What are you?
Great quote for a great series of books :)
EDIT: My standards aren't that high, and I do have patience for long-running series, so Terry Brooks, Terry Goodkind, R.A.Salvatore, Robert Jordan, David Eddings...all authors I've loved. Also Piers Anthony. One I'd recommend though, if you're willing to go for quite the ride - Tad Williams' Otherland series. His other stuff is great too, but Otherland was probably the best series I've hated to love. You'd know what I meant if you'd read it. :)
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The Uplift War series from Eddings is very good. Thanks for the suggestions.
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your fellow BAAer here showing some love and support <3
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I! AM! Pikachu!
My introduction to fantasy was Dragonlance (Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman) and I can always dive into one of those if I need something to read. Spellsinger (Alan Dean Foster, not a trilogy) is always good for a chuckle. Two of my favourites though would be The Rose of the Prophet trilogy (weis & Hickman, again) and the Time Master trilogy (Louise Cooper, first of three trilogys)
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I don't have time to read books any more (I have ben reading my current book Middlemarch by George Elliot for 18 months ..) but like you, when I used to read a book every couple of days in my late teens/early 20s I think the best Fantasy Trilogy I read was The Earthsea Trilogy by Ursula Le Guin (assuming The Lord Of The Rings doesn't account - its either 1, 3 or 6 books depending on when it was published I think)
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Books or otherwise I don't know what my favorite trilogy is. Most books and movies I liked didn't have sequels or went a lot longer than three. Most game trilogies have that one that really sucks in there somewhere. So I will use the lazy answer of Lord of the Rings.
As for the poll, Necromancy for the win.
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348 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
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The world had changed even before I discovered the foreign ship wrecked on the shore below Crydee Castle, but it was the harbinger of the chaos and death that was coming to our door. War had come to the kingdom of Isles, and in the years that followed it would scatter my friends across the world. I longed to train as a warrior and fight alongside our duke like his foster-brother, but when the time came, I was not offered that choice. My fate would be shaped by other forces. My name is Pug. I was once an orphaned kitchen boy, with no family and no prospects, bit I am destined to become a master magician... ~ Magician by Raymond E. Feist
Above is an excerpt from one of my favorite fantasy books. I recommend reading at least the first three. I tend to get tired of series that run too long. I'm looking at you Wheel of Time and Sword of Truth! I have many favorite trilogies and although I don't read as much as I used to they are still fresh in my mind. Feist, Freidman and Rawn were some of my favorite fantasy authors from back in the days where I devoured books in a matter of days. I'm always looking for a good fantasy/sci-fi trilogy to read but there is so much trash out there that passes for good storytelling. I should continue to read the Hunger Games trilogy. I don't think the movies do the books justice.
So, choose a magical profession then tell me what is your favorite trilogy. It doesn't only have to be books :P
Warlock II and all the DLCs separately so if you are missing any you can just enter the GA for that one.
Warlock 2: The Exiled
Warlock 2: Three Mighty Mages DLC
Warlock 2: The Good, the Bad, & the Muddy DLC
Warlock 2: The Thrilling Trio DLC
Warlock 2: Wrath of the Nagas DLC
Warlock 2: Spectacular Spell Pack DLC
Warlock 2 E-book: The Great Mage Game
Warlock I and II: Soundtrack
Pikachu Wins!
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