Is your wallet ready and you happy with the sales?
Has there ever been a Winter that didn't start on the Thursday before xmas or Summer before Midsummer? People need to get leaked a calendar so they can figure out the dates for decades to come. Other sales aren't really worth anything with no sale cards.
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I miss the good old days of deep discounts, daily special sales, flash sales, and of course the ability to buy a gift to give someone later.
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I don't see your point. Back then, every other day, you could purchase quality games for dirt-cheap prices too, except sometimes, the price would be a tad bit lower than dirt-cheap. If anything, "the refund system" would be something that could make up for the loss of the deeper discounts.
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That would be great, I'm not sure though. Will keep an a eye on the discussion threads!
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I don't miss flash sales at all. I really didn't enjoy having to check the site multiple times a day while it gets hammered by everyone else checking in. Maybe the discounts aren't as deep, but there are so many more storefronts that offer deep discounts throughout the year now - Humble, Fanatical, GMG, WinGameStore, just to name a few - that Steam is no longer the only game in town.
And despite the lack of flash sales, I still find things on my wishlist for an all-time-low price every Steam sale. But unless it's only $1-2, I usually still hold off in hopes that it'll end up in a bundle somewhere or I'll get luck on SG.
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for what? To buy cheap and sell expensive?
You still can buy for friends and if you save more money, You can gift some games from cheaper region...
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For principle or u think someone give 10€ for 2€ gift?
i simply want save copy for reasons (buying to inv) so since its not allowed, am not interested
I can "reserve" game on good price to later, can keep it, gift later, activate or if i dont like it in final i can trade it for other, if i pay my money for smth i wanna pick what i can do, not "u must acivate it RN"
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I understand this. But
If you don't like it. Why should you buy?
Gift option or "reserve" for GA, friends (So you can still buy games for other user.) or maybe trades would be cool yeah. But mostly have a key, the other they go never outside Steam, they have mostly the same price. Like Activision, EA, Ubisoft games (not all)
Gift is a cool feature, but sometimes a feature to make profit with removed games or profit from cheaper regions to other user.
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I'm very excited! I bought maybe two games in the Summer Sale, and now my wishlist is approaching 500 games. I have some money stashed for the upcoming sales! I need to knock it down a peg.
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Clean link without all the tracking shite attached.
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It's not out of choice, but out of circumstance. Some us buy gift cards from local retail stores, because it's the only readily-available way to buy games.
I am from a country with a non-convertible currency, by government choice. The only way to trade a non-convertible currency for Euros/Dollars is through the black market or family/friends who live abroad, which is prohibitively expensive.
I moved to Europe recently, but I'd rather not update my new location on Steam, it's still more advantageous to buy wallet codes and use them on the store, American prices are no so great, but it's like having a permanent 10% - 15% discount in comparison with European prices (no V.A.T). It must be said, however, that it's less and less advantageous, with Euro hitting record-low levels against the Dollar. Activating a 50€ card only returned 56$ on Steam, not too long ago, the same card would have loaded 60 - 65$ in my wallet.
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Look at the good side (if I understand it well, you purchase in € and still use USD) . In EU activating a 50€ card would give 50€ that can be spent - in the overwhelming majority of cases - on games that would cost 50$ in the US, so you still get more out of it, though less than you would have a while ago.
Fun times with most developers setting 1$=1€
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Yes, it's nice to have some extra purchasing power, as meager as that may be, thanks to this "loophole". It may not be much, but it's enough to afford an extra decent game or two during sales.
A pity I was late getting on the Bandwagon, Steam must have been awesome back in the days when you're still able to buy games and store them in the inventory, before Valve changed the gifting policy for the worst.
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That's a good tip, thanks but actually this headset is my last resort to get my lazy butt of the couch lol. So hoping for beat saber, boxvr, tennis or things like that to get a pleasant discount.
Oww you have to have the original game to try it. I usually hate fps so I won't think I will like it in vr either but it would have been a nice try. Well to bad.
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Does anyone outside the really low-priced Steam regions actually honestly care about the sale aspect of the Steam sales any more? For USD/EUR regions, pretty much any store beats their best prices in the past years. Seems like anyone cares about are the event cards and maybe some of the titles sold exclusively on this store, but even those are getting rare. (Well, at least the ones that aren't some cheap junk or fake games/asset flips.)
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I actually find several games off my wishlist that end up at all-time-low prices during every Steam sale. They're usually smaller, indie games, but that's fine with me. Other sites beat Steam on the big titles, but there are still gems to be found each sale.
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It's still astonishing how it has news value that halloween sale starts at halloween, autumn sale in november, and winter sale starts at dec 21+/-2 days. Valve is raking in money with the sales, they would sooner employ new people at support than give up this kind of money.
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All sale dates are leaked now!
Next sale is Halloween Sale!!!
Steam Halloween Sale 2020 date
The Halloween sale starts on October 29 2020 and runs till November 2 2020
Steam Autumn Sale 2020 date
The Autumn sale starts on November 25 2020 and runs till December 1 2020
Steam Winter Sale 2020 date
The Winter sale starts on December 22 2020 and runs till January 5 2021
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