I was just told today that my father's eldest brother passed away last night at age 85.He became a victim of Alzheimer's several years ago...I shall miss him, but I at least have the good memories of him before his crippling disease destroyed a vital, kind-hearted, funny, independent man. It will be hardest on his incredibly supportive gem of a wife and younger siblings, particularly my father who due to his own chronic health condition will not be able to attend the funeral which is in New York where they all grew up.To all fellow sons and daughters in a similar situation I grieve with ye, and urge ye to spare a word to elderly parents, to take a moment and ask after the memories they may have of departed siblings.

My Uncle Charles was fond of giving things away to others, from the less fortunate members of our society to his large family (1 brother and 3 sisters plus his own sons, grandsons, and nieces and nephews) for which he felt responsible as the patriarch after their parents passed on.
In honour of my uncle, I am going to give away a key here.

Please do not sully my uncle's memory by asking about blacklists or engaging in any petty arguments or insults or drama. I hate that I have to say this but it seems like a reasonable precaution.

Ziggurat level 1

Being two very kind and decent gentlemen, Fyantastic and LastM have donated giveaways as well. Be sure to thank them and may I suggest adding them to your whitelist as well.

And some more...


7 years ago*

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Sorry for your loss khazadson. Wish you and the family all the best. Bump :)

7 years ago

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I'm very sorry for your loss my friend. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This is called bump

7 years ago

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sorry for your loss

7 years ago

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My condolences, there are never enough words. I'm sure it was trying for your family in these last years as well. I wish you all peace and comfort.

7 years ago

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My condolences

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Dwarf hugs:)

7 years ago

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My sincere condolences for the loss of your uncle Khazadson.

7 years ago

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My condolences too, may he rest in peace.

7 years ago

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My condolences

7 years ago

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I'm deeply sorry. Stay strong.

7 years ago

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My condolences, sounds like he was an awesome guy.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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When my grandfather started suffering similar memory loss issues, two things happened. One he was like a time traveler!! He would ask questions and it was not really that he did not know WHERE he was, but when. My father started asking him what kind of car he drove and we could piece together a time period of where he was in his life to make sense of his thoughts or sayings. It was sort of awesome. He revealed memories in this way that NO ONE knew about him.

Second, when I was a young child, I interviewed my grandfather about his experiences in WWII. My Mother's cousins, having lost most of the memories of this time when their father\s passed away began questioning me for these stories from my grandfather, as some involved his brother's. It is sort of like I am the last person who knew some of the things that happened to my grandfather in the war. He told me things that even my mother did not know! He also told me things he should not have told a 10 year old boy (apparently you could by condoms by the gross at some of the massage parlors on Waikiki beach)

I hope you have great memories of your Uncle and keep him alive within those. I also strongly support your urging to contact elderly relatives and try to get some of their memories from them while you can. My wife never liked to have her picture taken, until she realized that there are 0 pictures of her with her grandparents from her younger years. She now takes a lot of pictures with our kids and posts them to facebook. Not for her per se, but for the kids to remember these times spent with their mother in the future.

7 years ago

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Thanks for sharing your own memories:) Yeah, good stories and a good life is what should be remembered. Cheers!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Dear Khazadzon,

my heartly condolences. Take your time and allow yourself to be sad. And keep the good memories. I am here when you need a chat.

Best wishes

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Thanks:) Write History is one of the reasons I'm really glad I've stuck around SG this long, I'm glad you and Darla formed the group.

7 years ago

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I am glad to having you in our little group. It is so nice to read your history facts in the forum. When my crunchtime is over, I will also participate there

7 years ago

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My condolences. In my family the circumstances sadly are that those relatives, with whom get along very well, are spread all over the world. Those in close proximity though ...

7 years ago

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It's odd how that works out, is it not? I have family on my mother's side who lives but a half hour's drive from me and I like their company in holiday doses but on the East Coast of the USA where my dad's brother lived I have cousins several years older than me that nonetheless I have always gotten on with, and I've not seen most of them for nearly 10 years.

7 years ago

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Indeed odd. In my case I prefer the family from my mom's side. Some of them I see about 3-5 days, every 1-3 years. Some I haven't even seen since I was 3 years old. Yet my connection to them is of that kind that you'd expect among relatives. Yay internet!.

7 years ago

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I'm sorry to read that my friend.
May your family find comfort in the memories of your uncle's life.

7 years ago

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Thanks, good to see you still about:)

7 years ago

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Sorry for you loss, i know how you fell.
My grandmom died with Alzheimer's too.
I just try to think in the good moments.

7 years ago

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Definitely have my sympathies, it's a very tough road.

7 years ago

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Very sorry to hear that! :/ sends hugs

7 years ago

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accepts hugs thanks for the kind thought:)

7 years ago

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My condolences. I know it must be a difficult time. Try and focus on happy memories.

7 years ago

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Sorry to hear this Khaz, you have my deepest condolences and sympathy for you and your family! I hope your memories of him help you through this time! He sounds like a wonderful person!

7 years ago

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Thanks my wulfen friend.

7 years ago

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My condolences. I lost my two grandfathers and I will always remember how I ate sunflower seeds and I sat listening to the River Plate (ARG) matches on the radio next to one of them. (Translated text from Spanish).

7 years ago

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That is a good memory, I hope you hold it for a long time:)

7 years ago

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My condolences.
and thanks.

7 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss buddy. Hope your whole family can have the strenght to hold on this situation because I know it's not easy. Have a huge hug in the long distance even if we don't know each other.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Khazadson.