'm allowed to ask: Did you only get 100 capacity today as well?
I spent ~7€ yesterday but those didn't award any additional capacity to the 5k I got for past purchases.
Today I started off with 100 capacity. which only awarded me 100 token for the whole day.
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If I'm allowed to ask: Did you only get 100 capacity today as well?
Yeah, I started with 100, but I haven't bought anything yet today, so I haven't been able to see if it's increasing or not. If I do buy something today (and remember this conversation), I'll post back to let you know whether or not it increases as it should.
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AHA! I found you.
I did end up buying something shortly after speaking with you, and it did increase my boost capacity like it should.
I cannot resist a good sale, so I'll likely end up testing it again today. :3
Is yours working properly now or is it still borked?
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I got 2000 capacity that were provided to everyone by Valve as compensation for the issues but didn't purchase anything additionally yet. I wanna limit myself to my Steam wallet this time because of upcoming Nintendo Switch games and will wait for a few more cards to sell.
Sadly I missed the Sword of Ditto sale because of that. It was down to 3€ on the first day and now up to 6€. Guess I'll end up with 2 smaller games/VNs or a title like "World of Final Fantasy" in case I decide to get rid of all of my weeb cards.
Thanks for the feedback, Tzaar! :3
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will this be removed/reversed at the end? Can't be that some people have such Advantages.
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I guess he's a trader and spent $$$$$ on the store.
That's the only way to gain some cents from this "event"
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The only "sheep" are people who think that just because there's a sale they must buy a game. Most gamers are their own worst enemies and are largely the fault for why pricing is the way it is because they stupidly throw money at anything just so they can say they have it. Those same gamers who cry and whine when they already have hundreds of games on their account that they've never played and complain during events like this when Valve isn't giving them enough freebies or doing special card drops. Read the comments in this thread. There's many like that here.
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I don't have a problem with the sale personally, but your reasoning's pretty hilarious.
Since when does business work through owning people stuff? Fact is that people want to buy products. If the price is too high, they won't buy it. It's not greed to want better discounts, but it's also not greed to keep prices higher.
Adding projection and forced emotional reasoning like greed and a need to "owe" someone something is unnecessary.
Kinda funny that I just got called greedy because I refused to spend more than this sale... :D
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Wanna provide some actual proof...?
I even looked through everything. At the very worst you'll see people irrationally frustrated at the discounts. I doubt I'm the only one here looking for something to point towards users thinking that Valve owes them a steep sale.
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A few comments here and several on Reddit and in the Steam discussions are more than enough proof. You can find them yourself. They aren't hard to find. Not a single one has a valid reason for why they think Valve owes them something. They are just whining because they didn't get what they had hoped for. Too damn bad. We can't have everything we want. That's life.
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What are the comments though? You keep saying "comments are saying", but never actually quote something that could prove what you said.
Not a single one has a valid reason for why they think Valve owes them something.
See, you make this claim, but it's just not backed up at all. This isn't Reddit either and you referred to Steamgifts. All I'm asking for is just you quoting a few of them since after my third sweep now, I still haven't found a single comment that would support what you said just now.
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people act like Valve owes them something
You know, they want us to give them our money. They should be there for us, not the other way around. So yes, they should do everything in their power to keep us happy.
I know it's hard to believe in this day and age when companies can do whatever the hell they please and we are expected to keep our mouths shut, but customers are what should matter the most.
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Well, fair enough, let's dilute the word's meaning due to technicalities and unnecessary semantics, sure.
Don't breathe too much now. Need more oxygen to live? Nah, mate, calm yer tits, you're actually just a really greedy person. Hope you're not eating more than 1200 calories of course either. That's just greed if you go higher.
Regardless, being a consumer that has self-interests is as much greed as buying off-brand food in the grocery store.
Games aren't a necessity. Buying games is fine. Not buying them is just as fine. It's a pretty bitter outlook to respond to disappointed comment on a topic about a sales as "greed".
I hope you're buying everything at full price without flinching and you never have wanted something without getting it. If you've done one of these things, congrats, you're now greedy.
Quick question: You did spend all of your life earnings on this sale, right? You didn't hoard the money for yourself, like some greedy goblin in a dank dungeon, right? Only greedy people want to save their wealth. Like a dragon in its lair. There are stories written about people like you. How greed corrupts. Scary stuff.
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More over the top than blacklisting people you disagree with? :D
I dunno, you'll stay on my whitelist regardless since you're a solid person, even if we do disagree, it's not like disagreements damage anyone. <3
I'll try to not be as over-the-top with my Michael Jordan 5 second meme clips next time :D
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Since you brought it up, I blacklisted you on February 27th, 2019 at 10:14am CST, over 3 months ago.
Ironically enough, it was for a "disagreement" you had with someone that you went over the top with. I don't blacklist anyone for insulting or disagreeing with me.
(But hey, tell yourself whatever you want. I couldn't give a shit.)
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What's the date got to do with it? I doubt you blacklisted me because you felt really cold on that February morning and decided "Hmm, gotta blacklist people for warmth" or something. :D
You're really set on thinking that I'm trying to tell myself things and convince myself of something though... I wonder why...
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Funny thing to be talking about greed during this lovely event, that is all centered around speding tons of cash.
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This Sale looks like Valve is giving Epic (Fail) Store chance to catch up.
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Good for you. I still consider Epic (Fail) Store as not worthy of my money and... shady (exclusives, bans on customers who buy too much, almost zero stores features, data stealing....).
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Funny for someone who is all for diversity to shop at the Epic store.
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Of the things you said only the exclusives are complains I agree with. Store features are things that take time, see Steam for god sake xD
And I didn't see really proof of the data stealing on reddit or forums, just angry steam fanboys who obviously are not objective and probably made that up lol
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As far as I recall E(Fail)S gathered info about Steam friends list without user consent.
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Well, if you provide couple of unbiased sources I don't have problems in believing it. And please, don't call it E(Fail)S, even if you don't like the store. Is so damn cringey
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Data "collecting":
As for you request not calling it Epic (Fail) Store - I will keep doing it, because I like it that way, deal with it.
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Store features are things that take time,
Because online stores and launchers are a brand new thing nowadays, Epic didn't have YEARS of experience to learn how it's done..And who needs a shopping cart in a store, anyway, that's such a niche feature.
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What years of experience lol, since when they have the Epic store? Gog, uplay, origin, etc. took a long time to have the features they have today, it doesn't matter the "YEARS of experience to learn how it's done". I don't think is that easy as you put it.
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While EGS may not have the "years of experience" (which is itself debatable), they most certainly had the templates (the other online stores) and knew right out of the gate what features were common among e-tailers.
EGS intentionally jumped into the game prematurely - right before the Steam Winter Sale, and clearly prioritized sales over commonly used or quality of life features. They made a huge point (and it's well documented with their 12% cut being the most highly advertised point of their campaign) of prioritizing suppliers (aka devs/publishers) over customers. That's a no-no in my book.
I don't think is that easy as you put it.
Perhaps they could simply throw money at it and make it a priority?
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Indeed, EGS fucked up their sale, Valve's like: "Hold my beer!" :D
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Not only does it make no sense but it's the kind of greedy move that makes people stop buying altogether.
There were games on sale that usually go a little lower when discounted but I thought what the hell, if I can get the discount from spending a couple more euros. Not anymore. I'll buy them later on.
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everything else than a Corgi win will look much unrealistic and manipulated now.
It's too late for Valve to tweak around on the Event. People lost trust in the Integrity of this event and their stats.
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I mean, wow.
It won't even give $10 discount on games above $14.99... Courtesy of Epic™
Can we even call this thing a Summer Sale anymore?
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