I have this idea to create a site for Steam dumpster diving, where you dump a Steam key which will give you points based on the price and whether it is bundled or not, and using the points you can dive and get a game, and if you don't like the game or have it already, you can dump it back and receive the points back.

So is anyone interested in it? Maybe there's already something like that? Any feedback is welcome.

7 years ago

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the classic question: how would you know keys are valid?

7 years ago

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I guess this idea comes up often? Well I was thinking of banning the original key submitter after several reports, and to make the site invite based or something like that so scammers can't keep creating new accounts.

And if a user is banned, all the keys from the dumb are removed. And any fake keys that were created by him, will be refunded for points for anyone who redeemed them.

7 years ago

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Isn't this checkable with ASF, or such?
(I don't know, I don't have/use ASF, but I think I've read something like it. And I know it can check what the key is, so that would prevent fake labelling of the keys)

7 years ago

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ASF isn't directly checking them, it's redeeming them. AFAIK the already owned message has priority over already used so it doesn't really offer much in this case.

7 years ago

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But, if the system allow people to refund unwanted dumpster finds, why not allow people to choose? Then perhaps you could also have different prices. Or maybe make random diving a luck-based thing, something like: "50% chance to win a game worth x points/dollars or more, 50% to win a game worth less than that."
Although the act of randomly getting a game sounds rather curious, in a good way. If there would be a filter system to filter out games I would definitely not want, or games i already own, that would make it more appealing.

7 years ago

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I didn't mention it, but I plan to add cooldown time of sort. If people could choose what game they want outright, it would basically just be a system for trading, and the good stuff would run out pretty quickly, and only the stuff people don't want will be left, which removes the incentive to take part. But with element of randomness, even games you aren't completely into, you start actually considering, just so you wouldn't get something worse by redumping it.

7 years ago

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