Wait for sale, and yes its worth it, because if there are new Operations (this is like a DLC) and you buy it, you can make awesome profits, since i buyed csgo, i got my money back and made a lot (i buyed skyrim legendary edition, fallout new vegas, final fantasy xiii, final fantasy xiii-2, and some smaller games too from my profit)
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You can, with a bit of luck and some proper time investment, but if you are going to play it anyways, like me. Its a nice bonus, if you don't care about skins.
Made about 40$ selling cases and skins (mostly cases when they are new, they are 5-15$ the first few days).
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I personally prefer CS:GO over CS:S (mainly because of skins XD even if I don't have any of them and hardly play the game). If you're gonna do skin trading and a lot of it you'll most likely end up getting the money for the purchase back. When I bought it few years ago on the next sale I had around 50$ just from CS:GO skins which I got by betting but then I wasted them on the sale and ended up with no skins :D. The game will drop to 50% off during a sale but if you ask me 8,50 Euros is a good deal for it. And as Nezarn stated with the operations you quickly get your money back, especially on the first days of the operations the new cases usually go for a high price.
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I bought it just so I could purchase keys cheaper than from the market and occasionally play with my friends. I don't see anything super special about the game but there must be for how many people play it. You can also make a pretty good profit from the market if you know what you're doing
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wait for sale. cs:go, for me, definitely not worth full price. ("non-addicted" and "got no money from it" cs:go player speaking)
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1,250+ hours of play
CS:S is shit compared to it
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Why is CS:S shit? It's basically the same game, same engine, same maps (or downloadable), same guns 95%, only new things in CS:GO are the matchmaking system and skins and a few (in my opinion) unimportant game modes, they are fun though but only casually.
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I personally dont recommend it, Ive bought it for the full price, and i really regret it... its far from addicted for me.... It like just random shooting around idk... Too small maps, I like games like Battlefield much more with vehicles etc, CS GO got bored for me rlly fast. You like this game or not. But its always better then the cod series
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I don't even know why people would say know. Its too addicting, good and I already made the price I bought it for with drops
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I just have 800h+
There will be a big tournament soon (late august) and maybe csgo will go on sale for a few days
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Me and my 595 hrs says : HELLL YEAH!!!
Actually it depends on your taste:
*If you enjoy competitives games, and skills (and also team) based team, buy it.
*If you are more of COD tipe of games, more casual, dont buy it, unless you really want how to play the game, you would get frustrated for the difficult for shoot every weapon, and maybe some jerks of the community will be toxic with (the community splits in 2: %75 of good playes, funny guys and very helpfull; %25 of toxic players, smurfs, hackers, and players without 2 hands and a very loud microphone)
Also, if you like collect things or skins, you also will enjoy of making your own loadout (also, if you are smart an lucky, you can make a HUGE amount of profits, based on unboxing, reselling stickers, trade-ups, and bets, or something so stupid like buy for $5.99 the operation ticket and sell the boxes of that operarion at $4.00 each -in the firsts days-, and you have 4 drops each weak)
Sorry if my enlgish is bad, not my native language.
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yes, you can get nice money back ;) I profited on csgo about 100 USD
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getting cs go it the first step... next is gun skins and operations and keys and cases and pile of moneys burning and cases full off cheap trash skins and there is a knife... trade knife... again... DOIT AgAIN!I!!!11!! OH GOD IT NEVER ENDSssssss until u get scamed by a east european dude with him in the avatar swiming in bear bathtub and u get phobia from that trade and there is steam sup and geting out with nothing but ur shattered hopes and dreams and then u become a sailor to forget it all and will die alone in the sea...
do ur self a favor and get a boat. it's cheaper that way.
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Just some tips if you are interested..
CS:GO can be a lot of fun. I would highly recommend avoiding competitive until you are familiar with the guns (which gun to use and when, and learn sprays), the maps (learn layout, callouts and good spots to play). Once you do try competitive, try with friends who can help you learn. If you jump right into competitive and don't know what you are doing then people won't be the nicest and will probably vote kick you off due to competitive being the ranked game mode.
Try out arms race and deathmatch for aiming practise and demolition for casual matches on a smaller scale where you don't have to wait as long for everyone to die before the round ends.
CS:GO can be a lot of fun, you will run into some great people and you will also run into some not so great people. Skins are nice but they do nothing except change the look of the weapon. Do not buy keys to open cases. If you want skins, but the ones you want as it'll save you money.
Smurfs - someone who makes another account to play at a lower rank, either to have fun beating lower ranks than themselves or because they want to play with friends who are lower ranked. You will come across smurfs and also griefers. I am DMG rank and they are still all over.
Don't worry about your rank when you do play competitive, you will get better in time. There are youtube videos that can give good tips, like lowering your DPI, cross hair placement, playing angles etc but that is stuff you will learn later on and I wouldn't worry about when you are just picking the game up.
CS:GO is a very in depth game and there is much to learn but that is something that will come with time. It is easy to learn, hard to master and can be as much fun as it can be infuriating. Enjoy. :)
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No worries. I'd say pick it up and just enjoy the game. If you decide to take it more serious and try ranking up there are lots of tips out there to help.
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the skin craze is ridiculous. people say they make such intense profits off of wasting their lives on trading virtual items when if they just went and got a real job they'd make that money in a day. if you're going to get it, get it to actually PLAY.
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I always play an hour or 2 a day in casual just to feed my MP hunger(tried with other MP games but meh) .
Also with time you can get your money back.. and even more... my record for the moment is around €100(from tournament drops,skins,cases).
Some skins and stickers are quite nice so wont be surprised if you buy some(its not a waste if you think its worth it) .
Operations dont add much imho but still for some people it seems to be worth it.
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for 8,50 Euros? I think about buying the game a while now but there are always those people who say YESS BUY CYKA and those who say Meh cs:s is better.
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