Would you rather receive a gift of a key?
I think the general view would be that either is good as long as they work :3
Most GAs are for keys, since they can be gifted cheaper and easier than gifts - I can't see anyone griping over the fact that a GA is a key rather than a gift or vice versa.
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Thanks for the reassurance there's no community faux pas with either choice :-Þ
Votes so far support key, which is what I used today on first two GAs so completely worry free.
For now. Including no worry about COVID 19.
Annoyed though...is the only way to make a message read to click the button instead of, you know, clicking the message and reading it?
Great day all.
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Nowadays if you gifts via steam (new purchases, not old inventory stored gifts), your account might be tagged, and you might be denied gifting via wallet anymore; if you gift humble bundle links, your account might be tagged as reseller and you'll be fucked there. Why? Because they don't give fuck about you. You have more threads here on forum about it. Forget gifts. Keys only.
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Bet there is a chance that winner may not activate key on his account and pretend the key is used
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The other way around. Humble tags people who are using keys instead of using their gifting system. Everyone who complained about them eventually coughed up that they used keys instead of links since they were too lazy to click two more times.
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^ This.
There are drawbacks to everything, however, as Juzer pointed out, above.
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get support if needed
Until hb flags you as reseller :)
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I wanna point out that flagging someone for being a reseller for claiming games is absurd but, given some of the Humble support comments that have been quoted here on SG, it seems as though there's a decent chance that Humble no longer subscribes to a more mainstream rationality.
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For the Steam store.
If your country is different from the gift user by 10% or more, you may not be able to give it.
If you really want to pass it.
Give your SteamDigitalGiftCard and buy the game want to give.
For HumbleStore / humbleBundle.
Check if there is information on the region that can be passed to the support page
In other cases.
Check regional restrictions on SteamDB.
Consider the possibility that the key does not work well.
The story I usually see is like this.
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I forgot to link.
Humble Bundle Support
Steam Database · SteamDB
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As Ratha already touched on:
DRM-free content is considered part of the overall bundle package. So if you gift an entire bundle, they'll properly be provided to the gift recipient. However, if you're gifting an individual key, the extras have already been redeemed to the purchasing account (meaning they can no longer be transferred).
Flip side, that's a good way of essentially duplicating a game [in circumstances where both a drm-free and steam copy of the base game are provided]. Which, putting aside the circumstances where there are potential ethical issues to the matter, can actually resolve certain concerns some purchasers may have. (Though, conversely, it emphasizes how weird it is that Humble doesn't associate drm-free content activations with the associated Steam key reveal.)
For example, if you're going by EU laws [which now fully stands by the right of first sale for all goods, something which US lobbying has restricted from digital goods*] and you only intend to play the game once yourself, playing the drm-free yourself and trading/gifting off the steam key is a pretty decent workaround for the current Steam circumstances.
*This initially caused by way of lobbyists manipulating digital security laws to also cover drm-protected content, and then later, from that, to have digital goods restricted in general; Ironically, as the EU has realized, drm-protection actually ensures that the content can properly be transferred, meaning it'd be a legal violation to not allow for such. Meanwhile, drm-free content should actually be restricted, given that it so easily can open itself up to the unauthorized reproduction restriction within copyright laws.
Downside, the drm copies Humble offers aren't typically updated further (though some are), meaning that the games may eventually become outdated or lose you access to free enhanced edition updates on Steam. As far as soundtracks/etc go, if you really wanted to, you could just download those and then send them to the recipient on your own. That's about the only real way to approach that, though.
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Keys are better its easy to do so . but gifting on the other hand takes time and may have some issues so go with keys
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As mentioned above, Steam gifting is rather restricted these days, so you would want to give away keys.
If you are wondering about the option when creating giveaway, you can choose Gift and insert a key later when the giveaway ends, or supply the key upfront with Key option.
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Seems lile I've been a fool using giftlinks from HB, thinking that's their intended use...
Thought my steam account games list would be checked against games I claim via keys.
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Well. In the end i prefer keys as humble robbed me once from game i've recieved via gift link. I've redeemed the gift and waited with unrevealing the key. Since humble not longer have any keys for Short Hike i've ended up with nothing but a empty page claimig "You've got a gift!". Not really humble. Not really...
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I don't know if this even needs a poll. Is there a preference on giveaways between gifts and keys?
Definitely learning here. Thanks.
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