I spent much time playing in coop-survival game - Killing Floor 1. I didn't see much cheaters except couple ones. This title allgedly has VAC-protection judging by icon next to server name in master server browser, but I know it does not work. The same can be said about my other fav yet abandoned game - Dark Messiah of Might & Magic.

Well to keep this story short I recorded the cheater, I found his steam profile where he was posting screenshots and videos of blatant cheating (aimbot, wallhacking etc. ). He spent entire 900 hours in this game and never got banned or anything. He moved now to TF2 and CS where he also cheats. I used to listen his stupid speaks while chatting with him one of the days and he told me that he uses software, which is undetected by anticheat and he will continue to cheat whatever I would tell him.

Many players reported him either by profile reports, recording videos etc, but he was never punished. Me personally wrote lengthy report with all his own screenshots where healthbars, models were visible through walls and Aimbot UI, but it seems he is still innocent to this day. Contacting with devs or Steam did not work.

Since then about 2 years passed and he still continues what he used to do..

8 years ago

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I'll just post what I posted in the original thread:

I don't have any strong, or particularly well informed, opinions on cheating but I recon it would be too resource intensive to have a well working non automated system in place.

It's weird, to me, that some people are so afraid of discussing certain topics or the use of certain words that threads are being shut down...

8 years ago

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It's a pitty that this kind of thing keep happening. It only shortens the life of otherwise good games. Valve never moved a finger if it was non related to one of their games, and by what you tell, seems that they don't make anything besides automated anticheat even for their games. It would be as easy as introduce a new statement in that policy of theirs that keep changing all the time: "If anyone is found guilty of cheating on any online game (insert number of times here), he would lose the posiblity of playing ANY of their games online for ever" That easy, I can understand that people is too lazy, or too bad at a game to get all that they want, and it's ok if it's not an online game, so they are not disturbing others. As soon as they get in to cheating at online games they make the experience a lot worse for everyone, either by making the game trivial (coops games and such) or to making each match unplayable (competitive games)

8 years ago

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Just because a game has VAC protection doesn't mean everyone who cheats will be detected. The people who work on VAC have to know about a cheat in the first place. They have to have it in their hands and figure out how its doing its thing. They have to figure out how to detect it, how to counter it and to make sure there are no false positives. There are many out there and once they are detected its easy enough to change a few things so its not being picked up again.

Bragging about cheating sadly is not a reason for them to ban him. All he has to do is say, I was collected the images and videos, I didn't actually make any of them. Being reported on Steam does not get someone looked at right away. It takes quite a number of times before they are looked into, I've reported some accounts I have seen breaking steam rules 20 or 30 times or more each (because they have broken the rules that many times over the weeks and months I have seen them) and weeks/months later they are still breaking the rules. And again just posting images of cheating means nothing (unless hes posting urls to cheats for people to use, that could get his account banned). He has to be caught in the act, which brings us back to the first thing I mentioned.

Many "good" cheats are paid for, people have an incentive to keep quite and not pass around the url or the cheat. Within the last few months there has been a couple of cheats that were "discovered" urls and/or cheats passed onto Valve and people got banned. Lots of people, thousands.

So as crappy as it is, he has to be caught in the act, which means the cheats hes using has to be detected.

8 years ago

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Closed 4 months ago by shaxell.