I'm tired of reading this. So I'm adding to blacklist those who do this.

3 years ago

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Ok, thank you for the public announcement.

3 years ago

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1 less entries for us then, thank you for your kind service.

3 years ago

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as so many gifters tell this , your bl will be too tiny to put all of them in. I give the priority to leechers, but if you prefer to BL people who give some games thats your right

3 years ago

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There's one guy who regularly makes giveaways with this statement, but i'm a member of hist steam group, so just used to seeing them.

I dont recall seeing it as a common thing, as most people just drop keys in steam chat groups, orphan key thread on this site, or something similar.

3 years ago

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Considering your last giveaway was over 2 years ago, I don't think you blacklisting someone will have any effect at all on their chances of winning something, or their lives in general.

3 years ago

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Burnnnnn :)

3 years ago

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Yeah, dude needs some aloe vera for that thing. :D :D :D

3 years ago

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I think Lolocop is doing this so he can no longer enter or even see their giveaways.

3 years ago

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Then this whole topic is an even more pointless public announcement, lol

3 years ago

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I agree with adam, why announce such a thing if the only person it impacts is the person making the announcement?

3 years ago

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i was thinking the same...6 years..lvl 4...last ga 2 years ago... so in the end..who cares about this post? XDDD

3 years ago

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I think that this guy run out of bl slots (since they are limited to 1000).
So it's basically bl recruitment thread. He hopes that people who post that description would blacklist him (because 2 way blacklist).

View attached image.
3 years ago

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**** very nice move then... i dndt expected xD

3 years ago

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That's actually a brilliant idea xD Twisted..

3 years ago

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I just wanted to write something similar XD

3 years ago

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Damn, that's rough!

View attached image.
3 years ago

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that picture makes me sad.

3 years ago

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Damn son...

3 years ago

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I was thinking the same thing. "Oooooh, go on, blacklist me! I'll lose access to the 10 GAs per year that you do as opposed you losing access to the...."

Well, he can just read the stats. ;P

When someone threatens me with a BL, I usually just laugh and laugh and laugh. And then, more than half of the time when whatever dolt who is twisted up about something that does matter follows through with it, I see it disappear when I do my next event, because they always want access to the 100-200+ GAs that are in there. People who do this stuff are always so self-righteous about ridiculous nonsense, and then walk that crap back when they realize they've cut off their own nose to spite their face.


3 years ago

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Ooof! LOL!

3 years ago

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I understand it's redundant, but there are also plenty of bad apples. I've had someone wait a full week before marking a giveaway of mine, with very low chances of key not working, as Not Received. There's no foolproof system against people abusing this.

Personally, I'm also totally fine with people BL'ing winners for not accepting to delete, if they don't have a history of giving bad keys already.

3 years ago

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I don't write things like that but... I don't get all that buthurt about people who do xD
If I win ga,where creator can't deliver working key - I prefer it to be deleted fast (so I can enter another GA for that game) rather then wait whole week to mark it as not received xD
Deletion of GA is actually profitable for GA winner. GA creator is still punished by reducing his GA slots by 1.

Also pls blacklist me :p That would be good for my mental health.

3 years ago

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^This! 100% this!
if i win something and the creator cant deliver, i'd rather have it deleted quickly than wait a week.

imagine: you really want a game that just now came out in a new bundle, like humble, and you actually win one of the first GAs made for it during the upcoming bundle flood. and then the key doesnt work cause the creator activated it himself >_>. you tell them it doesnt work but the creator doesnt react. so you have to wait a week until you can mark as not received so you can participate in GAs again. who knows how many chances have slipped by >_<

btw... this also clutters the won GA page.

3 years ago

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This could be fixed by having option to ask early Not Received with permissions of giveaway creator.

Actual, now that I think this should be the default thing instead of deletion.

3 years ago

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this would be a good option .
though i would prefer something that doesnt require the reaction of the creator. maybe a 3rd option that simply states that the key or whatever doesnt work. this would let the creator know that there is an issue and if it would allow ppl to participate in GAs for the same game again this would be great.

3 years ago

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That sounds exploitable. Just report all your wins not working and activate on alt-account...

3 years ago

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i dont see the difference. you can already do this with marking not received as well, just with waiting 1 week

3 years ago

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Although yes, it would be tempting to some to be so much more easily exploitable. It would be good to limit that function to those over a certain level (meaning definitely not lvl 0s) if considered.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I would be fine with that. All that counts is closing ga as fast as possible. This way you don't have to wait for support to do it for you, not to mention that it means more time for support members to solve other tickets :)

Your suggestion is win-win-win solution.

3 years ago

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What? Explain please.. I don't understand what you mean

3 years ago

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Allow winner to ask creator to post something like:
"I will accept Not Received feedback for this giveaway"

And then winner makes ticket, support automatically accepts that. And marks it Not Received before week has gone allowing winner to join more giveaways.

3 years ago

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Aaaa because the field isn't "opened" for a week. And you are stuck with not being able to enter the same game ga for 7 days.

This isn't bad at all actually. Looks helpful and to me

3 years ago

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Humble have screwed me over keys i have literally bough the bundle for few days prior and gave me the finger when i contacted support cause i was re selling them or something ... so yeah i dont really get your point here.

3 years ago

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Because rules are rules, you know? /s
Once upon a time somebody could say that you can always buy game for the full price and gift it on steam... Although even that is no longer possible for most of us due to new steam gifting policy :)

also thanks about remingind me how shitty hb have become latelly, still have unussed keys there

3 years ago

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it's not humble anymore, its igN

3 years ago

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Site is called the same though.
But yeah - you are right. Also when HB was bought by IGN - everybody knew that it's gonna end badly for us :)

3 years ago

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So... Humble Bundle scammed you? It delivered a product which didn't work and then refused to fix the mistake while citing non-sense reasons.
Y'know, maybe it's time to stop doing business with that store if it shows as much integrity as a grey market site.

This is why I'm against the whole "Allow to delete" thing on principle (exceptions apply, but they are uncommon)- if the source of the key is refusing to fix the problem, then it is your right to escalate with them until they fix it. Bowing your head, deleting the giveaway and moving on means they will keep getting away with it!

3 years ago

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Yeah - I bought a bundle for 5$ and when I tried to reveal it after 3 months they just gave me a message that keys are out of stock xD
Sure thing - I will sue corporation that's across the globe and can afford an army of lawyers for that key xD I don't have enough time or money for that kind of thing. Even if I would surelly win that case (since I'm eu citizen).
Although if you live in US - case is lost. In Texas - if you agree to tos - they are more important then anything else... And if you buy anything from hb - you basically have to agree that they can do whatever they like.

time to stop doing business with that store

It's the same for pretty much any other store. Also add to that new shitty steam gifting policy. Best solution is to stop doing giveaways and become pure leech. This way you reduce chance of not working key to 0%.

3 years ago

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Well i don't use humble anymore ... i did for a couple bundles after that accident but i gave up on it all together since .
Must say the Monthly sub thing they got going was tempting me a few times but i just didnt feel like risking it.

3 years ago

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What, exactly, do you think they're "getting away with?" The giver loses a GA slot, and any credit for giving the game is eliminated. There's no advantage to doing this on purpose.

The reason that people ask for this (as I have in the past) is that, when you're giving at scale, you are bound to run into a few bad keys (old, ripped off by DIG, whatever). It's just being kind to not hold the giver's feet to the proverbial fire because something out of their control went wrong. If givers feel like they're just going to potentially get punished, they won't bother posting that old key that they found (that probably works, but you never know)...instead, they'll just take it elsewhere. Also, if I have a key fail and there's not an easy option to replace it (I had one time that DIG had a bunch of bad keys, and they refunded my money, but wouldn't replace the keys), then I usually offer the winner a consolation prize after the delete is done, because I don't like to send people away empty-handed. :) (A lot of the every-day members will refuse this, but I always offer anyway.)

Of course, I extend the same courtesy to anyone's GA that I've won if the key doesn't work. Before they even ask, my response is, "hey, I know that these things happen, I'm cool with it if you just want to delete the GA." And then I move on with my life...no big deal.

Now, I would understand being upset if you won a AAA game or something and it fell through. In that case, I'd probably ask the giver to honor the gift. But if I win a $4 indie title where I entered the GA just for giggles to perhaps try it out, and then the key is bad, I'm not making a stink over that. <shrug>

I just think it's important to keep perspective on what's actually happening with invalid keys...the majority of the time, it was just a mistake or something outside of the giver's control, and being empathetic to that is the right thing to do IMO. Now, if someone is just setting up one bad GA after another, that's bad behavior and it should be stopped. But given that this would start to eliminate all of the giver's slots if they were constantly deleting, that behavior would essentially take care of itself.

ATEOTD, this is a community, and we should all take Bill and Ted's advice and just be excellent to each other. 😉😁👍

3 years ago

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Uuumm, I think you might have misunderstood me a bit there- I don't want the store (the source) that sold a non-functioning key to someone to get away with it. I wanna encourage the giveaway creator to ask that store for a replacement rather than sweeping things under the rug by deleting the giveaway and moving on (if they do the latter, then they are allowing themselves to get ripped off).

I'd consider it to be very un-excellent of me to encourage someone to casually ignore getting ripped off as if that's how things are supposed to be. <.<

3 years ago

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Ahhhhhhh, that makes SO much more sense! Apologies for the misinterpretation.

Totally agree that stores should be held accountable for what they sell. That example with DIG has happened to me more than once, and it's especially annoying. But then again, the games there have gotten so bad that I pretty much avoid it unless I'm building a trash train or I find something specific at an epic discount in their store. :D

Humble Bundle is now enforcing things that don't need to be enforced, which is why no one uses their gift links any more. Just generate the key to make it non-traceable so that they don't misinterpret a gift as some sort of key-trading scam. Frankly, I probably buy about 10% of what I used to there...they don't have nearly as many good non-subscription bundles, and even when they do, they're often a lot more expensive than they used to be. I guess that's the price of IGN buying them out.

Fanatical is still pretty good, and where I get the bulk of my keys. Every once in a while, Indiegala still puts up something interesting, but they're a lot more riddled with sub-quality pr0n and asset flips than they used to be.

3 years ago

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well if your that bothered don't enter the giveaways - and you shell not enter mine anymore - good day sir

3 years ago

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I also don't like these comments, but blacklisting seems a bit harsh. It's not as bad when they simply ask to allow them to delete it if it doesn't work, but that is still annoying. There is no point to ask in the description since they can ask after there is a problem instead of on every single giveaway they make.

The worst is when they say something like "By entering this giveaway you agree to delete the giveaway if the key doesn't work". Demanding in the description that a user agrees to something for them to be able to enter the giveaway is against the site rules. It is not something you can get in trouble for, but what they write there is meaningless because the site does not allow you to create your own rules or stipulations in the giveaway description.

I don't say anything if people simply ask in the description, even though it is annoying, but when I see one of the giveaways where they are telling me that I automatically agree to something by entering, I leave the following comment:

It would be nice if people stopped writing this in their descriptions. Giveaway creators are not allowed to create their own rules or stipulations in the giveaway descriptions. Anyone that can see this giveaway can enter and does not have to agree to anything outside of the site rules. The option to delete the giveaway if the key does not work will always be up to the giveaway winner no matter what is written in the description.

Here is a comment from a mod confirming this. It is mentioned in the 2nd paragraph of the comment.

I don't have a problem with deleting the giveaway and I think most people will agree to delete the giveaway, but if they do not, having a not received on your account is not a big deal. We never used to delete every giveaway that had a problem in the past and it wasn't a big deal.

If you think there is a chance the key will not work, there are a couple groups made specifically for this where the group rules state that the giveaway creator must agree to delete the giveaway or they will be kicked from the group. That is allowed because it is a rule for the group and only people that are in the group can enter the giveaway.

Delete giveaway group
Lootboy SG group

The really annoying thing is that when other users see giveaways with this written in them, they assume it is useful and they start doing it too. Soon almost every giveaway on the site is flooded with this meaningless and useless message in the description. It's like when everyone used to leave a comment on every single giveaway they entered that just said "Thanks". They see everyone else doing it and feel like it is normal and expected so they should do it too. Unfortunately people blacklisting others and talking about it in the discussions is how that was stopped, so maybe this thread isn't so bad afterall :)

Edit: It would be nice if blank lines between paragraphs showed inside quotes to make them easier to read. I'm not sure why it takes them out. Nevermind, I solved it by using a trick I have been using for years to add multiple blank lines in normal comments since the site doesn't let you do that either. I just add the following to the next 1 or 2 lines depending on how much room I want.

3 years ago*

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I believe they just add that description to warn about BL'ing (by them and probably group members too). They're not breaking rules by BL'ing.

3 years ago*

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I'm not sure what you are talking about. I didn't say anyone was breaking a rule by blacklisting. I just said that I thought it was a bit harsh to blacklist the people that are writing this on their giveaways.

The people that are breaking rules are the ones that are writing in their giveaway descriptions something like "by entering this giveaway you agree to delete the giveaway if there is a problem". That is against the rules because they are not allowed to create their own rules. Anyone that can see and enter the giveaway can enter without agreeing to anything written by the giveaway creator in the description.

Edit: They are not breaking a rule that they can get in trouble for, but they are saying something that goes against the rules of the site and is not true. I don't think they understand how the site works. The giveaway winner needs to give permission to the creator before they can delete a giveaway. The creator thinks they can just write "by entering you agree to delete the giveaway" and then they don't need to ask for permission to delete the giveaway, but that is wrong.

3 years ago*

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People thank because is write here: https://www.steamgifts.com/about/guidelines
"We encourage users to write comments thanking the giveaway creator for their generosity, although this is not required."

But all other things you write i agree with you,and i wrong too in the past about this because i don't know it,i just know now,me too think write if key not work was good,i will fix in my future giveaways.

3 years ago

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I didn't even know it said that in the guidelines. That could be a cause, but do you really think that many people read the guidelines, I don't.

I think people see others doing it and they feel that if they don't say thanks, the giveaway creator will think they are not thankful and that makes them look bad. The giveaway creator might think they are a user who just enters every giveaway no matter what it is for the +1, but if you say thanks, you are a better person.

Also, there was a lot of users using autojoin bots and they would just have the bot leave a thanks comment on every giveaway they entered to make it seem like there was a person using the site.

I am not talking about the people doing it now, I am talking about years ago. When I do a search, the last thread that comes up about too many people saying thanks is from 2016. CG posted numbers in this comment and it shows that the number of comments per giveaway entry dropped dramatically in 2015, 2016, and 2017.

2014-2015, less than half as many comments from previous year
2015-2016, less than 1/3 as many comment from previous year
2016-2017, almost half of comments lost again from previous year.

From 2014 to 2017 comments on giveaways dropped to 1/12th as many. This is the period when everyone stopped spamming thanks on every giveaway they entered.

Edit: You can also see from this comment that the average number of characters in giveaway comments increased around 2015 and 2016 as well. This is because there was less short "thanks" or "thank you" comments and more meaningful longer comments.

3 years ago*

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"I think people see others doing it and they feel that if they don't say thanks, the giveaway creator will think they are not thankful and that makes them look bad. "
yes also this for sure 90%

"a lot of users using autojoin bots and they would just have the bot leave a thanks comment on every giveaway"
yes i noticed this too is true,but hhmm recently months i not know why,there is much less bots,but yes you right this too

3 years ago

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I don't know how many users still use bots and if they even get suspended anymore, but there was a couple threads from CG about it from 2017 and 2018.


3 years ago

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thank you for this link useful to me,very good

3 years ago

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Much from the active ones.

My group and i catch regulary ones that we have 100% evidences for but we would need more people for the checks and more active mods for handling the tickets.

3 years ago

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Lot of peoples are lost good manners nowadays. Btw it very ugly, when someone who say to you "thanks", caught on reply "stop spamming, get lost". =)

Update: I don't mean this is was you. If it sounds so, i'm sorry.

3 years ago*

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I have never said anything to a specific person about spam thanks comments and I don't think I would, but I think talking about it in general in the discussions here is fine because nobody is directly being called out.

It can get really annoying when you open a giveaway and see many pages of comments of people simply writing thanks. This makes any kind of meaningful or important comment get buried in pages of spam that nobody is going to look through.

Also, if you are a user who creates a lot of giveaways at once and every single one of your giveaways is getting flooded with thanks messages, you will open SG and literally have hundreds of messages. That is really annoying to try and dig through pages of spam to find real messages that may be somewhat important. The site is not like this anymore, but that is how it was years ago.

3 years ago

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I know all points of view, it discussed many times already. IMHO, the best solution would be to set the "thank you" counter separately from the comment section. But everything is how, as it is. =)

3 years ago

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Or much better, banning all the autojoiner users and not give them only a slap on the fingers when they get catched.
It's a joke how soft the punishment is for it, compared with the damage they do and the needed work to catch them.

The most that my group and i catch get perma suspended but not because of the autojoiner use, only because we concentrate us on the ones with more as one account.

3 years ago

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Happy Cakeday :o)

Thanks from real people that are grateful are, for sure, liked but spam with thanks scripts from people that use autojoiners on their account(s) aren't.

3 years ago

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Thanks! rofl ;)

3 years ago

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The thanks comments are, in the majority, from autojoiners that have a thanks script, that is implemented in the autojoiner, activated.

And you missed my thread about the SPAM, thanks, comments.

3 years ago

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Yeah, I didn't do a very thorough search. I just searched for the word "thanks" and looked for the last open thread that complained about thanks comments in the title.

Spam still happens, but it 's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Most of my giveaways now get 1 comment and that is from the winner saying thanks after I send them the game.

3 years ago

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I really don't understand you. Giveaways of keys that are not 100% reliable have always been there, on Steamgifts, and they will always be there. Some of these "unsafe" giveaways do show this message, and some don't (which should be worse for you, I think).

The rules of Steamgifts are such that the winner has the right to mark the game as not received (when it is not received) even when there is this message - so basically it changes nothing.

The strangest thing about your reaction (and you're not the only one to react like this) is that the presence of this message can be seen as warning that allows you to avoid these giveaways... it's even the only thing that allows you to avoid them. So why would you want to blacklist those who bother to put this warning on their unsafe giveaways ? your reasoning doesn't make sense to me, I don't understand it.

3 years ago*

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There's no 100% guarantee for a working key . As there's no method to test a key for validity besides activating there's always a certain risk of a dupe key for a wide variety of reasons.

A responsible giveaway creator will always try to provide a replacement key and if this isn't feasible give another game to the winner in exchange for allowing to delete.

At least this is how I imagine nice people would interact with one another.

3 years ago

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in exchange for allowing to delete.

Why? There is no single reason to delete giveaway. There is already a mechanics for this that does almost the same, but not requires mods attention - giveaway can be marked as "not received". That's it.

3 years ago

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for some ppl a or more not received are like a bad stigma.
even if they themselves dont look bad at it, there sure are others that do. and so they dont want to fall on their bad side. some might see this as childish but thats simply how it is.

also this is a win for the winner as well. deleting a GA before the 1 week waiting time until being able to mark as not received means for them being able to participate in GAs for the same game once again.

3 years ago

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And for me seeing "let me delete the giveaway if key is not works" is like a bad stigma. Why their feelings matter and my do not?

even if they themselves dont look bad at it, there sure are others that do.

No. If this were true, then those who look bad at "not received" would look even worse on "let me delete..." notice. So, they are getting stigma even more often, since they have all of their giveaways with it.

3 years ago

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Why? There is no single reason to delete giveaway.

i just answered your question to why they want it deleted.
different ppl feel differently about this.

3 years ago

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OCD is a disorder, not a reason. Different people may feel differently about things indeed, but they are spending valuable time of moderators just because they "feel bad". This makes me feel bad in turn. And I don't understand why their feelings mean more than my feelings. My ticket to support wasn't answered for three years because moderators are busy removing giveaways for them!

3 years ago

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i dont think that ones feelings mean more than the others.
they are free to ask for this just as you are free to disagree with it and still mark as mot received if it happens.

though i too thinl this eats up staff resources... but i personally would rather see an automation implemented

3 years ago

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I already suggested automated solution, that requires minimal changes in site code. And people started to complain that they need more control over deletion of giveaways, and it needs to be complex, etc, etc, etc.

3 years ago

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well ... cant please evereyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
maybe more staff? lol

3 years ago

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You keep misusing the term OCD. Perhaps you mean OCPD (obsessive-compulsive personality disorder), a personality disorder characterized by a general pattern of concern with orderliness, perfectionism, excessive attention to detail, etc. OCD, however, is a serious mental illness, an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent obsessions and compulsions. OCD is much more serious and when you talk about it like it's a quirk you actively participate in minimizing the illness and spreading misinformation. I don't have OCD, but I do have another illness that people constantly use incorrectly and it is highly annoying.

3 years ago

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Where is a like button when you need one? xD

3 years ago

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ADHD? Also, I have OCB (obsessive-compulsive behavior, basically mini OCD)and mine isn't anything to do with cleanliness. It's repetitive behaviors that interfere with my life. Sometimes it gets triggered by my inability to clean anything from ADHD, but it's mainly just having to do things in 2s.

EDIT: it seems OCB isn't the right term, but idk what is. OCD tendencies? Basically, I don't have it bad enough to get the full diagnosis but I have behaviors that are OCD-caused.

3 years ago*

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Thanks for clarification. It changes nothing though, only that I should use OCPD instead of OCD. And I guess people with OCD will have similar issues, just with much worse reaction to it and inability to control it. Or am I wrong again?

3 years ago

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If you're actually interested in knowing about OCD, you can look it up online and get at the very least a basic idea of what it really is, as the OP isn't related to mental health awareness. In the meantime if you really must, perhaps just use the term "obsessive" without adding "compulsive (personality) disorder"? Food for thought.

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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Then they should stop. Because "Allow me to delete giveaway" is literally the same as red marker on a giveaway. They already have this marker, even when all their keys work.
And what you call a reason called a disorder. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It should be treated, not indulged.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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If we are talking about saving people - there is no place for half-measures. Hiding red markers are not enough, those people need to be permanently banned from this site, for their own good. We can't risk when we are talking about human life and health.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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Then you have to agree that permanent ban is better solution, if you really care about those people. Honestly, if I will ever feel that I'm getting too obsessed with some site - I will be the first one to ask for ban. If you can't control your feelings - it's better to avoid the cause of those feelings completely.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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so, now not deleting giveaways is the right treatment? Good, that's what I want too. Thanks for confirmation that I'm right.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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This "discussion" reminds me of Keada (oh you know.. the greek mythological place where they threw away people that weren't 100% "in their image" aka with any disability-disfigurement)

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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There is no drama if giveaway is marked as not received. Well, as long as you don't have OCD, I guess.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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There is only two reasons to this - OCD or just being dumb as fuck. I prefer to think that those people have OCD.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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Some users, when they got "not received":

View attached image.
3 years ago

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I always admit my mistakes. But "what if" is not a proof of my mistake. If you have one - I'm ready to listen.

3 years ago

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You don't listen. It's been explained in detail but you are just ignorant on the issue (OCD). Read on it..

For the rest I don't care to comment much but on this omg.. It's a real pain to read..

3 years ago

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So, it's OCD in the end? Then it's you who don't listen.

3 years ago

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Read again. My comment isn't for the deletion at all. I'm ONLY speaking of your "knowledge" over OCD. Don't mix things

3 years ago

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It seems my knowledge is almost perfect compared to yours, but I can't see how this is connected to the discussed topic.

3 years ago

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Over OCD xD looooool

It was a comment on your ignorance over some posts YOU made in THIS thread.. How is it connected? Hmmm.. Let me think........

3 years ago

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So, it was a personal attack, right? Now it makes perfect sense.

3 years ago

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It's not an attack. You would had no doubts if it was.
But somebody needs to tell you this, so you'll get it and go read a book over issues you don't know/understand

3 years ago

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I have no doubts. I just pretended to have one.

3 years ago

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"I just pretend" would had been enough.

3 years ago

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To be perfectly clear I never asked to delete in one of my giveaway descriptions and would have no problem getting a not received for a bad key I can't replace. But like AiKiriKa mentioned not all people have the same mindset.

As deleting a giveaway is prioritized by support it even is beneficial for the unlucky winner as they don't have to wait 7 days until they can mark as not received and enter again giveaways for the game in question.

3 years ago

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Are you sure that blacklisting is enough? You could've found them IRL to tell them right in the face that you don't like how they give away their games

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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So do what you want, it's right words for keys

3 years ago

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View attached image.
3 years ago

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Just remember, that has no true standing here.

Some groups might kick you, but the creator can't force you to agree. So just mark them as not received as everyone should.

3 years ago

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If I understand you correctly (and remember correctly from a former discussion on this topic) your opinion is that everyone should always mark failed giveaways as Not Received. So what would you do if you won a giveaway in the 'Delete giveaway' group and the key didn't work?

3 years ago

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I don't think he is a member of that group.. Wouldn't make sense

3 years ago

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Mark as not received and then get kicked out of the group.
Steamgifts rules =\= group rules.

3 years ago

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The most correct answer here.

3 years ago

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I try to remind myself of that but reading that sentence on seemingly every. single. giveaway just gets annoying real fast.

3 years ago

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We are talking about "gift". I don't think they owe you anything...

3 years ago

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Imagine getting a gift with a notice "it may not work". Would you consider this a good gift and giver a good person? I would never talk to such person again if it happened in real life.

3 years ago

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if i get such a gift for my birthday or any similar occasion then i would totally agree with you.

but this is more like: hey, i found this [insert random thing here] lying around at home.dont know if it still works, anybody would like to try?"
yes, i would if its something i would like

3 years ago

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You may also get a crap working gift (think fail family gifts)

"It's the thought that counts"

(most try to replace or give something similar.. others feel bad for a not working key too and so on)

3 years ago

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apparently you dont understand what i said.
there are different scenarios.
if some directly gifts something to you, like for your birthday or christmas, i definitly wouldnt like a "gift that might not work".
but GAs on SG arent like this. they are more like a collegue coming into your office and offering some random stuff he had some left overs or found in his attic at home. you can grab it or not, but he warns you they might be old and not working.
either way you didnt loose anything even if it doesnt work.

3 years ago

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You are not paying for it, if the gift is unsuccessful I don't see the problem... If it also warns that there is such a possibility, you have the option of participating or not.

I'm not talking about fake gifts, I'm talking about sometimes shit happens.

3 years ago

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If the gift is unsuccessful I don't see the problem too. Shit happens indeed. But thing is - it happens, not planned. If somebody says "if it don't works, you must do this and that" - they plan it. And their plan does not include replacing gift, or apologizing to begin with. That's shitty attitude. If somebody will write "it's an old key, it may not work, sorry about that" - I won't mind. But "by entering this giveaway you agree to it's deletion" it's completely another tone and completely different attitude.

3 years ago

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It's just that I don't see what advantage they get with fake gifts, except in the case of group gifts in which an obligation to give is established... In addition, they are usually package games, which makes me think of the good intentions of the giver. For my part there is no problem, except in group gifts because it is cheating.

I give you the reason that this "order to delete" is useless and also that it is not the best formula to ask for something that depends on someone's good will but nobody forces them to participate either. I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt and not blacklist someone for something accidental.
Fake giveaways are usually AAA made by new (and not so new) users. I don't usually participate there for avoid disappointment...

3 years ago

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Well, I don't blacklist anyone (mostly), but I can understand someone's frustration from all those demands to agree to giveaway deletion.

3 years ago

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I have friends who like vintage tech. Picking up something in a thrift store that they might like and then giving it to them would be with an implicit "I have no idea of this actually works". Still would consider such a thing a good gift for a person who's into that sort of stuff. And no, the things don't always work, though they usually do.

3 years ago

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Well, that's a good example when this will be acceptable indeed. But you have to agree it's pretty niche case. And on top of this, as I said above, there is a difference between "sorry if it will not work" and "if it's not work you are promise to bla-bla-bla".

3 years ago

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It dosent matter, GA creator have full right made with his stuff everying he want. Steamgifts site is place where people can giveaways games. Read description before enter GA, if do not agreed with gifter opinion, just skip and move on. This is exactly for what description needed, for made personal choose.

3 years ago

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No. SG has rules, and adding custom requirements to giveaway is not part of the rules. And reading description is not requirement too. If I do not agree with gifter opinion - I still can enter and gifter MUST give me the game. If they are not agree with SG rules - they must not create giveaways here. Just skip and move one. Maybe read the rules for once, you are here long enough already.

3 years ago

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This comments section start with:

"We are talking about "gift". I don't think they owe you anything..."

3 years ago

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I'm just glad not everyone here is like you, if it did i would probably never create a single GA on this site...

3 years ago

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Not like me? You mean, not everyone here follow the rules? Sadly, you are right.

3 years ago

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Oh please, you know what i mean =)

3 years ago

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Actually, I don't. You may not like many of my traits, no idea which one it is. My previous post was about following the rules, so I assumed you meant that one.

3 years ago

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This is not quite correct. We do not enforce custom rules in giveaway descriptions. So a rule like "by entering you accept to delete the giveaway if the key does not work" is not binding in any way and support will not accept it. You will still have to get the winner's permission, and if they choose to not accept deletion, then that's the way it is.

3 years ago

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Rules are rules, everyone can read them if want. We're talking about the concept of a gift, if the participant of the draw acts like an asshole, the owner has every right to refuse him a gift. With fully aware, that he can be punished for his decision.

3 years ago

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I agree, 3 to 5 day bans should be more freely given out in cases like that.

3 years ago

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Too fat...

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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Would you rather there is no GA at all? Sbd may have discovered a key lying around. They have no idea where it's from, just that they have not redeemed it when they checked their library. So they decide to give it away (so it might be enjoyed by sbd) but they may be in no position to replace it in case it doesn't work. This is a convenient carveout. Even if it doesn't work, the winner can't lose what they never had, so no harm done.

What a pointless thing to do.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Decency is just getting giveaway marked as not received in rare case when key is not working. So thread author is just pleads for decency.

3 years ago

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I tend to agree with that.

I wouldn't really mind it if people would ask for deletion occasionally, but from what I'm seeing and reading on SG... I have the feeling that this whole "allow me to delete the giveaway in case the key doesn't work" has become a failsafe for people who cannot stand the thought to have red "not received" marks on their profile, whether it's because it's triggering OCD or because they're afraid of judgement or maybe because having some red marks might prevent them from entering SGTools-gated gibs... As far as I'm concerned, if a key turns out to be duped, you try to provide a working one and if that can't be done, just take the red mark and move on.

3 years ago

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maybe because having some red marks might prevent them from entering SGTools-gated gibs

It can't. SGtools don't check this.

if a key turns out to be duped, you try to provide a working one and if that can't be done, just take the red mark and move on.

This TBH. Well, I would not mind even if they would ask to remove giveaways AFTER such an incident occurred. That's fine, I'm a good guy and if asked nicely - I surely will agree to this. But asking, and even demanding, to agree to deletion BEFORE something even happened? Why?

3 years ago

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It can't. SGtools don't check this.

Really? I've rarely created SG Tools protected GAs and that was years ago so my memory of it is very much fuzzy... I thought you could set a custom rule that would prevent people with red marks to enter? Whelp, if that's not the case, I stand corrected then.

But asking, and even demanding, to agree to deletion BEFORE something even happened? Why?

Good question. I don't know. I think it's probably because they saw that in the description of a giveaway they entered and thought this was the way to do things. Monkey see, monkey do. Eh... at this point, maybe CG should just change the rules/guidelines to add that giveaway creators are actually not required to provide a working Steam key. /s

3 years ago

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I thought you could set a custom rule that would prevent people with red marks to enter?

No, you can't. And that's easy to check - go to sgtools and create protection for already ended GA.

3 years ago

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View attached image.
3 years ago

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Nice gif haha.. keepin this one bookmarked xD

3 years ago

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Thanks 4 info

3 years ago

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I had several keys I discovered years after buy. Some sites dont have option to hide revealed keys or implemened it later. There was bugs, where I had revealed keys as not revealed. World is not perfect and without possibility to chceck keys, it is acceptable to ask for consideration.

3 years ago

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This is not a valid reason to remove giveaway. If key don't work - winner should mark it as not received and move on. That's how it is intended to work. There is no penalty for getting "not received" for giveaway, it's literally the same as deletion, only difference is that giveaway is still visible.

3 years ago

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Exactly. It's just a waste of mod time responding to deletion requests.

3 years ago

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The "please allow me" it's perfectly fine.. (you can also not "allow" or skip the ga all together)
The "therefore you agree to delete" I dislike it.. It's a ga not a contract xD

Other than that.. You seriously have a problem with reading 1 line?..

3 years ago

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I'm gonna whitelist everyone who does that.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Oh boy, they will have access to all those ZERO whitelist giveaways you made! What a generosity!

3 years ago

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i might start putting this if it get's me on their white list - can't wait to not enter the giveaways that aren't there

3 years ago

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That's the joke, my whitelist will have exactly the same impact as OP's blacklist.


3 years ago

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Yeah, sadly I can't hope OP were joking too...

3 years ago

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The joke is that it doesn't really matter haha

Have a nice day!

3 years ago

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you do know the point of white list?

3 years ago

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Did you mean whitelist or did you specifically ask about white list? I can think of a point for both of them.

3 years ago

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