Regional currency difference? Especially on lower priced items.
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So let's say a currency's exchange rate is twice as much as another currency. For the sake of simple explanation, let's go with CAD vs USD (these don't have a 2x difference, but this is just an example). Let's pretend that $2 USD equals $1 CAD.
Now there is an item on the market which costs $0.01 (I removed the Valve and developers fee). A Canadian user lists a market item for $0.01 and a USA resident lists the same item for $0.01 - both have the same price in their currency, but the Canadian listing is actually more expensive in global currencies. Since there is no lower possible amount of money than $0.01, Steam can't "optimize" the chart properly. When a Canadian buys the $0.01 listing, in USD it shows up as $0.02 when it's actually not exactly correct.
Not sure if that makes sense, it's a bit complicated to try to explain what I'm thinking, but that's the gist of it. Of course, this is entirely a logical assumption, and I have no proof that this is the case whatsoever - if anyone cares to confirm or deny my theory, feel free. I've been curious about this as well.
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thats true, that is exactly why the cards werent bought
and i have proof
the item is gamma case (csgo) rubles dollars
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thanks for the explanations
is there any way to change currency in steam?
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As far as I know, you can't - not legitimately anyways. You need to live in a country for your pricing/wallet to change to the appropriate currency.
Your country is part of your Steam account settings. Your country setting affects what you see on the Steam store, the currency you see prices in, and the currency of your wallet. If you have moved to a new country, or are living abroad for an extended period of time, you can update your Steam country setting. Steam only accepts payment methods from the country that matches your Steam country setting. If you frequently move between countries, choose the country that is your primary residence, where you have a payment method.
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The graph are not always accurate, because it deals in USD, but several currencies allow you to fine-tune the price more, so roundings can cause strange issues.
As for how it works, it is the lowest-priced cards that get sold first, and the oldest one should have priority. Even if someone posts a buy offer with a much higher target price, they get those cards. So if you posted the sell offer for 4 cents and there are already 4000 cards at that price point, you need to wait until all of those are sold or revoked first.
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lowest-priced cards that get sold first
nope, age has priority to some degree. Also buying at higher price actually buys higher priced cards. It's completely stupidly incoherent. I watched (and executed) thousands of sales last sale and still can't reconstruct the used ruleset.
you wouldn't believe how much money is Valve getting from countries using dollars, Euros, pounds and such by those small fractions of differences.
the users (seller) actually gets paid more in these cases. Source: me (lol)
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Namely, how is it possible that someone buys some cards with higher price than my offer, yet my cards remain unsold?
See image for details.
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