Do you feel like Steam achievements really have that much point to them? With consoles, you at least have an incentive like gamerscore and trophy levels to make you want to earn more. Steam achievements are more just for the sake of having those achievements.

I'm honestly not saying that Valve should just add that kind of incentive, but I would probably actually try achievement hunting if I did have that kind of thing. As things are, I just pick up achievements as I play, and leave it at that, unless I'm bored enough.

What do you think about it?

I also realise someone has probably discussed this before, but I'm too lazy to search, and I don't particularly want to necro old threads.

On an unrelated note, can anyone recommend me a half decent motherboard that supports an i7-860? Nothing too expensive, though. I'm not rich, sadly. I also know a lot of boards don't go too well with a GTX 460, so known support for that would also be nice too.

11 years ago*

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Steam has an achievement showcase that you can proudly display the achievements you want as well as total count, number of perfect games, and the average completion percentage

11 years ago

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Well, for level 10+ members, yeah.

11 years ago

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If you want to have something more like a gamerscore try signing up with Metagamerscore. They give you a score based off the achievements you've earned and their difficulty and it covers multiple platforms as well so your XBL and PS3 ones would be included in your score as well.

There's also Astats for just Steam games.

11 years ago

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Well, I do use Raptr and Playfire. Both have their own incentives for achievements and hours played, so I do have that. Raptr does give me that boost to go for things, but only up to a certain rank, really.

11 years ago

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I tried Raptr myself but found they really suck with games with a lot of secret achievements because they won't track secret ones. I had entire Xbox games not even show that I played them because all their achievements were secret. Rather pointless then. Metagamerscore doesn't have that issue at all.

11 years ago

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If I recall, they did actually fix that at one point. I think the thing that put me off of it for a good while was no multi-monitor support when using the overlay. It's rather annoying, to say the least.

11 years ago

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For those that sign up to Metagamerscore, don't forget to join the SteamGifts Achievement Hunters group!
The keyphrase is thanksforskyrim.

11 years ago

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It'd be cool if there were a badge that reflected the number of achievements completed, similar to the badge for number of games owned.

11 years ago

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Wouldn't work with the achievement program. People can get easily get 1k+ achievements from f2p plays that way.

11 years ago

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I just enjoy getting the achievements. If my goal is to "complete" a game, I'm not particularly satisfied with less than 100% (though I tolerate it because I won't buy DLC or games simply for the achievements, and any DLC I do buy, I wait for sales). Added "incentive" wouldn't change that.

As an ex-360 and ex-PS3 owner... I can't say I miss the gamerscores or trophy levels at all, and I did a lot better achievement-wise on those platforms then I currently am on Steam. I do miss platinum trophies though, it'd be nice to get a pat on the back for at least getting the core game achievements.

11 years ago

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I have a love/hate relationship with them.

11 years ago

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Well, I'm an achievement hunter and mostly just get them for the extra challenge (usually... nowadays a lot of achievements are just "do this x times" or "solve this thing you'll solve during the story anyway"). Seeing as how all the achievements can be unlocked using some third party program I doubt Valve will add any incentive again. Not after the stunts that people pulled off last time they did that for the Christmas sale.

Sorry but I can't recommend you anything because I don't know much about building computers myself. ^_^

11 years ago

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Well, I don't think any incentive beyond it's own scoring would be necessary, in all fairness.

As for unlocking achievements with third-party programs, I guess it's up to the person. I think you get a lot more pride in seeing your hard work pay off.

11 years ago

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I used to think like this before the achievement showcase arrived. I used to be a trophy hunter on PS3 but when I switched over to Steam I had no motivation to collect the achievements. Now that the showcase has arrived I feel more incentive to collect all these achievements that I've been neglecting for so long lol.

11 years ago

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Steam cannot have an achievement score because they cannot prevent people from cheating to get achievements. And I don't mean through SAM, either.

Many achievements can be obtained simply by loading game saves you can get from the internet, or by hacking in offline games.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Personally I like the fact that Steam isn't trying to make achievements into a competitive thing. It makes it much more meaningful to me, rather then a chase the achievement just so you can have a bigger number on your profile contest that serves to undermine any value it might have had.

I occasionally compare achievements in particular games with people on Steam, whereas I largely ignore Trophies entirely on PS3.
I do wish Steam would take the PS3's ability to remove the trophy/achievement notice though, I find it irritating and distract. It just completely rips me out of the game. And the last thing I want when playing a game is to be constantly reminded of the real world.

I'd far rather seeing the achievements gained after I've quit the game.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by bluerage.