Go to the gym, go for a walk, play a sport. Physical exercise is often really good at making you feel good. It can also help with socialising with family and friends if you play a sport or do something as a group.
The best thing you can really do is keep your mind active and try and do things you enjoy. If you're not enjoying things you used to, such as gaming, then perhaps try something new? It doesn't hurt to be a little out of your comfort zone in trying new things, and of course, it often helps you meet new people too!
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Pretty much what Dvalkass has said~ Physical activity is good for improving one's mood, and so is hanging out with friends.
While you may want to be left alone, try to get out as much as possible, and do something involving other people- whether it be going out for walks, volunteering, etc- stay occupied and you won't have much time to dwell on your ex, you'll be busy with activities and tired by night. Trying out new things and meeting new people can help take your mind off things as well, and give you a perhaps-welcome change of pace~
Besides that, all I can say is to give it time Hope you feel better, dude
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Yes. Deny reality, suppress your emotions, pretend to be happy, and ignore your own thoughts. What a bunch of mindless sheep.
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Wow what a helpful statement! I see you made some excellent suggestions on what he should do as well!
Thanks for contributing to the conversation :D
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It can be tough, but just hang in there and you'll feel better as time goes by. Just keep yourself busy (the advice above about exercise is good). If you have mates that get together for something like 5-a-side football, join in.
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Herpes, you got to get a woman first before you can lose her.
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wanking, go to pub with friends, get stoned.
It worked out for me for a while when i found out my crush was fucking a guy I know...then I moved on.
Everybody moves on, the amount of time needed varies to people. I wish you the best of luck mate.
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Yes, it hurts. But no sense pining over something that was never meant to be. Be glad this happened so you can now move forward on your journey to find the right girl. This one obviously wasn't her.
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If you can remember any post in this thread, let it be this one. He speaks the truth
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Sigh... happened to me a year ago. The best advice I can give you is keep your mind active, being in front of a PC doesn't help too much, try to take a walk, go to the gym, play any sport or just be in company of friends to chill, helped me a lot... remember that time cures everything so there's no reason to be depressed, everything that happens has a meaning.
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Go to the gym, it helps a lot ... at least, this is what I did every time. Try to forget her, I know it's hard to forget, but we have to get over all, either good or bad. (Not for a long time I've seen the girl that I love with another guy. Yesterday...so I know how you feel, and i'm sorry.)
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watch silver linings playbook then make a plan of what to do next goodluck
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Watch your favourite TV show, preferably something funny. I have a box set of The Young Ones that these days I almost exclusively pull out when I'm feeling down, haha. I've seen all the episodes what feels like a billion times, but it helps get my mind off things. Don't watch anything too dramatic that might remind you of what's happened. Try to listen to upbeat music. I know it's hard, and I know it feels like you'll never get over that person, but it is true that time heals all wounds. Spend time with your friends and try to keep yourself occupied.
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My brain went derp reading the title "how to get over a hickup". Sadly hickup advice doesn't work with breakups. No idea what kind of person you are, but I usually analyze myself when I have strong emotions holding me back. Yes, I attack myself with cold hard logic. It's easier to move on when you know what your emotions are. Now it's the time for you. Running after and imagining her with other people will only sink you lower in to the depths. Throw that all out. Look in a different direction. It's time to find yourself again.
Not talking out of my ass. Gone through some rather heavy breakups and the more of them you go through the more you realize there's no point in crying after them. Get your life back in order, become strong again and who knows, maybe she will come back to you. In that growth though you might not want to be with her anymore.
It's a rather large world and the "perfect" partner thing doesn't exist. You'd be surprised with how many different people you can learn to or fall in love with. Once that love ends, the superficial chemical love that runs out in few years. It's not what keeps your relationship together anymore. What does is a more rational side of things and the path you've had together. So she might feel like the world for you right now, but she ain't.
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Honestly, by the time you can be considered an adult you're gonna rack up a few "one that got away" stories and they very may stick with you for years. The best advice I can offer is to accept that life is a bittersweet experience and while that aspect of things can really suck, all you can do about it is to keep moving forward. Babysteps and all that jazz.
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Hang in there. Keep talking to people - it's important not to isolate yourself from the world at times like this. Maybe go try some things you haven't done before, get some new experiences. Everyone has setbacks in life. It's how your respond to them and come out of them that tends to make you who you are.
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He actually wrote it in a way that I'm not sure if he KNEW her for 5 years or DATED her for 5 years.
In any case, I've been in a slightly longer relationship, she dumped me, and hey guess what I GOT ON WITH MY LIFE.
@OP - Get out. And I mean it literally. Go out, go on festivals, gigs and concerts. Music, vidya and alcohol; indulge yourself in whatever the fuck you want. And if you can't find ANYTHING that you enjoy, then you shouldn't be asking here, you should be seeking professional help.
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1st. Start watching romance anime all summer/winter.
2nd. ???
3rd. Profit
The reasoning behind this is that you'll reach a level where you simply don't care about real people and start loving anime more than them which in turn will make you forget about her. Worked for me and now I can speak easily to my ex (we're best friends now).
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Hey guys not sure if I am allowed to post this but I dated this girl that I've known since 2008 and just recently we broke up and my life has been depressing ever since, any advice from those of you that went through this or something?
I've lost the ability to enjoy gaming anymore or even socializing with my family as much, she's all I still think about. I texted her earlier and she told me to go away so right away I knew that it was impossible to get her back.
made a giveaway thanks to all the nice replies for BL GOTY - http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/WuANO/borderlands-game-of-the-year
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