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For my own submission to this amusement, I'll reach back to my youth. Also...I loved the Lazytown song, too XD I would watch it when I was watching my niece and nephew.
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Found a version with puppets ;)
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So they can enjoy a nice round of TF2 when they return to port after being chased through the Pacific for weeks by the Royal Navy.
Edit: oh, I misread it and thought you meant "Steam Account". Oh well, I'll not edit my reply above.
Maybe they think they can get away with trading the stuff they win here.
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They could, but they can't play multiplayer games so that might be the reason. Also owning a game and pirating isn't really the same, anyone can pirate games, but people choose to buy games or give them away to the other people. You can't really say, hey they can pirate everything, why are they joining the site, pirates have the same reasons for entering the site as everyone else
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Oblivion is only worth pirating and it's barely worth that. You lied to your friend.
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It's bland and boring, completely and utterly soulless. It's a glorified tech demo for GameByro (and doesn't even show it off well) with the worst programming in the history of ever.
No game in the world ever has needed fans to fix over 1K bugs...and even then it crashes every other minute and runs like a dude with no legs (in other words not at all).
The only reason anyone even remembers it is because is because of all the stuff one could do with Gamebyro BESIDES being fooled by Bethesda into believing you're playing the next installment in the TES series and that at the time that implementation of Gamebyro was the most graphically impressive and piece of software looking like it belonged in the RPG genre had been.
Oh sure, I was graphically awed at first too...but then after the first Oblivion Gate once you really get the chance to explore I realized it's all the same damn thing. It has less content than demos of other games. Oh sure there are dozens of caves and dungeons and stuff to explore but they're identical with only a bush flipped around here and a rock moved from the left to the right there with some rusty nails and iron crap at the end if you manage to get there before a save-corrupting crash. (and yes, I do know the are some "special dungeons" which have a bit more spice added to your dose of copy-pasta but that's still like a bunch of plain noodles with a single slice of cheese on top trying to pass itself off as cheese macaroni)
If fans would not have been able to do Bethesda's work for them this would have rightfully gone down as one of the worst attempts at making a game in history rather than some people actually having fond memories of it like you.
The same way people have wanted to Boycott Ubisoft and Activision for their despicable practices so should this also be boycotted. Giving them money is an insult to your intelligence.
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"No game in the world ever has needed fans to fix over 1K bugs"
(A Fallout: New Vegas Mod)WHAT DO WE FIX
Floating items, discolored terrain, faulty terrain, broken navmeshes,
inacessable navmeshes, bugged meshes, clipping meshes, wrongly placed statics,
clipping statics, broken scripts, problems with companions, issues with traders,
scripting errors, wrong values, fileerrors of the offical files, compatibilty of all dlcs together,
NPC Errors, DLC integraion, mismatching body colors, NPC Faces, exploits,
corpses/ash piles/goo piles not disappearing after some time, perk bugs, issues with quests,
gaps in meshes, issues with sounds, weapons, looping sounds, not working weapon stats,
faulty damage calculation, VATS Issues, crashes to desktop, armor bugs, clipping objects,
questitems that are not droppable after the quest ended and of course a lot more!In short we are aiming to be a Unofficial Fallout New Vegas Patch!
That's a total of 20245 records in one esp! You can be sure that this mod is errorfree!
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That game is so only so damaged because it has Oblivion's Bethesda version of Gamebryo running it with much greater ambitions than Oblivion had so that's not really proving your point.
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u make many a good point. and as far as the engine is concerned i agree. also without such an avid fan base these games would not be what they r today. just wanted to know if your comments had merit as they obviously do. ty for the input. Although,I still love and enjoy them thanks to the community. :)
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Same reason you have 1903 entries: free games.
Why get it for free when you can pirate?
Why pirate when you can get it for free, if you're a bit lucky?
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Pirates don't need luck is what I'm trying to say, they can simply get it
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Yet a pirate cannot play most of the games online, so sites like this are a gold mine sometimes.
Hence my comment above; of course there are millions of reasons/excuses to pirate though.
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TBH, when I was younger I used to pirate new games and then buy them later on a -75% (to sort of redeem myself). Now that I have way more games that I can play, I just wait for the price to drop...
But yeah, I would really like to play some games (like ME3) but simply won't buy them because of always online drm, Origin, or other such crap. Maybe I'll pirate them eventually.
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As i pointed out in some other thread around here... i got a gaming backlog, therefore no need to pirate anything,
The modern video game market barely makes me want to buy a game at release, because they are either way to expensive,
a buggy mess, or cut into very inconvenient slices of DLC so i rather wait for Gotys or pick games up on sales a year later.
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I havent pirated anything in many many years, the only reason I used to pirate some games is because I was a kid with not alot of money.Nowadays I wouln't even think about it, if I can't afford a game I just save up or wait until it goes on sale.
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I searched up "pirate" and nothing relevant showed up, so what do you mean this again?
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Nope $100. FAQ - 'What are the base requirements to join the site?'
cg wrote: "We require all registered users to have at least $100.00 worth of games associated with their Steam account. This is to prevent users from creating multiple Steam accounts for use on this site, which might result in cheating. This value is automatically generated when you register, using the game list from your Steam profile."
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I used to do that, but I don't anymore
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I sometimes get my games on the bay.. after that if i like em' i end up buying them.
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Portal 2: Pirated and completed,than i bought it and completed again,so now i can play multiplayer
LIMBO/Orcs Must Die!: Pirated,never completed and than bought both in sales,even if they don't have multiplayer.
Having an original copy of a game is better than just having some files.
btw,i stopped pirating months ago.
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Well, it depends on the title you want to try before optional buying it.
e.g. I've played ME2 in 2010 but after finishing it, I've bought it instantly and completed it again. I'm not even pirating games like The Walking Dead or Deadlight because I know they're great and I'm going to buy them sooner or later.
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TL;DR Version - pirate that uses SteamGifts
Story - Person asks me if The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a good game, says he loves RPGs with NPC interaction, etc. I told him it's a great game and he should pick it up on the Steam winter sale, and he replies with nah, I'll just piratebay it. I know he has a SteamGifts account, won't say how because I don't want to hint anything.
What are your thoughts about this? Why do pirates even bother having a SteamGifts account?
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