I haven't witnessed any cheats yet, but then again my multiplayer experience has been extremely limited. I've only summoned one of those sun members to help me out, and that lasted about 10 seconds lol. Never been invaded, not sure I want to be invaded :/
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I haven't been invaded once yet, so I have had no experience with cheaters.
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These places don't ring a bell to me, I must not have reached them yet, but thank you for the heads-up.
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Dark Souls 2 sounds like MMO according to this conversation. What happened to DS? o_O
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PvP is kinda crap in DkS II right now, just like PvP was crap in DkS I at launch. People haven't figured out how to exploit the game mechanics yet, so right now it's basically stunlocking people to death or one-shotting them with spells. There's also the problem of Soul Memory, and how it disregards Soul Level once you hit NG+. In DkS I, people figuring out how to manipulate lag made PvP into a game about backstabbing and counter-backstabbing (it's more fun than it sounds). I'm sure with time PvP will get better in DkS II.
As for Adaptability, there are two camps right now - those who say it's utterly useless, and those who swear by it. No one really knows how useful or useless it is right now.
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Cheaters must die IRL.
Well I don't own DS2 and I probably wouldn't play/activate multiplayer features.But I understand your pain,I hate cheaters more than I hate sneezing while peeing.
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Next thread: I did not cheat in Dark Souls 2, why u hate me Gaben ? I did not use cheats, halp mah!
Valve Anti Cheat will ban, just give it some time.
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I think there's no VAC on the game. But I've also heard of From Software banning hackers, so that's something.
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Single-Player, lol. VAC is only enabled when connected to an VAC enabled server.
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That must be because SP and MP are merged together, so maybe these people used trainers with no intention of messing with other players, but due to the nature of DS's seamless multiplayer, they were still connected to others... Even if they had no intention of cheating in multiplayer.
As there's no lobby or anything that clearly says you're connecting to a VAC server, I figure it was easy to get trapped. Dark Souls multiplayer is some kind of "opt-out" MP.
(that being said, there must also have been the ones who wanted to mess with other players and had it coming.)
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I just tried, yes, it works. It set Steam as offline, launched the game normally (I got a warning about multiplayer and leaderboards unavailable offline) and I was able to load my save as if nothing.
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In DS1 you could avoid being invaded by staying in Undead form. You had to be human to be able to see other player's messages, be able to invade/be invaded, summon for coop, etc.
Now you can be invaded as an Undead.
Or you can just play offline to simply and completely cut off multiplayer interactions. I must admit, I'm more of a solo player, but as there are a lot of players currently in the game, you see a lot of players' ghost, bloodstains, and whenever you want some help there are always bros available to summon. I think the launch is really the perfect time to be playing the game. Or, who knows, maybe it will last ?
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It's possible to temporarily turn off invasions/cooperation by burning an item called Human Effigy in a bonfire, but it seems it doesn't work in Belfry Luna, which makes that area even more needlessly annoying. I didn't get to Belfry Sol yet and I don't feel like burning them anymore, so I can't say about that one.
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The whole "invasions" thing has always put me off from starting Dark Souls. Just let any random over-leveled troll come into your game to mess it up? What is the upside to this?
The game seems hard enough as-is, last thing I'd want is some annoying kid coming into my game to PvP me.
I know you can play offline, but then you miss out on other content (correct me if I'm wrong).
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Pedantic correction: Darkwraiths can only invade those who are on the same level or higher. Twinkers in DS1 usually compensate with overpowered equipment.
If you want to start DS1, I recommend to stay hollow as much as you can until you get the feel of the game and don't hang out in early locations as a human until you're, say, SL ~30. Until you're confident that you can take on invaders, reverse hollowing just to kindle bonfires and to summon help. Now go play it, GFWL won't be here forever! :P
I have to say that the implementation of invasions in DS2 is quite questionable, as in staying hollow doesn't do anything to deter them. In DS1 reversing hollowing had a clear advantage (summon help) at a cost (get invaders), but in DS2 the only reason not to stay human is that Human Effigies are rare.
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In DS1 you could prevent invasions by staying Undead, you would only miss on player messages. Also the system prevents interactions between players that have a huge difference of level (still, people counter that by just finishing the game at a low level, in order to be able to invade the starting areas with endgame-tier equipment. Not very nice for those who start a new game and are newbies...)
But in 26 hours of gameplay on DS2 I've never been invaded, yet. In DS1 I only got invaded when I was ready to (in human form), and only encountered two or three hackers, the rest were for the most part legit players.
edit : too slow :-/
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Messages are still visible when you're hollow, though. As for invading in DS2, I think it's because the PC port is still new. I expected more people would read the guides on how to unlock the Brotherhood of Blood and do it as quickly as they can. I also couldn't invade anyone as a Blue Sentinel, so if there are any active bloodbros around now, they either are few or they get rid of sins often.
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You can burn human effigies at bonfire to block phantom invasions. Phantom invasion is about 5% of the game. The rest could be a joyous cooperation between players from all over the world - and that what really makes DS2 special.
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Haven't picked up DS2 since I'm going to wait until summer to pick it up. I remember the problems with the cheaters in DS1. I don't really mind people cheating a bit in the single-player, but when it comes to multiplayer they should just play fair. Still it's funny when you end up killing a cheater. At least most of them aren't good.
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So next week we get lots of "I have been VAC banned, WTF Valve?!" threads?
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To add to my first post, I've only been Red invaded those two times, though 2 out of 2 being non-legit is crappy.
All of the "invasions" (it feels more like a defensive thing like in the forest of DS1) by the greys in the Bell tower were legit and fair fights.
Personally I'm not at all a fan of PVP. I played a majority of Demon's Souls as undead & Dark Souls 1 offline due to lagstabs being my usual fate, so I avoid it as much as possible. Hopefully these two reds will be the minority of the game's invaders and Valve/FromSoftware will take care of things properly. Only time will tell...
I will say I respect the players who excel at it, such as Peeve or Oroboro, watching some of their videos is quite amusing.
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So far, luckily(?) I've only run into two cheaters. One of which screwed me.
First: Red invasion - Health didn't move no matter how much the blue and I did in terms of damage to him.
I walked off a ledge to my death when he eventually killed the blue, I wasn't going to bother trying to use OP gravity to kill him.
Second: Red invasion - Health moved! Yaaay, blue helped a bit but eventually was killed... I finished him off (red wasn't very good) and I suddenly got 530k + souls.
Mind you I'm only SL70, so, huzzah trainers? I, as you can see in that screenshot, jumped into the drink and then again to lose that bloodstain.
Thing is, that boosted the hell out of my soul memory didn't it? Losing my body is one thing, but my soul memory :/.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding that whole feature, but, to me it seems like I'm getting summoned a-lot less/seeing less summon signs.
Anyway, share your DS2 Cheater stories.
If you are one, you're bad and you should feel bad.
P.S. Praise the Sun.
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