yeah I understand that.. but they have 2 other games name the same.. at least they could've put a sub heading.. Like NFS - the first race..
Edit: ok I could be mistaken and @Hewson you're right it seems there is only the original in 94 and now the 2015 one with just the NFS name. But they're still the most repetitive iterations. NFS Hot Pursuit x2, NFS Most wanted x2
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Well it is still a Need For Speed game..
I mean the only reason to change names is to avoid confusion...though i think it has been long enough since the last need for speed that i doubt anyone will confuse a need for speed on the pc.
I mean if it is a need for speed game,what else should they call it Need For Speed Reboot?
It would be like making a Batman game and just calling it Bruce Wayne.
In the end its going to be a bad game..always online,the only night racing ... and well the last few times they tried to refresh the series it failed so there is also that.
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Then people buying it in 2017 would feel like "ew, this is old".
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Because if your doing a fresh reboot why would you not give it the name of the game that all started it?
It would be like saying i am going to start fresh but follow the same path that lead you to a dead end,would you not start fresh from the beginning.
I mean i get why you question it but it just the title of the game,and i see no way it would confuse anyone because the first one has been many years ago and i doubt most who played that will play this.
After all most of the time peoples choices and taste change over time.After all i use to play a lot racing games now i find most boring and wonder why i even bothered then.
Anyhow they have had so many Need For Speed games no matter what name the pick it would just seem boring.Again just adding a # is just as dumb .I think they made the right choice for this since they are going for a full reboot and a fresh start to start at the beginning.
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While you might be mistaken in this particular instance, AAA game naming conventions can be pretty stupid. Like when a new game in an old series is released (usually a reboot, but that's NOT an excuse) and it's got exactly the same name as the original first game in the series, i.e. Thief, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Doom and so on. And I remember that the Devil May Cry reboot got the same treatment as the Need for Speed game you mentioned, when it was titled simply "DMC". Not quite as bad as having the exact same name, but still pretty ridiculous.
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being part of the industry, i can tell you that many, many games have their title decided by what marketing thinks will sell, not by the people actually working on it, would want. It doesn't help that games are usually given a codename that bears little resemblance to the content...
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this makes a lot of sense. But at the same time don't they realize naming it just ex. Hitman will confuse people. First couple Hitman's were good, Absolution not so much so naming it just Hitman will make people think it may be a reboot or related to Absolution. Though, I could be wrong. i'm just an average Joe what do I know about marketing.
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We named our game RPG, just in case you were to dumb to figure out it was an RPG and were looking for an RPG, so we can get more sales in the RPG market.
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Many of these are reboots of the franchise. Just like they did with the new Star Trek movie. Calling it Star Trek XI - 90210 in Space, just didn't have the same ring to it.
What bugs me a lot more is inconsistent naming. Pick a structure, and stick with it! Assassins Creed got spanked with this recently. Even the SW Humble Bundle, between the first game and second game of several of them, the way they are structured changed. Not to mention caps and nonsense like that.
Valve, please, if you are listening, give us an easy way to rename our titles, without editing files outside of Steam and other nonsense.
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Call of Battlefield: Modern Future Vietnam Baghdad - III - Rising Escalation - II
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Play it then. It's on Google Play.
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yeah I was selling my xbox 360 games for a while, and I don't know how many times I had people contacted me about Need for Speed Most Wanted, thinking it was the newer one.. I just had to tell them.. if it was the newer one would I be selling it for 6 bucks....
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Sonic The Hedgehog -the game series
Sonic The Hedgehog -the character
Sonic The Hedgehog -1991 16-bit game
Sonic The Hedgehog -1991 8-bit game
Sonic The Hedgehog -2 episode animation
Sonic The Hedgehog -American TV show
Sonic The Hedgehog -2006 horrible game
This is fun!
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Reboots kinda get a pass from me for this sin. I still want them to have different names but can't really blame them.
Other than that, it's just pure bollocks. Why is the new Hitman is just "Hitman" (I won't uppercase an entire word)? Or Doom? NFS Most Wanted is the worst of them all. I mean, if it's a different story with a same setting, put a "2" on the name and release it; why make the confusion? Medal of Honor barely misses because the original had "Allied Assault" with it. Is it that hard?!
We get it, franchises sell better and companies need to branch out theirs but this naming pattern is ridiculous.
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Well, It's not like there's an infinite amount of words to use (even more when there's like 100 new games coming out every day), especially not words that sound 'cool', or would you rather have it be called commitment for momentum instead of need for speed?
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I never said sports games, I said FIFA specifically as that's the one I play, I certainly would prefer only one FIFA with significant updates rather than a yeraly release with nearly zero difference a mark up price of 60 usd, also, what? More of a counter to the not infinite amount of word? Where's the counter then? I see no argument in there.
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Well I do, it would make it easier to avoid striking up conversations with people like, well you. Oddly enough you don't seem that bothered to continue "dealing" with me so I'll just post the link to what I was referring to earlier. Then, if I can remember, I wont take up any more of your time.
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Your addition of "Hitman" is wrong.
This is the first game ever called "Hitman".
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Precisely. The first Hitman game was called "Hitman: Codename 47."
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Yeah, I do still think calling a Hitman game simply "hitman" is very, very, very counter productive. Same with movies having the same titles as the books, etc.
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1)Totally agree with trash indie games that wanna be not-the-flash-games-they-are-and-also-quite-bad-ones that is even more horrible
2)"G-senjou no Maou - The Devil on G-String" - I wouldn't call that trash, it's normal VN and quite a good one. Making it known (well, among some people) with original name left its mark, I guess.
3)Man, it's the Japanese people you are talking about. They totally overkill with naming in this direction sometimes. It's as weird as anything Japanese. "Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch: Pichi Pichitto Live Start!" - hell that's a lot of wtf
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That's not a matter of naming ideas, they just want to keep the association with the IP when they reboot a game franchise.
Ninja Theory's new game is a clear example of bad naming, though. Hellblade, really?
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Ultimate DooM
DooM II: Hell On Earth
Master Levels For DooM II
Final DooM
DooM 64
DooM 3
DooM 3 : BFG Edition
As of official Bethesda published Doom games none are named just Doom. The first one originally was but was renamed when Thy Flesh Consumed was added to it. So i see no issue with DooM
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This is from a recent trailer I just watched of Need for Speed... yeah they called their newest game NFS.. LIKE seriously? just NFS? don't you guys already have 2-3 games with the same tittle? Then there's Thief.. I'm sure there's more but the biggest one coming to me is the NFS series.. they have Hot Pursuit x2 and NFS x 3 I believe.
Edit: I just want to clarify something, I don't have anything against them naming it because of a series reboot but they could've left the name for the original game. A bit of creativity and distinction to differentiate from the 1st to where the game has come now. Just seems to me they are straight up lazy.
lets list them see how many the industry has made so far:
NFS Most wanted
NFS Hot Pursuit
Tomb Raider
Shadow Warrior
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