Hey, I'm looking for sites similiar to steamtrades.
This one is dead by admins and full of spamming bots. (how they could f*cked up site like that...)

Ok, so, it must looks like ST (like a forum with [H][W] in titles) and must be alive when mods and admins are doing something there.

Barter.vr is a bit hard to understand (very confusing layout)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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yes, barter.vg is shit, any other proposition?

5 years ago

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It ain't shit. It's actually pretty good. You should learn how to use it.

5 years ago

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It's not shit just because you find it hard/confusing to understand. It's probably the best trading site and it doesn't take a lot of fiddling around to figure out how most of the things work. Furthermore there is an official discord server for it so you can go there and ask anything you don't understand and people will help you out.

5 years ago

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Most of the things still require tons of useless work because of the crappy UI. Like editing the number of a game you have. Any reasonable site would just have a field for the number you could enter. Barter has select game, then add or subtract a set number as many times as it takes, then repeat for every game. It's not hard to understand at all but hard to use for no reason or benefit.

5 years ago

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fyi there is a field to set "quantity", you can either do it by increments/decrements or directly set the number.

This can be done from either the list of all tradables or from a game page.

5 years ago

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Yes? That is exactly the useless work I was talking about. A sane solution would just to have a field you can write the number in and be done. No let's set 300 copies, then add 60 and then add 9 and after you spent some elsewhere first remove 100 copies, then 50 and then 7. All this could be done with writing a number 2 times instead of scrolling up and down the dropdown 6 times.

5 years ago*

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hehe you're right, that should have been a text field not a drop down menu..

There's definitely areas that could improve UI wise.

5 years ago

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Is a lot better than steamtrades (1001 pages with tons of shit).
Similiar to barter is lestrades.

On barter you can search for specified games and make an trade offer to other users (with specified terms - can be set like wishlists etc.).

5 years ago

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I don't use it myself, but lestrades.com. I don't know if it's as easy-to-user as you want, but it's bona fide.
barter does have a steep learning curve. But you can do almost anything in it.
You can try reading its beginner's guide and see if your mind explodes.

5 years ago

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lestrades is basically a clone of barter, so I would say they are both as hard/easy as each other ;)

If you learn how to use one, the other is pretty much the same.

5 years ago

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barter.vg is my favorite and lestrades provides similar functionality with less users but a better interface. IndieGala has trade functionality but it's kind of a joke tbh. If you want to trade on a forum similar to steamtrades but with moderators there's r/IndieGameSwap (where I started) and r/SteamGameSwap

5 years ago

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When I started trading 2 years ago I've checked a few different sites, but quickly realized that barter.vg is the only place with a satisfying size of the userbase and the amount of features to be worth investing time in it. The UI is horrible and takes a couple weeks to get used to, but for me it's either: trade games there or I don't do much trading at all.

If you decide to try getting into it, I recommend joining the official Discord server to ask questions about all of the confusing stuff. Surely there will be a lot of it

5 years ago

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why trade if you can give it away and win some other game in the meantime?:-) Trading too time consuming btw and resellers always tries to rip you.

5 years ago

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lestrades / barter are the best

5 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Thanks :)

5 years ago

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Happy cake day :o)

5 years ago

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Thanks :)

5 years ago

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As others mentioned, barter.vg is the place to go for trading.

You might wanna check this FAQ to get you started: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/bartervg/discussions/0/1470841715930869014/

Basically once you sign up and sync your steam profile, you will get:

  • Library: list of games you own on steam
  • Wishlist: wishlisted games on steam
  • Tradable: this is the list of games you want to trade, you'll have to import your items here

(note that you can also add games to library/wishlist manually on site)

Once that's filled, you can customize your profile to indicate your trading preferences, like your region for region restricted games, what types of offers you're interested in (say you want games from your wishlist and/or games you don't own but not ones previously given away, etc.)

Finally you can start receiving offers from others, but also initiate offers yourself. You can either do it manually, or use the "Match" feature which as the name implies finds matches with users that have something you want and you have something they want.

The site provides game listings with useful information for trading. So on a game page you get the usual stuff like price, rating, number of cards and achievements, but also stuff like how many users have/want this game, if the game was previously bundled, as well as links to related sites (like IsThereAnyDeal, SteamDB, SteamCardExchange, AStats, ...)

As you'll begin to use the site, you will discover various additional features too many to list :)

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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Trading is still a thing?

5 years ago

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So long as bundles where people only want one or two of the games they bought is a thing, so too will trading.

5 years ago

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I guess you're right, but I feel like there is much more supply than demand. So traders are ending up stacking dozens/hundreds of games they will never trade, aren't they?

5 years ago

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just "low"bundle game trading is dead, its only about tier 2 3 or monthlys now or other high price "bundles" at least 5$€+
since the resellers have taken over... Games are worth more than ever before in the trading area as long as they dont come form tier 1 or trashbundles (indiegala etc) But even there are exceptions

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Just use Steamtrades, there is no real reason to use another site and if you have good games, then people come on their own.
If you only have the standard trash, it does not matter where you would trade ...nobody wants the trash - the times when people brought/traded every game for the "+1 / and the trading card effect" are over
if you just want to swap games for games then maybe use Barter, which some have already mentioned
I have never used the site, much too circuitously and in my opinion not worth the work...userbase is too small probably needs weeks even months until someone offers you something which are then also probably bad offers
as I said I have never used the site ...this is based only on links to tradeoffers that have sent me people who use the site or form browsing through the site a bit. The people there seem to have no idea of the value of their games or games in general :p
the people on steamtrades do not have that too^^, but from what I have seen is barter on a completely different level

5 years ago

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4 years ago

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