Hi everyone!

EDIT: Done, goto:downsideEdit , ga incoming :)

2€50 left over on steam, black friday up.

I want to gift them away but idk how to get a key (or a gift) from the steam store

As i want to get a (good enough) game during the sales, and keep it until end of ga so i can't just press the "give to a friend" button as that way it need to be gifted right now?

Thanks for the help :) Plus, if someone have seen some good games down there. I've seen dishonored, portal 1 & 2 bundle, Castle crasher look fun too.
Pref for CV game as my lvl here is really low but it doesn't actually matter :)

French baguette speaking. I apologize for the english.. Have a nice day :)

Here will be a "private" giveaway (Lv1+) until 16 or 17h GMT (Finally maybe later, need more people. Until 20H GMT?). I use steam "gift": I won't be able to deliver if you don't add me (steam) before joining it, so add me steam and keep looking a bit after steam this afternoon, i'll send the ga link there.
But before, pick one game, and comment (then i'll choose which one i'll give):

_Dishonored https://store.steampowered.com/app/205100/Dishonored/
_Monster Monpiece https://store.steampowered.com/app/415300/Monster_Monpiece/
_Portal 1 & 2 Bundle https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/234/Portal_Bundle/

Don't forget to add me. I can't take anyone who does not add me (reasons in the firsts answers of the thread)

Edit: Closed after perizokoro. Game will be monster monpiece as most of dishonored vote havn't added me then and been disqualified. People who have joined before and forget to add me can until 20h pm but i won't be on steam all the time :)

(even dishonored vote)

Winner is Ilan14! Gg!

Here the vote (Only people who added me at right time):

Dishonored :
$t@tic (matye26)

MonsterMonpiece :

Turbo Dymo Man



6 years ago*

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That's over!

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by grith76.