The other day I was talking football with some mates. After being asked why I still watch the Manchester United matches, I just stared blankly. I don't fully no why I bother with the season that's gone by. But having thought about it, I realized its the cringe factor that keeps me coming back. There's just something about watching a team I'm used to being so successful bore people to death. And I say that as a long time supporter.

Also, I noticed I have previously done the same thing with tv before. Anyone who has watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, will have experienced some high level stuff. Great show, but that underlying cringe is powerful. And the anime WataMote, while only being 8 or 10 episodes long, took me 2 weeks to finish. The cringe made it near impossible for me to watch a full episode without taking a break. Still had to finish it tho.

Game of Thrones TellTale cause why not?

8 years ago

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Do you enjoy things with a cringe factor?

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Too cringeworthy for me


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I know exactly how you feel :P
OILERS FTFRP!! (For The First Round Pick)

Imagine trying to be an Oilers fan in another Montreal for example

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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A good d-man is what they've needed since Pronger left after the '06 season. Maybe Yakupov and a draft pick or two can help secure someone solid. The brass in the C.o.C seem to be trying to base the entire team around "Gretzky" type players not realizing that the game isn't played the same as when The Great One was there.

8 years ago

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I know people would literally need days to watch a 2 hours movie. Period.

I like Bayern Munich, I don't like watching it play. I hate Barcelona but I like watching it play. Paradox.

8 years ago

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Man, seriously, you were trying to make a serious text, but then you started saying the word "cringe" and talking about tv shows and anime and you destroyed my enthusiasm of giving you a serious answer. :P Anyway, I'll still give you a serious answer. When you support a team, you support it even if it falls to a lower league. If you stop supporting a team just because they aren't playing that well, then you're not a true supporter of this team. Fake fans support a team only when they win. I support Panathinaikos. They're playing shitty currently, but I'll keep supporting them forever. Why? Because I'm a true supporter. It's simple as that. So, don't listen to what your mates said. A true football fan is a fan till the end!

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8 years ago

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I wasn't really looking for any serious answer, just venting a bit.
That said, I didn't mean stop supporting them, I always will, more stop watching the matches live. If playing bad would stop me, I would've stopped after the first time I went to a match, and they ere absolute bollocks. Still, enjoyed it more then the other sporting events I've been to.

8 years ago

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I stopped going to the stadium, mostly because I don't have any money. xD I go there though from time to time. I'm going sometimes to basketball games of Panathinaikos too. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't listen to them. But about your question, yes, I've watched live some games of the Panathinaikos women's basketball team and the Panathinaikos women's volleyball team and they were pretty boring, but I still kept watching them, because I'm Panathinaikos and I didn't think it would be right to leave. xD

8 years ago

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So it had nothing to do with the fact that you were watching women? I'd watch them no matter the team or sport. ;)

8 years ago

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Hey, don't misconceive what I say. xD I love watching women, but still, they were playing too slow and not scoring easily. :(

8 years ago

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Reminds me of The Office (UK, never watched the US version), a whole show of cringe every episode.

8 years ago

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That's a good one too.
US version just pissed me off really

8 years ago

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I'm actually finishing Curb your Enthusiasm (watched 6x09 3 minutes before posting this) and I think you totally nailed how I feel. I know the episodes gona end bad, but I can't stop, I need more.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Can't remember a reason, so you off now

8 years ago

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Thank you

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8 years ago

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I watch konrads6/karrie7 threads, so yes.

8 years ago

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That's a fair point alright

8 years ago

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I think it's normal, when you like something even when it gets boring for the others, that means you really like it.

8 years ago

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Human train-wrecks!

Those are very bad to see, but very fun as well!

By that, I mean people who make themselves look ridiculous.

8 years ago

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Cringe makes me cry, truly. I mean, it depends on what it is but... There's just some stuff that makes me cringe REALLY HARD. I mean, the whole "weeaboo" thing is basically a 'meme' at this point but at the same point I cringe really hard when I imagine anime in general, simply because of how overused yet serious the "weeaboo" insult is. That being said, I get the same amount of cringe from the average american sitcom and reality TV shows so maybe I just "get triggered by everything".

In terms of sports, I'm pretty irrelevant. I can't stand war-like attitude sports has on its record. For example, the football(soccer) clubs in Britain and other areas. AFAIK, you can't mention the Rangers without being stabbed 20 times.

Also, I use quotation marks way too much. That's probably a pretty cringey thing. EVERYTHING IS CRINGEY! CRINGE IS CRINGEY!

8 years ago

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Also, just in case you're ever there, it's mainly just a bad idea to insult Rangers if you're in Scotland, especially Glasgow. Their fans are somewhat prone to aggressive behavior.

8 years ago

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I 'unno... I live in Canada and I'm pretty sure there are some clubs around in the cities, specifically a Rangers club. I also recall my dad telling my brother to never wear a Rangers jersey in Britian. It's like a target on your back.

8 years ago

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You think Van Gaal's days are numbered?
I personally get uncomfortable watching something bad like people making an ass of themselves on national television.
I usually switch chanels.

8 years ago*

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I can't see him staying, but I'd take him for another season over Mourinho. At least youth gets a chance with LVG

8 years ago

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I think Mourinho will go to PSG.
Van Gaal's biggest problem is his ego. He's always butthurt.
But for some reason I always hope for the best when Dutchies are involved. I dont like to see them fail.

8 years ago

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LVG has many of the same problems Wenger has run into, refusing to change their ways because it used to work.
I'm half Dutch, so always cheer for them and was really happy when LVG got the Man Utd job

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by MushroomScarab.