Just WHY is it the answer to everything 42? I'd like to hear your opinions.

9 years ago

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Because what is between 4 and 2 ?
Half-Life 3
coincidence ? I don't think so

9 years ago

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4*2 is 8 and 8 sideways is infinity and infinity is all!

9 years ago

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and also that one supercomputer said so

9 years ago

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how infinity can be all if it is infinite? O.o

9 years ago

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It is infinite, it's all, in infinite ways. It could be a single atom in already-infinite number of ways. infinity isn't comprehensible, because infinity = 2x infinity. infinity = infinity^2. infinity = this + that + infinity. and its still equal, and then, its more! that's the way infinity is all.

9 years ago

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first example using number 8 makes sense but this example using single atom doesn't make any to me because something can not be infinite if it have a beginning.
so, how infinity can be all if it is infinite when "all" is everything together that at some point have a beginning?
quite confusing one, I know... >.>

9 years ago

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its the beggining of what you CAN percieve. just because you cannot see if there's a road behind a turn doesn't mean there isn't any!

9 years ago

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then it can not be infinite because if it have a beginning then it MUST have ending as well but I understand what you are trying to say.

9 years ago

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no, it's just that humans cannot perceive infinity. we can only see part of something, and that part has the beginning and end.

9 years ago

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I certainly agree since we are unable to see infinity, even more that we cannot calculate something with it.

9 years ago

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so we're good?

9 years ago

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We were good from the start ;)

9 years ago

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good, good! :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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cause paradise was made for two

9 years ago

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depends what do you mean by this "paradise" :p

9 years ago

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They rolled 2 dices and those were the numbers. Simple as that.

9 years ago

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Squadron 42....

9 years ago

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had my own thoughts about it ... confirmed them with wiki and some other site ... kind of disappointed that they're about as sobering as my own thoughts ... doubt > is some serious magic, thats why so many folks decide to stay dumb as f**** lol

9 years ago*

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"What is six by nine?"

9 years ago

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It's The Answer because Douglas Adams said so...just like Humpty Dumpty is an egg because some illustrator decided so in Through The Looking-Glass...seriously, you won't find any "official" record of Humpty Dumpty actually being an egg except for those who followed that illustrator's idea...in fact, Humpty Dumpty was a nid-17th Century cannon...

9 years ago

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Great example, why did he say it as it is The Answer?
Like you said, Humpty Dumpty is an egg because someone decided it without any "official" record of it being an egg, BUT it is related to something from the past which was passed on by generations.
You catch my drift? ;)

9 years ago

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Sadly, the only living person who knows why Adams chose 42, one Stephen Fry, has said he will take the answer to his grave...


  • It's the street address of Stavromula Beta
  • The world's first modern book was Gutenberg's 42-line bible
  • The US national anthem is about a 42ft star-spangled banner
  • One of the most famous addresses in films is 42 Wallaby Way – the address on the diving mask in Finding Nemo
  • It's the age of Bond villain Auric Goldfinger
  • There are 42 generations in the Genealogy of Jesus (according to the Gospel of Matthew)
  • Christianity also tells us that The Beast will hold dominion over the earth for 42 months
  • There are 42 gods and goddesses of Egypt, personifying the principles of Ma'at
  • The Sutra of 42 Sections is a Buddhist scripture
  • Judaism and Kabbalah both tell us that there is a secret 42-lettered name for God
  • Kabbalah also tells us that God created the universe with the number 42
  • It was the jersey number of Jackie Robinson, and is the only number retired by ALL Major League Baseball teams
  • It is the number of laws of cricket
  • The LA Lakers, San Francisco 49ers, Chicago Bears, and Arizona State University have also retired their individual #42 jerseys
  • The Kumars live at no, 42
9 years ago

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Really interesting, I knew some of those informations but not for most of them so this informations are quite valuable to me, you have my gratitude.

9 years ago

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All we have to do is work our way backwards. We have an answer - 42. Now we must ask questions. This site can be called a fortress of gifts. Many users log on at night. Fortnight. There are 14 days in a fortnight. 42/14 is 3. There are three sides of a triangle. What's the 14th letter of this post? I. Like an eye. Eye inside this post. Eye inside the triangle. This proves conclusively that the number 42 as the meaning of life is given to us by the Illuminati!

9 years ago

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let's analyse this what you said...

This discussion is about 42 on this site which is a fortress of gifts (I approve it >.< ) in which many users log on at night, which is, let's say 14 nights, almost half of the days in a month and it contains 3 reasons why we even come to this fortress (to give gift, to try recieve gift and to exchange informations).
So, calculating that we are logged on this site for 14 nights a month, which also happens to contain 14th letter "i" of both this mine and your post, turns out that we have our eye on this post which is inside of this fortress' triangle and that by gaving life to this discussion made us the Illuminati just by talking about it! :O

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Because if you decode 42 you get 24 which gives you Jack Bauer for whom anything is possible.

9 years ago

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Did a quick google and it seems that 42 is the answer for everything.... in a fictional world. Deep Though never existed IRL so it is just a popular myth

(i am probably wrong)

9 years ago

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you are not wrong, ty for reminding us about it XD

9 years ago

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6 x 7

9 years ago

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I'll go ahead and give the real answers, here, but those of you who enjoy puzzling things out for yourselves (or even just speculating) would be better served by not reading the answers. Some things in life are more fun when they remain a mystery. You have been warned.

The reason that Douglass Adams used "42" as "the answer" in his book was because of what he considered to be "THE question."
To Mr. Adams, the most important question of all (encompassing life, the universe, and everything) is that of "How many millions of years will the universe exist?" The answer, (42) is actually referenced within the books themselves in another place.

Mr. Adams' question, is not actually "THE question." In truth, there is only one question which encompasses"all of existence."
I will assume, for the moment, that the reason you are uncovering this spoiler text is because you are either curious or seeking knowledge. If you are simply curious, then you are wasting your time because you will likely be disappointed with what you find here. For the benefit of those who are truly seeking knowledge, however, I feel compelled to give both "the ultimate question" and its answer. As with all other truth in Life, you will either choose to believe it, or not. That is not my concern, and I am not here to convince anyone. What you choose to do with the information will be up to you.

Concerning "the ultimate question about life, the universe, and everything," it is a question which is deceptively simple. "For what reason did God create us?" I say deceptively simple because the question is actually quite deep and would take me a week to explain all of its meaning. I am not going to do that here, however. Instead, I'm going to give the answer, an answer which is even more deceptively simple. "To worship Him." Unfortunately, this answer requires much time and space to explain. For now, it is sufficient that you have the information so that you may choose whether or not it is worth your time and effort to seek an explanation. I will not be responding in this thread (not even to any responses my post may generate) as this is not the place for such discussions.

9 years ago

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I praise you for taking your time for writing this what most of us already know, but I guess you misread what I actually asked for is opinions for my research rather than quotes from book. ^ ^

9 years ago

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7 x 7 - 7, that's why. ;)

9 years ago

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The answer is not the answer. It's the question that's the real answer.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't agree that the answer for everything is 42.
I think the answer for everything is pi. It's a weird theory of mine, but whatever, you said for explain it.
All the civilizations worked for build their temples by using pi, even thought they didn't related or comunicated, even after all the study and knowldge that they had was burned, us, again, we managed to found pi.
Even now, with all the tecnology and stuff, when we need calculate new things and try to put numbers and use formulas, when we use PI, we have a perfect answer (in the major part).
so idk man, maybe I'm just crazy lol

9 years ago

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ohhh, now that is interesting.
another pi answer for 42's foundation, I think we are getting somewhere and I'm collecting more and more information about it.
remember, if all the people who were called crazy started acting normal, then we would probably still be living in caves. ^ ^

9 years ago

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Tell me why it ISN'T the answer to everything. If you can provide valid reasoning for that, then I will tell you why you are wrong.

9 years ago

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Interesting, but it seems that we exchanged our roles here since I am the one who's gathering informations by asking for opinions and I'd be grateful if you present me why do you think it ISN'T the answer to everything. :)

Edit: sry Carmah, I thought I clicked on "reply" but I didn't XD

9 years ago

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Because it is 9 x 6. Or, it WAS, at least. Now, that's only true in Base 13.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Because I'd rather believe in numbers than in Religions.

9 years ago

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because: 4 8 15 16 23 42!!

also google: "the answer to life, the universe, and everything"

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by fm666phoenix.