This is adorable and you are adorable. I too express my love for my girlfriend through spreadsheets - she is mystified but happy for me.
We played Event[0] together yesterday and had a blast - and she got me Okami and we'll play that together very soon!
Happy Holidays to you and yours c:
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That's too bad. Back when we were dating, I tried to introduce my wife to gaming with Mario. After she walked into the same pit 3 times in a row—not fell, not jumped-but-missed, but just walked straight in without attempting the jump—I asked, "Are you doing that on purpose? If you don't want to play, we can do something else." But apparently, she was just really bad, despite saying that she had played a bit of NSMB on her sister's DS, and was "ok" at it. It took months, but now there is a small pool of games that she likes playing, and can even best me at about half the time. I just had to find a game that she clicked with.
All I'm saying is that if you know what he likes (and you're not sure how definitive his answer was) you could try to suggest a specific game that you think he'd enjoy, especially if you "pitch" it well. Even if gaming isn't really his thing, he might be up for it for the right game.
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Nice list. There's a number of games on there that I've enjoyed playing or own and plan on playing in the coming year. If I could add anything to it, I'd say recommend Path of Exile, which is an ARPG similar to the Diablo franchise (you did say this guy wears Blizzard merch). It's free, and all microtransactions are for convenience (inventory upgrades or organization) or cosmetics, so there's no pay2win. But you do already have some other great RPGs on that list, so maybe my suggestion isn't necessary.
Also, does the numbering in the first column indicate anything specific?
Happy gaming to you both!
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I played 5 minutes of Path of Exile and then kinda never came back to it. I think I'll put it on the list, he might like it :)
The numbers are there purely for me too see how much time did I waste putting all checks list 45 games there
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Spreadsheets are never a waste of time. In fact, for me, they're an integral part of my gaming process. For example:
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Pfft! My game spreadsheet has 22 THOUSAND lines, including every game ever released on Steam that I manage to put in and more!!!!
:D ;D :D ;D
Shit, I have no life! :( :( :(
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Zoo Tyoon 2, I installed it a few weeks ago and I was so dissapointed because everything about it was worse than I remembered :( playing games as a child gives them so much more content and makes them so much better. When you're an adult and have no imagination everything sucks. Is that why we adults love spreadsheets, no imagination just pure data?
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We should create a group of spreadsheet lovers which are too old to do anything else... Like, the "LOTUS 123".
I also have some great spreadsheets for some of my games... but yours are incredible. Wait, are you this guy?
Now, I can make my 22K line monster available to anyone that wishes so. :D
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I'm honestly really tempted to create a steam group all about spreadsheets. There must be other people loving spreadsheets besides us three losers, right?
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Awww that's a lovely story, I'm glad it worked out well with your crush. I wish I have someone to play games with too, hopefully in the future.
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Bumping because I added more giveaways
Also, I'm hanging out in my spreadsheet, the chat is open, google gives you adorable names like Anonymous Anteater and you can hang out there with me
this might just be one of the weirdest sentences I've ever written but spreadsheets really can be fun
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Bump, some giveaways don't even have 5 entries yet
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214 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Peiperissimus
1,100 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Lep9six
2,285 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by xitau
170 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Freilyreydia
34 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Bomfist
16,599 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by HomieOhmie
534 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Hawkingmeister
2,844 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Venonat
45 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by LittleBibo1
6,582 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by kittenpurrgirl
219 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by ZeePilot
503 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by Oppenh4imer
96 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Carenard
524 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by Mortvie
I woke up today and realized that my crush is very cute and I care about him very much. And so I decided to ask the question. I typed anxiously into my phone, choosing the correct wording and making sure that everything is just perfect. After all, this might just be one of the most important moments in my life. I hit send, my heart pounding so quickly. I had never been so anxious in my entirely life.
"Would you like to play some video games with me?"
A moment of silence. Three dots appeared on my screen as he typed his response. "Hmmmmm sure". I felt like all the weight of the world just fell off my shoulders. Yes, this nerd who wears a Blizzard shirt and has been my friend for a year would, in fact, like to play video games with me. I was shocked and so grateful for the miracle that just happened. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world, even luckier as it's the steam sale and I don't have to spend all my savings to buy him a game or two. He is cute but not that cute.
Our conversation continued. "I'm bad at choosing games", he said, "if there's anything you'd like to play, let me know". I remembered my huge collection. 278 games, to be precise. Yes, I think there are a few games we could play. I sent him link to my steam profile. I sent him names of games we could play. "So many games", he said. I agreed. We cannot decide like this, we need something else. Something bigger. Something better.
"Behold the Spreadsheet of Knowledge“ I proclaimed, two hours later. Sweat was still dripping off my forehead. My hands were shaking. I had never worked so hard before. Little did he know that under all that work wasn’t just my huge desire to play video games with him, but also my even bigger desire to avoid doing my actual work and just pretend to be productive. Actually, he knew that very well as I told him immediately and he laughed. I’d do anything to make him laugh. Anything but actually doing my real work, that is.
I can imagine that he’d laugh at this too. Really, imagining is all I can do, I think he fell asleep. What an anticlimactic ending.
Let’s stop the creative writing now, happy holidays everyone, have a happy new year and ask your crushes out, or if you’re in a situation like me, just play games with them :)
(open your gifts here – sorry for them being so bad, turned out that Santa is a greedy asshole)
EDIT: I'm having such a good day, have more giveaways
EDIT 2: 2 of the giveaways don't even have 5 entries yet, high chance of winning ;)
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