I'm sorry, please stop giving me that severe look :(
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I don't like their rules.
"Awww, this game is 18+ so nobody under 18 shouldn't even touch it!"
I mean, there are a lot of things I like about Germany, like their food and country, but some rules just ruin the whole thing for me. And yes, the dicks I've met make it even worse.
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You're not serious... You're talking about Hitler and the Nazis? Hitler was one of the worst persons on earth, we all know that. But only because he was a German (he actually was from Austria) and the people fell for him, it doesn't mean every German is a Nazi. We are all ashamed of him and we certainly don't think we're the rulers.
I don't feel responsible for all the deaths including the deaths of the anti-Semitism, still, I feel very sorry and I hate Hitler for doing that.
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Well, you could be talking about the first world war, because Germany wanted to be the global power.
Nevertheless, no historical incident makes us worse people. We're humans like you are and like every other guy is.
These are only silly prejudices.
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Well, I'd like to thank You because You were the only person here who actually talked me about that. Yes, You're people like every other, but I think that the "historical scar" is just a bit too deep in me (Yes, I'm from the younger generation, but I do care about my country's history). Anyway, have a nice day and eat some German sausages :3
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Haha, ok thanks. :) Have a nice day, too. :)
I understand you though, you might be Jew and even if not, the past sucks quite much. I would be glad if you're be able to treat Germans like you treat every other human and as I see, you seem to be able to do that. Thank you for that. :)
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Sorry, but are you being serious? You don't like Germans because of the laws of their country they don't decide? I also meet dicks, they often are from the USA. Still, I don't hate Americans because there are many dicks.
What I also dislike is that there are indexed games, e.g. Dying Light. I think if you're 18+, nobody should be allowed to restrict you in what media you consume. This is excluding certain and obvious things, of course.
Your quote is also quite strange. A game is 18+, nobody (under the age of 18) should touch it. That's correct, isn't that the case in every country with games with age restrictions though? It is. Still, there are children playing for example Call of Duty. These children are everywhere, also in Germany and there are tons of them. I don't see a difference between Germany and other countries in that regard.
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germans are always the evil ones, and will be. tz.
well it does not matter where people come from, "dicks" are everywhere, no matter the country or language.
I absolutely love germany for lots of reasons and I'm glad that I was lucky enough to get born there :3
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Like that law where Germans can't listen to Monstercat music.
What was it called again?
I'll get back to you on that.
BTW I'm of German ancestry.
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Its a bit short minded no matter which country it is about...
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It's region free. Both my AoM and RoN came with this tag. As long as no countries are listed in the description, it works everywhere.
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They fixed it a while ago, it's region locked now to the region in which 4pack has been bought.
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This red text existed for all the Microsoft games before the region restriction thing came into place. I got my AoM and RoN as soon as it was released on Steam and both came with red text.
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i do believe that's a locked gift (depend from where you got that pack gift) now...
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Every game I've ever got that had this weird "restricted" tag always with no mention of any region has worked for anyone I gave it to (including myself).
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It probably came from a RU 4pack, which were RoW once opened but got retro locked back to RU.
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I assume it means everywhere but Germany
Not sure why'd you assume that. That type of lock doesn't exist.
If you click the add to library button, the confirmation popup should tell you the list of countries it's restricted to. Probably RU/CIS.
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The Age of Mythology I had was like that, traded and the guy activated it with no issues, I'm pretty sure it isn't locked.
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I have a copy of Rise of Nations extended edition, but it says "This is a restricted gift which can only be redeemed in certain countries."
Normally it states which countries it can be redeemed in, but it doesn't. I assume it means everywhere but Germany, but I don't want to trade it as ROW (minus Germany) and then it turns out the guy can't redeem it.
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