Try eating sea pineapple. Raw. That was the strangest thing I've ever eaten. But it's not actually unpleasant, just brine-y.
Sea pineapples are known for both their peculiar appearance, described by journalist Nick Tosches as "something that could exist only in a purely hallucinatory eco-system" and their peculiar taste, described as "something like iodine" and "rubber dipped in ammonia"
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I have the same gene! Only learned about it about a year or so ago, though, so before that I always just thought people who liked those certain salsas and whatnot were plain crazy. It was a very strange revelation to find out that they really were tasting something completely different than I was.
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Many. I'm very picky. I hate anything that has obvious fat or is slimy. I hate sauces. I can't smell or eat beets. I also can't even smell mushrooms. Bleh, they smell like a wet and well-used shoe. xD Anyway, I hate many foods. But I eat a lot of fruits and raw vegetables (I don't eat any cooked vegetables). I can eat raw broccoli with pleasure, for example, but not cooked broccoli. It's actually awesome that I like vegetables and fruits so much. I eat a gigantic bowl of them each day. And, except of the foods I HATE, there are the foods that I just avoid, just because I don't really like them, but I don't hate them. Anyway, I'm extremely picky. :/
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I have a friend coming from Bretagne too (Morbihan actually). He's the same...
By the power of the Holy Munster and the divine Camembert, I banish you two from the land of cheese and baguettes.
Seafood for me. And meat which looks like meat (nuggets, sausages ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and stuff : yes or meh, but steaks and red meat, no no no).
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Most people don't know how to cook brussel sprouts, so they just boil them. The result is disgusting. But steamed or especially roasted, they are amazingly great.
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I really, really dislike asparagus. Can't stand the taste of them.
I also have to be very careful with bananas actually. Don't mind the taste, but they'll upset my stomach if I ingest too much :/
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Offal/entrails, squishy seafood like sea urchins and mussels.
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And anything with a pasty texture, from potato puree to mayo/ketchup, along with most other sauces. They look disgusting, they leave a terrible sensation on my mouth, sometimes I feel like puking. Thankfully they're easy to spot and avoid.
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Chitlins. Which, unfortunately, some other members of my family love. As a kid, I couldn't even stand to be inside the house while they were being cooked since their absolutely disgusting smell permeated every corner.
Second place goes to liver. I've tried several different types - beef, chicken, etc. - and they're all awful.
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Brussels sprouts, either every single time it was bad when I tried to eat it, or it's really tastes really bitter.
I can eat only a bigger slice of cantaloupe - I like it' taste if it's cold, but if I 'd want to eat more I'd get sick :D
I'm okay with almost any other food I tried so far, can't recall more no-nos :)
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I'm curious about your bad egg experience. Tell us!
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Damn. I can definitely relate, as once I ate lentil before New Years Eve and, after a lot of vomit and not being able to eat anything (because I would throw up - even water), I spent most of January 1st on the medical center taking serum in my vein while my family (most of it, except my brother who was in the same situation) was united in one of our aunt's house. To this day I don't eat lentil. Just like you, I still remember the exact taste of that thing, who kept coming back over and over again. Even the smell of lentil makes me sick.
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I fucking hate tuna with all my soul. Worst. Thing. Ever.
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I'm not really a picky person, when it comes to food (I'm only talking about normal food, not some weird tribal fried worm dishes), but there are a few things that I just can't eat.
There are two, to be exact: mushrooms (I can swallow one, but then I can't eat anything for a few hours, so it kinda counts) and the worst thing ever, pineapples. If I smell them, it makes me wanna vomit. If I actually eat one, I vomit for real. My friends found that out it a way they didn't want to find out.
How about you, guys? Are there certain things you can eat or are are you just picky with everything? I'll be happy to read your comments :)
Obligatory GA included: (Retro City Rampage, Level 2+) FIXED LINK, IT WASN'T WORKING
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